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I haven't played it yet but I don't really expect much from it. Anything Anet does aside from full expansions is more often than not hot garbage. That's not to say it's not quality stuff, the devs do great with what they got, it's just the dinks in charge have them focus on dump crap. I'm ready to be possibly proved wrong though, I'll give it a go this weekend.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.


> We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???


> I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.


> This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.


> Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.



> It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.



> Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....


Ok, so lets look at numbers so far. It took them approximately 2 months to release new map after Prologue. **Before that every LWS map had around 4-5 months break, so it is an improvement overall**, even if the new map is 15% smaller than what we were used to. Now that they have prepared most of the assets, we can expect new episode early next year. This means that in around 8 months in total (starting from September) we’re going to have expansion-level content added to the game, minus new specialization, but we’re also going to get WvW changes, PvP tournaments and we already had builds added. I’m very optimistic about this Saga if they keep the pace.


Anyway, **people complaining about lack of content are not understanding that they’re actually getting more than they would if ANet was making expansion.** It takes at least two years for them to release one and now you can possibly get more in just one year. Also I prefer changes to the existing game modes over new specs that will break balance even more so and since we already have gliders and mounts - what else do you want?


**These complaints remind me of taxes and how they’re perceived by the society.** Most people that pay them are not realizing that on average they’re spending over 50% of their income on taxes in most developed countries. Had they actually got a bill at the end of year without having before to pay taxes in small bits, then they would surely revolt seeing how goverement steals from them and gives in return laughable services. The same goes to GW2, but the other way around... You’re thinking it’s not enough, because you’re getting content in small pieces, but you don’t realize that in a year time you’re going to recive expansion-level content in total that normally would take them two years to release. It’s also free.

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> @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> I honestly have been enjoying the pacing of GW2, coming from WoW, who give content updates maybe every 6+ months **and those content updates are just endless time grating grinds and poorly done ones at that**. If Anet is releasing content every 2-3 months with decent gameplay like Whispers in the Dark, I'm happy with it.


Every set of LS maps are a carbon copy with new currency that you farm for skins and a handful of new achievements to do are very similar/relevant - this is just repeated content to farm, what's the difference between the 2? Bashing on WoW when playing GW2 makes almost no sense considering almost every MMO has a similar end game. You farm stuff over and over to get things over a period of time. Was a bad comparison IMO and doesn't address the true point that is going on here , that content diversity is important and I really think GW2 hasn't hit that part of the end game yet.


A new map with the same features farming currency the same way each day is fun and engaging for some people and as such there is an engaging content for them end game so I can't knock it. However, for most people it's just boring let's be honest - it's just a chore, almost like a 2nd job at times. These are the people without OCD , which is not the minority, but the majority.


A proper comparison would be Lost Ark's (another MMO) end game, there's:


1. Ship content, exploration, ghost ship farming, island questing, etc

2. Labyrinth for group content

3. Life skills in themselves with an entire system of making money through the market (gold)

4. Affinity system to farm interest to NPC's for items for gear or skins

5. Multiple PvP Arenas (3v3's, 1v1, Deathmatch - not just one conquest mode) and PvP islands

6. Cube, where you get placed into random stages with anomolies that challenge you for cube boxes, if you succeed you get closer to the next reward box, if you all die then you lose your reward entirely - can only 3 times.

7. Solo Tower , challenge yourself in solo play on each tower level for items


This isn't even close to the full wide array of content diversity it has and only listed a handful of those things.


All of these things are grinders as you said in your complaint against WoW, but that is an essence of MMO's you'll be complaining about between any MMO you play honestly. But there's diversity, there's choices outside of daily raid -> Fractal -> Map currency farm that currently exists in GW2.


GW2 is an older game , and their team has gotten a lot smaller over the years and I know it's not fair to compare a newer game with a much larger team and hype surrounded around it (just released in Russia) but I'm talking about content strategy here.


**I'm not saying Lost Ark is BETTER, they are 2 different MMO's but I'm talking about content diversity at the base level and through it's updates.** this would be a more proper comparison between what diversity could offer vs 1 map inclusion with currency farming every 3 months. It just gets old for me but I'm not a completionist and don't have OCD so I suppose this just comes down to my opinion really.

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> Imagine being so salty and complaining when we're just in episode 1, just wait until later this season, then judge. It is extremely early to judge LWS5 at this point. **_We are literally in episode 1_**


I've been hearing this since the start of Living World Season 1. Aren't you bored of repeating this by now?

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> Then again, they surely think their build "templates" are expansion level content...


> I hope this was just the unevitable lower-quality episode we get from time to time. I don't know if it's a team issue or just plain bad luck, but looking back at previous seasons those episodes were usually followed up by something much better. Let's keep looking forward.


Anet never gave us the impression build templates were expansion level content. In fact, that was a lame comparison imposed on templates by opponents to argue things they didn't like about them.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > Then again, they surely think their build "templates" are expansion level content...

> >

> > I hope this was just the unevitable lower-quality episode we get from time to time. I don't know if it's a team issue or just plain bad luck, but looking back at previous seasons those episodes were usually followed up by something much better. Let's keep looking forward.


> Anet never gave us the impression build templates were expansion level content. In fact, that was a lame comparison imposed on templates by opponents to argue things they didn't like about them.



People simply don't like them because they are so very badly implemented.

I myself despise them, but I also never expect to see another expansion for this game ever again.

But you are right, Anet never gave us the impression build templates were expansion level content. Thank god. Their crowing over the templates BS was misplaced enough as it is.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > > Then again, they surely think their build "templates" are expansion level content...

> > >

> > > I hope this was just the unevitable lower-quality episode we get from time to time. I don't know if it's a team issue or just plain bad luck, but looking back at previous seasons those episodes were usually followed up by something much better. Let's keep looking forward.

> >

> > Anet never gave us the impression build templates were expansion level content. In fact, that was a lame comparison imposed on templates by opponents to argue things they didn't like about them.


> Wut?

> People simply don't like them because they are so very badly implemented.

> I myself despise them, but I also never expect to see another expansion for this game ever again.

> But you are right, Anet never gave us the impression build templates were expansion level content. Thank god. Their crowing over the templates BS was misplaced enough as it is.


They did say cooking 500 was expansion level content tho so the jump to templates aint a bad one at all.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> "I watched two episodes of a series and it didn't deliver an entire season's worth of content. Waste of time!"


> You can go now. No sense torturing yourself over something you decided not to like. See you when you get back!


ye see you for the next 1 hours story game play.. back to Acheage

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> Not really thrilled with the first chapter (but I realize it is just the 1st). I loved the prologue!

> I was rally surprised it came out so fast, though. After Halloween, and Wintersday coming soon, I expected this to be released in January. I got to give em props for the fast release.


Hum... I have the strong suspicion that the two qualities are connected. ;) Releases that are a bit slimmer in content, but at the same time quicker to get churned out, if the relatively short time between the prologue and Whispers In The Dark is any indication to go by.


And honestly, if this is the case, I am totally okay with it. Personally I think it's worse to twiddle my thumbs for long months where nothing happens at all.


We can all see that the Bjora Marches map is physically only half finished. I get the feeling we'll be getting the other half before we know it.

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Why do people feel they need to make a new topic for each and every one of their opinions, when there's a whole topic about it?

Anyway this IS content. It might not be content you like, but a whole new map with new story and new masteries and achievements, is content indeed.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > Not really thrilled with the first chapter (but I realize it is just the 1st). I loved the prologue!

> > I was rally surprised it came out so fast, though. After Halloween, and Wintersday coming soon, I expected this to be released in January. I got to give em props for the fast release.


> Hum... I have the strong suspicion that the two qualities are connected. ;) Releases that are a bit slimmer in content, but at the same time quicker to get churned out, if the relatively short time between the prologue and Whispers In The Dark is any indication to go by.


> And honestly, if this is the case, I am totally okay with it. Personally I think it's worse to twiddle my thumbs for long months where nothing happens at all.


> We can all see that the Bjora Marches map is physically only half finished. I get the feeling we'll be getting the other half before we know it.


If you watch the latest Guild Chat, you will find the Devs say exactly that: Some Episodes may be lighter so they can release content more quickly.

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> I have played 8 hours or so on the new map and completed everything, except the restored boreal weapon collection. I need to level some more craftings to be able to finish it. This was 10 hours content at most.


So about the same amount of content you get out of an average $60 console game?

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1. No new classes

2. No new Specializations

3. No new Dungeons

4. No new fractals

5. No new raids

6. No new world bosses

7. No new WwW

8. No new SPVP

9. No new PVP content

10. Only one new PvE activity - Strikes.

11. Small map

12. Only half of story (very short)

13. No new Legendery

14. No new maunt

15. No hard mods on story company

16. No Bunty Hunts

17. No challenges

18. No new weaons



SO this small patch was SMALLER then all DLC in LS. Where is Addon lvl content?

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I think there are two sides to this from 2 different types of players as can be seen above ^^


1) More casual players and relatively new & younger players are likely to really enjoy the new "Story / Saga / Chapter / Episode", as it is something new, a new map is always nice even if its just 30 mins of map completion its a new area to explore at least.


2) Vet players and more active gamers have a significant right to feel disappointed by this release. > See @"Anhellbro.7210" post sums this up nicely.


I tend to be very objective; neither negative or positive. I never get sucked into any hype about these new Sagas and was not fooled by what OP rightly summarised echoed sentiment by many Gw2 players @LaFurion.3167 "You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post." <<< This is so true, but imo this was just a load of corporate bs hype, that many got their hopes up something "big" was happening. It's totally not about players being salty, or negative: Simply the "Hype" and Stage of the announcement was totally disproportionate to the " ? content what content ?" that was released.


I'm not expecting anything really from these new Saga Episodes. I am a very active gamer so they don't particularly appeal to me. I don't play MMO's for "Storylines" or Solo PvE Content: If I enjoyed this aspect of gaming I would play Off-line games.


I play Gw2, as do many, for more high-end collaborative game-play such as WvW, Raids, T4+Cm fracs because once you are at Vet (End Stage) part of game as are Countless 1000's of Gw2 players, lets face it Story-lines, and such easy "just stand there and press 1 for 15 mins Meta Event of a new map" are just zero challenging / boring / no gaming skill involved.


Ofc its a different matter for "Casuals/Newbies/Younger players" these new episodes are "fresh" "nice", "sparkly", "pretty map", "nice events", "Rock Concert from Prologue is brilliant as I'm a Metal Fan" etc etc.. but I ask the question even for these types of players (as well as vets), how much longevity of actual playing do these maps hold compared to other maps we have ?


Example: In my friend list, even 1-2 days AFTER the launch of Whisper in the Dark: I had maybe 20+ Vet player friends that had done story, visited new map, got Mastery to 303, done few achievements (got bored), done Meta ( too long, too boring, no challenge): Then quit it, returned back to fast to their usual game modes/areas: Fractals, WvW, Raids, HoT Meta Farm ( still going strong even after all these years which imo either shows i) Just how good HOT Expac was and/or ii) How lame these new Saga's are : I mean that totally speaks for itself: These players spend their lives in HoT/PoF, repeating the same content ( ? could get boring for many, myself included), a new "sparkly" map turns up, they visit it for 1-2 days max, get bored, return back to HoT/PoF !?!! In my humble opinion this is a blatant red sign to Anet that maybe they need to re-think their strategy of future release content.

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OP has a point, after waiting for SO LONG and the all the hype the new episode is a massive let down. The events are mediocre, the new masteries seem... well... stupid. The collections are not good (and the weapon set is just ugly). The story in itself was short, easy and overall boring.


This was not a good episode at all.


Lw3 and Lw4 had both better starts than this. Without the hype.


Btw, my character never met that Jorasdottir NPC. Why is everyone acting like she should know her name? Another plot hole in a long list of plot holes. Easily averted with a little 'is character in vigil? Has character done X?' check against the database. But no.


This is just bad.


The new blc content is bad.


The story was mediocre.


The new map feels more like Kourna than Thunderhead, Jahai, Dragonfall, Istan. And that is REALLY bad.


Oh and I was really, REALLY pissed off when I saw that the aesgir amulet comes with koda's warmth. I spend a lot of time and gold to get it - and now you get it with a simple 30min collection. Extremely bad.

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If you played only 30mins you didn't play at all. There are several things to do, the thing is most of them takes time. Do the meta, kill all champions, kill yourself (not literally, ofc XD), get the new backpack, get all new weapon skins and recipes, kill all legendary bosses in strike missions (they cycle every week)...


People MUST understand that a "DLC level content" will ONLY become a thing when the last episode is released. Only THEN you'll have a big story, several small maps forming a big thing, multiple small bits of content making something big in the overall scenario.


Is the game THAT boring to you? Go play something else. There's a myriad of options available, nothing is holding you. I have plenty of things to do yet and even if I didn't, I'm happy where I am. Relax!



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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:


> Oh and I was really, REALLY pissed off when I saw that the aesgir amulet comes with koda's warmth. I spend a lot of time and gold to get it - and now you get it with a simple 30min collection. Extremely bad.


I went ahead and bought Asgier's amulet after reading this. To my dismay, I don't see the Koda's Warmth aura. :(

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