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Why do so few people care about figthing?


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Because people keep putting WvW into two separate boxes, focusing on *bUt Ma FiGHts* and have forgotten that objectives and fighting are integrally connected.


> Its like looking at apple pie and wondering why so few care about eating dry crust.


Indeed!! It is so frustrating following a commander who just runs around a map looking for a fight, all the while our objectives are getting challenged or taken. "It's only paper", "I don't PPT".

If you want a fight, go defend that tower. If you want a fight, take one of their objectives. They will respond. You will get a fight. Only running around looking for fights kills brain cells. And if you bite into that crust, you will find that the apple pie actually flavored the crust and made it tasty.

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I can't speak for anyone else but I tend to avoid a lot of fights while I'm roaming now due to a couple of factors that are situational AND personal:


1. If I'm roaming (and I mean pootering around taking camps etc) on a spec that is hard-countered by the one I encounter e.g., Necro vs Ranger, then I bail.

2. If I encounter more than one enemy then I bail. So called 'roaming' now usually means you get out-numbered 2v1, 3v1 almost immediately. I can barely 1v1 successfully and don't feel the need to feed man-child egos.

3. If I'm simply keeping up my ticks until I log I may bail. It's usually late, I'm tired and couldn't care less about the camp/objective you are about to cap.


Saying all of that, I still surprise myself by jumping in to fights in all of the above situations if I feel like it. Sometimes I even win or at least get a good drawn out fight. Not that often though.


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> @"Sansar.1302" said:

> Seams like most player in wvw only want dailies or karma train and not fight and absolutely only fight with advantage.

> Takes most fun out of the game as i only care about fighting and its so little fights these days, and if you get a fight you only get adds to the point that they kill you regardless of their and youre skill.

> What mindset do these players have ? dont they understand that they will never get better if they use the number crutch. ( and grp spec is a bad reason why, gotten many solo kills on my way back to squad )

> If I not get swarmed might on a good day as few as 30 kills over several hours :(


Tell me about it, This has been my biggest complaint with WvW since the beginning.

Big battles!! Wars!! etc just don't happen often enough to justify the content.


I came into WvW expecting it to be a warzone each keep and outpost a vital part of your servers territory etc but that's just not the case.

WvW instead became a game of run around with a zerg in a circle capturing, losing and recapturing everything over and over again.

This bored me so much that it killed the whole game mode for me and I didn't bother with it at all outside of map completion when it was neccessary.


I partly blame the map design for that.. i'd much rather have WvW maps be rectangular than squared.. force players to cross paths more often with more restricted map design.

Make is so big battles are required to push forward in enemy territory and capture keeps and outposts and make defending all locations in your territory actually important rather than having it be more rewarding to let the enemy capture them so you can capture them again.


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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:


> gvg was fun. but not as fun when wvw was tournaments.


GvG, while it had it's flaws, was something that was created by the players. It's too bad that Anet didn't embrace it.


The tournaments brought out everything bad with WvW. Massive shifts in players/guilds before the tournament started. Tons of PvE players looking for rewards who didn't even want to learn how to play the game mode. Season two had the 2v1 against BG in response to season one. By season three nobody really cared anymore because we'd already seen the worst. The permanent population decline after each tournament added insult to injury.


Anet should have realized that the players want to know that what they do matters, that what they do has an affect on the outcome of the match. The years of neglect only helped the player exodus.

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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:


> > gvg was fun. but not as fun when wvw was tournaments.


> GvG, while it had it's flaws, was something that was created by the players. It's too bad that Anet didn't embrace it.


> The tournaments brought out everything bad with WvW. Massive shifts in players/guilds before the tournament started. Tons of PvE players looking for rewards who didn't even want to learn how to play the game mode. Season two had the 2v1 against BG in response to season one. By season three nobody really cared anymore because we'd already seen the worst. The permanent population decline after each tournament added insult to injury.


> Anet should have realized that the players want to know that what they do matters, that what they do has an affect on the outcome of the match. The years of neglect only helped the player exodus.


actually, the tournament is the only thing good about wvw. :/ gvg may or may not need anet recognition since we players can set it up. but tournaments that official

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It's simply not worth it. Not to mention no one wants to lose. If a group *wants* to fight it's usually because they have an advantage. The opposing group will *not* want to fight because they will most likely lose because of some disadvantage (numbers, keep, ect.). That's why I roam. I usually get more fights that way and can always hop in a zerg for a moment to fight then move on.

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You will always attract more casual players like that, or even solo players, who just follow alongside a tag, or stand inside a keep; on siege, while you fight or even defend something. Even if you ask people nicely, most of the time they refuse to join the squad or voice comms and learn to be a bit more of a part of the community.


Any WvW events brings alot more Fairweathers, or being in T1 for so long.

If you mean roaming specifically, there are too many cheese builds to avoid these days though, group roaming is much more fun.


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> @"LadyHawk.5319" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Because people keep putting WvW into two separate boxes, focusing on *bUt Ma FiGHts* and have forgotten that objectives and fighting are integrally connected.

> >

> > Its like looking at apple pie and wondering why so few care about eating dry crust.


> Indeed!! It is so frustrating following a commander who just runs around a map looking for a fight, all the while our objectives are getting challenged or taken. "It's only paper", "I don't PPT".

> If you want a fight, go defend that tower. If you want a fight, take one of their objectives. They will respond. You will get a fight. Only running around looking for fights kills brain cells. And if you bite into that crust, you will find that the apple pie actually flavored the crust and made it tasty.


it seems all 3 servers are on the same discord and they all are in front of the castle alot off walls are down and no1 didt care and they stand face to face with ea other til some1 give the ok we fight and thats it and they fight ea other and thats it and nothing more


i think by my self is this really the wvw its pretty sad to watch

maybe anet give me gm powers so i can roam my self ea area and maybe the other players wake up

ore i kill all to other servers


and hope players understand wvw is for something els


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I take risks in WvW so I'm going to bite it trying to rescue someone or whatever. While I don't care if I get jumped on or I know someone is trying to flex on me because I got away with something earlier, a lot of players who are mostly taking part in guild raids to be with their guilds are hitting up a lot at once. Between lag, lopsided rushes, and corpse hopping a lot of squad only players are going to fine tune the art of staying with pack or bugging out.

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Fights can be avoided, wich means rewards with poor effort.

Full timezones vs empty timezone, link system stacking server that play at same time, against other timezones stacked, players queue in a server so have no opposition, a lot of stuff contributes for this to happens, imo was more than predictable.


At the end, If u can have rewards w/o fight, why people should fight????

Imo it’s understandable people don’t want to fight, they are there only for rewards

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People have no self respect left or came into WvW without any.


When I started playing eso I was complete garbage and would play exactly like these people in WvW play because it was the only way I could play and have any success. 2 years later I am still garbage in eso and still play that way. I just don't put any time into that game besides open world pve and a little rvr. I just don't care to get better. I literally logout of eso rvr when we aren't winning because I cannot do anything that I find fun.


It's the same with gw2 for so many, they just don't care to get better because it's casual play for them. Slap on a carryme build and go have fun collecting loot bags.


If people are not willing to go and play WvW when they are losing nor go out and solo roam when it's at the worst (being farmed over and over) it's the reason why small-scale in WvW is the way it is today.


Can't get good if you are never challenged,

Can't be good if you never play.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:


> If people are not willing to go and play WvW when they are losing nor go out and solo roam when it's at the worst (being farmed over and over) it's the reason why small-scale in WvW is the way it is today.


> **Can't get good if you are never challenged,

> Can't be good if you never play.**


Very well said.

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> @"Shadowresli.3782" said:

> because there is no fighting in wvw, it died alongside GWEN.

> that spamfest of condis and boons, dancing around one another for minutes when two bigger groups meet, then a quick spike, death of one group and repeat.

> it's unsatisfying and boring, and can't be called fighting


It’s basically been like this since day 1. Only difference is you can replace condition with that awful meta of warriors and guardians leaping in and spamming #1. It was that meta when most people started leaving.


Most fights occur anyway in and around structures. Seldomly do we see open field fighting, even in year 1. There has never been much of a point to it


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:


> > If people are not willing to go and play WvW when they are losing nor go out and solo roam when it's at the worst (being farmed over and over) it's the reason why small-scale in WvW is the way it is today.

> >

> > **Can't get good if you are never challenged,

> > Can't be good if you never play.**


> Very well said.


I have always said "In order to git gud, you much face many and those better"

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