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GW2 mobile

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> No.


> A game like Guild Wars simply wouldn't work on a mobile platform. The in-depth combat system combined with the current movement techniques would be far too much to handle.


> Mobile gaming has its place for certain genres but I do not feel that MMORPGs have a place amongst them.


I agree with you. Unfortunately, NCSOFT mobile MMOs have been huge financial success in the eastern market. They have limited mechanics and are infested with micro transactions, including P2W. If NCSOFT finds a way to make GW mobile game they surely will.

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> @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> With the mobile game community growing I was wondering if we are gonna get GW2 mobile???

> Would be nice to have GW2M... anyone have any info about this?


> Thanks


As much as I would love to see it on the Switch, the Switch would likely melt considering the absolute CPU power it requires, and touchscreen overlays would be needed due to lack of buttons, which would cover up most of the screen in handheld mode.


Phones are too small and I refuse to believe otherwise.

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> @"Nilkemia.8507" said:

> We don't need a GW2 mobile which would likely be designed to wrong every penny it could out of customers and be horribly designed with the previously mentioned intent for the sake of monetization.

Are you implying they don't do that already?

Just look at the Loadout system and how the fashion wars aspect has been deteriorated to only Gem Store outfits and no new armours.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> Are you implying they don't do that already?

> Just look at the Loadout system and how the fashion wars aspect has been deteriorated to only Gem Store outfits and no new armours.









Those are from Dragonfall. I know that was a while ago, but the point is that you're incorrect about no new armors. And that's just the most recent one I can think of, I could probably dig up some more from the wiki. While their focus on the Gem Store is something that can be criticized as well, that's digressing from the topic at hand. So far your argument seems to be "they're already trying to get more money out of us, so they may as well go all the way with it." Still a solid no from me. This also fails to consider the Currency Exchange, which means nearly everything on the Gem Store (barring expansions at least, maybe other stuff) can be gotten with gold (though it probably will take a lot of it). Something I sincerely doubt a mobile game would allow.



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Not playing any game at any time for any reason on a tiny little screen when I can play on a 65 inch screen. I hate mobile games...hate them. I see people squinting down at a PHONE everywhere i wonder why they play anything on something that little with no controls, no room to see anything, I wonder what happened. Sure, you are out an about take a phone call, even a text, but playing a game or watching a movie on that tiny thing is madness. Go out be with people run errands, go home...play watch movie on a large screen TV or monitor. This has been brought to you by My Opinion Only...LLC. I find it to be sheepishly backwards to play a game on A PHONE...PHONE...PHONE you know? Call? Text? Phone.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > > > > > > I don't have a phone, right.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Fun fact I don't :P

> > > > > > And I never will own a smart phone either.

> > > > > > I hate them, I hate the culture around them, I hate that society has turned into some zombie apocalypse because of them, I hate that they are one of the most successful mediums for exploiting people financially and socially, I hate that so many companies are giving up on making good games in favour of cheap cashgraps that just exploit people, I hate the addictions they have driven people to, I hate how they've effectively destroyed privacy and are bordeline no different now than having a microchip implant, I hate how you can't even access some services without them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > They are one of the worst things to happen to the modern century imo.. a prime example of bad, easily exploitable technological convinience going too far.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And I typically love technology, specially computers.. but Smart Phones, those things need to go.

> > > > > You could just use it as a phone or for SMS you know, you dont have to install games or rant on twitter. You can hate it all you want, it aint going away. This is akin to hating that smoke puffing noise making horse scaring self propelled combustion engine powered death cart.

> > > >

> > > > That would be like buying a gaming laptop to use calculator app when I could just buy a calculator XD

> > > You could buy a calculator, yes. And then you have to carry it with you. All the time, in your pocket. What if someone asks what 285x192+482/0.45 is and you *forgot* the calculator? What a disaster! Are you going to pull up pen and paper? You forgot a pen!!!

> > >

> > > Well... phones have calculators. And you always carry a phone.

> > >

> >

> > Well pretty much every phone has a calculator, even those 20 years old or so but that wasn't the point.

> > The point was spending excessive amounts of money on a more annoying to use multipurpose device to use basic common features you can get on most other phones that cost almost nothing by comparison.

> > You're mostly paying for features you'll never use, hardware you'll never need and a brand name that greatly overvalues itself.

> > What Smartphones cost to make is significantly less that what they charge you when you buy them.. they're typically sold for 3-4 times their production cost at minimum and often when new models are released older ones get updates that deliberately hamper their performance to force you to buy another phone.. Apple is one of several phone manufacturers that has been caught doing this.

> >

> > They are in every sense of the word.. a Ripoff.. as are the vast majority of games that are made for them, If people want better phones and better games then this is not a business practice that should be encouraged.

> Uh... what do you think the machine you're typing this on cost to produce, compared to what they sold it for? The CPU alone is probably a 3x profit margin.

> Unless you're sitting on an IBM Thinkpad 760 or something, which would not surprise me at this point. But then again that probably had an even bigger profit margin.


> Smartphones in later years has actually become dirt cheap for the features they have... and also more expensive. It's just a wider spectrum. When I bought my iPhone 3Gs many, many years ago (only iPhone I've had) it cost the eqvivalent of $1000 to buy straight away if you didnt get a package deal (actually got a very sweet one from a new carrier). Today you can get a 100x better phone for $100.


> But I digress. This thread was about GW2 mobile which I'm no allowed to talk about. It was a conspiracy theory.


It's all realted in the larger picture tbh.. many of the reasons why people don't want Gw2 on mobile is related to the many reasons some people don't like phones as a platform for gaming in general.


There are so many reasons I personally don't like the idea, so many that I honestly can't recall them all at one time, aside from what I mentioned above there's also personal security, risk of carrying such an expensive device on your person.. the two often linked since phones do so much for people right now that it's actually easier to access peoples bank accounts and personal information by stealing their phone than it is to obtain it by any other method.

That's partly what I meant by technological convinience going too far as well.

If you could play Gw2 on your phone and your phone got stolen then you could end up having your whole account messed with or all your stuff stolen.. SMS protection useless because your phone got stolen not to mention it would mean more work for Anet employees having to deal with "My Gw2 account is no longer secure cause my phone got stolen" etc


Many of my reasons stem from phones as a gaming platform in general so Imo it's all relevant to the conversation.. much like a console or PC is when discussing games going to another platform.

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> @"Nilkemia.8507" said:

> No. No, No, No, No.....No. We don't need a GW2 mobile which would likely be designed to wrong every penny it could out of customers and be horribly designed with the previously mentioned intent for the sake of monetization. Guild Wars 2 is best where it is, on the PC, and nothing else.


So you're saying a direct port of gw2 to mobile would sufice.

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> No.


> A game like Guild Wars simply wouldn't work on a mobile platform. The in-depth combat system combined with the current movement techniques would be far too much to handle.


> Mobile gaming has its place for certain genres but I do not feel that MMORPGs have a place amongst them.


I feel like this would be a great way to finally get Polymock. Think that was what it was called. Spin offs from GW1 and 2 would be fun. Certainly not a GW3. Most of us would move on if they did that I think.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> I feel like this would be a great way to finally get Polymock. Think that was what it was called. Spin offs from GW1 and 2 would be fun. Certainly not a GW3. Most of us would move on if they did that I think.


This is a terrific idea! Polymock would be ideal on a mobile device. This I would invest in! Could release F2P with basic polymock pieces then monetise it by selling additional pieces if you want them quickly. Additionally, the could use a quest system, time-investment heavy, to allow players to obtain them without needing to pay but can bump the time-played statistics up.


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It would have been interesting to see a GW2 mobile, but after playing BDO mobile I seriously doubt Anet would have had the resources to pull off something in the same league. In that light NCSoft might very well have made the right decision.

To those of you who think "Cartoon Farming v72.23" and "Match a line of colors/fruits/shapes" is the pinnacle of mobile gaming: Please educate yourselves - Fortnite mobile is pretty successful and far from the "usual" mobile clickergames. BDO mobile is next level advanced.

The paradox is that once mobile games get as advanced as BDO Mobile they lose a part of the audience that carries mobile gaming: The game needs fairly recent hardware to shine - Complexity: The learning curve is simply to steep for people that prefer traditional mobile puzzlers.

There's still an audience though: BDO M is AFAIK the first real mobile 3D MMORPG. 4mill people signing up in the west before launch = Not bad.

The horrible P2E practices that were born in mobile gaming is going to be omnipresent in BDO Mobile, but it's free to play until you get annoyed!


In the end:

A lot of GW2 players will get to familiarize themselves with BDO lore and mechanics because a technical masterpiece is free on mobile platforms. (Insert desktopversion ad here)

Not a single BDO player will ever experience GW2 lore/gameplay on their mobile device. Too bad maybe, but in the end I still think canning the (if it ever was a) mobile project was the right decision.


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The only mobile app related to GW2 that is any good is the pale tree app.


Pls don't ruin the community by making a mobile version of the game ! Keep the focus on the pc version !!

No mobile games will ever be as good as pc gaming


D4 - had such a overwhelming response where as the mobile version just got lold and boo's at

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> @"Laurie.1698" said:

> Not playing any game at any time for any reason on a tiny little screen when I can play on a 65 inch screen. I hate mobile games...hate them. I see people squinting down at a PHONE everywhere i wonder why they play anything on something that little with no controls, no room to see anything, I wonder what happened. Sure, you are out an about take a phone call, even a text, but playing a game or watching a movie on that tiny thing is madness. Go out be with people run errands, go home...play watch movie on a large screen TV or monitor. This has been brought to you by My Opinion Only...LLC. I find it to be sheepishly backwards to play a game on A PHONE...PHONE...PHONE you know? Call? Text? Phone.


i had same "phobia" to minigames/mobile too. i and had a very bad opinion about ppl who play on phone.

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@"Konig Des Todes.2086" do you have more info than us mortals? I do remember mentions that one of the cancelled projects might have been a Guild Wars franchise game, and that one of the projects they had was a mobile one, but i don't remember hearing that the mobile project definitely got axed, that those two were the same, or how many side projects got cancelled. I don't recall even hearing if _all_ the side projects they had were cancelled.

So, do you have any more specific info, or are you just guessing?

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