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8+ months since last ''no-downedstate-week''


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When was the last time wvw had an event? the broken core swap back in july? another event they couldn't be bothered to fix or much less acknowledge it's bugs. Think that should probably give you an idea about events and wvw, even through the aug-nov time you could see the population dropping for months and nothing was being done. I guess it's just too much to run a schedule of monthly events and festivals. Where's the effort.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I would like to try a no rally week.


> @"kash.9213" said:


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:



I would personally be much more interested in a no ressing week than no rally, never really been that annoyed at really but power ressing with mercy runes/ressing traits/multiple people is so bad

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You already have "no downed state", its called Warclaw stomp. It already makes the game incredibly frustrating for supports! There's nothing quite like your ally having to run all the way back from the waypoint without mount and blaming you for it.


Remember the golden rule, every bad idea that you have, supports get blamed for it.

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> Isn't this game enough "no downstate" already?


It's interesting that they said on the stream that the event was well recieved when most players I know either took the week off, got bored with the week after a day or two and/or resorted just to play stealth classes after a day or two.

I don't hate stealth or burst or roaming or ganking all too much but I don't remember the event as well recieved. I remember it as very barren after a day or two with less people playing and less people playing classes that could be easily found and engaged upon. Everything turned more cowardly whether we talk about small scale or large scale. The event just threw the balance further for stealth ganking and pirate shipping. Things that were already normative.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > Isn't this game enough "no downstate" already?

> This.

> It's interesting that they said on the stream that the event was well recieved when most players I know either took the week off, got bored with the week after a day or two and/or resorted just to play stealth classes after a day or two.

> I don't hate stealth or burst or roaming or ganking all too much but I don't remember the event as well recieved. I remember it as very barren after a day or two with less people playing and less people playing classes that could be easily found and engaged upon. Everything turned more cowardly whether we talk about small scale or large scale. The event just threw the balance further for stealth ganking and pirate shipping. Things that were already normative.



It's interesting that most players you know either took the week off, got bored with the week after a day or two and/or resorted just to play stealth classes after a day or two.


Most players I know either came back just for this event, or were playing twice as much as they usually do because they enjoyed the event so much. Myself included. Also about stealth classes, during no downed state week I played more my main (Weaver) than classes with high in/out possibility that I usually roam with (teef/mes). Why? Because during outnumbered fights I could just kill 1, without caring about downed state, switch to the other and then the other one. During normal week I would down 1 guy and if the others know what to do they would just ress him and fun begins again. While playing teef or mes with higher mobility and stealth access Idc whether its no downed state or not, I just down some1, go to stealth or Shadowstep out/in and stomp him, hopefully before others ress him.

So yeah, basically I disagree with your whole comment.


> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> Only 8+ months? Try 12+ months since Shattered Aegis was nerfed!


Waited for this.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Most players I know either came back just for this event, or were playing twice as much as they usually do because they enjoyed the event so much. Myself included. Also about stealth classes, during no downed state week I played more my main (Weaver) than classes with high in/out possibility that I usually roam with (teef/mes). Why? Because during outnumbered fights I could just kill 1, without caring about downed state, switch to the other and then the other one. During normal week I would down 1 guy and if the others know what to do they would just ress him and fun begins again. While playing teef or mes with higher mobility and stealth access Idc whether its no downed state or not, I just down some1, go to stealth or Shadowstep out/in and stomp him, hopefully before others ress him.

> So yeah, basically I disagree with your whole comment.

I don't think it is much to agree or disagree with, I guess it just played out very differently on different servers with different types of content (at all scales). On the highly populated servers that I saw it stifled the big pickups or closed tags, disrupted the smaller scale guild- or zergbusting (without affecting the blob busting too much and rather made the difference between a blob and a cloud negligable) and equal-ish team fights so players resorted to ganking.


If, for example, you had a decently healthy midsized community that still does alot of smaller scaled roaming and closed tags without alot of competetive guild players, it may have created more such situations that you speak of. I don't know what server you're on but that would be an assumption because where I am at, most players who are experienced and used to play agressively in pickups, coordinated with friends or in closed raids just put who remained active during the week into stealthy gank parties as BvB, GvG and 5/10vX content deteriorated. So had you been where I was you would have had a cloud or full parties of stealth classes on you that week if you solo roamed on Weaver. If any content benefitted from the event there it was clouding since some servers still blobbed but you could more easily cloud them with a smatter of roamers.


What you're describing does sound nice, don't get me wrong. It just sounds far less organized and predatory than what I am used to, in fact, it sounds like early vanilla with ample amounts of differently sized and skilled groups littering the maps. Comming across a couple of average players not on stealth classes on my servers is a very rare sight because they are supple prey for almost any of the common content groups with- or without downstate.



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Most people I know don't like coming back from the waypoint every five minutes, it happens too much already if you're outmatched. Maybe its good for when you're 'stacked but when you're struggling the game just becomes waypoint spam.


Take a look at the description for "Outnumbered" - No armor repairs, did you ever think about why?

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Tons of people in this forum like to complain that sieges in wvw are discouraged because of stuff like siegeweapons and guildtactics etc.

I think "no downstate" is a bigger discouragement to attacking objectives than any of the other stuff that is in the game.


Not being able to rezz people in a t3 keep while being picked of by siegeweapons + tactics + clouding defenders + certain burstbuild like burnguard destroying most siege and killing attacking players very fast is the biggest discouragement I can think off.

As soon as the attackers get inside, the defenders can just repair the gate/wall and let 5-10 people on burstbuilds(soulbeast, burnguards, mesmer, deadeye) deal with the reinforcements, while the remaining defenders just kill the attackers inside one at a time.

Attacking t3 objects during a "no-downstate"-week, especially if you are not the "dominating server" of the matchup, is like getting wisdom teeth removed: Nobody does that for fun.


This also means that the stronger server is more likely to be able to keep/defend everything they upgrade on enemie borders and this further discourages the smaller servers to attack. It's the "t3 stonemist problem" cranked up to 11.


"no downstate"-weeks have been the most unfun weeks as a pug-commander against stronger servers that I ever had to do(unless you are fine with sitting in your own stuff and wait for anything to attack, I guess).

And at that point I didn't lead for fun but because others didn't want to and someone had to do it.

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