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Fear spam core necro is broken AF


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> @"rng.1024" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Cleansing_(PvP)


> I can't stress the usefulness of this enough, every time fear is reapplied it bumps in priority. This allows you fairly easy on a 10 second cooldown to swap and then dodge whatever is incoming next.


The fact that necormancers main "get off me/let me breath" tool is countered by something like this generally upsets me tbh. Ive seen people do this several times too. Get feared and just weapon swap to break the fear its just rude XD i wish i could break hard stuns just by weapon swapping


> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > I think you forgot to link the video proof and may have accidentally cut out the extra couple paragraphs of more in-depth analysis. Happens to the best of us, lmk when they're back.

> >

> > Funny, you seem to not be bothered when other people post things with no "video proof" so long as you have experienced the same thing. You want in-depth analysis, ok: So Doom is instant-cast 1200 range skill that fears up to 3 seconds when built around it. While the opponent's feared you have all the time in the world to place a spectral wall that the opponent has to walk through twice for 4 more seconds of fear, so while he's doing that you can drop a Staff 5 for 2 more seconds, and if taking lich you can get 4 more seconds (though it's too long a CD so no one takes it). So that's 9sec of unbroken CC that can be applied all while you freecast other damaging attacks NOT TO MENTION that if I WAS taking and stab it could easily be corrupted to fear me more. And I'm not a streamer so I don't record on the regular.


> I am, actually, but less so. They tend to provide more than grumpy hyperbole. Most of the time.


> So. Throughout these potential 9 seconds of fear - you have not one CC break or cleanse? Any of that into a dodge? It seems like if you're fast enough, you can break the first to avoid the wall.


> This combo is terrifying if you just sit through it, but presumably you have stunbreaks and such left. If not, that's...well, kind of on you.


keep in mind most necromancer fears are 1s durations 2s if traited

Spectral wall 2s (40s cd)

Fear Mark 2s (32s cd)

Doom 2s - 3s (under 600 range) depending on the range (20s cd / 17.5s cd if traited)


Its not even possible for a single nerco to get a 9 second fear chain unless someone walks through spectral wall twice. (if what he said is true and his own build had no stab in it) While you can manipulate someone into walking through the ring twice while they are feared doing so requires super tight positioning and your movement speed to be un hundred. Or for the caster to pre place the wall behind their target and not ontop of them. So that they run through the near and far sides of the ring. But in these cases why wouldnt you just break the fear?


Im not trying to be too bias but the only way you should be getting 9s chain feared is if you are providing extra fear by having stab get converted to fear which is the players fault not the necros. The other situation is if there are 2 necros and both necros are literally on coms and targeting 1 person at the same time. For a single necromancer to get a 9s fear in a team fight is unrealistic. People dont run lich on core as you said (more than likely) and hitting that fear is actually hard because it roots you to cast it so its always super clunky to use. Not to mention most core players go condi so they run plaguelands. Trying to work a lich fear into any kind of fear combo is just un realistic because its clunky and the cd for it is too high. The majority of people will immediately get defensive once they see lich or everyone will hard focus you because you just made yourself a big obvious target which results in your immediate death. PL just has more value all around.


Average chain fears should be about 4-6 seconds with most chains ending around the 4s mark 6s or higher usually means they abused the targets stab. or they dumped all their resources on you. This is not too over the top from what any other class can do in terms of cc. Warriors can stun you and knock you down in a chain over that kind of time revs can knock you down and stun you for that kind of time, holos can double blow out for about that amount of time generally speaking being stunned for 4s some times more is pretty common. Fear just makes it feel alot different.

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I want to clarify that, at the time, I was using a weaver build that was using the Cleansing Water trait along with the Weaver swiftness/regen GM. You would think it would be really hard to keep me feared. I would swap to air or water attunement to break fear and then am feared again. Just completely un-fun in any respect.

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> I want to clarify that, at the time, I was using a weaver build that was using the Cleansing Water trait along with the Weaver swiftness/regen GM. You would think it would be really hard to keep me feared. I would swap to air or water attunement to break fear and then am feared again. Just completely un-fun in any respect.


Wouldn't happen to have the death recap?



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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > I want to clarify that, at the time, I was using a weaver build that was using the Cleansing Water trait along with the Weaver swiftness/regen GM. You would think it would be really hard to keep me feared. I would swap to air or water attunement to break fear and then am feared again. Just completely un-fun in any respect.


> Wouldn't happen to have the death recap?




See other post about how i don't record regularly

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > > I want to clarify that, at the time, I was using a weaver build that was using the Cleansing Water trait along with the Weaver swiftness/regen GM. You would think it would be really hard to keep me feared. I would swap to air or water attunement to break fear and then am feared again. Just completely un-fun in any respect.

> >

> > Wouldn't happen to have the death recap?

> >

> >


> See other post about how i don't record regularly


Well, necro's can also chill, which ruins an ele's rotation. So not only is this enemy fear spamming, but you're stuck in a bad matchup.

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> Easy prey at start of match, big tells, simple really. LTP.


what big tells? every single core necro has 3/4s casttime and same animation of moving hand.

you cant tell if necro is using fear mark or poison mark. there is no tell.

But I wouldnt find the fear to be big of an issue, most classes can deal with it easy peasy due to cleanse.

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> The other team had 2 of these necros. We were spending 90% of the match just being feared. The moment we stun-break we are immediately feared again. This cancerous kitten needs to die in a fire.


It really never was a problem in the past.


But then they turned fear into a condi so expertise & +condi duration works on fear, then it became toxic and stupid.

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> @"Asuran.5469" said:

> > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > The other team had 2 of these necros. We were spending 90% of the match just being feared. The moment we stun-break we are immediately feared again. This cancerous kitten needs to die in a fire.


> It really never was a problem in the past.


> But then they turned fear into a condi so expertise & +condi duration works on fear, then it became toxic and stupid.


Dear has been a condition for pretty much the entire time the game has been live. Confused to what you are on about.

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There is really no way because fear is a defensive gap opener and if it gets nerfed too much necros won't have a gap opener vs classes with tons of gap closers.


Gap closers vs gap opener wars is important for a class like necro who is already a sitting duck, plus they also use fear offensively too.


How about you learn to play bring some stab and not walk into wall of fear? or you could always bring a ranger or 1shot warr and insta gib necros.


Anet shouldn't touch fear because it would kill necro's offensive and defensives which are already too hard countered and toon conditional.


The weakest defense class and you want to nerf it what a joke.






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No It's not broken, infact can be countered in so many ways that I'm baffled people even start to complain about this.

Fear is a condition you can cleanse it, get condi clears, get a sigil of cleansing on weapon swap and laugh in the face of necros.

It's also a cc that can be easily break stunned.

If core necro takes the terror trait to have fear that does dmg, he renounce to more corruption, and basically his entire build rotate around that. So if you spam stability than you are doing the worst possible thing.

Core necro is easily shutdown by multiple cc, ranged burst attacks and a coordinated +1.

Get a deadeye or a pew pew ranger and the necromancer effectiveness in team fight goes to zero because he has to defend from it's counter the whole match. With a ranged class, unless the player is particularly skilled at doing los and vertical mobility , necro is a free kill.

If you try to team fight 2 necromancers, you are a kitten team. Really use the brain and rotate around them or force them to split and +1 each one them.

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