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Let's say if we do get a future Expansion, what's some Do's and Donts?

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Although, it would be rather nice to have an actual house that you can call home, and have all your books and perhaps even trophies on display; we don't wanna start converting gw2 into the next gen sims.

You will ask for a wife and kids next, and a dog called lulu that greets you everytime you walk in.


I think the list of priorities do not include such, unrelated items, to put it nicely.


After all, we are meant to go out there on the field and fight foes, right?

Not sitting in your house, while your wife brings you a cup of tea.


Might aswell call it The sims, medieval edition.

We do that in real life.


Anyways, I'd like to see more fighting arenas.

Such as Roman Empire Circus Maximus.

In case you don't know about it. No, there are no clowns in it.

You gather your troops and use charriots to fight others.

There are Lions, Tigers, and Gladiators.


Also, would really like to see Jade Quary and Fort Aspenwood style arenas make a comeback.


I think it would gather players in the same spot and give the game a popularity boost.



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> @"leila.7962" said:

> DO

> * Different mechanics to challenge the players on big encounters (more like the strike ones but more difficult)

> * Fun achievements that also require personal effort, like instanced fight with a big boss, (no more talk to this guy or collect coins that are spread all over the map like someone threw a bag of gold from an airplane)

> * Dungeons! There are two POI (one in grothmar one in bjora) that are exactly where two of GW1 dungeons were at!!

> * Add different rewards to old dungeons so people have a reason to get back to do them (like obby shards, and also super rare drops like from the final bosses.. like AC final boss could be a raptor skin)

> * Bring back the Marionette fight on a fractal

> * Bring the final fight against Scarlet on a fractal


> DON'T ...

> * Make more bosses that are "just hit until it dies" like the current giant on bjora or the strikes

> * More hearts, they really add nothing to the gameplay, it always did and always will feel like a chore

> * Make more maps that will become farm points.. we already have enough to spread the community


Whow! This can be something to do and something to avoid even without a new XPac.


I only want to add:

- Try **to do** something with the WvW - something useful, desired by players. It is not impossible if you realy took into account what the players want. That means communication.

- Try **to not** turn the players into test subjects for any idea a dev (or manager) had. Only to see that the test subjects died (left the game) because that idea was not a very good one. How ? Again - communication with the players.

- Try **to not** kill a class/specialization only to bring another class/specialization in the light. Some ~~test subjects~~ players bought the game for the initial class. Killing that class kills a lot of the fun they had in the game.

- Try **to do** maps you can play anytime and **not** only shortly after release. That means to avoid making a map relevant only for a certain thing. As an example - I stopped playing Grothmar Valley - nothing to do there. I achieved the meta achievement. Spending 2 hours repeating the meta every day for keys and hoping to have a lucky strike for a very rare piece of gear is not something to be called **play**. The same thing with Bjora - I already have all I need from this map. Once a new map will be released, I will stop playing in Bjora. Try **to do** LS episodes developing in the same maps you have already. As LS1 / LS2 do. A new LS4 episode sending us in a LS 3 map - the winterberry map (I forgot its name) - can be used now when we face Jormag.

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*Tone down particle effects [work on game engine to do this if required]

*Keep making beautiful maps with awesome landscapes and fun quests that make you explore them

*Improve build diversity; profession builds are what keep me having fun in this game and grant close to infinite viability

*Make drops fun.

*Make more quest lines like skyscale, minus that awful 250 currency of each LS map... was so good without that.

*Tell us more often what your plans are!

*Add a new weapon

*Add a new race

*Add race change as a paid service



*Power creep

*drag out balance updates when all that is needed is a quick tweek to keep things in line

*endlessly add new mounts


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* New mounts.

* Power creep.

* Only power/condi based specs (let us choose how to play and still deal good damage).

* Inquest and Sons Of Svarnir.

* Boring metas when you can just afk for 10 minutes.

* Super happy-ending story.

* Multiple maps (what about ONE big map?).

* Jumping Puzzles.



* New elite specs.

* New weapons.

* New raids.

* New region.

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Im fine with no expansion if the LS content is topnotch and makes "sense" (good meta, awesome bossfights, raid-ish, new legy weaps, new specs? weaps ? whatever) and if they keep on adding new fractals and raid wings.

Right now, i dont really see any reason to be doing strike missions and the like. So i did the 2 episodes and went back to HoT maps. If thats the "future", id prefer a "classic" expansion cause both have been great in each their way.



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> @"Malsheem.1794" said:

> Im fine with no expansion if the LS content is topnotch and makes "sense" (good meta, awesome bossfights, raid-ish, new legy weaps, new specs? weaps ? whatever) and if they keep on adding new fractals and raid wings.

> Right now, i dont really see any reason to be doing strike missions and the like. So i did the 2 episodes and went back to HoT maps. If thats the "future", id prefer a "classic" expansion cause both have been great in each their way.




I agree I can live with no new Expacs if living world seasons actually come with expansion content. Let's hope this saga will. But that includes new music, new graphics, new maps, new systems, new elite specializations and new music and background on character selection screen.

We might get some of these later on during the saga hopefully. But the new music and background at character selection should be there already.

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make a new map

explore areas that we used to have

give elementalist shortbow or longbow if you do specializations

Give mesmers rifle

thieves Greatsword

fix leather acquisition




make multilayer maps like draconis mons/tangled depths/verdant brink. Even with the way you post released cleaned them they are the biggest PIA maps to actually get around. 3 layers not 4 if done well.


make a map currency that cant be broken down. I get that we wont get unstable or volatile magic because dragons, but even doing 50 karma per drop would be better than a immovable part of ice later on.


nerf a leather farm you actually create. Lake Doric is sad in how not many people play on a actually designed leather farm map


make another Suns Refuge. Story wise Suns refuge is good since it had many collections in it and was reasonably a place to go....afterwards it really is a waste of space even after skyscale, elegy ,requiem acquisition


Make another map currency like brandstone. Yes you can acquire kralkatite from hearts daily, at about 75 from the hearts a day but total for the first collection you need 8190 to get a full set of weapons


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-Make it in the line of core maps. Inspire yourself with Metrica Province, Wayfarher foothills, Diessa Plateau, Caledon Forest, Queensdale...

-Use secondary races: Quaggan, Skritts, Grawls, Ettins etc.

-Big maps, with quests, bounties are useless.

-All maps locations are explorable in story and outside of story.

-One global map currency like let's name it ancient artifact, you earn them by doing anything, you can trade them for varioud stuffs. (Decos/armors/weapons)

-Instanced dungeons (introduce them like strikes) with multiple paths/stories.

-Big rewarding maps in each of the expansion map.

-Respect what you established in core maps / previous episodes/ the associated story when creating a map. (Think about A bug in the system, where you have pre-crucible Inquest, not caring of rata arcanum/new golem marks)

-More fractals. (Fall of quora Sum?)

-More specs

-More raids

-If you make gen 3 weapons, make them like gen 1.

-More interactivity: more emotes and objects/npcs reacting to them. Puzzles, enigmas, jumping puzzles.

-Use orders as individual not just as the pack. Relics/archeology -> only priory.... etc like it's shown in personnal story.

-More faces/hairs for sylvari-asura-norn and please: no manga!



-Rush maps, cut content, modify first plans.

-Don't waste/make a crappy final battle against the dragon/big villain.

-Make personnal story and character creation matter.

-No big empty flat map (hello pof)

-No short meta. (5 events chain at least)

-Stop killing vilains/allies in advance without creating a proper death (joko, blish).

-Ignore feedbacks, events organized by community, streamers, by guilds....

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Don't do powercreep. Don't let us use the current ways to move around the maps, so no use of the old ones just new mounts and no gliding/mushrooms stuff like that. This would make the expansion last a bit longer.

Give people the access to heroes so the old content still can be done, since the playerbase will be scattered more. Some nice new dungeons that are more like the GW1 ones, also ties in to the use of heroes.

Perhaps something like the PVE skills that were also in GW1, but I am not sure since those were OP as hell. But I liked the skills that were more effective in areas/against foes.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> At the top of my head.


> No more silly foes like mushrooms.

> Please do make it a little more serious.

> Not overpowered foes, with infinite evade and constant knock down.

> That's not challenging, it's just f annoying.


> Add decent allies. More team play.

> Incentivate squads for actual story instances.

> Get rid of braham once and for all.


> Add new weapons. One exclusive per class.

> Eg. Land spear for Guardians, only. Etc...


> New mount.

> Maybe seige devourer.

> Also make skyscale actually be able to climb walls.


> Add. Grab ledge, and shimmy to all classes. Makes jumping puzzles a lot more fun.


> Better drops this time. Including ascended, and a small chance of a legendary even.


> That's all for the moment.

> Will add more later.


This pretty much :)

As for me, these are the things I'd love

- More seriousness in every way. Need story that makes me actually feel something other than being annoyed at NPCs.


- Speaking of annoying NPCs, please...oh please just stop with Taimi talking non-stop I can't stand it anymore. If there's anything I dislike in films and video games it's those 'awesome smart super duper superior children' who think they're above everyone else and get entitled to say and do whatever they like. Among the super annoying NPCs being Braham, I can't stomach him anymore, and yes I really dislike teenagers in video games/films too. It's over-used, it's annoying and it really doesn't add anything to the story...other than annoy the heck out of me. I believe I am not the only one, right?


- More depth to the world. When a new foe gets introduced it should give us a reason to fear it. Just going through PoF story again and I am not feeling the Forged threat at all...worst of all, their appearance doesn't stick with me, unlike with MANY foes from GW1 which paint a very memorable picture.


- LESS VISUAL NOISE! Please! Spare our eyes! I want a nice clean area without endless leylines, volatile magic, gliding drafts, sparkles, annoying clouds, eye-sore snow/Blizzard effects...and with better colors that don't burn our eyes. Need more creepy zones too...and option to disable/lessen the amount of effects from skills.


- More area-specific music.


- Music that stops playing when I change zone. I don't want to listen to Divinity's Reach music play when I teleport to Orr.


- Less annoying humor. (Humor is fine, but don't overdo it)


- Commander needs more depth and more 'consequences' for actions. So far everything is just going smooth, even - someone's death - . Playing through PoF story again makes me realize how annoying Commander is and so full of themselves...Can we stray from the Commander story arc at some point? I'd love to be a simple adventurer who isn't on some high position in story.


- Realm of Torment as area...but please don't clutter it with annoying purples, pinks and other annoying colors. Keep it authentic to GW1 just expand on it.


- Actual forest area. Forest, real, beautiful, dense forest with slight sunbeams coming through tree tops, lush grass, streams...proper wilderness but with that beautiful forest feel. So far we really don't have a proper forest in GW2.


- Cantha/or another whole new world to explore.


- More customization options for ALL races.


- More weapon flexibility for Professions.


- New mount: Preferably underwater mount! (Sea drake? Dolphin? Sea Scorpion? Leviathan? Sea serpent?)

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In the unlikely event that we get another expansion:


- DO NOT PUT ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE STORY. All achievements should be able to be done without having to repeatedly play through the story.

- Break down the story by instances, not episodes. One of the drawbacks of the present LS format is that if you need to do an achievement near the end of an episode, you have to repeat the entire episode. You really should only have to do that one story instance you need. This really needs to be applied across the entire game.

- "Infiltrator" elite spec for Mesmers, with Anise being the example. Daggers, disguises, distractions.

- Ranger pets: dolphin (LONG overdue), scaled drake (the crocs from Elona), and a rhino-like pet that can ram gates in WvW.

- More commander-like dialogue for the Commander and less smartmouthery from supposedly friendly NPCs. The Commander has been the point man for killing three Elder Dragons, a god, and various other beings of power. Like Jormag said, "Maybe it's time I started treating you with the respect you deserve." We are supposed to be heroes. Start treating us like it.

- Stop jerking our emotions and killing the good guys in cheap, pointless ways. Eir, Demmi, Blish, Almorra, various other minor characters. ENOUGH. Gaming should be an escape from the Bad Things of reality, not a constant reminder of them.

- How about an Elementalist "Summoner" elite spec built around using their summoned weapons and minions?

- Stop making "balance" changes affecting the entire game based on whining from PVP.

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add safe spots where you can just relax. Not only on the portal where you enter the map, but spread out all over. HoT had those, PoF did not.

add beautiful puzzling places (like the night above Desert Highland) but also give us some lore to find out about it

lore bombs everywhere

finally fix some of the story holes from PS, LW2, HoT etc.





half finished maps (Kourna for example)

dumb metas balanced on snowcrows numbers

mind boggling long and time gated collections.

new mount

super-rare-you-have-to-do-the-meta100000-times-to-have-a-realistic-chance. We got plenty of those.


things I would like to see: multi layer maps. I really like TD, I really like DM. But I also realize that a lot of people are overwhelmed by verticality.

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* Braham as the main companion in every quest. I can't stand him, and he has had two seasons now where he is the main companion.

* Heart quests. They are boring.

* HoT-style adventures






* HoT-style metas

* Housing or upgraded home instance

* Story choices and dialogue choices

* More elite skills for ele

* Resolve or continue outstanding plots from previous seasons and expansions

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