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Legendary Raid Cape

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I don't care. If it comes, nice, I will myself however not go for it.


I had capes in GW1, but after a while, I stop using it as I preferred to see my armor and there was too much clipping. It's same in GW2. So yes, I enjoy to have a cape, but in the end, I mostly use it in towns, a few time in WvW when we want to reinforce the guild feeling (all wear guild capes in that case), but otherwise, I prefer to see my armor and my weapon properly. :3

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As I tried to say earlier, I'm all for it. Also, Fractals should get their own set of stat-changeable gear like WvW and PvP has.


As for locking stuff behind raids, so what? Raids are not exclusive and just about everything in this game is "locked" behind something. Just because you choose to avoid raids doesn't mean people that do raid shouldn't get a new shiny. It doesn't take away from other areas of the game since each area of the game supposedly has their own teams.


I have yet to see any good reason why Raids should not get a legendary back piece. Now if you don't want it to be a cape, then sure I understand. But to flat out say "No, Raids should never get their own legendary back piece", just . . . why?

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Raids have had their rewards. You want legendary stuff from raids? Get the armor.


> Besides, wouldn't the cape need to match the armor? And I'm pretty sure the devs never want to touch those armor sets, ever again.


By your logic, every game mode already has rewards and Anet should just stop making new rewards all together. Apparently the job is done. Also, the legendary armor sets for WvW and PvP also have nothing to do with their Legendary back pieces, so why would this cape need to match the raid armor? And even if you did want it to match, we can dye capes so . . . not seeing the issue.

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Ill change my mind when every game mode has their own full set of Armor(open world pve) Weapons(OBi for wvw, just add another tier. PVP and Raids both need one.), and a full set of Jewelry(Atm its only open world PVE and raids and its not a full set.). And then a Backpack for PVE and Raids.

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Wont happen, ingame rewards will now only be trash compared to gemstore items. Notice we have legendary gliders but no legendary mount skins, anet learned their lesson.

What raid really need is the ability to make copies of the legendary jewelry, similar to how they can make copies of legendary armor.

Wishful thinking, if anet wasn't so stingy, it be nice to have legendary capes, mount skins, and gliders that need to be earned in ALL game modes, like how legendary weapons used to be. Hell warclaw would have been cool if there were skins locked behind wvw rank instead of rng boxes.

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I will vote yes if we also get the same level legendary armor in the other modes as raids. I also don't to see another item in the game that I want but don't have time to work for. I like the parts of the game I play and didn't enjoy raiding when I tried it even though we cleared successfully and the people training us were truly awesome people. Just not my cup of tea.

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I have no problem with a legendary cape being added to raids, nor would I mind other versions being added to other content like fractals, pvp, wvw, etc. I could say the same for legendary armor or other legendary back items/trinkets, etc. I think giving the option for players to get unique legendary (or other) rewards no matter what content they enjoy is an ideal goal for the devs to pursue, that way we can return to the "play how you want" philosophy that inspired the initial game design so man years ago.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> No more distractions from directing resources from alliances.


Game companies have a reputation for abandoning projects as soon as they announce they're working on them. The player base expect that the project is still ongoing, but the company moved on years ago. I think Alliances/World Restructuring is one of them.

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