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What class is very low APM and does very good DPS in high-end PVE?

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Gw2 is fairly balanced. Each class has to do its own healing and tanking (outside some high end formats but a laid back attitude there would not be appreciated) and dps. The dps gets better with higher trade offs (e.g. in general melee range does more dps then ranged).

So no there is no laid back class. But the best way to achieve it is to pick a class you like and stick with it so you get really good at it. Practise makes everything easier a d there for more laid back

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Reaper, I would say


Yup. Here you go - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwEcEWosAGG7ipxGxk7qsZD-zRIYR09DA-e

Get an Axe, Horn and Greatsword as your back up. You're only going to use one or two attack buttons, so 1 or 2 on axe for some distance, or 1 or 2 on Greatsword in melee. Keep the two minions up for healing and some distraction, and you don't have to touch the signets. All berserker gear for glass cannon (since you're going to just obliterate everything,) and stay in Reaper shroud as long as possible, and just mash 1 over and over. Low on life force, exit shroud, 1 or 2 over and over until you get back into it.


Super chill lazy reaper build. :D

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Elementalist fresh air Dagger/Warhorn Tempest is pretty laid back - the idea is to use air overload, swap to fire attunement, use any skill you fancy to activate fresh air, then prepare another air overload. I like this build because of the strong aoe damage fields you can stack to quickly kill mobs with little effort.

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> @"KrivukasLT.3507" said:

> Power/condi hybrid holosmith.. Just F5 and spam all holo abilities, cooldown and

> spam again. Huge burst, low effort.


I dont think you know what huge burst is. Holo has crappy burst without pre stacked heat. DD, fb, dh are all easier and have higher burst. DD has also insane sustain and dh/fb have everything

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Possible with **average/good**, unlikely will obtain very good by doing less things; usually.


Axe/axe Berserker - Mash all weapon skill and Decapitate whenever possible.


Alacrity Renegade - More to utility instead of dps, simple & basic maintain Order from Above and Kalla. When good with that go for full rotation, simple because of energy limitation, more to muscle memory.


Final say, do your best. Stay on target, make sure all damage/skills connect continuously without dying. CC breakbar whenever possible(unless there's a strategy to hold/not to).

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Low APM isn't much of a thing at the higher end, but at least limited array of buttons to press and overly simple rotation is. Other's have said it (while downplaying their rotations below what they are actually capable of) but Staff Daredevil Thief and Axe/Greatsword Reaper Necromancer have the overall easiest rotations to higher-ish DPS. Of the two Reaper probably attacks slower, but Thief you can suck at the rotation more and still output at least a reasonable amount of DPS (can achieve 20k via a majority of auto-attacks only.)

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most necro variants specially reaper are crazy cheap and lazy play..


i had build up also a boon-spammer shout-guardian with near **100% boon duration**, is crazy faceroll but **not top dps**, the tradeoff is **perma swiftness**, good quickness and stability, that boon trio let u rush history stance content faster and facetank anything, specially CC spam bosses, the only boss i suffered is mordremot because of his huge HP....... The boom spammer gear is kinda expensive, and i used my pvp stuff to bought some trinkets.

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After field testing builds and suggestions, I find that stability is really underrated. Making a slightly tanky build with good (not great) dps makes open world face roll possible and dare I say it... FUN. Lol. I've been rolling on champs thinking: it may take me a while, but he's not killing me and I can eat his attacks without flinching. Lol.

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