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Your -realistic- wishlist/expectations for Expansion 3?

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okay- here’s a weird idea. Everyone including myself has wanted a Monk class forever and we assume only warrior could handle it. What if every profession had a Monk specialization (weaponless and high resistance/toughness)- the hands, magic, etc embody the professions qualities. Easy to imagine for example an elementalist Monk or a very tanky Healer-monk guardian. etc etc

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I don't see new races happen. (Would require a lot more races or we'll get "why X and not Y, I wanted race Y" and I heard it would require work regarding skins.) 1 new elite spec for each profession or 1 new profession (with 2 elite and no new elite for others). Then new mapgs and story content of course.


With them making Eye of the North as hub for strike missions (latest announcement) I can see the game reaching it's "finished" state ... once everything is implementat that existed in GW1 already.


But with Cantha - someone mentioned it was only a small part of the continent we saw in GW1 - I can still see a few years (if they release slow again) of Living Story after the 3rd expansion.


Other than that maybe different things for new customization. Major underwater combat overhaul would be nice. Underwater combat was there from the beginning. Afaik it did not play a major role and they even tuned it down (removed certain PvP maps ... the old capricorn one). And we have that sea dragon left, so ...


Edit: Or Dwarves as playable race with own story (only playable by them and they won't be able to do the main personal core story ... linking it later to the overall living story latest happenings) ... with them somehow having survived underground and havving digged themselves tunnels to somewhere down below Cantha. :D

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> @"aumboy.1932" said:

> okay- here’s a weird idea. Everyone including myself has wanted a Monk class forever and we assume only warrior could handle it. What if every profession had a Monk specialization (weaponless and high resistance/toughness)- the hands, magic, etc embody the professions qualities. Easy to imagine for example an elementalist Monk or a very tanky Healer-monk guardian. etc etc


Not everyone.



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1) I believe it will feature new weapons for all core classes. That why they will not have to add more specializations to the game.

2) New Mount(s) or mount features like some sort of mount combat. I would really like to see a mount used for traveling underwater and underground.

3) Guild/ Guild Hall upgrades like being able to turn the arena to wvw or pvp.

4) Instanced player housing that are fully customizable to the smallest detail. Example what the walls and floors will look like and where the doors / doorways will be.

5)New crafting professions like carpentry that can create furniture for those instances

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The new expansion has given a lot to discuss and speculate. Although I am very happy that we will be getting another expansion, as a player here are my requests/suggestions:


1. We already have a Charr race. Adding another Animal race is not that interesting. It would be great if we get Ogres or Orcs type of a race. It would give a lot to a visual appeal and overall diversity to the skin choices while creating new characters. Tengu is okayish but having a wild race like Ogres or Orcs would be great


2. 2v2 is the best thing to have in PvP to date. If we can have a choice to Q up for 3v3 mode as well, while bringing back the 5v5 mode in full team mode only, it would just complete what PvP needs. In 5v5 mode having Flag carrying mode would be nice as well apart from keeping the node capture mode


3. In PvP, if we can get a specific weapon and armor skins via achievements, it would be fantastic. Via PvE, also if we can get mount skin drops and actually nice-looking weapons and armors or skins rather being dependent on purchases, it would be extremely rewarding. Also, to make class-specific or race-specific skins would mean more character slots and the company can continue to have continued ROI


4. For elites, the following can be really interesting:

* Thiefs getting **Longbow** where they can strike from the shadows as mix of condi and power dps

* Warriors getting **dual Greatsword** wielding DPS build and a Sword or Mace/Shield tank build

* Rangers getting **Rifle** spec, which can actually define the word Ranger and it can be a power dps spec

* Necros getting a core corruption based Condi spec having **dual Daggers**

* Guardian getting **Weapon unknown** based tank build

* Revenant getting **Greatsword** based power DPS build

* ELe getting **No Weapon/Pistol** based magic-based power dps build

* Mesmers getting **Hammer** based DPS build

* Engineers getting **Weapon unknown** based healing build


5. Of course, the expectation would be having a new class as well. It would be great if we have a medium armor wielding spec which can have builds varying from a core healer (giving alternatives to Druids) to full power or condi DPS spec

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As much as I would also want a new Race, I can't see it happening without them implementing a feature/item to allow race changing.


It could most likely be done with the Requirements of your Personal story being complete, however race changing will not allow you to repeat the story and you will be stuck with the rewards and choices have chosen for your initial race you started as.


I would love to see Engineers get more love with weapons like Maces as well as your idea of a new unknown weapon.


On another note about Race is lore and fitting it into stories etc., I hope we do get more races/classes however.

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With Anet seemingly fully in the hands of NCSoft and after things like the "Template" Fiasco, my realistic expectations are mainly harsh monetization schemes.


My hopes and wishes on the other hand is really just well designed Elite Specs (and proper reworks of core/old especs) to shake up the game and to add more options, as well as hopefully some more endgame content and a good story with beautiful environments to wrap up the game.

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Could see them making a bunch of bosses for ghe campaign and them hqving them also exist as strime missions, i think that would deff solve a couple of problems with the story, one not being that replayble and 2 bosses feeling meh because they are solo encounters.


Other than that i expect elite specs, alliances, a new feature (would love naval content/ fishing and sea fishing on ship).


For maybes id say new fractal/raids tied to the expac, new wvw battleground (smth like echovald forest and jade sea coliding which would at least loook stunning). New pvp map, new mount, a new race (or 2 new races).

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Realistic expectations huh..


Well the obvious would be new maps.

I am expecting there to be at least 5 new maps in this expansion but I am hoping that it'll be closer to 7-8

Im also hoping that these new maps will take us to more than just the Canthan regions we went to in Gw1

As i've mentioned a few times on the forums in the past, the Cantha map we got in Gw1 was less than half of the continent, there is a small bit of landmass left East of the Jade sea which we never got to see and a massive amount of land south of it as well as a large island.


Forgive my shoddy skills on this but this was a few minutes rush job just to serve as example and I could not find a pre-existing map like this.

I lined the shoreline up as best I could with the small images I had to give people a general idea of how much of Cantha we got to explore in Gw1 compared to the full continent we can see in Gw2's global map.

![](https://imgur.com/9Hy6fiy.jpg "")


As you can see there is a lot of new territory to go exploring on Cantha and I hope a few new maps take us to these places in Gw2 as well as the regions we've been to before although I guess it really depends on how big Cantha will be displayed in Gw2 on the world map and how big the in game maps will be.


The second obvious expectation would be new Elite Specs.

I honestly don't know the mechanical side of things on this nor am I all that invested in balance conversations to really know all that well what most classes really need a spec to fix etc

That said I am hoping that this new generation of specs will be heavily Canthan inspired and feel very foreign compared to the core classes and the current 2 generations of elite specs which are more like enhancements to the core classes in many ways.

I guess what I'm saying is I kinda want them to almost feel like entirely new professions in a some ways.


Thirdly is Underwater content.

I think it is a pretty fair expectation at this point to see some significant upgrades to underwater content.

Shing Jea Island is surrounded by water.. the Jade Sea is or should be at least partly restored to water and Cantha itself is a giant island, not to mention the southern islands of Cantha as well.. and of course the elephant in the room that people keep speculating about, The Sea Dragon playing a big part in this expansion.

Basically what im getting at here is that there is a lot of potential if not straight up demand for Cantha to have a significant amount of underwater content.


While Gw2 does have by far the best underwater combat system of any MMO I or many others can name.. all of us can agree that this is an area of the game that has been very neglected over most of the games lifespan.

It very much needs some TLC prior to the release of this next expansion.. and I don't mean just balancing, im talking new usable skills, new usuable weapons, more build diversity in general and some kind of underwater mount to enhance mobility.

Cantha is going to demand some great underwater content and that content is going to demand some major improvements to underwater play.

I really want this to happen, I have been a big fan and a vocal supporter of more underwater content in Gw2 and there has never been a better time and place than our return to Cantha to make this happen.

I believe in you Anet ^^ after all these years please finally make this happen.


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Here are my realistic expectations:

1. New Elite Specs

2. 3-5 larger maps at launch with more coming via Living World like PoF did. Maybe we get Shing Jea as one, Kaineng gets 2, one older worn down area in the slums, one newer one to have to do with the changes over the last centuries. Facade made by govt vs reality of poverty the xenophobia brought, something like that. If we're lucky, a Jade Sea and Echovald map at launch, but I can see them leaving those to Living World episodes honestly.

3. Game changing mastery line. I don't know what this is. Sailing, housing, something else entirely.


I'm expecting no more than this. The game clearly isn't in "maintenance mode" like some people have said in the last few months, but it's also not got the resources to do EVERYTHING everyone wants.

- New race=nightmare for making armors, or has severely limited options compared to everyone else.

- New profession=balance nightmare, and does that mean some don't get elites? Does that one only get one elite, none at launch? It just makes more work long term.

- Underwater overhaul. Then what? redo an entire combat system to let us use it in new maps only? There's not enough underwater stuff worldwide to make this worth it, and I don't see it being SO GOOD that they make content for just underwater. The only thing I could MAYBE see is letting us use underwater weapons on land for some new elite specs and then from now on making new skins for them, maybe when a skin set is re-featured they can add spears and stuff to them.

- WvW. Different release cadence, doesn't coincide with xpacs in the past, don't think it will here, no crazy overhaul, just elite specs changing things up like they have before.

- PvP. Same. Probably a Canthan themed map later on down the line. MAYBE some system to call back to factions somehow, but I doubt it.


I think it'll be fantastic, but I don't think it's going to shift as much in the game as people think. I could be wrong, but I'm expecting an expansion. A third one at that. Not vanilla to first xpac that just changes everything and introduces tons of systems and such. Just an expansion.



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Realistically, new elite specs, maps, masteries, metas, armor & weapon sets are guaranteed as the underlying content with every expac shipped. Or at least something equivalent to or that can substitute these things at the very least.


But I believe Anet also aim to ship new features that has not ever been in the game with every expac release (sorry couldn't give source, but I kinda remember some devs interview about how expac should be "feature-rich" and ls releases are more content-oriented). My hope is that the next expac will introduce and expand life skills to the game. I left a comment in the announcement thread about a feature idea revolving around intercontinental trading. Thought it could be integrated with craftings and maybe new non-crafting skills (botany, farming, fishing whatever) and maybe a great way to have a new home that can be decorated in new continent.


Note that this is pretty far-fetched because it would have been a lot of things to add since some of the stuff I wrote below also involves in adding NPCs and some contents to the older maps, but I think it's still within the scope of the feature that might be added to an expac.


> @"ErickDntn.1847" said:


> **Feature Wishlist**


> Assuming the next expac will open up access to Cantha as well as free access to previous expansions (for players who don't already have them), I thought trading, trade route, sailing, ports, and caravansaries (basically** trade expeditions**) would be a neat addition. Lore wise, since many of the threats and constraints that had disturbed trade connection globally has been eliminated, intercontinental trading began to become popular again as each continent have developed their own specialties. Basically, move goods from one place and sell it to NPC in another place. Not gonna lie, I like the trading skills when playing BDO. It's a chill and immersive way to make money with minimum combat, but still allow you to interact with the world. I came up with a few features that might complement the idea:


> * **Craft continent-specific products**: crafting stations in each continent will have access to different recipes and trade goods. These trade goods can only be moved via transportations. This will also give crafting more opportunities to be a means of making bucks and maybe more cross-discipline production chains (e.g. wooden crates from huntsman to safely store your chef trade goods).

> * **Life skills**: life skills usually refer to fishing, botany, animal husbandry, cooking etc. Already got cooking, so maybe anet can add some other varieties of these skills. I've seen some discussion about these skills being part of mastery as well. Regardless these can complement the production chains towards crafting trade goods, or just crafting in general. I mean, we got garden plots, spear and swimming, and mini-games already. Maybe this is also more the case for player housing too? :lol:

> * **Caravan and mounts**: since we learn about the domestication of large animals as mounts, and physics :lol: , caravans will be a mean of moving trade goods through the land. You can't waypoint while on a caravan, but you can map-to-map travel through the border portals.

> * **Sailing**: Since different continents are disconnected in terms of land connections, the sea trade route would an option. That means there will be ocean-only maps that connects between one port to another to sail your ship, and perhaps some pirates roaming around. You can only embark/disembark trade goods on designated port and similar to the caravan, can't waypoint around on with your ship. If you don't properly dock your ship, after a certain time or when the map closes, your ship will be transferred to the last port it's docked. Why not airship you ask to begin with? Well, uuh, it's beacuse..., airship leaves too much carbon footprint and according to the Grove Convention, its uses other than for martial and emergency purposes are banned. Yes. That's canon.

> * **Ports**: where players dock their ships. Places like Lion's Arch, Amnoon, Kaineng etc. Items stored inside the ships docked here will never lost. Maybe allowing other players to sell/buy the goods stored as well idk.

> * **Caravansaries**: caravansaries are basically trading outposts that are located somewhere in various maps, new or existing. These caravansaries have top 10 requested trade goods based on megaserver-wide-based supply-demand and it's updated every 10-15 mins maybe. So it's possible for players to stack up certain imported goods in their ships on a port and deliver it with caravans when the time is right. These caravansaries can be an existing PoI like Eldvin Monastery but with trade goods officer NPCs. They are the ones who buy trade goods. When you sell imported goods, you might also have the options to trade them with 'local trade goods' with fewer liquid gold payment. These local goods can be sold to other trading outposts within the region with price based on the said supply/demand, or even just straight artificial one.

> * **Trade routes**: basically gps system. You can pre-plan your trade expedition, sequencing routes for your caravansary and port destinations.

> * **Bandit/pirates**: the higher the value of your trade routes, the higher the chance and more powerful bandits that might attack you.

> * **Escort contract**: Not really good at combat? You can create a contract with other players to escort your caravan (with gold as payments). The escort will be able to inspect the trade value. The contract ideally have some requirements like the escort have to be within the range of the caravan and cannot be further away for a certain time limit, otherwise the contract is nullified. Once the caravan made it to the destination, the contract will be honored.


> The reward for the trade expedition don't always have to be gold, could even be a currency for furniture or whatever. But the goal really is to add more variation into players' rotation, and while we have tp flipping, I thought trade expedition like this is more engaging and immersive because you get to travel and interact with the world again since waypointing is not possible during the expedition.


> Phew, these definitely stuffs that I just pulled out of my mind and not something that I've been thought of since the announcement that has been keeping me from sleeping :lol:



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Yeah, I really don't think anyone should be expecting Tengu, or any race for that matter, to be added as playable in this next expansion. The workload for that alone is not a simple thing, even if people want it to be. Temper those expectations, otherwise when we **do** get more information on the expansion and people got their hopes up based on **literally nothing** then all they are going to do is throw a fit on the forums and reddit.


Like the title of the thread reads, *realistic* wishlist/expectations.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> i'm gonna laugh so hard if its not actually cantha… oh man will be the biggest disappointment for all of you but I will RELISH in it. i'm hopeless like that.


> I think they're gonna go all out on this one. 3 new professions.


Haha I can understand why you would but with so many direct links to Cantha right now and even a Dev locking a Canthan thread on here and linking directly to the 3rd expansion news Anet has effectively confirmed it's Cantha lol

Still there's always a small chance it's not though so who knows you could be right xD

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I hope we actually get an expansion. That’s my realistic expectation.


WvW player here still waiting to hear about alliances. Thinking this teaser accomplished what they wanted hype train with the dangle of a carrot. I’ll be ecstatic if it happens in the next 2 years. But to be honest,‘I don’t truly believe it... again waiting in communication about alliances.

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