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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > I say take away there teleports completely.


    No thanks. Mesmers are already slow and have very little movement skills. If it wasnt for their blinks/portal theyd be one of the least mobile classes, second only to necro. And they nerfed portal.


    > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > Everyone has there own reasons for hating mesmers. From the kind of stills they have to there play style they use. But the most common defense mesmers players have is l2p....why is that?


    Probably because people 3v1 them and die. Mesmers are light armor. They have some toxic mechanics sure, but not anything that can allow them to 3v1 and win outside of excessive skill disparity.


  2. > @"Parkley.8270" said:

    > So is it even worth trying?



    > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > Nope. Everyone is in the same queue.




    Its worth trying still. Some core builds are very effective, and the elite specs are slowly getting their benefits shaved so core can do things they cant. You can do some good work in pvp even with the base game. Mes, Ranger, Thief, War, Guard have solid core options, and Ele is half decent. Engineer and Necro core are harder to use.

  3. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > Oh look. Thief's a side noder.


    > Well in OPs defense the Staff Build is much more of a side-noder than decapper or +1er, just not a viable one compared to Holo or Warrior.


    See above post for the joke.

  4. > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > Thief will usually EVENTUALLY win an encounter with mirage sure, because they are the counter to mesmer in general. But **Mirage WANTS the thief to fight them 1v1 for an extended amount of time, why? Because then they're not around the map forcing rotations.**


    This is why I am not super upset about CI right now.

    CI mirage is a time waster. it cant chase, it cant burst. It can only kill people who choose to fight it, its slow going to points, and it dies hard to +1.

    That's fine by me. Condi mesmer should have been time waster/AOE slowdown from the beginning.


  5. If you wipe 500-80, it isn't the Mesmer's fault.

    If a Mesmer is 1v3ing you and manages to win, it -definitely- isn't the Mesmer's fault.


    There's a difference between overpowered class mechanics and being outplayed. It isnt the mesmers fault three of your teammates fought one guy for 20 seconds and then managed to wipe vs that mesmer. That's extremely poor team play. the remaining two players who were elsewhere must have been eaten alive because of that, and that's why you guys got steamrolled.


    You can be frustrated, but that wasn't an example of being carried by a class. It takes extreme player skill coupled with a novice team strategy on the opposing side to kite 3 people around for a third of a minute and then __win.__


    If you think something on mesmer is busted, specify exactly what it is. Saying "it carried a team because we 3v1d it and all died", especially now, says more about your team than about the mesmer.


    > @"alain.1659" said:

    > As I have just relized that people lack this knowledge which has been a common thing (at least for me), I want to give you a good tip. Please use the previous enemy function in the game to deal with mesmers better. Rest is a combination of l2p and imbalancedness of condi mirage.


    That function doesn't work properly. Previous enemy will give you an arbitrary target somewhere in your line of sight if you havent willfully deselected the target yourself. stealth and drop target cannot be mitigated by this.

  6. > @"Chiral.8915" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > There's no hard counter, but there's a few soft counters.

    > >

    > > Acrobatics thief running Don't Stop. Smoke screen is a big +. Don't stop melts immob off you and puts pressure on mirage. use your weapon set of choice but try to take roll for init/withdraw to drop out of Chaos Storm. If you take daredevil, you can mitigate the damage loss from losing Deadly Arts by using Havoc specialist. If you run Deadeye, replace Acrobatics with Shadow Arts. I wouldnt recommend fighting a mirage with Deadeye though, unless you're insane and running a weird D/P build. and even so, the potential for instadowning the mesmer with that is impractical because youll be losing the point the whole time you're setting up.

    > >

    > > Condi Revenant running Pulsating pestilence and Mallyx/Glint, but you need to play it perfectly. Use reflect on swap and facet of chaos while channeling Mallyx to push condis out onto clones and mesmer, banish their boons. CI mes has low cleanse and puts out conditions automatically on daze, so they tend to kill themselves if they suddenly find those on them. torment on a mirage is good.

    > >

    > > Berserker running outrage and rousing resilience. Take Eternal Champion if you want, but you don't need to. Also, Defiant Stance lets you walk on mirages for 4 seconds, and if nothing else they will burn their dodges trying to not die from that. You will also need to play this perfectly and be ready to run the moment you dont have the right rotation setup to kill them.

    > >

    > > Any condi oriented necromancer. be sure to have a better heal than consume conditions. They will power lock you every time if they are half decent.

    > >

    > > I dislike Mirages and Mesmers, but there's workarounds right now. If they want to use staff to be annoying, that's fine by me. There's a bunch of weird, non meta builds that work against that.

    > >

    > > Chaotic Interruption needs a nerf, but it isnt as egregious as old chronobunker, prenerf post rework phantasm chrono, or pre nerf Evasive mirror condi mirage. I wouldnt even venture to say it is as overpowered as prenerf rampage. 1200 range instant cast daze is annoying though. That needs to be made a projectile so people can see it, or have its range reduced to where thief's headshot is.

    > >

    > > Oh, and the most important thing:

    > >

    > > _If you find yourself in Chaos Storm and dont have a stunbreak that moves you out of Chaos storm, and get immobed, dont press buttons. wait the immob out and leave._


    > Thanks for this post. Very insightful. quick questions...I have a soft spot for meme builds so the Condi rev has my interest. I don't have much experience with rev so my question is why is condi rev so bad in PVP or why does it have to be played perfectly? On paper, rev looks like it has a lot of tools? looking a build like this


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApXmn3geNSuQvJRboHlsP0kS4I6SJ4EtrkFUlhtolmy+81nPNgCaA-jZRHAB+XGg5DBgR7PIwTAAgTAAA


    It's bad in pvp because the entire condi dealing side of it is slow and Mallyx's stunbreak drains your energy significantly. Any interruption chain when you are not channeling shiro can devastate a revenant, and that goes doubly so for Mallyx. It is absolutely not a press-buttons legend.. You will need to avoid all hard CC actively and use your main condi damaging skills (from mace, ideally) when you have a low chance of being interrupted. If you get interrupted you have to abandon all of your damage dealing in order to breakstun, or die. That being said, if you lean properly on Embrace the darkness in mallyx, you can discourage any melee-range interruptions.


    There is a very fine balance to play mallyx without being completely shut down, especially because all of its casts can be interrupted and your stunbreak drains your energy. But if you do it right you can burn even warriors running cleanse on swap. Thats why you need to play it perfect vs mes. because they can interrupt anything they want on you in mallyx.

  7. There's no hard counter, but there's a few soft counters.


    Acrobatics thief running Don't Stop. Smoke screen is a big +. Don't stop melts immob off you and puts pressure on mirage. use your weapon set of choice but try to take roll for init/withdraw to drop out of Chaos Storm. If you take daredevil, you can mitigate the damage loss from losing Deadly Arts by using Havoc specialist. If you run Deadeye, replace Acrobatics with Shadow Arts. I wouldnt recommend fighting a mirage with Deadeye though, unless you're insane and running a weird D/P build. and even so, the potential for instadowning the mesmer with that is impractical because youll be losing the point the whole time you're setting up.


    Condi Revenant running Pulsating pestilence and Mallyx/Glint, but you need to play it perfectly. Use reflect on swap and facet of chaos while channeling Mallyx to push condis out onto clones and mesmer, banish their boons. CI mes has low cleanse and puts out conditions automatically on daze, so they tend to kill themselves if they suddenly find those on them. torment on a mirage is good.


    Berserker running outrage and rousing resilience. Take Eternal Champion if you want, but you don't need to. Also, Defiant Stance lets you walk on mirages for 4 seconds, and if nothing else they will burn their dodges trying to not die from that. You will also need to play this perfectly and be ready to run the moment you dont have the right rotation setup to kill them.


    Any condi oriented necromancer. be sure to have a better heal than consume conditions. They will power lock you every time if they are half decent.


    I dislike Mirages and Mesmers, but there's workarounds right now. If they want to use staff to be annoying, that's fine by me. There's a bunch of weird, non meta builds that work against that.


    Chaotic Interruption needs a nerf, but it isnt as egregious as old chronobunker, prenerf post rework phantasm chrono, or pre nerf Evasive mirror condi mirage. I wouldnt even venture to say it is as overpowered as prenerf rampage. 1200 range instant cast daze is annoying though. That needs to be made a projectile so people can see it, or have its range reduced to where thief's headshot is.


    Oh, and the most important thing:


    _If you find yourself in Chaos Storm and dont have a stunbreak that moves you out of Chaos storm, and get immobed, dont press buttons. wait the immob out and leave._

  8. > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > Does anyone seriously think that, down the road when every class has 4-5 elite spec (if we ever get there), that people won't play the elite spec designed to fulfill a certain role, but instead play a core build that doesn't really excell at anything? People talk about how trade offs are good so that elite specs won't be a necessarry upgrade, but I don't picture core builds ever being relevant once every profession has a handfull of choices to go with.


    You're basing that opinion on a presumption of what is going to happen to core (namely, that it will become irrelevant) if we get more elite specs, despite the fact that the balance changes are currently specifically working to counteract that presumption.


    So what are you saying, exactly? Anet devs are making the core builds excel at specific things with the tradeoff patches. The core builds will always be at least marginally relevant, because new players start with those builds. If absolutely nothing else, players will be using those to venture into pvp, and if I were a new player I would definitely like to not have to purchase an Xpack just to be relevant in the competitive scene.


    If Arenanet can keep them relevant and have each of them fill a specific niche of play, then more power to them. Just because you think it -can't- be done doesn't mean they can't try.

  9. Holo is punished for performing badly, but good performance still has that seamless DPS/Survivability pairing. You can fix that by increasing the heat gain on certain forge skills, easily. Make them play with forge tapping a bit harder than they are now.

    CI Mirage is plain obnoxious. I hate to keep vouching for Mes/Mirage nerfs, but these toxic builds keep surfacing.


    They are both overperforming but not to egregious levels, IMO. Holosmiths still need a damage shave, Chaotic interruption may need a shave to immob uptime.


    Soulbeast being blockable is good. Thief QoL is good. Rampage nerf is good.


    That being said, Im not gonna vote. those two classes are not performing so strongly that they are unfightable as it currently stands, so I don't think it needs to be done ASAP. Ofc, I am open to changing my mind about that given new information.


    Also, BEFORE you touch mirage or CI, make sure that Elusive mind is an actual defensive choice. right now the exhaustion is too heavy for what it provides. They can already dodge while stunned so make EM do something else, or remove their dodge-while-stunned baseline and then shave the exhaustion on EM so they consider taking it. A condi cleanse on an ICD might just pull some people off of IH.

  10. > @"Flandre.2870" said:

    > The whole "elite specs must have a drawback" thing is only alineating even more playres from the game.


    Nah. Tradeoffs are fine. They give people a reason to play core over making them feel like they're just watered down versions of elites.

    I approve of that design choice. It reduces mechanic stacking and makes sure that classes each have specific, built in and predictable drawbacks instead of allowing classes to be built in such a way that their elites can cover their core weaknesses.

    I'm absolutely sure the players that have not made a decision to buy an X-pack yet will mostly enjoy this change when it comes to competitive builds in pvp, also.


    Every class should have a weakness. Thats how we build a healthy meta. Once they've finished with balancing in that way, they can look at underperforming core or elites and adjust those as needed. I hated the whiplash on DD and Zerker initially, but I've adapted.



  11. > @"King xiuras.3615" said:

    > Is this the epitome of fun?


    > Two guys decided to roll to mirage mesmer before the game even started. My team had to face two condi evading thieves with interrupts and 3 mirage mesmers.


    > Anet, play some pvp games and tell us if you still enjoy fighting this kind of builds? I bet ya won't....


    > https://i.imgur.com/FWa4Bn7.jpg


    *snorts* ezmoney


    > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


    > Lol its thief players trying to make use of the trait changes on DA and SA, they wont be a problem due to the traits mostly being underwhelming. But their trying to be positive about it so theres that lol


    Thieves aren't despairing, **somethings WRONG**

  12. I am convinced, at this point, that the balance discussion team is inclusive of at least one person who dislikes Necros so much that they become physically allergic to any timeline where Necro approaches even a semblance of sustainable. The moment it hits the threshold of not being absolutely free the moment it is out of life force, someone on the dev team has the hairs on the back of their neck stand on end and the next balance patch they remove it.


    Every time they give necro a buff, however slight, the very next patch they undo that same buff by reworking in such a way that the buff is undone, or by overtly removing the change to the traits.


    This happened with the change to Deathly Chill.

    Chilling Victory too.

    Happened with Soul Barbs and the respective removal of spectral skill cd reduction.

    Happened with cold shoulder.


    Now soul eater. Slowly but surely, the overarching theme of these nerfs is "Necro cannot have sustain. Necros skill CDs cannot be reduced."

    Then you expect them to put up a fight against Mesmers, Warriors, Engineers....'


    Look guys. If you want Reaper to be a glassy bursty thing, that's fine. but necros need at least some semblance of sustain that doesnt require them to jump through the very meticulous, playstyle shuttering hoops that the current Blood magic line affords them. Stop shaving their sustain and not giving anything back.

  13. > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > > Cant really think of any reason to use a 1 way 5 person portal in spvp.

    > > >

    > > > To take the big hunky warrior back with you to far once the opposing necro with no LF thinks its okay to stand there.

    > > > To rescue that trouble guard by porting him to top of clocktower

    > > > Instant decap

    > > >

    > >

    > > see? someone can see the potential. thank you.

    > Surprise boulders from nowhere.Depends on the cd as well




    Precast rampage


    go through portal


    Stealth rampage opener


  14. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Cant really think of any reason to use a 1 way 5 person portal in spvp.


    To take the big hunky warrior back with you to far once the opposing necro with no LF thinks its okay to stand there.

    To rescue that trouble guard by porting him to top of clocktower

    Instant decap


  15. I play everything, but as of right now I only know Thief, Warrior, Revenant, and Necromancer at a high level.


    The other classes I am in the process of finding builds I like that work and are also unique while still being effective.


    I play:


    GS/SwordShield Berserker

    S/P / Staff Daredevil

    Mace/Shield / Sword/Axe Herald

    GS/ Axe/Focus Reaper


    I am working on:


    Shortbox / X Druid

    D/D weaver

    Sword/Focus / GD Dragonhunter

    Sword/Focus /GS Mesmer (Chrono/Mirage/Core determinant)

    Sword/Shield Holosmith


  16. Its No, but with an asterisk.

    No. all tiers should be included,**but only relative to the skill brackets and with other factors that need to be taken into consideration.**


    Balancing for extreme high level play is important, but so is balance for low level play. You cannot balance only for high level play, because the game isnt only populated by high level players. new blood supports the playerbase, and if the divide between the skill level required for entry and the skill level for high level play is too wide because certain oneshot builds are unbalanced, you're going to have people sooner quit than struggle their way beyond it.


    The skill curve and the respective balance for each tier needs to be gradual. Any walls cause player retention to drop. When balancing any class, any trait, or any combination thereof, It is critical that the developers ask themselves the following:


    1. **How difficult is this (skill/class/playstyle) to fight compared to how easy it is to stay alive while using it?** (Classes that are difficult to fight should also die much more easily than classes that are easy to fight/have blatant telegraphs.)

    2. **How difficult is it to understand that (skill/class/playstyle) killed you because of X,Y,Z?**

    3. **Was there a telegraph you didn't dodge?** How much time do you have to react to (skill/class/playstyle) before you die?**

    4. **was there situational information to let you know that this was going to kill you that you ignored?**

    5. **Would you be able to understand what killed you after 5,10,50,100 encounters?**

    6.**If you understand it, is there some playstyle change you can make that doesnt involve changing your entire kit or playing a specific build that would make it easier to fight that (skill/class/playstyle)?**


    Those questions should be asked on every single skill tier of PVP. Being skilled doesn't entitle you to any playstyle or build that gives the opponent no reasonable chance to counter/kill you.


    There's always going to be people that complain, there's always going to be people that run into a brick wall skillwise and would sooner blame the wall than their own actions. what matters is how much preparation or training it takes to understand that you're running into a brick wall. If you can make that clearer to the players so they can find a way around that without necessarily removing the wall, you should always do that.


    > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > For example, YES, if you invest a lot of time into this game, then "finding the right mesmer in the sea of clones is easy". But for most players, this isn't fun at all.


    Lets take this as an example. Is finding a mesmer/telling it apart from a clone easy for a new player? no. That doesnt necessarily mean you should remove clones from the game, but you might want to consider how often that mesmer can apply disabling/harassing conditions or how quickly that mesmer can kill unless it sacrifices most of its defense to do so, and even then there should be clear indicators that you are about to be hit by big damage if you're paying attention. Otherwise the people who want to learn how to fight mesmer are going to find themselves frustrated before they find any progress.

  17. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > (I don't think it will have an impact on the type of discourse we see in the forums; it's probably worth doing for its own sake.)




    @"mortrialus.3062" So "Forum Warriors" is taken but I did nab:


    Don't Flip Your Skritt[DONT]


    and have some ideas for some less acerbic ones / things including the word forum that I can mess with.


    theres probably room for a kitten joke there

  18. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > > Mean it's not ranked, does not give any rewards except dailies.

    > > >

    > > > I have a tiny kitten guild that wants to level its guildhall and we hate PvP as PvErs.

    > > > We thought playing together against eachother might be more fun than fighting strangers but we have a timely restricted time that costs gold to play together.

    > > > Seriously? It's not even a number if matches its a number of days that counts down. Due to RL we cannot play each day so the 30 day countdown is highly insufficient to gather daily pvp potions.

    > > >

    > > > Has anyone a clue why these restrictions were put onto privat/custom matches? It honestly puzzles me.

    > > >

    > >

    > > There's probably a limited pool of space for arenas / Anet doesnt want hotjoin flooded with a sea of arenas that would be one and done or never used, so they allow them to expire so only people who can bother to upkeep will.


    > They could just make it like an instanced option you could choose with your squad without making it public.


    why would they do that? PVP matches are usually 5v5s, in customs even more. It would be easier to just set up a room and then organize that way. That way bans are more enforceable and you dont have to remove everyone from an instance to restructure or reset.


    also keep in mind that there would be, if that was allowed, numerous instances of 1v1 rooms. It might have become a performance issue.

  19. > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > I've played Mesmer / Mirage for a long time and even I still really struggle finding the right target sometimes. I hate the "last target" keybind because it's buggy.


    This by the way, devs can you look at "last target" to make sure "last target" only hits "last target" and not some random person nearby if "last target" decides to stealth again?


    Lets face that we need to tab cycle or click, because last target rarely does what it says it will do unless you drop the target yourself.

  20. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"kronnokos.6913" said:


    > >

    > > thanks for making this topic tho i feel blessed.

    > >

    > > git gud omegalul btw ur a renegade it counters condies for sure int he random arena free for all mode u can have a big advantage :/

    > >

    > > some people say that mesmer is kitten and i tell u its fuckign right howevere if uts so kitten + u put a skilled player behin dit u just get demolished so its not just because i play mesmer it might also be cuz i'm playign at a higher tier of games than most.

    > >

    > > Deuces lads omegalul


    > Excuse me, what language is this?


    Its PVP speak

    You would learn it if you had /team on. Instead of having chat off like a __Sane__ person.

  21. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > Mean it's not ranked, does not give any rewards except dailies.


    > I have a tiny kitten guild that wants to level its guildhall and we hate PvP as PvErs.

    > We thought playing together against eachother might be more fun than fighting strangers but we have a timely restricted time that costs gold to play together.

    > Seriously? It's not even a number if matches its a number of days that counts down. Due to RL we cannot play each day so the 30 day countdown is highly insufficient to gather daily pvp potions.


    > Has anyone a clue why these restrictions were put onto privat/custom matches? It honestly puzzles me.



    There's probably a limited pool of space for arenas / Anet doesnt want hotjoin flooded with a sea of arenas that would be one and done or never used, so they allow them to expire so only people who can bother to upkeep will.

  22. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:



    > ## Elementalist


    Not enough knowledge to comment on ele atm


    > ## Engineer

    > The refocus on barrier led us to the removal of the Rapid Regeneration trait, which was offering too much health recovery while remaining protected by barrier.




    > * Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.


    Woah. You sure?



    > ## Guardian


    Seems fine, lets see what happens live.


    > ## Mesmer

    > In this update, we are revisiting the chronomancer specialization and adding a tradeoff in the form of new chronomancer shatters. These shatters behave differently than core mesmer shatters and gain extra properties in exchange for requiring more planning to use properly. Furthermore, we are reducing the number of shatters from 5 back down to 4 in order to match the other mesmer specializations.




    > Dune Cloak for the mirage specialization is also undergoing a minor rework to make it more utility focused in order to differentiate it from the more offense-focused Infinite Horizon and the defense-focused Elusive Mind.




    Not that I think Elusive mind should be able to stunbreak without penalty, but the way things stand now EM is too detrimental to take over IH at this time, given that you can dodge while stunned as a mirage and avoid follow ups anyway.


    > * Illusions: The illusion counter that tracks clones now decrements immediately when a shatter is cast rather than waiting for the clones to be destroyed.


    visual spam ahoy.


    > * Speed of Sand: Instead of granting superspeed when dodging, this trait instead causes Mirage Cloak to grant +66% movement speed.


    > * Shatter Skills: Mesmers who are using the chronomancer specialization now receive new shatters that replace the four core shatters. Chronomancer shatters require at least 1 clone to activate, and unlike core shatters they do not replicate the shatter effect on the mesmer.




    > * Split Second: This skill replaces and inherits traits from Mind Wrack. This skill deals damage for each clone shattered with additional bonus damage when striking slowed foes.

    > * Rewinder: This skill replaces and inherits traits from Cry of Frustration. This skill deals damage and inflicts confusion for each clone shattered. Additionally, it recharges itself by 5 seconds for each clone shattered.

    > * Time Sink: This skill replaces and inherits traits from Diversion. This skill dazes foes and applies 2 seconds of slow for each clone shattered.

    > * Continuum Shift: This skill now replaces distortion in the F4 slot instead of taking the F5 slot. Additionally, it applies 1 second of distortion when cast. Duration has been rescaled based on the number of clones to 3/4.5/6 seconds. This skill now specifies that it cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.


    -blur is fine. Lets see how it works.


    > * Dune Cloak: This trait has been reworked and new visual effects have been added. It now attacks at the end of Mirage Cloak rather than the beginning. Additionally, its damage has been increased by 100%, and instead of inflicting bleeding it now removes a boon from up to 5 foes on hit. The mirage gains a copy of any boon removed.


    Good. Telegraphs are good.



    > ## Necromancer

    > While reapers were designed to be durable frontline fighters, the Soul Eater trait is providing a little too much survivability, so we're removing the ability for this trait to heal while in a shroud-


    Sure about that?


    > ## Ranger

    > In this update we've made some reductions to tone down the strength of some soulbeast PvP and WvW builds.

    > * "Sic 'Em!": Reduced the bonus damage applied to a merged soulbeast from 40% to 25% in PvP and WvW only. Damage bonus for pets remains unchanged. Fixed a bug that caused this skill to not grant the listed movement-speed bonus.

    > * Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer grants an unblockable boon. Instead, it removes movement-impairing conditions in addition to its previous effect of stunbreaking when activating beastmode.


    Very good. *applause*


    > ## Revenant


    > * Impossible Odds: Instead of pulsing superspeed, this skill now increases your movement speed by 50%. Reduced damage of the secondary strike by 19% in PvP only.


    Hmm. Okay.


    > * Shackling Wave: Reduced the damage of secondary strikes by 20% in PvP and WvW.


    Very Good.


    > * Deathstrike: This skill no longer chills or slows.


    Very Good.



    > * Unyielding Anguish: This skill has been reworked and renamed Call to Anguish. It is now a leap finisher skill that pulls foes to the center of your landing point and chills them. This skill has an energy cost of 35 and a 5-second recharge.

    > * Embrace the Darkness: This skill is now a mobile dark field. Increased recharge to 10 seconds. This skill no longer grants a stat increase and is no longer unblockable and unblindable. The amount of torment applied per pulse is unchanged, but using a skill that costs energy now increases the stacks of torment applied on the next pulse by 2. This skill now deals a small amount of damage each pulse.


    **Extremely good.**


    > ## Thief


    > * Dagger Storm: Reduced the casting time by 30%. Increased damage by 33% in PvE only.


    Did think it needed to be faster. Fine.


    > * Smoke Screen: This skill now creates a ring instead of a line.


    **extremely good.** I worked this into my kit recently and was having success.



    > * Prepare Shadow Portal: This new skill will mark your current location with shadow magic.

    > * Shadow Portal: This new skill will unleash the shadow magic at your prepared location, creating a one-way portal that you and your allies can take. Allies traveling through the portal will be granted stealth, and foes around the portal's exit will be weakened. This skill is split between game modes, allowing 5 allies through in PvE and WvW, while only allowing one ally through in PvP.





    > * Shadow Arts: Shadow Arts traits have been reworked and moved. The new traits are as follows.

    > * _Minor_

    > * Concealing Restoration: With this new trait, casting your heal skill grants 2 seconds of stealth.


    Good. ICD? be careful of synergy with improvisation.


    > * Meld with Shadows: In addition to extending the duration of stealth, this trait now also increases movement speed while in stealth by 50%.

    > * Shadow Siphoning : This new trait causes all stealth attacks to siphon health if they hit. Cannot occur more than once per second per target hit.


    How much health are we talking? Stealth attacks cause revealed, so this will only scale well with rifle.


    > * _Adept_

    > * Merciful Ambush: This trait has been moved to the adept tier. It no longer increases revive speed and instead causes applying stealth to an ally to heal and revive them over 3 seconds.





    > * Cloaked in Shadow: This trait no longer grants immunity to critical hits. Instead it causes blinding a foe to siphon health.\


    Interesting. How much?


    > * Rending Shade: This trait no longer reduces damage from boonless foes. Instead it inflicts fear in a small area if it hits a boonless foe.


    Haha we have more fear than necros.


    > ## Warrior


    > * Headbutt: This skill now removes all stacks of stability when casting and does 50% more damage if stability was removed.




    > * Rampage: Changed recharge to 120 seconds in all game modes. This skill no longer grants bonus toughness. Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively.


    Good, but it could have had some tweaking to skills too. The CC chain is also a problem.


    > * Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW.


    I'll need to see how it feels but this doesn't seem situationally like a big damage boost.


    > * King of Fires: Detonating a fire aura now deals damage in addition to burning.


    How much damage?


    All in all, good patch. Major things addressed but __are you sure you didnt break holo?__ __are you sure you need to hit reaper survivability?__

    Wary about mesmer performance. Will see how that goes.

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