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5 minute traits have still NOT been reworked. What gives?


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Yes. I love final shielding for open world. It's a fantastic emergency passive on a very reasonable 60 second CD. That is until you step into competitive modes and you're slapped with a 300 second CD. Okay, no problem. I'll just choose another trait. Unfortunately, neither of those traits is worthy of the second tier either because you nerfed the other great trait in the tier into irrelevancy, too! Good job!



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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> **[Hunter's Determination](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter%27s_Determination)** is one example. It's been months since the big balance patch. So many things not addressed... this is unacceptable. The upcoming balance patch looks :s


These will not be fixed, probably ever. Remember, many of these were already given longer CDs in the past as place holder to be fixed later. It did not happen then In like 3 years. It won’t now. Did you see this upcoming Balance patch? It is fucking pathetic. Do you expect the current devs to have the knowledge or put the effort in changing like 2 dozen traits? I do not think so.

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Well at least the rest of the traits on the same tier are not dumpster fire like for example defense on warrior it has 2 dead traits in it and the master traits are useless. The mace trait is funny it doesn't buff mainhand mace almost at all(yey cooldown) since it doesn't buff the burst skill and the burst skill doesn't do damage in pvp.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> **[Hunter's Determination](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter%27s_Determination)** is one example. It's been months since the big balance patch. So many things not addressed... this is unacceptable. The upcoming balance patch looks :s


They won't rework the 5min cd ones due to then they would have to rework them in PvE. They won't sacrifice pve stuff for pvp.

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because of laziness,

its the same thing we saw in GW1 with smiter's boon, (which was nerfed so bad that the term "Smite booning" became a thing.)

rather than reworking it or even attempting to balance it, they just make it so absurdly bad that they're pretty much removing it from the game.

incredibly bad design philosophy imho.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> The games better off with these traits being useless in PvP/WvW. I have no idea why the skills team added these terrible traits to the game over time, but they are not fun to fight and thus should remain useless.


... added them over time? You are aware the vast majority of these traits has been around since the very *start* of the game, right?

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> The games better off with these traits being useless in PvP/WvW. I have no idea why the skills team added these terrible traits to the game over time, but they are not fun to fight and thus should remain useless.


Except that now you have certain professions with less traits than others for no legitimate reason. These traits should be reworked, the entire reason why they nerfed them to oblivion was to rework them later.

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