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Watch the trailer for "Jormag Rising"!

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

>Oh really? Were the Charr on the verge of extinction before this episode?

Its been mentioned several times that, had the Charr not had the humans of Ascalon, ghosts, and Flame Legion, to fight, they would have turned on each other in civil war after freeing themselves from the Flame Legion. The Charr's stability has always been paper thin. That's been a big thing about them for a long time.

>All of a sudden the Charr who are one of the strongest races in GW2 is under imminent danger of their society collapsing? Give me a break. The Charr strive on conflict. It makes them stronger not weaker. To us humans, that way of life might seem self destructive. But the Charr are not humans and they even beat back the humans for their land.

That isn't how reality works. Conflict is only a means to an end, but the Charr have no end goal in sight beyond more conflict. Charr history has been nothing but them fighting, and nearly destroying, themselves until the Khan-Ur came around, untied the tribes, and directed that violence elsewhere. But that only works so long as the Charr have an enemy to fight, and, inevitably, there will come a day when they don't. When that day comes, they have only two choices, either come to terms with peace as an option, or turn back on themselves out of need for a fight like they were before the first Khan-Ur. I've written about this before, but this is really no different then the Klingons from Star Trek, and this whole Charr story is really not that different then Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The Charr much come to terms with the fact that their society is fundamentally unsustainable. The Khan-Ur's redirection of this rage to outside forces was only a temporary solution. Conflict always destroys more then it creates, you can only lose in war, and no society can persist solely on war.


Also, the Charr failed to drive back humanity, even after the Searing. Humanity lost Ascalon because Adelbern went mad, and ghost nuked the whole place. And even then, they spent over 200 years failing to take Ebonhawke.

>We are not even given the option to choose whether to side with him or not.

Why would we?

>If anyone is committing genocide, its the commander who had no business in Charr society and yet massacred hordes of Charr.

Except the Untied Legions are allies of the four other major species, and actively asked for help in the battle against Bangar. Not to mention Bangar's brutal, and unnecessary, massacre of the Human, Norn, and Tengu, settlements in Drizzlewood would cause other to become justifiably involved. And the fact Bangar is effectively under the control of an Elder Dragon, a threat to all five species, and the Pact exists specifically to fight this threat.

>Crecia's decisions on the other hand are not criticized and she faces no consequences for them.

Except she does. Her inability to decide over protecting her child, and helping the United Charr legions, leads to her protect Smodur when Ryland tries to go after him, which in turn makes Ryland give up on any pretense of negotiations. Smodur is an idiot for doing what he did, but the game makes it clear that, in many ways, Crecia is just as, if not more so, at fault for this whole thing in the first place. Had she picked one side or the other, none of this would have happened.

>How many months has it been since the saga started?

10 months

>Why would we even think that Jormag is a threat when the episode has not shown him to be one?... Nothing indicates he is one or that he is even powerful to be a threat.

You mean besides the fact Jormag is the one behind literally everything that has happened in the Saga thus far, from the massacre at Jora's Keep, the mental breakdown of the Kodan, and the entire Charr Civil War that has brought Tyria's most powerful species to its knees? Jormag has proven itself more effective at being a threat, despite doing little directly, then any of the other Elder Dragons did. If the only thing that represents power, or threat, to you is big smashy armies, you have a narrow definition of power/threat.

>Forget Bangar and the Charr, Aurene has been missing for everything else. Btw wasn't our main objective to catch up with Bangar? Why isn't Aurene helping with that? Why isn't Aurene telling us something about Jormag?

A. Aurene already talked about this at the end of "Shadow in the Ice". Bangar is just one thread of many, killing him solves, and changes, nothing.

B. Aurene also mentions that, while you may see her in the eye, she is also in the Mists repairing the massive damage caused by Kralk there.

C. Why would Aurene know anything about Jormag in the first place? She got Kralkatorik's power, not all his knowledge.

>Are you talking about a Journal? I am talking about actual in game missions that show us what happened. With Visions of the past, we should be able to play as the Norn who fight alongside the spirits and then perish. This would actually showcase Jormag's strength and cunning. What we have right now is a story which we end in 2 hours.

Playing that situation would show us nothing that Jormag's actions with Bangar, Jora's Keep, and the Kodan at Still Water speaking, haven't shown us already.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> >Show us the cunning of Jormag,

> I would argue this whole story has been nothing but that.


> Unlike the other Elder Dragons thus far, who have generally come at us using almost exclusivity brute force methods, Jormag has taken the exact opposite approach throughout this story. Its been manipulating everyone in the Far Shiverpeaks into destroying themselves, be it by making the Vigil garrison at Jora's Keep turn on each other, or by using the whispers to lure the Kodan out to their doom one by one, or even everything its done with Bangar, manipulating his fear of the other races to cause him to create a big civil war, which has caused the Charr to implode on themselves.


> Jormag has managed to systemically annihilate any sort of organized resistance in the far north, without even having to really lift a finger. Whereas the other Elder Dragons have failed to achieve a similar level of success, even with the use of much larger forces. Not to mention the revelation that Jormag was able to completely play Asgeir into giving up the fight, when he most likely could have won.


> Jormag's cunning has been prevalent throughout the narrative. Its pretty much the basis of the narrative.


Sure we see what Jormag did with the Vigil, but so far his influence has not been seen anywhere south, so again is Jormag even a threat? I think even the writers realize this and that is why they introduced Bangar who is the foreseeable threat. But Bangar is not as compelling as Jormag and let us be honest, we are going to beat Bangar at the end of the day. The real interesting part is how we will deal with Jormag as we cannot just kill him as it would make things worse. So to break it down, we have a Charr who is going to lose all support in the war and a dragon whose influence seems to be limited to the north. The Charr and Bangar could be a real problem if they succeed but I do not see that happening. If Bangar and the dominion forces actually win the war then I will take back everything I just said and the plot becomes a lot more interesting.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Tazer.2157" said:


> That isn't how reality works. Conflict is only a means to an end, but the Charr have no end goal in sight beyond more conflict. Charr history has been nothing but them fighting, and nearly destroying, themselves until the Khan-Ur came around, untied the tribes, and directed that violence elsewhere. But that only works so long as the Charr have an enemy to fight, and, inevitably, there will come a day when they don't. When that day comes, they have only two choices, either come to terms with peace as an option, or turn back on themselves out of need for a fight like they were before the first Khan-Ur. I've written about this before, but this is really no different then the Klingons from Star Trek, and this whole Charr story is really not that different then Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The Charr much come to terms with the fact that their society is fundamentally unsustainable. The Khan-Ur's redirection of this rage to outside forces was only a temporary solution. Conflict always destroys more then it creates, you can only lose in war, and no society can persist solely on war.


When did the game turn into a Miss Universe pageant? " I wish for world peace".. The nations with the most advanced armies always win. Besides the Charr are more than capable of not fighting as shown by the Olmakhan. This tells me that the Charr are not some crazed maniacs who will turn on themselves when they run out of enemies. That is just ridiculous and quite frankly underestimating the Charr.



> >We are not even given the option to choose whether to side with him or not.

> Why would we?

Because we play as the commander. You wanted the brutality of war. Then you should know that in war we make tough decisions. It should be the players choice on what tactics to use in war.


> >If anyone is committing genocide, its the commander who had no business in Charr society and yet massacred hordes of Charr.

> Except the Untied Legions are allies of the four other major species, and actively asked for help in the battle against Bangar. Not to mention Bangar's brutal, and unnecessary, massacre of the Human, Norn, and Tengu, settlements in Drizzlewood would cause other to become justifiably involved. And the fact Bangar is effectively under the control of an Elder Dragon, a threat to all five species, and the Pact exists specifically to fight this threat.


The humans, Tengu and the Norn can defend themselves. The commander is not the police force of Tyria. My main concern as the commander should be the elder dragons. Jormag should be my priority, not the fate of the Charr. We do not see the humans, tengu or Norn in the civil war, yet we see the commander forgetting about Jormag and killing Charr.


> >Crecia's decisions on the other hand are not criticized and she faces no consequences for them.

> Except she does. Her inability to decide over protecting her child, and helping the United Charr legions, leads to her protect Smodur when Ryland tries to go after him, which in turn makes Ryland give up on any pretense of negotiations. Smodur is an idiot for doing what he did, but the game makes it clear that, in many ways, Crecia is just as, if not more so, at fault for this whole thing in the first place. Had she picked one side or the other, none of this would have happened.


What about the consequences of her decisions in the war? Where in the episode do we see the United legion take more casualties because of Crecia's protecting nature? Her decision to negotiate has no consequence other than to further antagonize Smodur.


> >How many months has it been since the saga started?

> 10 months


yes 10 months and nothing about Jormag.


> >Why would we even think that Jormag is a threat when the episode has not shown him to be one?... Nothing indicates he is one or that he is even powerful to be a threat.


> You mean besides the fact Jormag is the one behind literally everything that has happened in the Saga thus far, from the massacre at Jora's Keep, the mental breakdown of the Kodan, and the entire Charr Civil War that has brought Tyria's most powerful species to its knees? Jormag has proven itself more effective at being a threat, despite doing little directly, then any of the other Elder Dragons did. If the only thing that represents power, or threat, to you is big smashy armies, you have a narrow definition of power/threat.


You mean the keep in a frozen land with barely any population? The kodan have migrated South. Jormag had nothing to do with the civil war. That was Bangar and the Charr.


> >Forget Bangar and the Charr, Aurene has been missing for everything else. Btw wasn't our main objective to catch up with Bangar? Why isn't Aurene helping with that? Why isn't Aurene telling us something about Jormag?


> A. Aurene already talked about this at the end of "Shadow in the Ice". Bangar is just one thread of many, killing him solves, and changes, nothing.

LOL. Aurene sounds like those $10 psychics. That is similar to saying " Beware the end is coming". It is not very helpful is it?


> B. Aurene also mentions that, while you may see her in the eye, she is also in the Mists repairing the massive damage caused by Kralk there.

Then update us on that!

> C. Why would Aurene know anything about Jormag in the first place? She got Kralkatorik's power, not all his knowledge.

The game can pull something out. Aurene after all is an elder dragon. No fixed rule. It is up to the story writers.


> >Are you talking about a Journal? I am talking about actual in game missions that show us what happened. With Visions of the past, we should be able to play as the Norn who fight alongside the spirits and then perish. This would actually showcase Jormag's strength and cunning. What we have right now is a story which we end in 2 hours.

> Playing that situation would show us nothing that Jormag's actions with Bangar, Jora's Keep, and the Kodan at Still Water speaking, haven't shown us already.


Except in those situations, we win. Again lessening the threat of Jormag.. Imagine playing as a Kodan, rallying the villages to take up arms against the advancing icebrood. We hold them off but then an ice storm comes in and we are overwhelmed by Jormag's forces. A few barely survive and head south. With Zaitan we had many deaths, we needed all three legions to come together, we lost the battle on Claw Island. The story took us through all of these. In the icebrood saga we are just told what Jormag can do. We do not play it.


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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Did they just sell us half a map for an episode and the other half for another episode?


Just like they did with Season 5, Episodes 1 and 2?

Just like both maps of Season 2 stretching over four episodes each?


Yes, they did.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

>Jormag had nothing to do with the civil war. That was Bangar and the Charr.

Yes, Bangar, the guy who has been manipulated by the whispers of Jormag this whole time.... have you been paying attention to the story at all?

* The Icebrood Saga trailer monologue was Jormag talking to Banger

* A corrupted Jormag idol can be found in Bangar's office

* Boneskinner tracks can be found outside the window of Bangar's office at the Blood Keep

* Aurene mentions Bangar is being manipulated by Jormag

* Bangar has literal Icebrooded Charr in his forces


Jormag is the one behind the Charr civil war, manipulating Bangar in an attempt to weaken the Charr, and the forces of the far north. This has been a known part of the plot since Bound by Blood. I don't see how you could miss this.

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The Map looks interesting, I hope the story starts to pick up again.

I don't know what to think about the Mastery, Like the rest of the saga none have really peaked my interest at all.

The Boneskinner weapons looks great, I'll definitely be collecting a few of those, I love that they have their own effects and the Infusions look cool too maybe one day I'll get one :lol:

All in all, I'm excited for whats to come :)

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I seriously dislike many of the adventures in HoT - many of these are suitable for a 17 year old with lightning reflexes only. For us mature gamers they start at torture and go up to taunting.


Whatever they are in the next episode please DO NOT tie a reflex oriented adventure to map completion, masteries or the meta achievement!! Better yet, do not have any adventures that are on any reward track whatsoever.



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> @"Glass Hand.7306" said:

> Adventures:


> I seriously dislike many of the adventures in HoT - many of these are suitable for a 17 year old with lightning reflexes only. For us mature gamers they start at torture and go up to taunting.


> Whatever they are in the next episode please DO NOT tie a reflex oriented adventure to map completion, masteries or the meta achievement!! Better yet, do not have any adventures that are on any reward track whatsoever.




They might be in the meta or get silver for a collection item type thing like in the past but who knows. Maps already done so it is or isn't. Bringing up that worry now too late

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> @"Glass Hand.7306" said:

> Adventures:


> I seriously dislike many of the adventures in HoT - many of these are suitable for a 17 year old with lightning reflexes only. For us mature gamers they start at torture and go up to taunting.


> Whatever they are in the next episode please DO NOT tie a reflex oriented adventure to map completion, masteries or the meta achievement!! Better yet, do not have any adventures that are on any reward track whatsoever.




I believe they learned their lesson in HOT to not attach all the mastery point to them for just the reasons you stated.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> Story voiced or not voiced?


Not voiced they already told us this




Like the previous episode, “No Quarter,” the upcoming episode will initially be released without voice acting. We plan to record and implement voice acting for any episodes impacted by COVID-19 precautions once it’s safe for our employees and voice talent to gather for recording sessions.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:


> When did the game turn into a Miss Universe pageant? " I wish for world peace".. The nations with the most advanced armies always win. Besides the Charr are more than capable of not fighting as shown by the Olmakhan. This tells me that the Charr are not some crazed maniacs who will turn on themselves when they run out of enemies. That is just ridiculous and quite frankly underestimating the Charr.




I'v beaten this topics to death, but I just want to razor focus on this point to say: You're holding up the Olmakhan as an example even though the Olmakhans historical records explicitly state they left due to the Legions insane cycle of violence, otherwise they would of fought with Scorchrazor. They abandoned the Legions for Elona because in their words the Legions were just using humans as an excuse for their problems, and they would wipe themselves out in an orgy of destruction in the human races absence.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > > @"Tazer.2157" said:


> > That isn't how reality works. Conflict is only a means to an end, but the Charr have no end goal in sight beyond more conflict. Charr history has been nothing but them fighting, and nearly destroying, themselves until the Khan-Ur came around, untied the tribes, and directed that violence elsewhere. But that only works so long as the Charr have an enemy to fight, and, inevitably, there will come a day when they don't. When that day comes, they have only two choices, either come to terms with peace as an option, or turn back on themselves out of need for a fight like they were before the first Khan-Ur. I've written about this before, but this is really no different then the Klingons from Star Trek, and this whole Charr story is really not that different then Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The Charr much come to terms with the fact that their society is fundamentally unsustainable. The Khan-Ur's redirection of this rage to outside forces was only a temporary solution. Conflict always destroys more then it creates, you can only lose in war, and no society can persist solely on war.


> When did the game turn into a Miss Universe pageant? " I wish for world peace".. The nations with the most advanced armies always win. Besides the Charr are more than capable of not fighting as shown by the Olmakhan. This tells me that the Charr are not some crazed maniacs who will turn on themselves when they run out of enemies. That is just ridiculous and quite frankly underestimating the Charr.

> >


The Olmakhan have an entirely different culture to the Legions, their cubs are not raised in what is basically an indoctrination camp for children.

Charr are taught the ways of the legions very young in the fahrar, they are never given the choice to be anything but a cog in the Charr war machine.

They are simply products of their violent culture.. much like the Olmakan are products of their peaceful culture.

Put any other race in the same circumstances and the results would be more or less the same.

It's less about race.. and more about culture.


> > >Forget Bangar and the Charr, Aurene has been missing for everything else. Btw wasn't our main objective to catch up with Bangar? Why isn't Aurene helping with that? Why isn't Aurene telling us something about Jormag?


> > A. Aurene already talked about this at the end of "Shadow in the Ice". Bangar is just one thread of many, killing him solves, and changes, nothing.

> LOL. Aurene sounds like those $10 psychics. That is similar to saying " Beware the end is coming". It is not very helpful is it?


Her direct involvement would only help Bangar rally more Charr to his cause.. he's got a whole propaganda campaign going against the Commander and Aurine.

This is the whole reason why he's trying to get his own Elder Dragon.

Elder Dragons are pretty much a stand in for WMD's in a way.. We have one, he doesn't and he's greatly threatened by that.

That's why he's listening to Jormag and trying to aquire his own Elder Dragon.. He wants his own weapon of mass destruction to hold over us as both a threat and a deterrent.


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One thing that confuses me is how people commenting on how "why doesn't Aurene help?".


Aurene isn't very strong, she couldn't do anything against Balthazar without our help, she could barely touch Kralktorrik until he was "almost dead already" and she gained a power boost, and she took Joko by surprise. Despite ascending to an Elder Dragon she's still only the size of an average dragon champion, and probably only about as powerful. Maybe about the strength of Glint at this point.


The Pact has already killed dozens like her, and three much, more powerful dragons.


The best thing she can do right now is stay at the Scrying Pool and gain ancient knowledge and power. Almost every time she's tried to join the Commander on the battlefield its gone badly for both of us.


The IceBrood Saga seems to be her "chill time", literally.

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Looks pretty good, but personally I'm still waiting on voices for the prior release before I continue story. More over, and I need to first preface this with much respect to the devs and their hard work, and I understand it's not their fault. However, although separate; frankly the current state of PvP (particularly for power mirage, which is what I had the most fun with in the entire life span of GW2 back in season 9 - 10ish, only for it to fall to **literally unusable** in PvP) creates such an **overwhelming** feeling of apathy towards the **entire** rest of the game. Combined with the lack of voices and it makes it really hard to get hyped.


Maybe that's not fair, but some of us can't help but view the entire game as a whole. If it was just one thing and not the other it would be a different story.

And it's a shame because this looks really good, but I'll have to wait until one of the two is addressed.

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > @"Tazer.2157" said:


> > When did the game turn into a Miss Universe pageant? " I wish for world peace".. The nations with the most advanced armies always win. Besides the Charr are more than capable of not fighting as shown by the Olmakhan. This tells me that the Charr are not some crazed maniacs who will turn on themselves when they run out of enemies. That is just ridiculous and quite frankly underestimating the Charr.


> >


> I'v beaten this topics to death, but I just want to razor focus on this point to say: You're holding up the Olmakhan as an example even though the Olmakhans historical records explicitly state they left due to the Legions insane cycle of violence, otherwise they would of fought with Scorchrazor. They abandoned the Legions for Elona because in their words the Legions were just using humans as an excuse for their problems, and they would wipe themselves out in an orgy of destruction in the human races absence.


Exactly! We see that the Charr are capable enough to be self deterministic. If certain Charr could disagree with the legions views, then it stands to reason that the Charr society can change once they begin killing each other. As a commander who is not Charr, I do not want to be that person who tells the Charr what they should and shouldn’t do. Neither do I have an interest to be killing Charr in the name of saving them. They are not my pets or incapable idiots. They are a race that have conquered, build and thrived. If the writers want to change the way the current Charr operate they must give the player character (if he/she is Charr only!) an option on which side to support. Will you support the warmongering Charr legions or take the route of peace. Favoring one over the other takes away from the player.


It would be amazing if a Charr player who sided against the legion be barred from the citadel and have the legions put a bounty on him/her. The same with the players who decided to side with the legion being barred from certain cities etc.


Then later on if the writers decide that the ultimate fate of the Charr is one of peace, they can put in an NPC that leads the fight against the legion and ends up changing Charr society. This again should only involve Charr players and requires a lot of time and investment. But this is the way to go about changing an in game race’s society. It shouldn’t be done in a single living story, but done over a period of time.


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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > > @"Tazer.2157" said:

> >

> > > When did the game turn into a Miss Universe pageant? " I wish for world peace".. The nations with the most advanced armies always win. Besides the Charr are more than capable of not fighting as shown by the Olmakhan. This tells me that the Charr are not some crazed maniacs who will turn on themselves when they run out of enemies. That is just ridiculous and quite frankly underestimating the Charr.

> >

> > >

> >

> > I'v beaten this topics to death, but I just want to razor focus on this point to say: You're holding up the Olmakhan as an example even though the Olmakhans historical records explicitly state they left due to the Legions insane cycle of violence, otherwise they would of fought with Scorchrazor. They abandoned the Legions for Elona because in their words the Legions were just using humans as an excuse for their problems, and they would wipe themselves out in an orgy of destruction in the human races absence.


> Exactly! We see that the Charr are capable enough to be self deterministic. If certain Charr could disagree with the legions views, then it stands to reason that the Charr society can change once they begin killing each other. As a commander who is not Charr, I do not want to be that person who tells the Charr what they should and shouldn’t do. Neither do I have an interest to be killing Charr in the name of saving them. They are not my pets or incapable idiots. They are a race that have conquered, build and thrived. If the writers want to change the way the current Charr operate they must give the player character (if he/she is Charr only!) an option on which side to support. Will you support the warmongering Charr legions or take the route of peace. Favoring one over the other takes away from the player.


> It would be amazing if a Charr player who sided against the legion be barred from the citadel and have the legions put a bounty on him/her. The same with the players who decided to side with the legion being barred from certain cities etc.


> Then later on if the writers decide that the ultimate fate of the Charr is one of peace, they can put in an NPC that leads the fight against the legion and ends up changing Charr society. This again should only involve Charr players and requires a lot of time and investment. But this is the way to go about changing an in game race’s society. It shouldn’t be done in a single living story, but done over a period of time.



I don't think anyone is arguing that Charr are biologically built to be this way, to do so would be silly when the developers themselves have said the Legions are this way for sociological reasons. As far as it goes for the Legions, we've reached radically different conclusions: Charr society is, and always has been, a dumpsterfire. They win short term military victories and then devour themselves in a series of Klingon promotions and incompetence that makes them a danger to both themselves and everyone around them. They cannot be allowed to continue like this, conquering everything they come into contact with because they simply refuse to accept that anything can be greater then the self, the Legions as they are now must be dismantled and the Olmakhans words back that claim.


This is at this point, about more then just the Charr at this point. Their civil war has been backed and heralded by Jormags champions, not unlike how the Flame Legion had done with Primordius and before that how they had turned to Abaddon. Even if I agreed with the sentiment that the Legions were only fighting for their homeland I don't think any of the forces they have bargained and bartered with are good for any other living being, or even themselves. Left to their own devices, eventually the Charr would end everything if left in this state.


And there's no way the other nations of Tyria do not know this, and it would be insane to say that they or the non-Charr PCs would stand aside for Ruinbringers corruption.

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> @"Adzekul.3104" said:

> Season 5 has been so predictable and boring so far. Please have your writers come up with a plot that is more engaging and immersive than "the slow build-up towards the inevitable fight with, and potential death of Jormag". It's just too predictable. If the voice acting continues to be unavailable, your writers need to outdo themselves by crafting a truly amazing and immersive story. So far in Season 5 this is not happening, and none of it compares to the Season 4 story with the emotional and immersive twists and turns around Joko and Aurene.


> Amazing map design cannot carry episodes anymore.


Everyt trope has been done under the sun so don't expect them to reinvent the wheel for every story arc. Also, please do remember they can't "Kill" Jormag without permanently disabling the world eventually destroying it. Something unexpected might happen -like Jormag (willingly or not) dispersing and giving a tiny snowflake of energy to every being on the planet/A final battle with us and Aurene however sounds fantastic (like that first instance with Dragonfall but enhanced would definitely break the mold). OR we try to subdue it and accidently end up killing Jormag and Aurene sacrifices herself to save the world or Jormag dies and secretly was shielding the world from those other "big baddies" she hinted. We shall see!

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

>Also, please do remember they can't "Kill" Jormag without permanently disabling the world eventually destroying it.

Unless Anet just goes "Aurene is the prismatic dragon, so she can take on all the magic!"


Aurene's ascension has already seemingly set things back to pre-Mordremoth's death, as there are no more instances of volatile or unbound magic being all other the place, which began happening after Mordy's death.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> >Also, please do remember they can't "Kill" Jormag without permanently disabling the world eventually destroying it.

> Unless Anet just goes "Aurene is the prismatic dragon, so she can take on all the magic!"


> Aurene's ascension has already seemingly set things back to pre-Mordremoth's death, as there are no more instances of volatile or unbound magic being all other the place, which began happening after Mordy's death.


If and when that happens I'm sure they hopefully explain that bit of new lore to us because all we know is she absorbs and filters out magic so if she doesn't keep it like the other dragons do then where does that go and what does she keep? As is the newest dragon and the most vulnerable she may always be the most vulnerable since she doesn't store magic to get more powerful. She might also have to be present when such an overload of magic is released (locally near Jormag's death) in order to prevent those chaotic torrents all over the world? So many variables!


At the end of the day.....if we just end up killing Jormag and Bangar and nothing even remotely catastrophic is release/happens/is revealed. I'll be a bit disappointed.


I will HOWEVER forgive all things if it does go down like that if we get juicy reveal of the water dragon at the last second.....mwahahah.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> I will HOWEVER forgive all things if it does go down like that if we get juicy reveal of the water dragon at the last second.....mwahahah.


It's Deep-Sea Dragon though, because all we know is its location.

We don't even know what its domains are.


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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> If and when that happens I'm sure they hopefully explain that bit of new lore to us because all we know is she absorbs and filters out magic so if she doesn't keep it like the other dragons do then where does that go and what does she keep? As is the newest dragon and the most vulnerable she may always be the most vulnerable since she doesn't store magic to get more powerful. She might also have to be present when such an overload of magic is released (locally near Jormag's death) in order to prevent those chaotic torrents all over the world? So many variables!


> At the end of the day.....if we just end up killing Jormag and Bangar and nothing even remotely catastrophic is release/happens/is revealed. I'll be a bit disappointed.


> I will HOWEVER forgive all things if it does go down like that if we get juicy reveal of the water dragon at the last second.....mwahahah.

Aurene keeps magic for herself, she just also shares it with mortals.The whole point of Glint's plan was to create entities that would share magic, instead of entirely hoarding it like the other Elder Dragons do, in order to maintain the balance of the world yada yada. This sharing of magic is also stated to be what will allow her to resist the temptations of that growing powers. So, presumably, her bond with the commander, and sharing this magic with her followers, the Order of the Crystal Bloom, should allow her to take on more magic, without going crazy/evil like the other EDs do.


I also doubt the water dragon will be revealed at the end of IBS. The next big bad is likely to be the racist, xenophobic, Canthan Empire. With the Cantha expansion having us go to Cantha to slap down the Ministry of Purity, and the corrupt Canthan Bureaucracy. Though I suspect the water Dragon will tie into that near the end, and be the focus of Cantha's associated LW season/Saga/whatever the end up calling it.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > >Also, please do remember they can't "Kill" Jormag without permanently disabling the world eventually destroying it.

> > Unless Anet just goes "Aurene is the prismatic dragon, so she can take on all the magic!"

> >

> > Aurene's ascension has already seemingly set things back to pre-Mordremoth's death, as there are no more instances of volatile or unbound magic being all other the place, which began happening after Mordy's death.


> If and when that happens I'm sure they hopefully explain that bit of new lore to us because all we know is she absorbs and filters out magic so if she doesn't keep it like the other dragons do then where does that go and what does she keep? As is the newest dragon and the most vulnerable she may always be the most vulnerable since she doesn't store magic to get more powerful. She might also have to be present when such an overload of magic is released (locally near Jormag's death) in order to prevent those chaotic torrents all over the world? So many variables!


> At the end of the day.....if we just end up killing Jormag and Bangar and nothing even remotely catastrophic is release/happens/is revealed. I'll be a bit disappointed.


> I will HOWEVER forgive all things if it does go down like that if we get juicy reveal of the water dragon at the last second.....mwahahah.

I feel Aurene should sacrifice herself if she ever manages to replace all dragons and stabilize all magic, and imbue the world with the ability to balance itself. It would be a nice end to a messianic story and put the setting in a "neutral gear" for future stories.

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