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75% of 2v2 players are necros


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Yeah, it's less diverse than the previous 2v2 3v3 even.


> Right now, unless some mad good innovation in tactics is made, we're looking at stacks of:


> * FBs

> * Renegades

> * Necros

Which are basically the classes with the most aoe up-time.

Coincidence? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Right now, unless some mad good innovation in tactics is made, we're looking at stacks of:


> * FBs

> * Renegades

> * Necros


I see more holos than fb+renegade combined, also lots of tempests and weavers. Actually, it's mostly ele + necro and some holo.

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Yeah, it's less diverse than the previous 2v2 3v3 even.

> >

> > Right now, unless some mad good innovation in tactics is made, we're looking at stacks of:

> >

> > * FBs

> > * Renegades

> > * Necros

> Which are basically the classes with the most aoe up-time.

> Coincidence? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



and the size of the aoe

which is a no brainer due to the size of the fighting area, you see more people pick HoM and AS over AA

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And people say necro is useless. Seems like this was a lie.

I'm happy to see them well and "alive" (if you can even call necromancers alive lol).

I remember when I participated in a few leagues a few years back and where I had one game as a minion master necro (I know not the most recommended build and I rather used it just for fun) and I had 35+ kills and 0 deaths in platinum.

However now I don't play PvP actively anymore because it has become worse for me in general with balancing and all the bots. I switched to WvW instead which I really enjoy to be honest.

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The smaller scale game modes without nodes play directly into the hands of builds where they are countered by mobility. Its not surprising people are seeing more of them. The entire thing is essential "side node the mini season".


> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> And people say necro is useless. Seems like this was a lie.

From a PvP or WvW standpoint nobody has seriously said this for a while.





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All 3 necro builds(reaper/scourge/base necro) are far too effective for how easy they are to play and difficult to punish. Reaper is the most difficult one to play and it's STILL far, far, far too forgiving due to how much life force you get from doing anything defensively and offensively.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:


> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > And people say necro is useless. Seems like this was a lie.

> From a PvP or WvW standpoint nobody has seriously said this for a while.


Beat me to it. @"Cynder.2509" did say they've been out of spvp for some time... so that must have been a really long time ago. Reaper had a good time in HoT, scourge was super broken at PoF launch (and is having a resurgence), and minion swarm is actually pretty effective at eating cleaves from classes that do a lot of 3 target cleaves - not to mention the other effects they can bring from the active minion skills. Of course a bit of elevation and range against a minion mancer can do wonders, but then again core has been really strong since the megapatch.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Yeah, it's less diverse than the previous 2v2 3v3 even.


> Right now, unless some mad good innovation in tactics is made, we're looking at stacks of:


> * FBs

> * Renegades

> * Necros


I have not been playing for a while. Why is this the case? I thought you would see more tempest, engi, ranger and warriors. And probably some Mesmer builds utilizing CC. Double Moa could be good in 2v2, theoretically. I expect only thief would struggle in a 2v2 in this meta.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Yeah, it's less diverse than the previous 2v2 3v3 even.

> >

> > Right now, unless some mad good innovation in tactics is made, we're looking at stacks of:

> >

> > * FBs

> > * Renegades

> > * Necros


> I have not been playing for a while. Why is this the case? I thought you would see more tempest, engi, ranger and warriors. And probably some Mesmer builds utilizing CC. Double Moa could be good in 2v2, theoretically. I expect only thief would struggle in a 2v2 in this meta.


Holo is unplayable vs necro and especially reaper.

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2v2 give more challenge and a different way to play. For me it's always good to try and add new gameplay but it need to have a more balanced gameplay or maybe reduce damage / health on this game mode idk but still some class are really over the top and as you saied it's more important on this game mode .


For my part i only play against rev and holo and the combo of the 2 (lot of cc , aoe, health ...) dont make it really fun to play against ^^'

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> @"thundermarch.5643" said:

> 2v2 give more challenge and a different way to play. For me it's always good to try and add new gameplay but it need to have a more balanced gameplay or maybe reduce damage / health on this game mode idk but still some class are really over the top and as you saied it's more important on this game mode .


> For my part i only play against rev and holo and the combo of the 2 (lot of cc , aoe, health ...) dont make it really fun to play against ^^'

I think 2v2 is way more reliant on counter building and counter comping then conquest and people just don't want to change their build/comp/class around.


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> All 3 necro builds(reaper/scourge/base necro) are far too effective for how easy they are to play and difficult to punish. Reaper is the most difficult one to play and it's STILL far, far, far too forgiving due to how much life force you get from doing anything defensively and offensively.


Core nerco - yes even a bot will run it better then humans... but the damage is low and shouldn't be targeted before anything else.


Reaper - Not really, you can tell between the good and the bad and can be CC locked and interrupted quite easily.


Scourge - Same as a reaper.


Lich skill needs sorting, low effect for high reward.


At least necro has a weakness.

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2v2 especially kind of strips away a majority of the weaknesses of Necro, being lack of mobility, disengages and resustain, as well as having no scaling defenses against focus fire. The maps are small enough (and lacking objectives) for mobility not to matter too much or at least not being absolutely vital, have too few players to require a pool of scaling defenses and matches short enough for non scaling defenses like a large HP-pool and Shroud to provide exceptional one to two time value.


In a gamemode almost entirely catering to it's strengths and stripping almost all of it's weaknesses out, one should expect Necro to do exceptionally well, otherwise that wouldn't bear well for it's state in conquest where all those weaknesses are a serious downfall.


It's pretty much the opposite of Thief there, which in turn loses most of it's strengths in the small "teamfight" Arena with no points to rotate to.


In general Teamfighters will shine in a mode that's about nothing but fighting, Necro especially so if it's small scale enough for Shroud not to get instantly bursted down or perma disabled, and then even more so on Maps small enough for AoE being especially hard to be avoided.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> 2v2 especially kind of strips away a majority of the weaknesses of Necro, being lack of mobility, disengages and resustain, as well as having no scaling defenses against focus fire. The maps are small enough (and lacking objectives) for mobility not to matter too much or at least not being absolutely vital, have too few players to require a pool of scaling defenses and matches short enough for non scaling defenses like a large HP-pool and Shroud to provide exceptional one to two time value.


> In a gamemode almost entirely catering to it's strengths and stripping almost all of it's weaknesses out, one should expect Necro to do exceptionally well, otherwise that wouldn't bear well for it's state in conquest where all those weaknesses are a serious downfall.


> It's pretty much the opposite of Thief there, which in turn loses most of it's strengths in the small "teamfight" Arena with no points to rotate to.


> In general Teamfighters will shine in a mode that's about nothing but fighting, Necro especially so if it's small scale enough for Shroud not to get instantly bursted down or perma disabled, and then even more so on Maps small enough for AoE being especially hard to be avoided.

Also you have a second person to peel, Necro was designed as something that needs to have support of some kind(not a support speck but a enabler cc,damage, healing whatever). Necro is just the poster boy for the buddy system. And since necro is teamfight carry, direct fighting is drilled in the brain of necro mains, while most +1 mains would have trouble even making a skirmish build, since the play style involves outnumbering and buggering off to reset when shit goes sideways doesn't work in 2v2.

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the problem is not the balance in this case, but the maps wich are poorly designed. Those little narrow maps promotes aoe stacking classes, so thats why you only see necros fb and renegade. They should design 2v2 maps with more chances to move, like the FFA arena in the pvp lobby. If the problem is the eternal kiting, you make it decrease size during time, like after 2 minutes it lose 1/4 of the space available, and so on.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

> > 3v3 was better anyway. i wish for a 1v1. tho on a flat arena map without columns and boxes.

> >


> Longbow rangers and deadeyes would love that. 1500 range pew pew for the skilled and tactical win!


Nah, they would hate that. Flat map without any inclines or spots to hide on? Deadeye would just be a free win, and Ranger would have to use Greatsword mostly.

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> @"Shala.8352" said:

> the problem is not the balance in this case, but the maps wich are poorly designed. Those little narrow maps promotes aoe stacking classes, so thats why you only see necros fb and renegade. They should design 2v2 maps with more chances to move, like the FFA arena in the pvp lobby. If the problem is the eternal kiting, you make it decrease size during time, like after 2 minutes it lose 1/4 of the space available, and so on.

I think the asura arena is ok, it has allot of space and cover.

Hall of the mists is dogshit though, too narrow the elevations don't help at all, you constantly trip on the geometry, the "covers" are too small, it is just bad.

The auric map is not as bad but it also has low space to move and kite and has almost no cover, most of the battles happen on the stairs.

We need one arena with 4 large columns and one with giant column in the center.

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