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Can Mist Form + Res Glyph bug be fixed already!?


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For those who have been living under a rock, there is currently a bug in where Tempests are able to begin the animation for res'ing a team mate with Glyph of Renewal then immediately go into Mist Form making them invulnerable. Thus, guaranteeing the res on the team mate. This bug currently has very few counter plays such as a Power Rev or Tempest CC'ing the body away. That means, skills that are designed to interrupt "key skills" like Glyph are made completely meaningless for situations like this.


If a Tempest is to perform a game changing Glyph res to swing the fight back in their favor then there should be an element of skill in performing this task. Such as, kiting to no ports to counter a Thief's steal, prioritizing a teams positioning. Not just pressing 2 buttons in the middle of a node or teamfight.


Now, I'm not blaming players for using this, its in the limits of the game so I get it. I am blaming ArenaNet however for not fixing this (among many other problems) in a timely manner.


Every single PvP player I have spoken to about this issue agrees that it should not be in the game. Can we please get this bug fixed soon!?

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This isn't a bug. You can continue channels into mistform. Like an overload can be started and you can enter mistform without interrupting it. Or you can cleave and use mistform to guarantee it. Mistform has already been nerfed with a massive CD and any hits to mistform will affect all ele builds that use it with or without glyph. I think the best case would be to either increase the casting time for glyph to 4 or 5 secs or as long as a cleave lasts maybe. Mistform cancels whatever you were channeling alongside mistform when it ends and it lasts 3 secs. So an ele that instantly goes into mist after glyph will have it cancelled before the casting is over. They will have to wait 2-3 secs and channel glyph before popping mistform to securely finish it. You can CC the ele in that window. You can also increase the CD on glyph to 180 secs. 300 will be way too much imho.

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By the way, someone said you can change where you are casting the glyph without interrupting it, using "instant" targeting. Apparently it casts on your mouse's current location. I haven't tested it yet though.


> @"Zeesh.7286" said:

> This isn't a bug. You can continue channels into mistform. Like an overload can be started and you can enter mistform without interrupting it.


That bug wasn't there before apparently, and all competitive ele mains I know ask for it to be fixed.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> By the way, someone said you can change where you are casting the glyph without interrupting it, using "instant" targeting. Apparently it casts on your mouse's current location. I haven't tested it yet though.


> > @"Zeesh.7286" said:

> > This isn't a bug. You can continue channels into mistform. Like an overload can be started and you can enter mistform without interrupting it.


> That bug wasn't there before apparently, and all competitive ele mains I know ask for it to be fixed.


Instant targeting can be flexible in its cast for lots of stuff. To ppl unfamiliar with instant casting may think it’s like locking onto a target, but yeah that’s just how instant casting is

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> I don t think it s a bug but an intentional design. I've just tested it with elixir S + prime light beam (longest cast time on engi AFAIK) and it works too.


Elixir S has the same bug. It used to interrupt any skills that you were casting. And since no patch note states that "Elixir S no longer interrupts skills." it is probably a bug. If it is a feature afterall, they should include it in the next patchnotes or something.

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> @"Reverse.1056" said:

> Its not a bug they already nerfed the glyph to death by chaning the cd on all attunents if they change that also tempest will be totally useless in pvp


If whether or not you can freely res with 0 counterplay determines your classes viability in PvP, then nerf it to the ground and redesign the class.

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> @"Reverse.1056" said:

> Its not a bug they already nerfed the glyph to death by chaning the cd on all attunents if they change that also tempest will be totally useless in pvp


It 100% is a bug as it came about after the February patch (I think) with no mention of it being part of that update. For the last few years, it was not in the game.

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> @"Broady.2358" said:

> > @"Reverse.1056" said:

> > Its not a bug they already nerfed the glyph to death by chaning the cd on all attunents if they change that also tempest will be totally useless in pvp


> It 100% is a bug as it came about after the February patch (I think) with no mention of it being part of that update. For the last few years, it was not in the game.


It wasn't the Feb patch, it came about around the same time they nerfed the power efficiency of nades.

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I'm fairly sure this is a bug and should be fixed, It also works with meteor shower (although moving will still interrupt the channel) which I'm sure was not the case before.


I'm surprised people didn't abuse obsidian flesh with glyph in a similar fashion before the change to a channelled skill but I'm guessing damage was too high then for glyph to be useable.

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> @"Zeesh.7286" said:

> Yea the wiki calls it a bug. My bad. I dunno removal of the bug won't do much tbh. You can slap on armor of earth and it has 10 stacks of stability. If your team can rip through that much stab in 2 secs sure i guess?


Thief can steal throught stability due stab/protection boor rip and daze, necros can corrupt stab and convert it into fear, and some other classes can boon rip + stun (mesmer maybe for example) .


Also u need to be on earth with overload prepared wich is not that common i think , but u can pick stab overload trait to cast glyph too (but one stack only).

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> @"salogel.1869" said:

> I'm fairly sure this is a bug and should be fixed, It also works with meteor shower (although moving will still interrupt the channel) which I'm sure was not the case before.


> I'm surprised people didn't abuse obsidian flesh with glyph in a similar fashion before the change to a channelled skill but I'm guessing damage was too high then for glyph to be useable.

Casttime was way to high (Was at 3.25s. Got changed in Dec 2019) (Stomping needs 3.5 s, so if you didnt expected the downstate it was nearly useless). And firebrand was to oppresive (The big Firebrand support meta...), so no one played tempest. thats why "no one used obsi flesh+ glyph".


but yeah. shouldnt be a thing... also holos shouldnt be able to do the same.


BUT i want that Elexir S also cant to shit when the invul has started (rezzing/stomping) Ele has to precast F and than mf. holo can always press F

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Anytime someone mist form glyphs a downed target I want to shove my head into the wall.


Are you the one harassing me in YT comments everywhere possible about this?

Maybe take a break from video games, you're taking this all a little too seriously.

That being said, glyph+mist combo would be irritating. However, so is any other revive skill in the game combo'd with protection/stability/reflect/aegis all at once etc .. and no one bats an eye at that.


Why don't we just delete elementalist? It almost always underperforms compared to other classes, let's just nerf it to the ground because this should be a pewpew Press 2 Buttons 2 Win game.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> It will be fixed with the Full Counter visual bug. :lol:


> Also get rid of the "instant cast" bug being able to change the AoE area.

That bug on Full Counter is even older since Full counter is just reskinned Protector's Strike and from what i get it was bugged since release.


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