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What QoL / smaller updates would you like to see in WvW?


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Title says it all:


For me it would be:

- Anza wall facing the dredge can no longer be destroyed (Anza is the most useless tower on the map currently)

- Arrow carts and Bali's should get a perk that they ignore all skills that reflect or neutralize projectiles. + make both siege weapons more durable

- No downstate - should be permanent

- AoE's should not be able to cover the whole wall, make AoE's either smaller, or make walls a bit higher to combat this.



I am curious to see what the more seasoned WvW players would like to see :)


edit: updated title :P added smaller*

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that is not QoL. That is changing mchanics. Don't care about Anza. Arrow carts are horrible enough in their current state. No downstate - only forum warriors want it. In game most people voice a different opinion - 'I can't wait for this stupid event to be over'. No downstate is ultra toxic and would destroy the mode if made permanent




no downstate is coupled with:

nerf to corruptions

nerf to rev overall

nerf to mesmer overall

nerf to warrior overall

nerf to thief overall

massive nerf to ranger overall

removal of stealth

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* Easier callout/scouting tools for chat that can be understood by all servers languages eg:

*** @structure under attack, @enemy_server, #'s, @cardinal_direction

* when emergency waypoints are triggered, at the very least make it automatically/immediately put the link in /t chat so it's like:

*** Emergency waypoint @location_map @waypoint_link (it would be nice to also see who pulled, but that can be omitted although it is my preference).

* [sniff] no longer tagging dead bodies on mini map

* Fix the falling straight down that happens when you dismount immediately into a glide


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Some fun new maps like EotM - but with more interesting mechanics. I'd like to see a linear map setup with 1 vs. 1. (3 copies of the same map ... A vs. B, B vs. C and A vs. C.) Linear from left to right or top to bottom. And no stuff where you can fall down. A bit straight forward regarding the terrain.


And there making hot join permanently running medium duration matches. (Well duration is determined by how fast the people win. Shoult be timed on average to be winnable in 40-50 minutes if balanced.)


Make it a capture/destroy the enemy "main base" type of play. With forward spawns being able to captured. No "contested" for the spawn points there. No classic sieges on the map. But other stuff you can gather to do additional damage. (Bombs you gather yourself while being vulnerable and stuff or some NPC to protect.)


Slowly pressuring forward ...

Additional balancing if the attacking team presses forward towards the defending team's main base (they shoudl have the advantage cause of fast spawning there then on the other hand the attackers can capture forwards spawns) instead of "contested" at the waypoints ... by adding mechanics that reduce/increase spawn times. Some generator near the main bases powering the respawn field that can get destroyed or stuff like that. :disappointed:


(And of course people should be able to sneak - to "backdoor" - the enemy ... instead of having to slowly progress by capping each forward spawn in order.)


Winners can get a buff in home borderlands. (Maybe replace EotM and the ruins. With 3 maps here we could have similar system than the ruins.) And make some other mechanics there instead. Like "holding the ruins on a specific borderlands ... gives durability changes in the keeps, towers, etc. ... more strenght for NPCs, more speed to Dolyaks.)


Edit: Okay ... that wasn't a "smaller" update. But I see the main focus there on gameplay and not on small stuff. The small stuff already has enough QoL things. People just can use the chat a bit normally instead of organziing in Discord only ... then we don't need "structure X is under attack".

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**Anzalia's Tower, EBG**

Pull the cliff forward that is behind the lord room facing SMC so that it covers the lord room completely. This would prevent the top floor of SMC from being able to treb Anz. Make that wall indestructible to ensure catapults cannot be built on that side as well.

Anz is one of the most difficult towers to defend because it can be hit from every side as well as from the top floor of SMC which cannot be countered without getting through outer SMC first. Due to the valley it sits in, it is also difficult to build defensive siege on the walls because it has hills surrounding it making it easier to AOE the walls or to build ballista to shoot inside. This entire tower needs a rework.


**Mendon's Gap, EBG**

The wall that was recently changed to be indestructible should also be made slightly longer on the side facing Speldan. If the wall were to overhang the cliff a bit with the floor to cover it, it would be a bit easier to build defenses for while still being vulnerable to counter from outside.


**Stonemist Castle top floor**

The platforms with the cannons on the top floor of SMC should be smaller so it isn't so easy to build trebuchets on them in such a spot that they cannot be hit by most things. Rangers and Elementalists are some of the only things that can reach and damage trebuchets on those platforms and if they're placed properly, ballistas cannot hit them either. This wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the fact that trebs in those areas can hit; Wildcreek, Klovan, Anzalia's, Quentin and Durios with no way to stop it if you can't get through outer with at least a small group. If the platforms were smaller it would be easier to hit anything built there while still giving the benefit of trebbing from a safer location while owning SMC.


**Watch Tower**

This Tactic should not be active all the time as it currently is. Instead, it should only activate when a structure becomes contested. If a player(s) is passing an objective they will be able to avoid detection unless they aggro NPC's or hit the objective. This way the Tactic is still strong and useful but does not make it oppressive to players trying to strategize, be it solo or zerg.


**Mercenary camps**

There should be an option to speak with the local Mercenary camp leader (Hylek Champion, Dredge Veteran, Ogre Veterans) that gives two options: Send Mercenaries to reinforce supply camp _or_ send Mercenaries to attack Dolyaks. The latter would only happen every time a Dolyak leaves its supply camp until the Mercenary camp is eliminated.

Adding Mercenary camps to the Borderlands would also be a nice addition.



Ballista's should _only_ do heavy damage to siege and _not_ players. Arrow Carts, Cannons, Mortars, and to a lesser extent Burning Oil are all plenty enough for damaging players and defending objectives. Ballista should be used for killing siege only and should be doing 5k per-hit on a player _tops._ Right now some people enjoy sitting in objectives doing nothing but waiting for people to pass by so they can snipe them with ballistas because they do 8 - 10k per hit from a maximum range of 3,000. It is obnoxious and becoming more and more common to see.


**Extra rewards for killing long lived players**

Right now killing a player increases WXP earned based on the length of time that player has been alive. Because some players enjoy avoiding combat almost entirely, I think there should be a slightly higher reward for killing players that have been alive for a long period of time. Perhaps tripling WXP and granting some other additional reward like "Extra Heavy Loot Bag" or something that has double the contents of a Heavy Loot Bag.


**Mount integration**

I said this in another thread, but I would like the option to use all types of mounts in WvW under the condition that they all behave exactly like the Warclaw. Movement, health, dodges, skills, etc. are all the same but instead we are allowed to use our Raptors, Skimmers, etc. It would be nice for those of us who don't do much PvE to be able to use our other mounts even if they behave the same as the Warclaw.


**Minor commander tags**

A new type of commander tag only available for use in WvW that is smaller (and maybe slightly transparent?) for different roles. Eg. Tags for scouting, roaming, havoc, guild, etc. all with different shapes. Making them smaller would make it possible to immediately recognize which is a squad commander(s) and which is not, hopefully avoiding the confusion if many people were to use said tags. This would be a nice way of seeing where active players are at and what role they are choosing to fulfill.

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Forts that can actually be defended instead of "free objectives and Keeps". This means to add double walls, moats, etc. Right now the game revolves almost completely around protecting Keeps and SMC because Towers are cannon fodder at best.


Waypoints at every captured objective instead of just T3 Keeps, so players have a reason to defend since more defense will mean more offense with the ability to get back to the action quicker, this would also make T3 SMC give less of an advantage in EBG.


Camps could use some more defense, which I've talked about in another thread. Currently they don't give enough time for players to respond, since it only takes about 45sec to capture a camp and travel is rather slow after Warclaw nerfs.


Ability to fortify Supply Camps (see above), and Mercenary Camps, to restrict enemy movement in your territory.


More NPCs if your side is outnumbered. Particularly an automated repair worker at each fort that doesn't cost Supply, so if you at least survive an assault then you have a pretty decent chance of surviving the next assault too, instead of getting worn down.


Emergency Waypoint using parachutes mechanism from Drizzlewood. This prevents both EWP camping and the thing where a player gets kicked back to spawn if the EWP disappears while they're in a loading screen.


Warclaw should be able to swim in water and submerge like Skimmer (Ranger have cats as amphibious pets).


Increased movement speed on roads even without Warclaw. Particularly on paths that Dolyaks travel. This is both to give an advantage to newer players and to create a richer hunting ground for roamers.


Mobile siege weapons besides golems. Superior siege would continue to be immobile for superior firepower, while basic siege could be manned by players, e.g a player would enter the catapult to become the catapult, which could then move freely.


Megalaser siege weapon, meant specifically for taking down upgraded objectives. Would deal higher damage to T2 and T3 rather than the constant and reduced damage of the other siege weapons, but require like 250 Supply to deploy.


Do something about the duplicate Alpine Borderlands, like adding another borderlands map. Make some change to Desert BL to make it less of a stress to play on and navigate, such as allowing some kind of air travel/airdrop.


Make Skritt and Centaur areas on Alpine BL into capturable Mercenary Camps.


Add EoTM as an overflow/alternative to EBG, with mounts, gliding and Skirmish Reward Tracks.


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I've written this before, but will do so again...


1. Siege can be salvaged to return small amount of supply

2. Any placed siege can be used by any server (so, if server X leaves catas behind, server Y can use it. The server who placed the siege will always "own" it, so, if a player from Server Y was using it, any player from Server x could take control of it). This makes it important to salvage your placed siege.

3. New minor tact - Reveal: removes all stealth for 5 minutes. OR after taking an objective or defending an objective Reveal is activated. So, after defending, once swords clear, a 5 min Reveal. Reveal cannot be cleansed - it's a 5 min anti-stealth field.



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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> * Easier callout/scouting tools for chat that can be understood by all servers languages eg:

> *** @structure under attack, @enemy_server, #'s, @cardinal_direction

> * when emergency waypoints are triggered, at the very least make it automatically/immediately put the link in /t chat so it's like:

> *** Emergency waypoint @location_map @waypoint_link (it would be nice to also see who pulled, but that can be omitted although it is my preference).

> * [sniff] no longer tagging dead bodies on mini map

> * Fix the falling straight down that happens when you dismount immediately into a glide



Easier chat tools would be nice, a lot of the time the person trying to call something out has a small army closing in on them while they're trying to format their scouting callout so no one's yelling at them about numbers and all that.


I really like the Alert Target feature and the squad tools like positioning markers and wish there were at least simpler or less static versions of those that are global so you don't have to be in squad or group to call stuff out real quick. People hardly use them anyway but those alerts and makers along with the map indicators are really helpful.

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> @"Halbarz.3854" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > Removal of PPT from the scoring system.

> > Removal of the 1 up 1 down match resets.

> > Make players unable to transfer for the first month of a relink.


> I agree 100% that you should not be able to transfer for the first month of a relink


then they either do not play at all or use one of their many alt-accounts. Fixes nothing.

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I forgot to add that SMC should have the supply depots removed. Still takes the same number of yaks to upgrade, but has no supply, ever.

If Anet wanted us to fight over structures, why would you give the biggest blob server (usually the one that owns SMC) a ridiculous amount of supply to run around ktraining the map. Not to mention near endless supply to repair and siege cap said fortified structure. Make supply strategic, make them hold their camps and supply lines. Not just "oh look, we still have 1800 supply to do whatever with."

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Only thing I can think of is to fix the downstate/no downstate argument with a compromise.


Nerf the downed penalty debuff to grant only 1 possible downstate per battle.

Instead of gaining 1 downed penalty point every time you fall in battle you get 2 downed penalty points instead.


Add to that the 60 second downed penalty Cool Down timer needs to be upgraded to at least 2-3 minutes, this Cool Down also needs to be frozen while the player is in combat so they will be forced to either continue fighting and risk being downed again and instant killed this time or if they want their downstate back they will have to break out of the battle entirely and will be forced to have no participation in combat for up to 3 minutes, this will make them prime targets for thieves and other assassin role builds to pick them off or harass them by trapping them in combat to stop them from recovering their downstate.

This tactic could also be used to force them back into the "safety" of the group as well where they could be singled out and killed by the squad.

The downstate Cool Down should also reset on a full death too just for convenience so people don't have to wait around for it to recharge after a death.

(Of course this change would only apply in WvW and PvP, not PvE)


I believe this is the best QOL compromise we can hope for to appease those who like downstate and those who hate it.

Plus I really like the idea of thieves being employed in a squad as assassins with the role of picking off or harassing those who try to break combat to get their downstate back.. this is a perfect role for thieves to play, especially Deadeyes.

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> @"God.2708" said:

> QoL means quality of life. Some of y'all are really pushing some wild suggestions for something that is suppose to be like...


> It'd be nice if I could make commander tags bigger on my screen so they're easier to follow and find during a fight.




Have you tried to change DPI size and UI size (Interface - preset size from "small" to "large") in Options. DPI size are depending on you settings in MS Windows 10 for DPI Settings (search on the web to get more information about this setting).


All map icon will change in size when you adjust those settings, so you have see what fits with your need to have a larger commander tag and at same time not make any other icons like for camps or tower too large to see anything that might be behind those icons on map.



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Well, quality of life updates:

- "unlock" the crafting stations again, because they have already been in game and I think we can safely say in hindsight they did not contribute to lag (by PvE players hopping in)

- add the +10% WxP bonus we get from ascended feasts to the canned food from the Badge vednor (portable provisioner)

- remove the 3 player minimum requirement from some WvW related guild missions (camp cap/defend and cap sentries)

Those seem to be the easiest to install, even with only a part time dev working on WvW


Other ideas I have are not really QoL wishes, as they require changes to maps or additional coding.

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Not really QoL but a change which would be great is ig they can make Siege Disablers depend on the target being disabled for cooldown rather than the player Disabler cooldown.


So rather than a small group of defenders being unable to disable sieges due to massive wall of Anti projectiles protecting their Siege, each Siege equipment has an icd where it cannot be disabled again.


If yu manage to shield yur siege from being disabled, good, because the defenders just wasted precious supply.


If yu missed yur disabled, no worries either because as long as yu have supply yu are free to try again immediately.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> Projectile hate being toned down Alot. Currently blobs or smaller groups can have a near permanent reflect share - projectile destroy uptime. Its absolutely ridiculous. Give it the same treatment as other invulns have gotten recently.


500% agree with this, this has been discussed several times but Anet never did anything about it. Especially since we are affected by retaliation, reflect, block and every single anti projectile shield out there (which every class has now these days)


This also impacts siege, making defensive siege weapons even more useless

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