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Is there any way of reporting harassment even if there isn't something in a chat or mail?


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I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over which all makes me very uncomfortable.

It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.

This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious shit such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...

I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.

I just wish for a proper report option for harassment and a away to keep those people away and to never come across them ever again once I blocked them at least.

Also I wish for a proper report function for lfg so that I can report slurs or sexual stuff in lfg descriptions because in the recent time this has become a big problem.

Nearly every damn time I take a look into lfg I see bullsh*t like that and it makes me really think what this community has become.

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No offense but it sounds like you're assuming malicious intent from people who are anything but and I highly doubt those same people are somehow finding you outside of the game to deliberately target you for some reason. While I agree that toxicity (a word that means different things to different people) is becoming a large issue in the community, unless they are deliberately harming someone all you can do is ignore them and at times it is best to just step back, calm yourself, and simply block them.


I'm not sure I'm in favor of very strictly policing anyone else's speech or behavior in game unless it is deliberately malicious against another person. If someone is intentionally following you around and being obnoxious however, take screenshots and add them to your support ticket. Honestly though? Nothing will probably be done. From what I hear even reports for bots and hackers tend to fall on deaf ears with Anet.

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First thing' first: do you have a Commander tag on? If so, turn it off. That should fix people following you around in-game.

(Sorry, got to cover the dumb stuff first.)


You absolutely can report players without chat or mail. Right-click their character name while targeting them to bring up the same dialog box as in chat. Simply select "Report Player" then fill out the report form as normal.


If you're being harassed through other media, that sounds like an account security issue and you should take it up with those service providers' privacy teams. If you feel you are being stalked by these players, contact local authorities immediately.

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Hmmm, people are very quick to throw the word harrasment around. Have you communicated with them before? Have you played PvP with them before or any contact of the such. Is this the same person doing it on more than one occasion, or are these different people each time.


If it is the same person on more than one occasion and... you have asked them to stop following you, then to a very loose term it does amount to 'harassment'. However following someone around in a game is not harassment in my honest belief. Else we'd be guilty of this offence following commander tags, following players in pvp constantly or focusing players in pvp as the first target. So if these players are not sending messages to you which you have asked for them to stop then this does not amount to harassment.



'It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.'

As long as you have taken evidence of the messages sent to you and what you sent back, action could be taken. If you are unable to prove that the messages sent out of the game are the same player, how will anet know you havent just made it up to get someone banned?



Do some people go around to show off what they have to try to get recognition? yes they do on occasions.

It's like the first time I made the legendary axe when HoT came out very shortly after its release you can bet i tried showing that thing off to random people.



Just going back to the point you are making.

If it can be proven through messages sent, that they are harassing you, or sending abusing messages. Take screenshots of them and send them to Anet with some background to it. If however it is mostly people following you, it raises the question of why do you think they are harassing you? Because these players could be fully innocent who like the look of your character and just want to get a nice screenshot of it, or just happen to go the same way as you.... which... low and behold! Does not amount to that of harassment.

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How do they text you on other mediums? You can report harassment in game thru support with their name and hopefully a ss of the harassment in game but I doubt anet can enforce if they are contacting you thru other games or twitter or where ever you mean and harassing you that way. Following you is not harrassment but I guess you can lower char models and remove see other names etc and wont know them. Idk how to fix someone following you

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First of all, as said by others, you can always report what you experience as harassment. You can do so in game by the /report option, or by creating a supportticket. Make sure you add as much details as possible if using the later option. Specially:

The time and date (set the in game clock to servertime and use that). The map you where in and the location where the incident happened. The name of the player or players. Make an excell sheet to add multiple occasions. also make screensots or if possible even video's. Last of all make sure you add your own ingame name.


Secondly. How do you know this counts as harashment? It is easy to say something is harashment (or say it is not), but it is of no importance. You find it offensive and report it, but support has to agree before taking action. If it is clear that it is not really harashment, it would not be efficient to make a report.


Is it a single player or group of players (always the same??). Is it just against you or also against others?

Good stuff to think about. Good Luck!

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over


What you are describing here is by definition not harassment and just a personal problem. This is akin to demanding the store manager call the police because other people are shopping in the same aisle as you in the market.


> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.


This is harassment, however if it is something that takes place over a medium that isn't GW2, there's really not anything Arenanet can do about it. They don't control whatever said medium is.


> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...


Again, this is 100% NOT harassment and a personal issue on your end. Someone driving down the street in a lamborghini isn't doing anything wrong just because you don't also have a lamborghini. Honestly that's an incredibly self centered and egocentric view. Other people simply existing around you isn't an actionable offense no matter how much you seem to want it to be.




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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> First thing' first: do you have a Commander tag on? If so, turn it off. That should fix people following you around in-game.

> (Sorry, got to cover the dumb stuff first.)


> You absolutely can report players without chat or mail. Right-click their character name while targeting them to bring up the same dialog box as in chat. Simply select "Report Player" then fill out the report form as normal.


> If you're being harassed through other media, that sounds like an account security issue and you should take it up with those service providers' privacy teams. If you feel you are being stalked by these players, contact local authorities immediately.


I do have the commander tag but I never to rarely use it or when I use it it's always a private squad.

I know about the report function but there's no proper sub category for it.

The harassment through other media occured on tumblr even though nobody in the game could know about my tumblr unless they follow me from the game into the forums and end up in the character page section through my signature. (I should really open up a different page for that matter at some point if I find a page for such a thing).

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:


> This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...

> I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.


this sounds like a massive egocentric projection and insecurity complex. these people do not owe you to take off their achievements just because it makes you unconfortable. Your anxiety and insecurity is with you, not them. the fact that you use "obnoxious showoff" to describe them seems very petty.




Remember, if you are actually being verbally harrassed, block and report them. But don't let it get to you either, they're usually just trolls or people who have nothing better to do with their life.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over which all makes me very uncomfortable.

> It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.

> This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...

> I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.

> I just wish for a proper report option for harassment and a away to keep those people away and to never come across them ever again once I blocked them at least.

> Also I wish for a proper report function for lfg so that I can report slurs or sexual stuff in lfg descriptions because in the recent time this has become a big problem.

> Nearly every kitten time I take a look into lfg I see kitten like that and it makes me really think what this community has become.


they may be "attracted" to you because of various things like how you look, where you afk, or people you associate with.... you can try changing your routine (if you always hanged around DR/LA, change cities) or try changing your wardrobe style (if you have a theme to go with, you can surely find another look that conforms) basically if you "stood out" from the rest, try "blending in" and see if they stop.


block, report (where applicable) and move on.

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If you want to report them you have two options:


1) Select their character in-game, right click the name plate and choose report, then pick whichever option you think is most appropriate.

2) If you think it needs more detail, for example if you're concerned it won't be clear what they were doing to harass you simply from chat/activity logs you can submit a support ticket. Make sure to include the character/account name, what map you were on and the time so Anet can check logs as well if they need to.


> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Just report it as any harassment, ArenaNet keeps servers-side logs of everything that happens in game. This is how they check for cheaters and such, so they can tell if someone has been following you alot or anything like that.


> **But keep in mind support response times are very high right now, sometimes months.**


If you're reporting another player you won't recieve a response, unless Anet needs more information from you. They never discuss actions taken against other players even with the person who originally reported it. That doesn't mean nothing has happened, it's just a blanket policy not to discuss punishments for players with anyone else.

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I know this isn't the right place for this and I really appreciate your input but I'm currently desperately searching for like minded people to play with so I can feel safer again and I really look for a guild but sadly every single one of my attempts seems to fail. Yes, I know I can reach out to guilds first but I'm too shy and insecure based on bad experiences.

I doubt that anyone even cares about what I post here, on reddit or anywhere else.

I'm just trying to find likeminded people, get back to raiding in a laid back environment, find overall nice people, have fun again in this game andhave people who wouldn't let me down.

I know that this is stirring away from the topic and that this is a rule I broke in the terms of conditions but this is in fact my real core issue.

I'm sorry.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I know this isn't the right place for this and I really appreciate your input but I'm currently desperately searching for like minded people to play with so I can feel safer again and I really look for a guild but sadly every single one of my attempts seems to fail. Yes, I know I can reach out to guilds first but I'm too shy and insecure based on bad experiences.

> I doubt that anyone even cares about what I post here, on reddit or anywhere else.

> I'm just trying to find likeminded people, get back to raiding in a laid back environment, find overall nice people, have fun again in this game andhave people who wouldn't let me down.

> I know that this is stirring away from the topic and that this is a rule I broke in the terms of conditions but this is in fact my real core issue.

> I'm sorry.


Aww, don't be sorry! Also, if people didn't care they wouldn't've taken the time to respond and give you feedback. (Even if some of it was a bit...accusatory.) I responded in your thread and just know that offer will always stand.

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Believe me OP, you are not the only one. I have similar experiences but maybe not as bad as your case. Usually i will quietly block them, jumped to another map and most of the time, they will not or can't find you. Return back to the map after 10 mins -15 mins if you have to and probably they will be gone.


I think many are just temporary toons created to do those obnoxious acts and sexual trollings. I doubt reporting them does any good though >.> You know ANet. The company seems very short on manpower. They don't respond to support tickets asking for help, their gem store updates are not as often as before and for the longest time, they did nothing but only LWS with a couple of new raid or fractal thrown in. And they made veteran players grind eternally on old and new maps for every thing, to cover up for their lack of contents >.<


About showing off legendaries and shiny stuff. This is normal, lol. I see them all the time in cities and guild chats. These days for some reasons, players feel the need to link their shinies before and after they made them. Especially in guild chats, every one links every thing, Guess it's their bragging rights and a few 'congrats' made them feel worthy of all the efforts. Idk : )

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I doubt that anyone even cares about what I post here, on reddit or anywhere else.


If this is a serious statement then:

1. Stop playing the game NOW.

2. Stop reading the forums NOW.

3. Contact your support person (mum, dad, sibling, counsellor) NOW.


There is nothing any of us here can do. It is a somewhat unrealistic expectation that people on the forums care (in the sense of being worried about you).


However, important people in your circle should care. Reach out to them. NOW.

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I have to somewhat agree with what Hesione.9412 above said..

It sounds like a lot of this is coming from some personal issues OP.

I don't think you should stop playing Gw2 but I do think you should reach out to any close family or friends that you have and just talk to them and try and deal with these issues in a private/personal and safe manner.

The internet is too public and it's not a good place to share certain information that should remain private or personal.. in a way it only invites the kind of attention people don't want when they do that..


I hope you don't take anything i've said here as mean spirited.. that was honestly not my intent at all and if I missed the mark at all I do apologise in advance for that.

I hope you can find those like minded players you're looking for, Gw2 is a game for everybody and I hope you always remember that you are always welcome in Tyria.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over which all makes me very uncomfortable.

> It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.

> This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...

> I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.

> I just wish for a proper report option for harassment and a away to keep those people away and to never come across them ever again once I blocked them at least.

> Also I wish for a proper report function for lfg so that I can report slurs or sexual stuff in lfg descriptions because in the recent time this has become a big problem.

> Nearly every kitten time I take a look into lfg I see kitten like that and it makes me really think what this community has become.


I've actually been experiencing a ton of toxic player behavior in the last month. Mostly from WvW. People are just so quick to fly off the handle now, even when someone was not being rude with their words, it amazes me so much. Just tonight actually a guy in WvW had an attitude and kept responding to every little thing being said with a scowl, it was obvious and just last night the same guy was all nice and happy to everyone. I don't understand this community sometimes. Like is the real world getting to them or something that they have to act in such a way? This community needs a pick-me-up badly, of course not everyone is rude like that, but I see a lot of it when I play WvW and all I care about is getting stuff done for the team.

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Erm.... sometimes I just kinda follow someone around and maybe help them with events and whatnot... sometimes we get into imaginary pvp with each of us spamming our skills, other times we just kinda hop around, and mostly they just ignore me... my point is that it may not have been harassment. Probably just a bored player. =)

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> @"Caitybee.3614" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over which all makes me very uncomfortable.

> > It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.

> > This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...

> > I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.

> > I just wish for a proper report option for harassment and a away to keep those people away and to never come across them ever again once I blocked them at least.

> > Also I wish for a proper report function for lfg so that I can report slurs or sexual stuff in lfg descriptions because in the recent time this has become a big problem.

> > Nearly every kitten time I take a look into lfg I see kitten like that and it makes me really think what this community has become.


> I've actually been experiencing a ton of toxic player behavior in the last month. Mostly from WvW. People are just so quick to fly off the handle now, even when someone was not being rude with their words, it amazes me so much. Just tonight actually a guy in WvW had an attitude and kept responding to every little thing being said with a scowl, it was obvious and just last night the same guy was all nice and happy to everyone. I don't understand this community sometimes. Like is the real world getting to them or something that they have to act in such a way? This community needs a pick-me-up badly, of course not everyone is rude like that, but I see a lot of it when I play WvW and all I care about is getting stuff done for the team.


I find that it happens not only in the PvP modes but everywhere in GW2, and even in every game that I play. Best thing to do is just ignore it. The anonymity the internet provides probably gives a platform for this kind of behaviour to occur without consequence or thinking it through.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > I doubt that anyone even cares about what I post here, on reddit or anywhere else.


> If this is a serious statement then:

> 1. Stop playing the game NOW.

> 2. Stop reading the forums NOW.

> 3. Contact your support person (mum, dad, sibling, counsellor) NOW.


> There is nothing any of us here can do. It is a somewhat unrealistic expectation that people on the forums care (in the sense of being worried about you).


> However, important people in your circle should care. Reach out to them. NOW.


My observation is that if *nobody* in the forums/reddit(1) cared at all (in any way), there wouldn't be any helpful responses here, and I *do* see responses that are intended to be helpful.


EDIT: that said, your points 1, 2, 3 are spot on.


(1) I have my own opinions of reddit, and would in no way recommend it to a person with insecurity issues.

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> @"Caitybee.3614" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over which all makes me very uncomfortable.

> > It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.

> > This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...

> > I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.

> > I just wish for a proper report option for harassment and a away to keep those people away and to never come across them ever again once I blocked them at least.

> > Also I wish for a proper report function for lfg so that I can report slurs or sexual stuff in lfg descriptions because in the recent time this has become a big problem.

> > Nearly every kitten time I take a look into lfg I see kitten like that and it makes me really think what this community has become.


> I've actually been experiencing a ton of toxic player behavior in the last month. Mostly from WvW. People are just so quick to fly off the handle now, even when someone was not being rude with their words, it amazes me so much. Just tonight actually a guy in WvW had an attitude and kept responding to every little thing being said with a scowl, it was obvious and just last night the same guy was all nice and happy to everyone. I don't understand this community sometimes. Like is the real world getting to them or something that they have to act in such a way? This community needs a pick-me-up badly, of course not everyone is rude like that, but I see a lot of it when I play WvW and all I care about is getting stuff done for the team.


Sorry for the very late reply. I barely check the forums anymore but that's a real bummer since I actually wanted to try to become active in WvW again since my server isn't linked anymore with the server I was in that I left for obvious reasons and that I can now make more room and time for being active. I actually always enjoyed WvW even when I hate competetive stuff and the fact that I participated in a few PvP league seasond in gold and platinum a few years ago. In my experience WvW is more about teamwork (if you're in a zerg and a nice server community which is actually the case for me. We don't play to win but rather for fun which should be important in any game)> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > I doubt that anyone even cares about what I post here, on reddit or anywhere else.

> >

> > If this is a serious statement then:

> > 1. Stop playing the game NOW.

> > 2. Stop reading the forums NOW.

> > 3. Contact your support person (mum, dad, sibling, counsellor) NOW.

> >

> > There is nothing any of us here can do. It is a somewhat unrealistic expectation that people on the forums care (in the sense of being worried about you).

> >

> > However, important people in your circle should care. Reach out to them. NOW.


> My observation is that if *nobody* in the forums/reddit(1) cared at all (in any way), there wouldn't be any helpful responses here, and I *do* see responses that are intended to be helpful.


> EDIT: that said, your points 1, 2, 3 are spot on.


> (1) I have my own opinions of reddit, and would in no way recommend it to a person with insecurity issues.


Yeah, that was actually because I'm still searching for a fitting guild since either they broke apart completely or something else happened. I just want to get back to raids in a more laid back atmosphere, find like minded people and have people to talk to regardless of that one game (and maybe also play other games with them if possible). However my posts never seemed to gain any luck in that.


Also I apologize for bringing this thread back. I just checked notifications.

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