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WvW should be restricted to lvl 80 characters only


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1. Right now, when a new player with underleveled character enters WvW, they probably have a limited knowledge of the game, is super lost in terms of mechanics and combat. Gets absolutely destroyed by a random enemy player or even a camp, gets very discouraged towards the whole game mode and never visits it again.

2. Putting a level restriction would probably make introducing "new player experience" into WvW way easier as players coming in contact with WvW for the 1st time would already have some knowledge of the game.

3. ...would be a clear message to new players that this is advanced content that requires at least basic knowledge of game mechanics.

4. ...would possibly discourage some people from making a free account just to grief on enemy servers (free accounts already have a requirement, bumping it higher wouldn't hurt)

5. Going in with underleveled character puts your server in possible disadvantage as you are an easy rally for enemies, also possibly putting a bad light on you in the eyes of your server mates ("wtf get out of here noob")



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Wvw should be restricted to players characters that have 'Bob' in their names, as they are the only ones who should be allowed in. Heaven forbid we allow under levelled players in or try and encourage people to join wvw, it's way too crowded already and we should discourage these noobs from coming in or explaining anything to them as we are the superior people.... (clearly sarcasm).

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somehow it would make sense, somehow also not.


about 5), i'd never notice the players character level there. found once a lv2 ranger in a party. but when its a ranger, the level is not really mattering anymore.


most kittens are lv80 so ye idk. can we also ban everyone for a the next week who has a negative kill/death balance during a week? that'd be an effective kitten ban :cookie:

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I think we need to go a completely different route. All players that are new to WvW are restricted from running with a squad larger than 10 players as well as restricted from entering EBG for the first 120 hours of WvW playing time...so tired of 80% of the current player base unable to function unless there's a blob squad running on EBG. Every 10 minutes in Team chat it's "Is there a tag running yet?"

Clearly this idea is sarcasm, but c'mon people, learn how to function without a blob to carry you!!

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> In my experience, somehow, the worst players are lv80 with gold and above rank.


Depends on what server they play on and what tier they're used to running in. In my experience, the higher the tier the less likely they are to be able to play in a squad of fewer than 40 and need others to carry them.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> I'd prefer some fresh souls in the game that may have no clue at the beginning but maybe will actually play the game mode over the diamond legend unkillable immob bunker druid blocking keep waypoints 247 while being chased by 20 noobs from your server or the platin general condi thief gank duo.

This, so much this.


The biggest problem with the ladder being broken so we only farm bags and BvB or the problem with full servers etc., so no one can create guilds, recruit and build community is that no one is picking up and hands-on or socially intergrates the new players into content. We have 99% of the players relying on 1% to do most of anything and they're too ladened with doing everything to actually put a name and a face to character and actually play with them, they are just leading the content so to speak.


The fact of the matter is that if content was more diverse there would be more things for people to do where levels, gear and builds matter less, other sets of skills or knowledge comes into the picture and if we could actually build different communities for those different types of content there would also be more places for people to shed their anonymity and _make friends to actually play with and not just play next to_ [Jon Peters, combat design, Anet, 2011].


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i mean, basically only the OP argumented for the restrictions here lol.


u cannot level your gear under lv80 there anyways, since the exotics u can buy for some badges and one gold per piece are lv80. and the ascended stuff costs some 250 memories of battle, which is a pain to farm if ur newbie. wvw uses the real gear stats, so idk.


i personally also entered wvw before lv80 and had at lv80 still some yellow or not lv80 gear. i just played invulnerable mobility warrior and disrupted enemy zergs with cc's for fun and participation the whole time. did literally no real damage at that point but yeah, was fun. i basically was a ppt kitten there, which is kinda fine since i know what i can do and what not.


once u learn groupplay tho, u realize it is just way more effective. and u sometimes won't join squads if it makes no difference, bc u see that the matchup alike cannot work. due to the target caps, u cannot even punish enemies for ignoring you, at a size big enough (lets say 1:5) even the biggest newbies manage to sustain revspikes of a single player, since it doesn't oneshot.


and yeah @"KrHome.1920" we all hate those lol. reason why i never will make a thief, their image i got from Wvw is just too bad. i'd feel dirty to play one.

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I kind of agree with OP. Personally it doesn't affect ME that they are there, but them getting run over or repeatedly ganked by roamers on spawn farmers that have a drastic gear advantage can lead them to hate the game mode. I love the game mode, but if I had been continuously farmed due to gear difference when I first got in, maybe I wouldn't have sunk in the thousands of hours I have on it so far. Plus you wont stop the "toxic elite" you're all griping about from calling them out and/or kicking them from squads just because you don't think its "nice". In my honest opinion, I think it does more harm than good to have underleveled characters in the borderlands/EBG, particularly to new players. I'd rather they wait a bit and have a better experience once they do come in on a fully leveled character.


That said, maybe EOTM instances can be opened for non-80 characters and XP gain can be put in so they can dip their toes into the game mode.

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This is a terrible suggestion. If you want to talk about discouraging players, I feel like having access to less content would be pretty discouraging.


Hitting level 80 doesn't suddenly make a new player more ready for wvw. Being level 80 also doesn't mean you have "basic knowledge of game mechanics.

For one thing, a lot of people use a level 80 boost.

Additionally, I have seen plenty of level 80 players that don't know basic game mechanics.

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> Hitting level 80 doesn't suddenly make a new player more ready for wvw.


Yes it does, it grants them access to level 80 gear. Literally more survivable if not outright more powerful gear.


The mechanics and skill will come with time, but having basic level 80 gear is a huge step of from getting 1-shot by literally anything with red text over its head because you're in sub-80 gear. Going into WvW as a lvl 80 noobie is already a jump into a very nasty dog fight; you can come across a 50 man blob out the gate, or a veteran ganker that won't let you get halfway to your spawn tower. Is it really better for the new players and the game mode to allow their first experiences be the equivalent of throwing a fang-less puppy into that aforementioned dog fight?


I mean shit, whenever groups come across these players they are not merciful. Red is dead, even the inevitable "Aww it was a baaaabyyy!" becomes a "He gave me a light loot bag" joke or an outright "Welcome to WvW" *siege tombstone*.


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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > Hitting level 80 doesn't suddenly make a new player more ready for wvw.


> Yes it does, it grants them access to level 80 gear. Literally more survivable if not outright more powerful gear.


> The mechanics and skill will come with time, but having basic level 80 gear is a huge step of from getting 1-shot by literally anything with red text over its head because you're in sub-80 gear. Going into WvW as a lvl 80 noobie is already a jump into a very nasty dog fight; you can come across a 50 man blob out the gate, or a veteran ganker that won't let you get halfway to your spawn tower. Is it really better for the new players and the game mode to allow their first experiences be the equivalent of throwing a fang-less puppy into that aforementioned dog fight?


> I mean kitten, whenever groups come across these players they are not merciful. Red is dead, even the inevitable "Aww it was a baaaabyyy!" becomes a "He gave me a light loot bag" joke or an outright "Welcome to WvW" *siege tombstone*.



I guess we just have different opinions. In my opinion, someone that doesn't know what they're doing is going to get killed just as easily, regardless of their gear. At best, it might extend their life for a very small portion of time.


Also, I personally played WvW well before my first level 80 and I had a ton of fun. But that's just me, *shrug*.

Either way, I don't really see how it would be more preferable to not have the option to play the game mode. That is insane to me. Should we apply this to PvP as well?

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It won't make a difference in outcomes, all it does is discourage people from ever taking interest in a format.


If the "noobs" are sucking on your team, causing all kinds of stupid... guess what - they're doing the same thing on the other team too... so it's all balanced out in the end...


Better to encourage them so they grow to like the game style, decide to learn how to play there, and everyone benefits.


Someone that trained their skill up from 'noob' to 'keyboard jedi' in a given game format is going to be much more dedicated to it than someone that comes in having learned everything about the game somewhere else doing something else.


I'm a bit of an example of this myself. I've had a GW2 account since Beta, and I've barely bothered with WvW... I dip in now and then and then go back to my usual stuff. It's not that its bad or anything - it's just not where my loyalties have been honed over time. I don't know anyone there, don't have passion for the things about it, don't recognize the things being spammed in chat trying to tell me where to go or what to do, etc...

- If I'd been playing it instead of other modes, I'd likely be dedicated and quite good at this point.


Instead I'm the very player the OP wants: a maxed out level 80 person in all the best gear...


...who has no idea WTF is going on and is just as likely to split off from the group and gather herbs in mid fight as to help push the goal because... I've got so little clue I can't tell the difference. But hey... I'm an 80 right? In a mix of exotic and ascended gear. So... no prob when I go pick those herbs right? :p

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