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[POLL] Third Party Anti-cheat Software

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> "Anti-cheat software"? What exactly would that be? Would it automatically punish people for attempting to cheat? Would it simply detect when people are cheating? Forgive me; I'm totally clueless on such a topic. :) What would such a thing do?


No worries. There are a number of software providers. One I have seen success and failures in deployment of is actually called Easy Anti-Cheat. Not saying it the best but one I have seen a number of games use.


Their website lists games that employee their software:



Quite often we will see players call foul and others say learn the game or others that its just lag. In reality its all three plus some times its easier to call on the boogie man than face something else. Sometimes employing the third party software eliminates or reduces the chance its actually a hack. To follow policy we can't talk about hacks anymore than that.

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Yeah no. Valorant has this and it messes up all sorts of things with people's machines. You basically allow some special program into the kernal of your machine to monitor what you use it for - and block things not on their list.


What's not on their list? Anything they haven't yet thought of allowing yet... which often happens to be things like the bios management software of your motherboard, apps to monitors things like fan speed, CPU and GPU heat, and sometimes just random other programs you might have like your printer app, art tools, or other games - because it's not been whitelisted yet.


It takes the issues you might have with Anti-Virus software where you can at least say "no I trust this app" to a whole new level because if you say "I trust this app" you're obviously a cheating scoundrel...


Nope. No thanks.


(In Valorant's case this is particularly concerning as their development house is owned by a Communist Chinese game company... but that's not the case with Guild Wars... still... it's handing things over to someone else...)



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> @"Kichwas.7152" said:


> (In Valorant's case this is particularly concerning as their development house is owned by a Communist Chinese game company... but that's not the case with Guild Wars... still... it's handing things over to someone else...)



Don't get me wrong, would prefer they code their own. But if they don't than there are options out there and was curious on their and players take on it. For PvE, its not a big deal, for sPvP and WvW, its a different story.



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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Kichwas.7152" said:


> > (In Valorant's case this is particularly concerning as their development house is owned by a Communist Chinese game company... but that's not the case with Guild Wars... still... it's handing things over to someone else...)

> >


> Don't get me wrong, would prefer they code their own. But if they don't than there are options out there and was curious on their and players take on it. For PvE, its not a big deal, for sPvP and WvW, its a different story.




Since there's no 'Professional league' or licensed mob-run gambling association connected to Guild Wars 2 competitive play... it seems like adding a toxic can of worms for no gain.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> They have done this twice before and there was an uproar about it. I don’t recall any lag though. All the complaints by those who never read the terms of use who felt it infringed in their privacy.


Not all the complaints were about privacy, the tool also had some serious bugs which lead to a bunch of bans because of false positives.

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In games where I've seen a feature like that it works on the entire game, so no thanks. If it can only work when you go to PVP (sPVP/WVW) and the thing is completely disabled in PVE then they can add whatever they want, if they think it will help with bots and cheats in competitive modes. But I don't see any use for anti-cheat in PVE, I mean the only thing I've seen cheaters do in PVE is take a character and teleport to resource nodes to gather them instantly, that's the extent of the "gain" someone might have in PVE.

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Nope. I do not like having to install anti-cheat programs, especially if it's not clearly disclosed before purchasing a game (fine print doesn't count).


There's also been too many instances of anti-cheat software harming or outright destroying hardware (SecuROM, Valorant) and there's a privacy issue as well as a security issue, depending on what type of software it is.


GW2 does have cheaters but not close to enough to warrant an entirely separate program to deal with, especially as GW2 doesn't do e-sports.

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No. At best, they never really work, at worst, they ruin the performance of the game and even the computer itself and usually either do more than they're supposed to or pave the way for something to slip into the computer. Hard pass. Keep that intrusive nonsense out of this game.


And, as others have pointed out, more often than not it's never made clear that it's part of the package, or the developers will sneak it in later, knowing full well no player wants it.

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I've made mostly negative experiences with 3rd party anti cheat.

Some of them spy a lot more on the computer than they should and send all that data to the internet.

Some of them eat resources at a rate that makes Chrome look tame.

Some of them simply don't detect cheaters.

Some of them think you're cheating as soon as your ping goes above 300 for more than a moment.


Good anti-cheat has to be built into the game engine itself. 3rd party solutions can never reach the performance and accuracy of a built-in system.

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Well every background program eats resources. So it would probably increase the lagg and loading-time issues even more.


On the other hand, we had "official" spyware for once, which was designed to record certain software activity. Those records caused a ban-wave. The common excuse why people had the questionable software on their computers was "I need this for work." Claiming to be programmers and software developers for big companies who have to test their stuff with those tools to fix bugs. Most real employers would kick you out instantly, if you dared to bring that unfinished code home, let alone run it on a computer where you play online-games. But the companies, those "programmers" worked for, were probably just really relaxed with security of their products.


No matter what they do, no matter how fool-proof the method is, they will always face a wave of complaints. No one wants to be called a cheater and punished for it, even if they are 100 % guilty.


Those special programs work because there is an interface they can interact with the client. That should be fixed.


One small example: Clickers and Macro Tools

Those programs simulate player-activity by moving the mouse-cursor, clicking with left/right and pressing button combinations.


However there is a real difference between a button pressed by a program and a button pressed by person. This difference can be detected. But it requires a lot of work. You have to deal with different keyboard-manufacturers, drivers, operating-systems and the hardware itself of course as well as the interface. And then you run into the situation with the touch-pads, which use a keyboard-program. The gaming-veterans of the old days may remember those hours and hours of trying to get that game-pad/keyboard/mouse working. We had a lot of issues back then, some devices never worked properly or only half of the buttons. It is a lot easier to just use the same query as everyone else, and just assume every command you receive was done by a human being.

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As a personal experience, some of those programs will actually heavily impact performance if it's not -perfectly- tailored to the exact game they're servicing. They're not perfect, and if they're third party, the devs will have limited possibilities to act when it inevitably causes issue. Let it be made by the devs, atleast they know what they're dealing with, and if they mess up, they can look at both sides of the issue to fix it.

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