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Can you please just release a balance patch and make some changes

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> They should try a "community patch"


> Community votes and make the most garbage patch of all times


This is true, it would be the absolute worst patch ever. As for the OP, I can't possibly disagree more with the request. Something is not always better than nothing. In fact, in my line of work, the vast majority of the time the 'something' that people choose to do is 1000000% worse than nothing. Just ask mirages how the 'seomthings' they got turned out compared to nothing.


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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > They should try a "community patch"

> >.....

> > Community votes and make the most garbage patch of all times


> This is true, it would be the absolute worst patch ever. As for the OP, I can't possibly disagree more with the request. Something is not always better than nothing. In fact, in my line of work, the vast majority of the time the 'something' that people choose to do is 1000000% worse than nothing. Just ask mirages how the 'seomthings' they got turned out compared to nothing.



actually condi mirage is way more fun now so it was a net improvement.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > They should try a "community patch"

> >.....

> > Community votes and make the most garbage patch of all times


> This is true, it would be the absolute worst patch ever. As for the OP, I can't possibly disagree more with the request. Something is not always better than nothing. In fact, in my line of work, the vast majority of the time the 'something' that people choose to do is 1000000% worse than nothing. Just ask mirages how the 'seomthings' they got turned out compared to nothing.



its shit but its fun shit

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> As much as people complain about PVP and WVW **I don't see a lot of longevity in just killing your fellow Tyrian. Just meh. Stand on a location and kill fellow Tyrian again....weeeeeee**..... I have no doubt we got a WvW pve map and we will probly get a openish pvp-pve map.


So you play like a bot?


Or maybe you aren't aware that daily farm servers don't really count?

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> @"Renzo.8361" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > As much as people complain about PVP and WVW **I don't see a lot of longevity in just killing your fellow Tyrian. Just meh. Stand on a location and kill fellow Tyrian again....weeeeeee**..... I have no doubt we got a WvW pve map and we will probly get a openish pvp-pve map.


> So you play like a bot?


> Or maybe you aren't aware that daily farm servers don't really count?


the floor is open for your ground breaking inspirational ideas for PVP gameplay....

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > @"Renzo.8361" said:

> > > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > As much as people complain about PVP and WVW **I don't see a lot of longevity in just killing your fellow Tyrian. Just meh. Stand on a location and kill fellow Tyrian again....weeeeeee**..... I have no doubt we got a WvW pve map and we will probly get a openish pvp-pve map.

> >

> > So you play like a bot?

> >

> > Or maybe you aren't aware that daily farm servers don't really count?


> the floor is open for your ground breaking inspirational ideas for PVP gameplay....


If to you, the experience of simply fighting other players is just a sarcastic "weee..."and not an intrinsically engaging and fun activity no extra game modes or novel types of pvp will make pvp fun for you. Not to mention you saying "stand on a location and kill fellow tyrian again" as if thats some kind of bad pvp gameplay? What exactly do you think pvp is? You engage with a "fellow tyrian" and hopefully one of you dies. That's kind of the idea. Everything else is window dressing.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> GW2 patches are basically just that back-alley hit for a cheap high that will fade eventually. You'll never get anything satisfying since the core issues with the game are never addressed by the surface-level changes that comprise the bulk of every patch.




very well said

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> @"Renzo.8361" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > @"Renzo.8361" said:

> > > > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > > As much as people complain about PVP and WVW **I don't see a lot of longevity in just killing your fellow Tyrian. Just meh. Stand on a location and kill fellow Tyrian again....weeeeeee**..... I have no doubt we got a WvW pve map and we will probly get a openish pvp-pve map.

> > >

> > > So you play like a bot?

> > >

> > > Or maybe you aren't aware that daily farm servers don't really count?

> >

> > the floor is open for your ground breaking inspirational ideas for PVP gameplay....


> If to you, the experience of simply fighting other players is just a sarcastic "weee..."and not an intrinsically engaging and fun activity no extra game modes or novel types of pvp will make pvp fun for you. Not to mention you saying "stand on a location and kill fellow tyrian again" as if thats some kind of bad pvp gameplay? What exactly do you think pvp is? You engage with a "fellow tyrian" and hopefully one of you dies. That's kind of the idea. Everything else is window dressing.


Clearly, Anet feels the same or you would be getting more substantial updates. You wanna come back to PVE? We'll take you back :3

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > @"Renzo.8361" said:

> > > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > > @"Renzo.8361" said:

> > > > > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > > > As much as people complain about PVP and WVW **I don't see a lot of longevity in just killing your fellow Tyrian. Just meh. Stand on a location and kill fellow Tyrian again....weeeeeee**..... I have no doubt we got a WvW pve map and we will probly get a openish pvp-pve map.

> > > >

> > > > So you play like a bot?

> > > >

> > > > Or maybe you aren't aware that daily farm servers don't really count?

> > >

> > > the floor is open for your ground breaking inspirational ideas for PVP gameplay....

> >

> > If to you, the experience of simply fighting other players is just a sarcastic "weee..."and not an intrinsically engaging and fun activity no extra game modes or novel types of pvp will make pvp fun for you. Not to mention you saying "stand on a location and kill fellow tyrian again" as if thats some kind of bad pvp gameplay? What exactly do you think pvp is? You engage with a "fellow tyrian" and hopefully one of you dies. That's kind of the idea. Everything else is window dressing.


> **Clearly, Anet feels the same or you would be getting more substantial updates.** You wanna come back to PVE? We'll take you back :3


This isn't anything new. It's obvious that whoever is in "charge" of pvp balance either doesn't understand the game mode/competitive gaming or they flat out don't care bc they know pve whales/casuals make them way more money for a fraction of the effort.


It's sad to see what they've done with such a potential-filled combat system.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> We're BORED. We can't languish like this until End of Dragons.

me not bored. Why you think that EOD will chnge yours bored state?


>Honestly please push back the expansion and make a good balance patch first.

why you think that balance will change yours "bored", and if it change the effect will be longer than one week ? And if it only for one week non bored that the reason do that??


> Don't just let the game fester and ignore it whilst you power-develop the elite specs.

why you so sure that you will see new elite spec? I am not sure that hey come inside patch, opposite, may be they merge pof and hot, and left only 2 spec for class .. and for me new elite spec looks bored.


> Right now, you have put every skills/balance dev to work on the new spec

why you thinks so? You manager and know how it works in anet now? Don't think so. So not me, not you don't know how it be. Some prediction from top gw2 stremers say that gw2 make direction to solo play game in story mode. So wait some balance or elite is not good choose may be.



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in my opinion Anet really should give some attention to pvp ... because the state of ranked pvp is just awful at the moment..

balance is 1 issue.. honestly i dont think that the overall balance is "soo bad" but there are some issues that make it look bad.. Holo is unstoppable .. tuning holo down shouldnt be so hard.. stealth in my opinion need to get a drawback.. shadow art buffs were stupid in my opinion ...

the game got too much CC for the amount of stability we can have after the 33% patch ... tempest can cc lock an entire team with his annoying auras..

spell breaker sadly dropped into support because most of warrior skills are cc. and instead of removing some cc and keeping damage..

Anet went with such a general barbaric idea "cc = 0 damage"

spell breaker cc too much and cant damage / sustain enough.

condi core necro.. this endless fear that even drain life.. he dont need to do anything to win 1v1.. just fear you and let you die from the fear damage .. if you use your stun break np.. spectral ring will do the job .


but to me.. the even bigger problem in ranked pvp.. is the stupid about of bots and hackers that doesnt even try to hide their actions anymore..

bots / hacks are so public at the moment so ballzy i see people flying in the map teleport to change locations i saw hit box change hacks...

when hits just pass through the animation without damaging.

and bots? there are currently more bots than actual players in ranked pvp.. the ranked pvp sadly became a gold farm for bots.. Anet doesnt seem to even care about ranked pvp anymore.. everygame you may have like 3 bots in same team.. so obviously bots .. its already a lose . what prove me Anet doesnt care about ranked pvp.. is the fact that you will see the same bots over and over every day all day long.. they get countless of reports from everyone and yet noting is ever done.. they are never banned or stopped.. idk why most of them use Asura race with low lvl items weird names.. before bots werent as common as now.. and they would normally use a none elite class but a F2P tells me that maybe they feared bans.. today .. they are either Scourge /mirage mostly sometimes guardian aswell..

its so frustrating.. so many people have walked away from ranked pvp.. the time to find team takes longer than the game its self.. often im waiting 7-10 mins to find a team.. and get into the game.. and then only to find only 1 of my team mates isnt a bot.. clearly as i said Anet can balance but they simply dont care about ranked pvp.. this game mode is just gonna die... right now people either use it to get the back pack or to farm gold.. most people who want to enjoy pvp already playing unranked..

i really wish for a good balance patch but more than everything i wish Anet will replace the gold reward on ranked pvp.. to not encourage cheaters/bots.

and a massive banning will be apprecaited !

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> GW2 patches are basically just that back-alley hit for a cheap high that will fade eventually. You'll never get anything satisfying since the core issues with the game are never addressed by the surface-level changes that comprise the bulk of every patch.


"C'mon, maaaan! *scratches neck* I just need ONE more nerf to teef, maaan! Look at me, I'm jonesing over here! Help me out!.... I'll suck your dick...."

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This post gonna get infractured and removed. Anet Devs hate when you ask them for stuff pertaining to their game. They only want to hear about Gem store updates and stroke their ego about how good their Living story updates are. Make sure you buy their ugly Mount skins too, they love that. Especially when you only use like 2 mounts in open world.


When you're developers are incompetent and unable to communicate with their players it's time to let the game die. It's honestly why they had to delay steam release. God i can't wait until it do come on steam. That way they can't delete your comment or try to hide the fact they are doing a BAD JOB.


EVERYONE need to be FIRED.


![](https://i.imgur.com/fPdjoef.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/gqv6gHn.jpg "")


P.S - **bUT cOvID-NinNE tEeN !!!**

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> This post gonna get infractured and removed. Anet Devs hate when you ask them for stuff pertaining to their game. They only want to hear about Gem store updates and stroke their ego about how good their Living story updates are. Make sure you buy their ugly Mount skins too, they love that. Especially when you only use like 2 mounts in open world.


> When you're developers are incompetent and unable to communicate with their players it's time to let the game die. It's honestly why they had to delay steam release. God i can't wait until it do come on steam. That way they can't delete your comment or try to hide the fact they are doing a BAD JOB.


> EVERYONE need to be FIRED.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/fPdjoef.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gqv6gHn.jpg "")


> P.S - **bUT cOvID-NinNE tEeN !!!**


Well we all know anet likes to diss its player base when it comes to pvp :-).

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lets face it guys.. the sad truth.. Anet doesnt give a damn about pvp.. its so obvious the only thing that can be more clear about it is that they make a big post of

"we dont care about you pvp players go play another mode/game"


if they cared even alittle ranked PVP wouldnt be 95% bots 5% players. doing daily 3 games with 2 games 3 bots in my team and 1 game with 2 bots and 1 afk because we had bots.. almost makes me just rage quit .. and then balance.. no matter how we turn it.. the truth is.. Anet simply dont care about pvp and if they wanted to fix this they would've because this game is 1 of the easiest games to balance.. the issues are so obvious.. we all know what need to be done.. and so does Anet they read these posts every day and yet nothing is done about balance or about hackers/bots


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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> I'm not a marketing guy, but why would they want to release on steam before they released their expansion? they take like 30% of sales. that's probably the real reason it was pushed back. (and really can you blame them?)




I think it was mainly pushed back due to WoW expansion release. Plus they're trying to hold off to make End of Dragons a big release. That's what i'm guessing. Only expansion i liked was HoT and even that was a buggy , balance trash of a mess, but at least it was fun. We waited like 3 years to hear something and LS was taking forever.

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There is supposed to be a balance patch every quarter. They not only failed to uphold their promise of regular 4-6 week updates, but we haven't heard anything pertaining to balance in over months. Now I understand developing an expansion and a living world release while a pandemic is wrecking the world is not an easy task, but at least give us a memo on why things have slowed down, or if there are any plans at all.


I am still here hoping for the return of CC damage, but I stopped expecting it long ago.

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> @"Adamixos.6785" said:

> There is supposed to be a balance patch every quarter. They not only failed to uphold their promise of regular 4-6 week updates, but we haven't heard anything pertaining to balance in over months. Now I understand developing an expansion and a living world release while a pandemic is wrecking the world is not an easy task, but at least give us a memo on why things have slowed down, or if there are any plans at all.


> I am still here hoping for the return of CC damage, but I stopped expecting it long ago.


What you mean? you don't like hitting 1 damage on Prime Light beam on an Elite skill on Holo? Or 2 damage on Headbutt with Warrior? When the skill says 50% more damage if target has stab? You mean to tell me you dont like those changes!!!? They're absolutely game changing ! WOO Go ANET!

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