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Why Warrrior wouldnt need a damage buff .....


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Okay this is Threat is only just for those who think: "yea warrior need damage buff cause i dont do damage".


first of all you play Zerker amulet on spellbraker strength. It is just simply full dps like. You could ezily do about 10k critical hits with arc divider and about 3-4k with some dagger skills, that is just actually more than enough. The only reason why you just deal like no damage are the random blinds spam from some classes who get blind for no reason. First example the EE trait from engi do daze (what is first of all okay) but it also blinds ya .... and i dont get for what is this blind for its simply there. Other example would be the rev staff block .... it just block so for what is that stupid blind here ....... There are a lot more of those blinds for no real reason... Pls do something about that Anet so Warrior would get back to shine ... a Damage buff will simply do nothing!

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You're forgetting the fact that the CC damage nerf hit warrior MUCH harder than other classes and its means of dealing damage were pretty much always tied to slower, highly telegraphed CC skill setups. Let's say you could hit 10k on Arc Divider, which is a ***Berserker only*** skill and can't even hit those numbers anymore, your still having to put in a lot more effort to achieve that vs nearly any other DPS build. This isnt even considered the fact that taking Berserker means your sustain is made of paper.

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@"CutesySylveon.8290" You are right but as i said a damage buff would just do nothing about the fact that 50% of your skills (big dps or not) are effected by just random blinds that are ingame for just (for me at least) no real reason. Except that blinds are the hardest counter for Warrior things like this shouldnt be a thing.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> You're forgetting the fact that the CC damage nerf hit warrior MUCH harder than other classes and its means of dealing damage were pretty much always tied to slower, highly telegraphed CC skill setups. Let's say you could hit 10k on Arc Divider, which is a ***Berserker only*** skill and can't even hit those numbers anymore, your still having to put in a lot more effort to achieve that vs nearly any other DPS build. This isnt even considered the fact that taking Berserker means your sustain is made of paper.


This. The whole Warrior gameplay style relies on CC's to land any significant damage against a fairly skilled player. Besides Greatsword, all the other weapons used in viable pvp builds have CC's tied to what used to be their big damage. Personally, I think (at least) all burst skills should've kept their non-nerf damage even if they are CC's. The setup cost of these skills, combined with their massive telegraphs and, in all honestly, sub par implementation (hammer burst skill still wont land on any sort of stairs or non-level ground 8 years later) is more than enough reason to have them keep their damage when they do land.


Also, we're still waiting for the rework on defy pain /last stand. Its been long enough; devs shouldn't just kill traits and make no effort at all to rework them. They've literally nullified a whole traitline with those nerfs.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> they could give warrior global -50% blind duration TBH, in general blinds should be short lasting IMO. 1-2s blind from skills is plenty enough


They could also make blinds not stack so you're not running around with 10+ second blinds if you can’t get it off immediately after a thief hits you with Shadowshot over and over, and that blind is 5 seconds and is unblockable.

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I agree with the above sentiments. Removing CC damage from Warrior was a massive blunder and a sign of a complete misunderstanding of how that class funtions. CC that deals damage was 90% of the strength of the reactive gameplay of Spellbreaker, and now the only viable build for the espec in pvp (and in WvW too) is shout healer. That just feels wrong from a design perspective.


I won't beg Anet to go back on their CC philosophy, but they really should. CC damage was decidedly not the problem. If CC is an issue, people should take stun breakers and stability.

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I would settle for adding back the damage to Burst skills that CC.

-Hammer has 2 damage skills, one dependant on having CC on the target, the other is not damage but soft CC. May be 1/2 real damaging skills.

-Mace Has 1 damage skill and requires a block.


Also Hundred Blades needs to not root you in place, this is a ridiculously outdated mechanic for a skill that can be easily interrupted.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > they could give warrior global -50% blind duration TBH, in general blinds should be short lasting IMO. 1-2s blind from skills is plenty enough


> They could also make blinds not stack so you're not running around with 10+ second blinds if you can’t get it off immediately after a thief hits you with Shadowshot over and over, and that blind is 5 seconds and is unblockable.


yep, exactly my thoughts. they could go around shredding blind duration on most skills.

mesmers prestige applies 5s blind for no reason, same with signet of midnight. could both be easy peasy be nerfed to 3s, and it would be net positive change to the game

proj finisher blind should go down to 2 from 3, and whirl from 3 to probably 1. it would over all be good change.

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> @"LuRkEr.9462" said:

> Warriors are in a fairly good place in pvp compared to many other classes. There are just a few completely broken classes that make Warrior feel bad, but its generally in a good place.

> Not saying it doesn't need any tweeks, but its not needing anything extreme.


Shoutbreaker being good doesn't make warrior good as a whole. It says a lot when your one viable build is a support spec with no viable damage builds.

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> @"LuRkEr.9462" said:

> Warriors are in a fairly good place in pvp compared to many other classes. There are just a few completely broken classes that make Warrior feel bad, but its generally in a good place.

> Not saying it doesn't need any tweeks, but its not needing anything extreme.


I cannot believe I just read this.... what?

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> @"Adamixos.6785" said:

> I agree with the above sentiments. Removing CC damage from Warrior was a massive blunder and a sign of a complete misunderstanding of how that class funtions. CC that deals damage was 90% of the strength of the reactive gameplay of Spellbreaker, and now the only viable build for the espec in pvp (and in WvW too) is shout healer. That just feels wrong from a design perspective.


> I won't beg Anet to go back on their CC philosophy, but they really should. CC damage was decidedly not the problem. If CC is an issue, people should take stun breakers and stability.


but they also nerfed stun breaks and stability

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> @"LuRkEr.9462" said:

> Warriors are in a fairly good place in pvp compared to many other classes. There are just a few completely broken classes that make Warrior feel bad, but its generally in a good place.

> Not saying it doesn't need any tweeks, but its not needing anything extreme.


You arent entirely wrong but not fully correct either, after the CC damage nerf warrior became a lot less active, granted CC on its own is pretty rewarding since anet also removed a lot of stability and therefore allows a lot of bursts (considering warrior has a good amount of CC) but it lacks a little something to be A tier and even so it gets gatekeeped by numerous other classes (such as thief, renegade and holo, among a few others) should said classes be nerfed and warrior buffed a little it would definitely see a lot more play.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"LuRkEr.9462" said:

> > Warriors are in a fairly good place in pvp compared to many other classes. There are just a few completely broken classes that make Warrior feel bad, but its generally in a good place.

> > Not saying it doesn't need any tweeks, but its not needing anything extreme.


> Shoutbreaker being good doesn't make warrior good as a whole. It says a lot when your one viable build is a support spec with no viable damage builds.


*cries in ele*

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Most, if not all core specs and a handful of elite specs need a damage buff. Nerfing everything doesn't work. It's just slowed the game down to a snail's pace and killed build diversity. Aside from a few elite spec tradeoffs, the entirety of the big nerf patch and all subsequent nerfs to this point were kinda pointless.


To get back to the OP: Healbreaker good for me warrior with tiny brain, but tiny brain no like Healbreaker because me tiny brain been smash for all of time be playing Guild Wars 2. Healbreaker be good side option when bored but mostly want smash tinies hurr hurr hurr. But smash warrior not good side pick. Very squish like tinies and less damage than light beam people doing same job. So no smash, only Healbreaker and spam CC. Peaceful, pacifist, immortal, but me no care about live forever or being tiny beta healer. Me alpha and me want smash. See problem?

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lol warrior doesnt need "number" damage buff, warrior need mechanic buff

in fact, warrior does higher number damage then most classes, just no reliable way to land them

if there's a way to reliably land damage, warrior would be top DPS chart in pvp.


what they need to do is shave damage and give better mechanics, which anet refuses to do since 2012

all they do is buff number and hope it works


have you seen how long the buff list is for this single uselss pvp skill? lol

u hardly see any already hard hitting skill gets 50% damage increase in a single patch lol


anet simply refuses to do anything else


also anet seen to refuse to make any functional ranged trait/utility for warrior.

i don't even know how rev and war is barely different HP and armor wise, yet rev is so much more revatile

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warrior sucks.. its just healer right now.. Tactic > everything ! its tactic or nothing.. spell breaker without tactic is just cc .. yes it can do little damage but its glass cannon without sustain when you dont take tactic in pvp.. "might makes right" is now all wrong.. might application is destroyed in pvp.. and if that wasnt enough of a nerf by its self the healing went down to like 55 .. when classes like thief does 20k crit with stupid high crit rate.. tell me how 50 health you get from might is gonna help you?

glass cannon berzeker warrior does half the damage of marauder reaper auto atack . warrior need reduce in cc and increase of damage and sustain with strength when you dont take tactic

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> @"felix.2386" said:

> lol warrior doesnt need "number" damage buff, warrior need mechanic buff

> in fact, warrior does higher number damage then most classes, just no reliable way to land them

> if there's a way to reliably land damage, warrior would be top DPS chart in pvp.


> what they need to do is shave damage and give better mechanics, which anet refuses to do since 2012

> all they do is buff number and hope it works

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whirling_Axe

> have you seen how long the buff list is for this single uselss pvp skill? lol

> u hardly see any already hard hitting skill gets 50% damage increase in a single patch lol


> anet simply refuses to do anything else


> also anet seen to refuse to make any functional ranged trait/utility for warrior.

> i don't even know how rev and war is barely different HP and armor wise, yet rev is so much more revatile


Warriors damage isn't reliable to land because it's been designed as a class that cc's its target and follows up with its burst, problem lies in the fact that warriors burst skills modifiers were initially balanced around all those proceeding cc skills doing damage as well, drop the burst skills modifiers the same degree as classes that aren't designed similar creates a big imbalance when u also remove the damage from cc, basically outright removing half of warrior burst potential not just lowering it as it did on most other classes with reliable methods other than cc to land their bursts. Most classes hard cc wasn't such a huge part of a classes overall burst numbers whereas with warrior it was. As soon as they released the no damage on cc idea warrior players knew this was gonna delete half their burst compared to other classes, anet devs didn't know their own game enough to see that I guess, lol the treasured cmc plays they class. Anyway anet know best right, that's why their games booming.

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> @"noiwk.2760" said:

> warrior sucks.. its just healer right now.. Tactic > everything ! its tactic or nothing.. spell breaker without tactic is just cc .. yes it can do little damage but its glass cannon without sustain when you dont take tactic in pvp.. "might makes right" is now all wrong.. might application is destroyed in pvp.. and if that wasnt enough of a nerf by its self the healing went down to like 55 .. when classes like thief does 20k crit with stupid high crit rate.. tell me how 50 health you get from might is gonna help you?

> glass cannon berzeker warrior does half the damage of marauder reaper auto atack . warrior need reduce in cc and increase of damage and sustain with strength when you dont take tactic


Again similar issue here, warrior sustain when specifically talking about sustain thru mmr and heal signet the warrior gained its sustain through might gain from multiple sources not just one source with the additional heal from heal signet. When all sources of might are gutted not just one etc u don't just tone down healing thru might u gut it as well. Add to this the nerf on heal signet lowering warrior sustain further and it's not rocket science to see why the method of using mmr and heal signet are now useless and why most warriors went to mending which is a really good heal ski on a low cd but still doesn't change the facts above. The fact the devs missed these easily seen issues and actually think their fine as is among other issues they've created for other classes leads me to have little faith in their ability to balance or rework anything remotely effectively when it comes to balance.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > warrior sucks.. its just healer right now.. Tactic > everything ! its tactic or nothing.. spell breaker without tactic is just cc .. yes it can do little damage but its glass cannon without sustain when you dont take tactic in pvp.. "might makes right" is now all wrong.. might application is destroyed in pvp.. and if that wasnt enough of a nerf by its self the healing went down to like 55 .. when classes like thief does 20k crit with stupid high crit rate.. tell me how 50 health you get from might is gonna help you?

> > glass cannon berzeker warrior does half the damage of marauder reaper auto atack . warrior need reduce in cc and increase of damage and sustain with strength when you dont take tactic


> Again similar issue here, warrior sustain when specifically talking about sustain thru mmr and heal signet the warrior gained its sustain through might gain from multiple sources not just one source with the additional heal from heal signet. When all sources of might are gutted not just one etc u don't just tone down healing thru might u gut it as well. Add to this the nerf on heal signet lowering warrior sustain further and it's not rocket science to see why the method of using mmr and heal signet are now useless and why most warriors went to mending which is a really good heal ski on a low cd but still doesn't change the facts above. The fact the devs missed these easily seen issues and actually think their fine as is among other issues they've created for other classes leads me to have little faith in their ability to balance or rework anything remotely effectively when it comes to balance.


100% ! the only way to sustain a warrior now in pvp is tactic..

the 33% patch was awful.. because it was too general.. clearly they did not look at every class as its own.. but rather very general changes " 0 damage on cc"

well while in general it does make sense.. all of the warrior utility and hard hitting skills are CC . !

and few weapons are also only cc !


another general nerf is healing.. "ok we nerfed all regen skills so we will nerf might makes right" without stopping for a second to think " ohh guys wait.. we already nerfed might makes right because we nerfed might application"

they promised alot of small updates following this patch and they didnt live to their promise..

by all mean warrior is amazing now.. but as a support only.. because i see no case in which not taking tactic is a good thing..

i think warrior is possibly best support in pvp right now.. but other than that.. warrior is just bad.. berzeker can still do good damage but i still find issue with the sustain..

ive seen 1 very strong duelist spell breaker on wvw.. but he was basically burst and run burst and run he played very well tho..

i think we are in need for a massive balance right now.. i think CC need to be tunned down becaue they removed basically all of the stability in game and the cc is left untouched or even buffed.. condi necro can lock someone in fear forever.. and support spell breaker can cc chain easily

warrior need rework to replace some cc for damage.. for example.. remove the cc on bull charge and some other utility but bring back its high burst damage..

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