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I love Dragon Response Missions

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I love Dragon Response Missions. Thank you very much for them. They are among the most fun and satisfying experiences I have ever had with my Reaper.


I find them, especially the Brisban Wildlands one, very engaging.


I love that they scale with the number of players, so I can enjoy playing them alone or with any number of people (maximum 5, including myself). Sometimes I just wish to do something alone, or with one or few friends.

I love being able to activate challenges, having a timer and a response about my completition time. I enjoy repeating things trying to get better results and improving my skills. Also, I love adapting my build and changing skills based on what I have to do.


The fighting experience is not frustrating, there are not annoying movement impairing conditions. The enemies are manageable and don’t move too much.


I hope their rewards can be improved, so it will be easier to get other people interested in repeating them. Someone mentioned they would enjoy them being shorter and that would be fine for me.


I was never interested in Open World events, they are just too boring for me. I don’t feel any satisfaction when playing with many other players.

I enjoy playing with only few people (mostly less than 5) in instanced content, seeing things clearly, fighting bosses and hordes of minions (and I love when, after being killed, they explode). My favourite content is: Dungeons, Dragon Response Mission, Fractal, some Personal Story quest (nothing else is worth mentioning for my taste).


I was a bit worried seeing the new Fractal being something I can’t enjoy at all, or 10 men content and Open World content being the main focus for so long. Now I’m just glad I can have something new to enjoy.

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> @"Black Storm.6974" said:

> I love Dragon Response Missions. Thank you very much for them.

yes !


> I love that they scale with the number of players, so I can enjoy playing them alone or with any number of people (maximum 5, including myself). Sometimes I just wish to do something alone, or with one or few friends.

ou, that scale is amazing. I see one or two friend online and we not depend from random pug.


> I hope their rewards can be improved, so it will be easier to get other people interested in repeating them. Someone mentioned they would enjoy them being shorter and that would be fine for me.

one of improvements make next phase if all destroyers killed and water pulled on fire .. But most it ok.


And my 5 cents: Dragon Response Mission: Gendarran Fields boss is too hard for me. At edge. But mostly ok and very acceptable.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> If they make them a bit les tedious, in other words reduce the health sponge at the end so it can be done quick I dont mind as much.


Generally I prefer deadlier enemies with less Health too. I do my best reducing the problem by trying to improve my damage, despite not focusing exclusively on it.

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The structure and idea of them is fine, but they need work or they will become dead content very quickly that wont get built upon. The Forging Steel is a much better version of thee as it has better scaling and more variety. I don't really think it's the pure length that's the issue, more that they are long and just plain dull - they are just 20-25 mins hp sponge fights and nothing else. Nothing to find, nothing to do and no real rewards


They need;

- better rewards

- lfg fixed

- either shorter/less hp mobs or same length packed with things to do

- potentially the option of CM in public

- and that Gendarren destroyer boss does not need to spam fire tornado over and over making stability useless


I'm certainly not against DRMs, but this is really supplimental content. For them to be main content like they are now, they need some reworks

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The structure and idea of them is fine, but they need work or they will become dead content very quickly that wont get built upon. The Forging Steel is a much better version of thee as it has better scaling and more variety. I don't really think it's the pure length that's the issue, more that they are long and just plain dull - they are just 20-25 mins hp sponge fights and nothing else. Nothing to find, nothing to do and no real rewards


> They need;

> - better rewards

> - lfg fixed

> - either shorter/less hp mobs or same length packed with things to do

> - potentially the option of CM in public

> - and that Gendarren destroyer boss does not need to spam fire tornado over and over making stability useless


> I'm certainly not against DRMs, but this is really supplimental content. For them to be main content like they are now, they need some reworks


While I enjoy them, I do agree they will become dead content quickly if these issues aren't addressed. Very well summarized Randulf!

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I actually like them as well. I dislike these reacting negative here just cause it does not cater them.


I have been playing games since the 90's and have been playing GW1 and later GW2 for a total of 13 years. I do not seek challenging content, but it shouldn't be too easy. More important, I like content that I can do after work and is not too intelligent, short and straight forward. It is like the old school dungeons and the low tier fractals. Easy and straight forward entertainment. Not everything has to be sophisticated.

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> @"Black Storm.6974" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > To me they seem to be a worse version of raids/strike missions. Definitely not a fan.


> I think they are a totally different thing, they shouldn’t be compared at all to Raid or Strike Mission.


Why shouldn't they be compared?

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I really don't appreciate the way all three of these missions seem designed to waste your time.


What's the deal with the timer on the first event? You complete all of the objectives, but for some reason you still have to wait it out. Why? For that matter, why even have this event? As far as I can tell, it's not even possible to fail it! I just ran around killing mobs until the timer ran out and I couldn't discern any sort of consequence to that choice. What even is this?


Then you have the boss encounters themselves. Instead of phases that present some sort of challenge or change the fight in some way, the boss just runs away and we have to chase it across the map? Again, why? This is both unimaginative and a waste of time.


Then there are the challenges. The challenge that buffs the adds seems way out of tune compared to the others. Too much health on too many adds.




On challenges, I feel the timer should probably be tighter, the boss challenge should add mechanics, and they should remove the additional health from the adds.


Bosses should not have these run-away phases. Just add a breakbar mechanic if you're feeling lazy, but don't drag out the fight for nothing.


Allow the opening event to complete without waiting out the timer if the objectives are completed. Allow groups who select the challenge mode to skip ahead to the final battle.


Fix the LFG issues.


Free Icecream for everyone! (Optional)

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> @"choon.6308" said:

> The majority seems to disagree with you. Community couldn't get past tier 3/5 of the event.


that might be due to making the progress tied to spending rather than acquiring currency and then not giving very compelling reasons to spend


> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I really don't appreciate the way all three of these missions seem designed to waste your time.


> What's the deal with the timer on the first event? You complete all of the objectives, but for some reason you still have to wait it out. Why? For that matter, why even have this event? As far as I can tell, it's not even possible to fail it! I just ran around killing mobs until the timer ran out and I couldn't discern any sort of consequence to that choice. What even is this?


On the one hand I agree but on the other hand both VB and TD meta suffers from the same thing.


Also if you take that out then isn't it just a party sized strike with more problems?


> Allow the opening event to complete without waiting out the timer if the objectives are completed. Allow groups who select the challenge mode to skip ahead to the final battle.


A timer based approach does have one advantage. Less likely to break. Not sure if you have noticed but a lot of the bugs in game relates to the game somehow losing track of the things that triggers changes such as killing/capturing certain number of creatures. There are better solutions but timer is probably easiest.

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> @"Black Storm.6974" said:

> The fighting experience is not frustrating, there are not annoying movement impairing conditions. The enemies are manageable and don’t move too much.


No movement impairing conditions, this is true... but they also cc players regularly (sometimes feeling undodgeable, like with the Gandarren Fields Fire Tornados), which on top of other players low damage, can make them extremely frustrating to fight.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> What's the deal with the timer on the first event? You complete all of the objectives, but for some reason you still have to wait it out. Why? For that matter, why even have this event? As far as I can tell, it's not even possible to fail it! I just ran around killing mobs until the timer ran out and I couldn't discern any sort of consequence to that choice. What even is this?


I only played public DRM's. The opening event there is a filler to allow more players to enter. Once the timer runs our, the instance is locked (a message shows in game). This might be different for private Arm's, but I understand why the event is needed, is easy and has no significance to the rest of the instance. I also see how it serves no purpose in private, but is needed for consistency. Maybe they should exclude it from stuff like completiontime (time starts at the end of the opening event)


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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Black Storm.6974" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > To me they seem to be a worse version of raids/strike missions. Definitely not a fan.

> >

> > I think they are a totally different thing, they shouldn’t be compared at all to Raid or Strike Mission.


> Why shouldn't they be compared?


Because not everyone likes raids and strikes. If for example DRMs had the same difficulty as raids or strikes, I wouldn't even touch them. I'm kind of glad they added something that everyone can participate in, instead of adding elitism content, which I'm personally running away from ever since I stopped playing other games that were focused on such content. The game has content for everyone, I don't know why people aren't satisfied. Not every piece of content in the game is supposed to be done by every person in the game. Raid and Strikes are a proof of that.

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The first positive thread about Dragon Response Missions, where people share why they like this new feature. But I guess we did not have enough negative threads, so people continue to talk about how much they dislike them. What I have seen so far, many of the negative complaints are a bit shortsighted.


Things I like about the DRM:

- engaging and interesting NPC dialgue

- easy warm-up events which make you familiar with the territory and the situation

- moral boost mechanic, which rewards you for completing these tasks

- time limit is short enough to be challenging for solo-runs

- challenge motes can be done solo as well, which is really nice

- the old multi-area AoE attacks returned, have not seen them in ages

- modified attack-pattern for the bosses, but not too difficult to learn. No lethal 1-shot attacks to punish players.

- public versions do not rely on squads/parties, so the meter-people are on their own

- the loot is OK, no Tarir-Multiloot obviously

- they feel engaging, almost like the LA evacuation/assault events


A few basic hints, most should be common-knowledge already:


A common complaint I always hear/read, **the missions take so long**. You can speed the escorts up a lot. The NPCs can be buffed with Swiftness and Superspeed. Tell your party-members not to stack at the leading NPC, else they consume the speed-buffs (boon-prioritization). You do not have to catch all of the NPCs, you only need the lead-NPC. The others will magically move with the same speed. Classes which can help with this are Elementalist (Tempest) and Engineer (Scrapper). Superspeed has no real purpose in PvE, but it works amazingly well with NPC escorts. I used this strategy in the Drizzlewood Coast already, works great.


The spawn-locations of the NPCs are all scripted. So you can use the Raptor-Engage and other pulls, together with your meta-dps to speed up things quickly.


The United Legions Waystation works in the DRM, so you can even speed up the final encounter with the boss. If you run solo, the EMP is powerful enough to take down the entire break-bar. So you can focus on DPS and sustain in your builds. Or bring a healer and do it Fractal Style.


The player started events require 1 player to start. So you can split up and let the fastest of you, preferably with area-Swiftness/Superspeed trigger the event while the others already camp the exact spawn-locations of the next NPC attack.


Regarding that "long" waiting time at the intro-missions:

- you do not lose progress even if the destroyers regain-control over the area

- you can park your characters already at the next scripted spawn locations and just let one player camp at the starting-spot (see above)

- we are talking about 3-4 minutes of extra time. If you RL 24h schedule gets messed up with this already, maybe re-think your time-management?

- Daily Destroyer Hunter is permanent. It can be completed easily in the intro-section and gives nice rewards. If you are really short in time, just do that and leave the DRM.

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Only curious at OP if this was meant as a serious post or troll post lol


I'm all very new, engaging, challenging rewarding content. Drizzlewood Coast was by far the best release of the whole Icebrood Saga, but I have to say this latest release was absolutely awful in my humble opinion. The DRM's nothing short of dreadful, recycled Core Tyria maps, throw in some out-dated Destroyer mobs, pitifully boring, no real challenge, I did 2 of the 3 of them and quit half way through the 3rd as I was so utterly bored and went straight back into WvW for some actual fun. DRM's probably took a couple of Dev's few hours work to code them, just recycled garbage I'm sorry to say. I'm pleased for those that enjoy them but they're definitely not for me.

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