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PvE endgame idea


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Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization.

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> @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization.

Why paint this as your "idea" when it's clearly Torghast from WoW's Shadowlands expansion?

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> > Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization.

> Why paint this as your "idea" when it's clearly Torghast from WoW's Shadowlands expansion?


No where did he say it was _his_ idea, just AN idea ...


And I like it ... similar to one or two storyline chapters where you have to play as someone that isn't you ... or the storyline where you die and have to 'remember' yourself. I think Caithe was one and another as a skritt somewhere. I'm not sure I would go as far as the OP's whole suggestion ... but more instances of where you play 'someone' or 'something' else are nice changes of pace.

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I've never played wow and this idea was born purely from a combination of rogue-likes in general and watching an anime in which there was a pit that no one had ever reached the bottom of. I think that in terms of the game being geared towards casuals, more gamemode options are important for longevity.

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How about a permadeth roguelike for the really hardcore crowd? You need full legendary equipment to enter, and once you die that's it! :tongue:

Joking aside, i like it, but it's not really a roguelike, just infinite dungeon.

Roguelikes have permadeth for character, then upgrades to new ones with the currency you farmed while on previous character.

But i get the gist, and could be cool. Something like an infinite dungeon with random modifiers like in Torchlight or something.

Sadly, i think people would get bored of it as well like they do with all the content.

And at one point, since GW2 has a capped gear at ascended variety - dungeons would get too hard to withstand the mobs and damage them, if they add progressive difficulty. It would have to be capped at a certain point, no?

Idk.. But it's a nice idea.

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> How about a permadeth roguelike for the really hardcore crowd? You need full legendary equipment to enter, and once you die that's it! :tongue:

> Joking aside, i like it, but it's not really a roguelike, just infinite dungeon.

> Roguelikes have permadeth for character, then upgrades to new ones with the currency you farmed while on previous character.

> But i get the gist, and could be cool. Something like an infinite dungeon with random modifiers like in Torchlight or something.

> Sadly, i think people would get bored of it as well like they do with all the content.

> And at one point, since GW2 has a capped gear at ascended variety - dungeons would get too hard to withstand the mobs and damage them, if they add progressive difficulty. It would have to be capped at a certain point, no?

> Idk.. But it's a nice idea.


What gave you the impression it was supposed to be infinite? I specifically mentioned a top and bottom. a very difficult, perhaps near impossible top and bottom, but a finite top and bottom nonetheless.

I wont pretend like people wont get bored of it either. But arguing against more gameplay options for boredom's sake is a poor one. games are not supposed to be played forever. even if there was an infinite amount of varied content in the game to try out, you would get bored of the core gameplay itself eventually.

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> @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > How about a permadeth roguelike for the really hardcore crowd? You need full legendary equipment to enter, and once you die that's it! :tongue:

> > Joking aside, i like it, but it's not really a roguelike, just infinite dungeon.

> > Roguelikes have permadeth for character, then upgrades to new ones with the currency you farmed while on previous character.

> > But i get the gist, and could be cool. Something like an infinite dungeon with random modifiers like in Torchlight or something.

> > Sadly, i think people would get bored of it as well like they do with all the content.

> > And at one point, since GW2 has a capped gear at ascended variety - dungeons would get too hard to withstand the mobs and damage them, if they add progressive difficulty. It would have to be capped at a certain point, no?

> > Idk.. But it's a nice idea.


> What gave you the impression it was supposed to be infinite? I specifically mentioned a top and bottom. a very difficult, perhaps near impossible top and bottom, but a finite top and bottom nonetheless.

> I wont pretend like people wont get bored of it either. But arguing against more gameplay options for boredom's sake is a poor one. games are not supposed to be played forever. even if there was an infinite amount of varied content in the game to try out, you would get bored of the core gameplay itself eventually.


Hey, i like your idea. Don't get so worked up about it, i'm just discussing it.

I never said you said infinite, i said "something like Torchlight that has infinite dungeons", meaning you just get random modifiers as you go. I meant it as a possible additional idea to yours, i never said that you came up with it.


As for people getting bored of it, that wasn't an argument against it, what gave you that idea?

Also, i already said i like it twice, how am i arguing against it? Why are you so defensive?

This was more a stab at people that chew at the content in a day or two when it's released, then complain to Anet that they're bored and that there's no new content to do.



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The Torghast like content sounds like fun, but all developer made content will eventually dry up and become stale over time; if Anet really wants to introduce long-term content and give this game more longevity, they'll give players the ability to make content on their own by implementing a few new systems that enable player-driven content. Can you imagine if Cantha introduced some areas like mines that consistently produced materials and guilds could claim temporary rights over that mine if their repped guild members completed a certain number of events/tasks in the region? Wouldn't have to necessarily be this since they'd have to do some economic balancing in this scenario, but it'd give some more meaning to be in an active guild and make things a bit more interesting. I always loved the building aspect of guild halls, so expanding on that idea of player-generated content would be awesome.

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > How about a permadeth roguelike for the really hardcore crowd? You need full legendary equipment to enter, and once you die that's it! :tongue:

> > > Joking aside, i like it, but it's not really a roguelike, just infinite dungeon.

> > > Roguelikes have permadeth for character, then upgrades to new ones with the currency you farmed while on previous character.

> > > But i get the gist, and could be cool. Something like an infinite dungeon with random modifiers like in Torchlight or something.

> > > Sadly, i think people would get bored of it as well like they do with all the content.

> > > And at one point, since GW2 has a capped gear at ascended variety - dungeons would get too hard to withstand the mobs and damage them, if they add progressive difficulty. It would have to be capped at a certain point, no?

> > > Idk.. But it's a nice idea.

> >

> > What gave you the impression it was supposed to be infinite? I specifically mentioned a top and bottom. a very difficult, perhaps near impossible top and bottom, but a finite top and bottom nonetheless.

> > I wont pretend like people wont get bored of it either. But arguing against more gameplay options for boredom's sake is a poor one. games are not supposed to be played forever. even if there was an infinite amount of varied content in the game to try out, you would get bored of the core gameplay itself eventually.


> Hey, i like your idea. Don't get so worked up about it, i'm just discussing it.

> I never said you said infinite, i said "something like Torchlight that has infinite dungeons", meaning you just get random modifiers as you go. I meant it as a possible additional idea to yours, i never said that you came up with it.


> As for people getting bored of it, that wasn't an argument against it, what gave you that idea?

> Also, i already said i like it twice, how am i arguing against it? Why are you so defensive?

> This was more a stab at people that chew at the content in a day or two when it's released, then complain to Anet that they're bored and that there's no new content to do.


> Sheesh...


you're accusing me of the very thing you're doing. chill. The first few lines of your original comment is poorly worded to seem like you've misinterpreted what I'm saying. other than that I'm just responding to the general concerns in this thread of new ideas eventually becoming boring. dont assume anyone is worked up.

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FFXIV has "towers" like that. They call them "deep dungeons" and there's a variety of achievements tied to them. You can get titles for getting them done solo, too (which is doable but very time-consuming). It turns into a grind, and is actually very, very boring. So I'd rather not have that in GW2.

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I know some people who have done this already, with dungeons and even with Dragon's Stand (that was a multi-guild group organising the run during off-peak time to minimise the number of randoms who didn't want to deal with the extra rules). Everyone starts off naked (outfits optional) and using white rarity weapons, and you're only allowed to equip stuff you find during the run.


I haven't had the chance to try it myself but it does sound fun. You could do the same thing in the open world of course (delete your starter gear and only use what drops) but I think a lot of people only use drops while levelling up anyway, so it wouldn't make a big difference.


That could be a way to minimise the developer time that would need to go into it - instead of creating new areas it could use the existing dungeons, either whole or split into sections. And it could use the same tech as the level 80 boost does to put your existing equipment into a bag for you so it's not lost but you can't use it while you're in there.

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> @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization.


I really like the idea of the tower with random enemies which get more difficult as we progress, but personally I doubt I would play it if I can’t use my abilities. I don’t really like being forced to play something which is not my Profession of choice (I can’t even play more than one Profession).

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Anyone ever considered pinball and other classic arcade games as pve minigame at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits upon entering an arcade, and have to choose which arcade game you want to play. each game is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to beat your grandparents first jump and run and a group version where you play some different old games that are completely thei own games and not gw2. casual at first and gets hardcore over time with mediocre rewards to fit the rest of the game, because we can't have farmable content because it would hurt the gems market. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new minigames added to the arcade.


What I wanted to say: sounds like a totally different game, a roguelike, more than an addition to an existing game. Sure GW2 has what it has and therefore is missing many things available in other games. GW2 doesn't do soccer like FiFa. GW2 doesn't do RTS like Command and Conquer. GW2 doesn't do Pinball as the machines in the arcades of my youth. Is this a bad thing? No it isn't, GW2 doesn't need to be every other game. On the contrary, GW2 needs to focus more on what it is and has.

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i like this idea :) +1

I would love to see ...Dragon Response Missions ... doing the same thing as now , and belong to 5-7 chainned events leading to a single boss .

Each event ,need 12 min to complete .

And that chainned belong to multiply guild per server

Or if Dragon Response Missions , has humugous Map-size events (HoT last map witht he lanes) every 2 chainned events , belong to single guilds , and the other 2 to another

If you beat that guild , it belongs to you .

The guild defending must ''stall'' the enemy and transforms into npcs .

If you own 2 channined event and succecully defend and hurt the other guilds above you , you switch

You loose 1/10 every hour (regadles of how many times your boss is killed) , but you must participate to maintain the istance

.Eevery 4 hours (like pvp que) , Guilds/Parties can que up to subtrack faster the ''hearts'' (youmust defend them) , otherwise youloose 5 ''hearts'' , with 20 min cd > forcing you to reddefend fromanother guild before this even expires .

You you own the 5-7 chained event , or 2 mega-map event , you can participate in any of them from a menu (lay traps and wait in a speficipart , or teleport at the lvl1 >get the BERSEKER BUFF>RUN AS FAST YOU CAN> TRY TO KILL THE ENEMY , BEFORE THE GET IN THE LAST PART)

Try to give your end boss time to get buffed , or do some quest to buff him up (Luxon vs ??)


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I like this idea. In the game they can use the tower of the mage in Kexxes Hills to this. And is not a bad idea to unify bosses to strike mission, maybe dragon response mission, dungeon (this last need a rework to be more difficult) and more content anet gocreating in this style.


A idea i talk whit my friends is remove the downed in CM mode to be more hard but is maybe unpopular

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