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You need to make the main story chain soloable.


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I hate to be that guy but as a new player, I am unable to even finish the vanilla story chain, let a lone the new expansions. I bought all the new content, excited and ready to dive into it, found out all the content is designed for groups, but as a new player I can't find any groups or parties. I've been through four guilds and had to leave every single one because of toxic members and trolling. I really want to play this game but I'm sick of sitting around major cities, posting in map chat and getting ZERO response outside of people trolling me or heckling me for asking in map chat. This community is garbage, making this game not new player friendly. If anyone is lurking the forums to think about buying this game don't buy it unless you already know people playing. New players are not welcome here.

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It is very solo friendly. For a few years the final section required a dungeon run but that is long gone.

Take your time and experiment with the proffs you enjoy. You will find the vanilla content quiet easy compared to HoT and similar to the new PoF expansion., though open world path of fire is easier than vanilla instance story is much harder.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> It is very solo friendly. For a few years the final section required a dungeon run but that is long gone.

> Take your time and experiment with the proffs you enjoy. You will find the vanilla content quiet easy compared to HoT and similar to the new PoF expansion., though open world path of fire is easier than vanilla instance story is much harder.


Really ? That part of the story is no more a dungeon ? :o

I was not aware of that.

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There are a couple of threads that discuss the same concept. It comes down to: for whom should ANet balance story modes? For the least skilled potential player? For the most skilled? For the average of all players? Should it depend on build? Should it depend on utilization of the game's mechanics? (If so, all of them? some? which?)


Obviously, highly-skilled players are fine with harder story instances and less-skilled players are going to be very likely to prefer that everything be easier. Since ANet can't possibly balance to suit everyone, they have to find some sort of happy medium. As it turns out, aiming to please a particular niche almost always ends up being better for everyone than trying a "one size fits all" approach (the ol', "by trying to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one" scenario that humans have dealt with for 1000s of years).


By all appearances, ANet sets up story instances so that any five players can manage them without trouble and it requires _some_ skill to succeed with fewer. That seems like a fair compromise to me for a massively-multiplayer game (as opposed to a co-op game). Do they get the balance exactly right all the time? Almost certainly not. Do they get close the vast majority of the time? I think they do, _if_ their goal was (as I've speculated) to balancing for "any five or fewer with some skills".


tl;dr I disagree with the OP that all content needs to be soloable by every player. I think ANet's struck a decent balance by making it easy for groups and still allow folks to go it alone, if they have some additional skills. (Your mileage will vary.)

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> @"Kaizok.7839" said:

> Maybe he talk about Arah, that's a dungeon and not a solo instance.


Arah, in Victory or Death, was made soloable a few years ago. The entire story, is designed to be solo’d, but can scale up for groups of players. Including HoT (not including Migraine Mode, it tells you you need 5 people though) and PoF and the Living Stories.

There is no Arah story, doing Victory or Death unlocks the ability to open Arah explorable.


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If you're on an NA server send me a message here on the forums if you need help with one of the personal story chapters and we can arrange a time to do them.


I'm sorry you've managed to find the minority of players who are trolls and don't like to help. Most of us don't mind helping others.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> I have soloed all of the story personal,HoT and PoF on multiple classes. For me doing so with a Thief was the hardest.


Thief is what I usually play, so I found it ok. I actually found guardian, warrior and ranger the hardest ones I took through the expansion/LS stories. Not impossible, slightly harder. Depends what you like to play though, some people are more comfortable on certain professions.

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As other people have said it's possible to complete all the story instances solo, but some are definitely harder than others and sometimes it depends on your profession and build.


We can almost certainly help you, but we'll need some more information:

* Which story step/s are you stuck on?

* Is it a specific enemy that's giving you trouble or the number of enemies/amount of damage?

* Would you be willing to tell us about your build and what equipment you've got?


Alternatively if you tell us what region you're on (NA or EU) and when you're likely to be online I'm sure someone can come and help in-game.

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The difficulty of instances are all over the place relative to each other, especially in the original personal story. The later stuff is a bit more consistent but at the end of the day this is a game which is supposed to be interactive(although the devs seems to forget this all the time) and not a movie that you just sit back and watch.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> You will find the vanilla content quiet easy compared to HoT and similar to the new PoF expansion., though open world path of fire is easier than vanilla instance story is much harder.


While I understand you are trying to be helpful, there's something skewed here. The majority of PoF mobs in the open world are about the same as the majority of HoT mobs in the open world. If HoT is harder, it's that there are a couple more outliers, and Chak areas in Tangled Depths can be a bit congested. Both PoF and HoT are harder than open world core GW2. Core GW2 story is easier, despite offering inconsistent difficulty, than either PoF or HoT open world. I agree that HoT and PoF story can be harder, especially given ANet's penchant for opaque instanced boss "mechanics."


At the OP. I understand the upset. it's possible that some changes will help. Those include adjustments to build, greater use of the character's abilities, and -- if you're doing the chapters at their initial level -- gear appropriate to your current character level. For the most part, green gear will do. You will want to pay attention to what stats the gear offers, as wearing the hodge-podge of gear offered as rewards, or using the karma-purchase gear from core Heart vendors will not give you stats that are best for your build. To be able to afford gear on the TP, harvest metal, wood and plant nodes and sell everything. There's time enough to work on crafting (if you even want to) once you've hit level 80 and gotten Exotic gear.

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The guild I'm in is very friendly and helpful, and welcomes noobs, and I will send you an invitation.


I soloed everything, starting as a very inexperienced RPG player, but I know it doesn't help you to hear that. What you probably need more than a party is for someone to figure out what you are doing wrong. Like, are you upgrading to new equipment when you find better stuff? Do you know how to use your hero panel, buy skills with hero points, and choose skills for your build? You're not trying to jump into HoT or PoF before learning to use your character in Central Tyria, are you?


But just want to say, it's a little troubling to think that you had four bad guilds. It is definitely possible, but you may also want to take a deep breath and consider whether the way you asked might have led to some of the hostile response you got. We have had people join who then demanded instant help, and rage-quit when nobody currently online could give them the assistance they needed the instant they demanded it. Like the guy who repeatedly spammed the guild chat with "TEACH ME ALL ABOUT HOW TO BE A MESMER!" when no mesmer-knowledgable players were available. Or the ones who ask, "How can I level up fast?" and freak out when we tell them there's not a magic formula and that helping a Level 12 smurf through Dragon's Stand won't do them any good.


Of course, you could just be unlucky in running into so many jerks. The tone of your post here (the second half of it, anyway) and the fact that you have not returned to respond to any of the people who have replied to your post does not inspire a lot of confidence.



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