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Too many maps


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Does anyone else think that we are getting to a point where there is too many maps? Especially if we continue with this pace, one map per episode?


I am also happy when we get new map to explore, new achievements etc. but on the other side maps from previous episodes or expansion are getting emptier. It happens every time: there are many groups and people doing stories and achievements when it comes out and perhaps also after next episode. But after two, three new maps people just move on. That's probably because they completed most of the achievements and got what they wanted, but this is getting a problem for others that want to do bounties or some more group oriented achievements or events.


In my opinion this should slow down and perhaps move stories back to previous released maps or maybe even to core ones. And probably would also help a lot if player who buy expansion wouldn't need to buy each episode separately, that one I really don't get and seen a bit unfair.


I can't see this ending well, especially if there will be another expansion with 4maps and LS episodes each with new map. This are just my thoughts and I would like to hear your opinions :)

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> There can't be too many maps. However, it's difficult to fill them with events worth repeating.


So perhaps there could be a map every second episode? And we would get some new events in previous maps or take people back to old ones, add new achievements or bounties or something along those lines

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> @"Miko.9410" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > There can't be too many maps. However, it's difficult to fill them with events worth repeating.


> So perhaps there could be a map every second episode? And we would get some new events in previous maps or take people back to old ones, add new achievements or bounties or something along those lines


Yeah pve has enough maps! How about they just make more maps for WvW instead?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Miko.9410" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > There can't be too many maps. However, it's difficult to fill them with events worth repeating.

> >

> > So perhaps there could be a map every second episode? And we would get some new events in previous maps or take people back to old ones, add new achievements or bounties or something along those lines


> Yeah pve has enough maps! How about they just make more maps for WvW instead?


WvW should at least have one more map that would give each side a unique borderlands, instead of the alpine borderlands being repeated twice.

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I think it’s good that there is a new map every new episode and I like to revisit old maps I liked. And with aurora for example old maps are still filled with people who are working on it. It would be great there would be a similar thing for the new maps where you have to visit all the maps to get a legendary piece.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I think it’s good that there is a new map every new episode and I like to revisit old maps I liked. And with aurora for example old maps are still filled with people who are working on it. It would be great there would be a similar thing for the new maps where you have to visit all the maps to get a legendary piece.


Im hoping we will get new legendary accessory of some kind with LS4 as with Aurora in LS3. I really hope they won't think about connecting raid leg ring and LS4.

I dont want possibility of full legendary set to be years away and I wouldnt like connecting raid achievements with LS4 achievements. Feels separate.

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Definitely concerned that as we get more and more maps, unpopular maps will become even more desolate. I would definitely love to see Anet spend some time on older maps to keep players interested. Maybe even remove some renown hearts from core tyria (:smiley:) and replace them with events that give good rewards. HoT is several years old and players still run the metas. Tequatl and Triple Trouble are even older and still see more participation than PoF stuff.

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Would rather see them go back to the se2 style. Focushing on updating existing or older maps and adding replayability. We have many maps already and many of them have no reason to go back to.


Not to say new maps are bad but like 1 or 2 new maps per season are fine, 6 seem like too much.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Would rather see them go back to the se2 style. Focushing on updating existing or older maps and adding replayability. We have many maps already and many of them have no reason to go back to.


> Not to say new maps are bad but like 1 or 2 new maps per season are fine, 6 seem like too much.



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> @"Miko.9410" said:

> Does anyone else think that we are getting to a point where there is too many maps?


Certainly not. I love new content, especially since the old core maps (unfortunately) are pretty boring and don't provide any replayability. There is nothing more exciting than to explore new places! :)



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Miko.9410" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > There can't be too many maps. However, it's difficult to fill them with events worth repeating.

> >

> > So perhaps there could be a map every second episode? And we would get some new events in previous maps or take people back to old ones, add new achievements or bounties or something along those lines


> Yeah pve has enough maps! How about they just make more maps for WvW instead?

What, and have the WvW playerbase throw another years-long tantrum over it like they did the desert borderland?

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Miko.9410" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > There can't be too many maps. However, it's difficult to fill them with events worth repeating.

> > >

> > > So perhaps there could be a map every second episode? And we would get some new events in previous maps or take people back to old ones, add new achievements or bounties or something along those lines

> >

> > Yeah pve has enough maps! How about they just make more maps for WvW instead?

> What, and have the WvW playerbase throw another years-long tantrum over it like they did the desert borderland?

Would you like it if all PvE maps where replaced with Tangled Depths that lagged to unplayability every time the meta start?


Because that was pretty much the threat for WvW when they gave us a broken map and held a vote that nearly ended up with it replacing all borders unless 75% of the community voted not to do it.


I'm pretty sure PvEers would be slightly annoyed too.

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I definitely understand the concern that too many maps will spread the population too thin, or lead to some maps being almost abandoned. But I spend a lot of time in older maps, including Living Story ones, and I can't remember the last time there weren't enough people around for something I wanted to do. Just yesterday I was helping a group do the Legendary Corrupted Facet because someone needed it for their griffon, then I went to Sandswept Isles and although I wasn't doing the bounties I saw several groups who were doing various bounties.


I wouldn't mind if they reduced the number of new maps and used the other updates to make changes to existing maps (I'm still hoping we'll see Kessex Hills recover one day) but at least for now I don't feel like we've got a problem with so many maps that some are empty.

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While there can be issues with many maps in the long run, I think the experience of the new maps is very much worth it.

New maps are a must for players who like scenery and exploration, and there are many players in GW2 who love doing just this. Also, new maps are a great tool in telling the story of the game and to give players something to come back for.


Yes, there can be problems when the GW2 community shrinks and on old maps with low player traffic, but I think that the cure of not including new maps is worse than this.

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No, I love maps. It's the main thing i enjoy! EXPLORATION! I originally thought they would be released every 2 months. Sadly that wasn't the case, buts it's gotten better.


I wish each expansion had around the same number of maps as the core game. It was a big let down when HoT came out and we got 4 maps and they sprinkled the rest in over 2-3 years. :( I was expecting new starter zones to explore, but i get why do that if ya don't have a new race. Still after being an altoholic, it would have been nice to level new toons though a new starting zone.


Having replayability is important but PoF lacks that somewhat, a lot actually during release, "one an done" mentality basically for the core maps, but it's gotten better with the living world maps. In my opinion the replayability of Istan should have been Vabbi.


Also having hearts that you have to redo daily helps with the empty map feeling as more people are around. Of course requiring things from these living world maps instead of core ones during PoF would help people come back to them more often. but i believe they didn't do that on purpose because people hate redoing things. But i think that's what made HoT great! People are still going back to those maps. Anet needs to see why that is and add those things to future maps.


I would hope they add more beetle races to PoF maps and all new living world ones. I look forward to more racing circuts around Tyria. (especially if they had more to do with jumps and skatepark stuff rather then mostly smooth & level.


For myself, its a race to do all the achievements when new maps drop, that's what makes it fun! Sure they sometimes put a daily wall to prevent you from rushing though it, but i wouldn't mind and even longer cheeve that felt more fluid and not just going random places.


I think it's only going to rush even more as they are preparing for the next expansion. We still have a year or more, but if an episode drops every 2-3 months that's not many more episodes.


But remember anet needs money.

I wish we could craft our own gliders. buy a simple 100-200 gem item from gemstore and then collect items around tyria with lots of possibilites from races, classes, maps, sort of like scribe decs meets ascended crafting + gem store purchase. but it can't bee too expensive, in fact other then the gemstore item it should be relatively cheap to craft just a journey to collect.


Oh and i'd love a five seater EPIC mount please!!! So i can jump off cliffs and kill the party :D


I'd also love to see them revamp a map by going underground or underwater. Maybe not revamp, but just add new super secret areas that you're led to by say new hidden chieves. Reopen that unfinished dungeon thing in Caledon or put special vendors outside the borders in void jumpy areas. EXPLORATION like this, exploring the edges of the map are the fun stuff! Not just simple map exploration boring pois and vistas.


They could also add a new "Further Exploration" to guild halls! Seems like there's lots of empty space inside the dusty cliffs/ golden rock structures/ under the sand dunes/ lots of things they could add. Upper levels of gilded hollow, there is plenty of space. Add cloud platforms to WSH. Sea caves to GH. More homes in the cliff faces of LP or sea caves too. many possibilities!

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I already thought they started with way too many zones when the game came out. When I played GW1 and they announced GW2 one of the comments they made was that after the expansions there were too many maps and players were all strewn out over the place. So I figured they would address that with GW2 but they didn't.


Now aside from the amount of zones there is also the map span to consider. And with PoF I think the world map spans too big an area. I don't go to Elona much because it's way out there and so I might do a bounty or gather for a daily but then I'm gone again. It just feels too far away for me.


I think additionally it was a mistake to limit the permanent access for the lounge Lily of the Elon to the deluxe edition. It's the one thing the game offers that makes the Elona areas much more accessible and it can't be bought separately. The deluxe edition is very pricey and comes with some things I don't need or want so it's an expensive upgrade for me.


As for the world map and zones again. I wish they hadn't skipped so many areas and left them unused. That also could've limited the size of the world map. But yeah I think they started with way too many maps so it was just a matter of time before it became unwieldly. For me it's already reached that point. I dread to think what will happen with a new expansion, but I guess that's still at least a year away since we first get season 5 before that.

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