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Is there another Expansion in the works?

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"Mike Zadorojny.7058 ArenaNet ›

January 8, 2019

We talked about wanting to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Our goal is to create powerful moments like the final instance of this episode that are a culmination of multiple departments and raise the bar for what it means to be a Guild Wars 2 experience."


The more i read this quote the more i'm beginning to think that once again LS is being staged to replace expansions which failed miserably in the past. I'm hoping i'm wrong on this because i distinctly remember reading there were multiple teams, some working on LS and some working on expansions, unfortunately i can't find that quote. Anyway without telling us the who, what, where , when and why can you (Anet) at least confirm there is another expansion being developed?

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I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.


Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.


I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> I believe we are having a new one sept/oct this year, as we had in 2015 and 2017


Given that it’s taken what will be close to two years for season 4, I’d say with jumping into season 5 after this anything before 2020 is a pipe dream.


And if season 5 was less episodes, it would seem strange starting a new season instead of just adding it to the end of the season before.


He also mentioned that season 5 would potentially bring expansion worthy content. But that could just be PR talk for more features like suns refuge that get used once and tossed aside.



To be honest, I think this whole seasons story would have been significantly better played as an expansion without the gaps in between. But when you put a world is ending cliffhanger on nearly every episode the gap is going to seem significantly worse anyway. I kind of liked it when living story gave us an opportunity to really jump around and tackle multiple plots interconnected on higher levels than just immediately chain chain chain chain. Kind of nice filling up the unexpected areas of the map!


But I imagine the final episode of this season will give us a bit more of a hint about what to expect next and a clue as to whether we are getting an expansion or what it could be about.


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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.


> Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.


> I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.



I’ve never had more fun in the game than when I was playing through heart of thorns and it what made me really fall in love with it after playing it off and on throughout the years. Will never understand the resentment some people have towards it.


And path of fire has a lot of neat places and the story is alright, but I can’t say I’ve had as much fun as I did with heart of thorns. If I’m sitting around bored, 9 times out of 10 I’m going to just go to Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, or Dragon Stand just to have that fun interactive group experience that really makes the game feel alive.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> "Mike Zadorojny.7058 ArenaNet ›

> January 8, 2019

> We talked about wanting to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Our goal is to create powerful moments like the final instance of this episode that are a culmination of multiple departments and raise the bar for what it means to be a Guild Wars 2 experience."


> The more i read this quote the more i'm beginning to think that once again LS is being staged to replace expansions which failed miserably in the past. I'm hoping i'm wrong on this because i distinctly remember reading there were multiple teams, some working on LS and some working on expansions, unfortunately i can't find that quote. Anyway without telling us the who, what, where , when and why can you (Anet) at least confirm there is another expansion being developed?


It's hard to agree with that ... did anyone here think the latest LS epsiode didn't create the powerful moments that he is referring to? I think it did. I think it's easy to lose sight of what really is delivered with an expansion; I could care less about how many ways I can kill Champions to earn HP's or grinding meta's ... fundamentally, the expansions are more about good storys and gameplay than mechanics.

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Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content



Mike : speechless

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I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


> Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content



> Mike : speechless


Except this was not said (or I missed it and you might be so kind to provide a link), and if this much content would actually go into a Living World Episode, I doubt people would be unhappy. Given how none of the Living World Episodes EVER had this much content, that is wishful thinking.


All we can do is wait and see. The only thing we know for sure is, there is a Season 5 coming after Season 4 and with the current release cadence, there won't be an expansion in 2019, and it might be tight for end of 2020 if at all.


> @"Timo.1065" said:

> Look on PoF, the only thing useful you get buying this expansion are mounts.


Yes, let's leave out the 5 maps, the couple of hours long story, the elite specializations, the mounts, the new armor set skins and all of it at once and not in 3 month cycles bit by bit...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > "Mike Zadorojny.7058 ArenaNet ›

> > January 8, 2019

> > We talked about wanting to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Our goal is to create powerful moments like the final instance of this episode that are a culmination of multiple departments and raise the bar for what it means to be a Guild Wars 2 experience."

> >

> > The more i read this quote the more i'm beginning to think that once again LS is being staged to replace expansions which failed miserably in the past. I'm hoping i'm wrong on this because i distinctly remember reading there were multiple teams, some working on LS and some working on expansions, unfortunately i can't find that quote. Anyway without telling us the who, what, where , when and why can you (Anet) at least confirm there is another expansion being developed?


> It's hard to agree with that ... did anyone here think the latest LS epsiode didn't create the powerful moments that he is referring to? I think it did. I think it's easy to lose sight of what really is delivered with an expansion; I could care less about how many ways I can kill Champions to earn HP's or grinding meta's ... fundamentally, the expansions are more about good storys and gameplay than mechanics.


In my opinion it depends on the player. For example I think the whole LS didn't create a powerful but stereotyped/zeitgeisty moment. I am more into the mmo part of this game which means at some point the grinding you are speaking of. But i get it if people like the LS; just a different type of taste.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


Ppl actually pay for the new specs and apparently new movement modes as well, release no specs and will see the expansions selling nothing.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


> Ppl actually pay for the new specs and apparently new movement modes as well, release no specs and will see the expansions selling nothing.


I don't. I buy expansions for the map and the story. The elite specs are sometimes a nice bonus, but they'd have to be very impressive for me to pay for them if they weren't bundled with content I'm interested in. Especially since I often don't know which ones I'll want to use until I've tried them. If you had offered me the choice between buying the druid or soulbeast for my ranger I'd have picked soulbeast and regretted it.


But more importantly is there some reason new elite specs can only be released with an expansion? Are Anet unable to make or release them as part of the living story? Or as a gem store upgrade if cost is an issue and you're right that people buy expansions purely for specs. That's what I don't understand. I know expansions typically have lots of different things bundled together, but I don't understand why any or all of that can only be released through an expansion and not through incremental updates.

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There are three LS teams and an expansion team. Given that the LS releases have been less frequent in LS4 I see no reason to believe that the expansion team has been split up and the members moved to the LS teams. They must be working on something therefore they're probably working on an expansion.


Given the slower LS release schedule it'll probably be 2020 or 2021 before we see it.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


> Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content



> Mike : speechless

For 1 its "confused pikachu", second their free content isnt up on par imo with some of the expansion content we've seen imo always.


Free content is cool but big meaty updates dont come for free, and ppl are starving for some big meaty updates.

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