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Recharging Teleport to Friend: Misfire design choice??

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As it says on the page


"like a Teleport to Friend token, whisking you across Tyria to a party member’s location—but doesn’t disappear after you use it. Just give its internal reactor **an hour** to cool down and you’ll be ready to teleport again."


According to the patch notes this item costs 800 gems IE $10, why was this item given such an absolutely monstrous cooldown time?! Surely 15 or 30 minutes is far more reasonable then 1 whole hour......


I cannot honestly ever see myself buying **or** using this item when the consumable version has 0 cooldown. If this item gets a change to make its cooldown more reasonable it could be a very healthy thing to have but at current it's an over priced waste of time.

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Yeah, utility like this is always a sure buy from me. I very sparingly used the single-use ones but that is only because I find them very useful and have this weird fear of running out of my stack of 50+ I have. Not anymore with this item so I will definately be using them more freely from now on, for instance to port to an Event comm like Goettel said. Some maps are so confusing, try hooking up with a Comm that is doing a HP run who is already deep down in Tangled Depths ! I am going to love this item. :)

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To quote a friend's idea on this:


"What if it ran on charges that regen every 30 minutes or something and had a cap of like 5?"


Our immediate ideas for the item were both that it would make coordinating guild missions a lot smoother as far as bounties and such go. Considering that our guild is very small and most of the players are either new or super casual, it would make it possible for them to get to bounty locations easily even if they're missing the nearest wp, or if we're doing a guild event like tackling some world bosses or something, they could get there easily. As is, though, it doesn't really meet our needs for things like that.

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It seems like some added value without devaluing the disposable ones. If I bought one, I'd be more inclined to occasionally use the temporary ones (if I needed one in a hurry and the permanent was on cool down), rather than hoarding them for things like a new open world jumping puzzle that's just way too hard for me to do, but is easier to do for a LW map meta, rather than something like "Hit Trevor 10x in 3.5 seconds while hanging upside down from the ceiling and you've invited a neighbor over to pour hot coffee on you. Excelsior!", which are always 'really' impossible for me to do, compared to a free-ride JP. :)

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> @"Galeskyring.9617" said:

> As it says on the page


> "like a Teleport to Friend token, whisking you across Tyria to a party member’s location—but doesn’t disappear after you use it. Just give its internal reactor **an hour** to cool down and you’ll be ready to teleport again."


> According to the patch notes this item costs 800 gems IE $10, why was this item given such an absolutely monstrous cooldown time?! Surely 15 or 30 minutes is far more reasonable then 1 whole hour......


> I cannot honestly ever see myself buying **or** using this item when the consumable version has 0 cooldown. If this item gets a change to make its cooldown more reasonable it could be a very healthy thing to have but at current it's an over priced waste of time.


imo it's ridiculous. Heck I have over 100 of the other ones and definitely won't waste money buying this new trinket that I can only use once in an hour. It should be just as reusable as the other permanent items are... and that's immediate! Otherwise it's more of a waste of money and inv space than anything else... imo that is.

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Should be 10 minutes. I think the most I've used in a day was 2 and I was just messing around. There is no real incentive here to purchase this item when I barely use the ones I have. Until it gets buffed I see no reason to delete the ones I have and use something like this.


Why not just have a currency cost to using it. 20 silver per use if you want to use it again while its on cool down. Very odd that the paid version has a cool down and the "old single use version" does not.

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> @"Galeskyring.9617" said:

> I cannot honestly ever see myself buying **or** using this item when the consumable version has 0 cooldown. If this item gets a change to make its cooldown more reasonable it could be a very healthy thing to have but at current it's an over priced waste of time.


Agreed. Won't buy it in this state, either.

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It's not meant for you to just "teleport" your way to map completion on a new toon, they sell waypoint unlocks for that. It is a tool to endlessly teleport to a friend to play the destination with them (not map hop every few minutes). I rarely buy anything from the gemstore, but will likely get this for my wife and I. If I need to teleport again shortly after using it, I can use a disposable one. The hour cooldown is reasonable because it is permanent, and doesn't make other things sold/obtained (like the single use ones) obsolete.

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I have NEVER used the TP to Friend items...and I have a stack of 250 in storage, all others I get are just trashed so for me this thing would be totally useless as I've never even had a need for the one time use ones. For some people that 1 hours CD on a character isn't anything to worry about, for others it's a non-starter, I'm pretty sure this device is not marketed at everyone, but to enough people to make it worthwhile.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> It's not meant for you to just "teleport" your way to map completion on a new toon, they sell waypoint unlocks for that. It is a tool to endlessly teleport to a friend to play the destination with them (not map hop every few minutes). I rarely buy anything from the gemstore, but will likely get this for my wife and I. If I need to teleport again shortly after using it, I can use a disposable one. The hour cooldown is reasonable because it is permanent, and doesn't make other things sold/obtained (like the single use ones) obsolete.


Sorry but you've made a short sighted remark.


People can wvw and skip all region based hp challenges due to mass of the item in question. way point to friend is seldom used in it's consumable state due to being an rng drop from black lion chests however it has no cooldown so if it was desired people could expend them on mapping, a permanent item with a **reasonable** cooldown of 15-30 minutes cannot do that. It does not by pass way point unlocks, it is an item which by it's very name is meant to improve social interaction. Having to wait 60 minutes between uses defuses that very purpose and will result in the same lack of use as those hording the consumable variant as they won't want to use it outside of very exclusive moments due to the huge down time..



Another item of similar concept was pulled off far better years ago. I am of course referring mesmer portals VS the white mantel portal device. The later doesn't invalidate or obstruct mesmers or their portals due to the fact mesmer portal has an average cooldown and is class locked while the portal device has an acceptable 30 minute cooldown and is usable by anyone.


And then there are the more reason boss portals for tyria and maguuma, neither have a cooldown and respectively cost less then this permanent wptf which was 400 gems apiece IE 5 dollars, boasting no cooldowns and a rotating portal destination based on upcoming fights and currently in progress ones.


A social item costing 10 dollars and barred use more then once per hour is a poorly executed product when so many other already existing items have been around doing similar things. Such as the town scrolls, home portal stone, living world scrolls/tombs etc. Were this item to hold anything from a 10,15 or even 30 minute cooldown it would be far more appealing, reasonable and would certainly not make akin items obsolete.

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_For me_, it's a lot better than not having access to the feature.


I think 800 gems is a fine price for an _infinite_ use item. I agree that the hour cool down seems excessive. However, I'm not bothered by it. It's rare that I want to use something like that repeatedly, except to park a bunch of characters in the same spot.


So sure, I'd prefer 300 gems and a 15-minute timer. When I run of single-use T2F, I'll spend the 800 for 60-minutes between uses, too.

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I save my TP to friend primarily for if I should want to take part in an event train crossing maps that I may not have unlocked on that character — I’ve used them in HP trains and bounty hunter trains and I can keep the fun going if I happen to die or get lost or stuck or whatever. The hour cooldown kills this utility.


If this device had something more like 5 minutes cooldown I’d be very tempted... and if I could trade in my single use ones for lion statues I’d be sold! I had to laugh as I got so many of the single use ones from the BLCs I unlocked with the keys from the supply drop. It was like RNG telling me not to buy the rechargeable version, lol.

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Yeah this is just anti fun and terrible, I will absolutely not be buying it even if I ran out of what I have. (I barely use the damn things, saving them for when I really would need it.... which is even more rare.)


I always wanted an unlimited one, but if I can't spam teleports then it's boring.

If it's to make sure the game doesn't crash or something fine, but anything longer than 5 min is worthless to me, and realistically unless there is a stability concern it should just be 1 min. (or 1min 12 sec on part with portal)


Unlimited no cooldown, and just warping onto or between party members split up and just chilling in maps, or to help them out on a moments notice, or for jokes constantly warping in on their heads was the dream, and I'd be willing to pay up to about 2000 gems for something like that.

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