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Queen Guantlet too hard? Why release impossible fights for festivals?


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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Im really confused here. Are we expected to solo these bosses? Because i pretty much thought this was group content. But from the tone of the op's post it sounds like he was trying to solo them? You cant solo them,they are for good sized groups , hence why they have large health pools, side mechanics you deal with, and can do a good chunk of damage.



> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > Too hard? Only the Special are and i love to see your reaction when you get to them. Obviously you need training so just keep fighting them, and learn their ability, check wiki about them. They won't tone down the bosses, and i prefer it that way

> > Although i wish they put a counter on that darkness lady, hard to keep track when you need to dodge her shadows/vortex orb/AoE attack


> Hint...Turn off post processing


Boss blitz is group

Gauntlet is solo only

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> >> ever since those raids got introduced, the game has changed,

> > Again, _this_ content (save for one new boss) was introduced _before_ raids.


> Save for 5 bosses - the entire special tier was new last year


Oops; I'll fix that. Thanks!

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Well, those bosses Are meant to be hard, the first tier is generally fine for anyone provided you keep the the core gameplay in mind : Dont take unnecessary damage, Dodge, and when you cant, Heal.


The only one I actually got stuck on is the last boss of tier 3. And that's mostly because there's no way I can handle that boss with dyspraxia. That's a shame, cause I really wanted to see the rest.

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You can beat literally all of them as a healer. Frankly, I even find it easier as Healer FB. However, they're all doable as DPS, too.

You'll need to equip some defensive utilities and traits; damage is not really important in the gauntlet. Surviving and mastering the mechanics is.

So when you go in, think of surviving first. Then think about all else second.

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i'm not eactly sure of what i'm reading ??? :confused: ??? :confused: ??? :confused: ??? sounds so... cheesy(?)just go Minion Master necro, you will faceroll every single boss T1-3 on the first attempt like I did

if you think the previous bosses are hard, Mr Turai Ossa will make you uninstall the game and throw out your PC from a 50th storey's windowattempted around 20 times before i gave up last yearthis year i found a video how to beat him easily guardian with 'perma' blockattempt 1, mistimed my initial dodge and had my ass handed back to me in the first 5 secattempt 2, got passed the 2nd breakbar, but everything is on cdattempt 3, forgot to save the dodge on 2nd shield, ggattempt 4, got a bit too earger at melee after 1st breakbar and didnt back off, ggattempt 5, got Kingslayer

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> @"Shaddy Bear.3096" said:

> As a fellow gamer, I agree with you. My Minstrels chronomancer couldn't even kill the first boss, then I tried turai osira, everyone told me he was easy but I couldn't even damage him. I think he was hacking, it is too hard and I think I'm going back to being a condi thief in PVP because that is fun. I cant deal with the toxicity and the hardness of the bosses. best of lick on ur adventores fellow gamer



Keep in mind that these bosses tend to have a trick to them. In the case of Turai Ossa, he has a buff that makes him take very little damage. You're supposed to avoid his attacks and survive until he leaps to the center of the arena and begins to charge a ranged attack. CC him at this point and you will stun him, removing the buff and making him vulnerable to damage. This is the only way to win this fight. You can't beat him without removing that buff.


If these fights seem impossible, chances are there is something you are missing. They aren't overtuned, but they do have mechanics that you need to understand in order to win.



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Gauntlet bosses are far from impossible. According to GW2Efficiency, 21,357 of 219,872 accounts on gw2efficiency have beaten Liadri; and 13,932 of 219,872 have beaten Turai.


And despite some folks' complaints, you don't need raid level optimization of builds for these fights either. Hell, you don't even need ascended gear, as Ascended armor and weapons didn't even get added into the game when the Gauntlet was first added! Naturally, this is balanced for level 80s in exotic, as it's design is "challenging solo content", so you will need full exotics at level 80 to do well. But I've beaten all of Tier 1 on my alt account on a character who's level 60 this year, and is largely using level up gear. And for the record, I don't raid nor have any raid-optimal characters, yet beat both Liadri and Turai last year.


The key to beating Gauntlet bosses isn't having optimized gear, but rather figuring out the mechanics and restructuring your skillbar and traits to counter these mechanics. Don't limit yourself to your favorite build - it might work on certain foes, but it won't work on all of them. Liadri and Turai especially need specialized builds just for them. Don't stick to one profession either.


Yes, it's festival content, but it wasn't originally so, technically speaking, but above all it was created because players wanted more challenging solo content. Most folks don't want more Ascent into Madness styled content where you could clear it without a sweat solo when it's meant for 5 players. But while it certainly is among the more challenging solo content, it's far from impossible nor does it require maximized optimization in gear.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > Too hard? Only the Special are and i love to see your reaction when you get to them. Obviously you need training so just keep fighting them, and learn their ability, check wiki about them. They won't tone down the bosses, and i prefer it that way

> > Although i wish they put a counter on that darkness lady, hard to keep track when you need to dodge her shadows/vortex orb/AoE attack


> Hint...Turn off post processing


Sorry i need to be more clear, i meant the number of orb you need to throw at her for achievement, i lost count after 4

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I don't think it's helpful or accurate to try to divide everything in the game into either content "for everyone" or "crazy hardcore insane impossible endgame encounters... designed for people who liked to raid". I'm a pretty casual player by this forum's standards: I've never entered a fractal or raid, had some not-so-great experiences with dungeons, never used a DPS meter, don't have ascended armour, don't have a gryphon, etc. But the Queen's Gauntlet is by far my favourite part of this festival! And actually, one of the things I like about it is the fact that the fights _aren't_ about having a raid build with optimised DPS. They're largely about fighting around whatever mechanics each enemy has. You do have to think about your build, but having a good selection of defensive skills and disables (and using them appropriately) is more more important than dealing high damage. I wonder if this is part of the source of the OP's problems - it sounds like their build is entirely focussed on damage, presumably at the expense of any utility.


There are a couple of things I don't like about it though. The first is the need to have Entrance Tickets - although I found that doing the two race adventures in Labyrinthine Cliffs (which took <10 minutes) gave me enough tokens to buy a decent number of tickets. The second is that, when the festival's not happening, there's not really any content like this in the game.

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Almost all those bosses are faceroll, really. Just use a high dps build and you'll destroy most. Some use some special mechanic you may have to look up. There are really only two hard bosses: the last two. And I heard even those are now much easier with the elite specs. The only think I really hate is that you need entrance tickets and that it is not instanced and you have to wait til it is your round. Totally stupid mechanics.

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You might wanna consider why the OP never came back to the thread... clues - played since release, but hasn't got beyond 80% map completion, never came across this festival even though it was launched way back.

Talks about his dragon bashing all powerful solo killing antics on a core Mesmer (which at the time was a go to one man army), but sadly struggles to get out of 1st Tier gauntlet and forget about 2nd Tier (heck don't wanna go 3rd Tier or worse beyond, cos I fear it could become terminal for your Keyboard)…. nah this a troll post 100% and we got suckered :)


BTW.. I gotta admit defeat myself and go watch a youtube vid on Turai, cos that dude is messing with my drinking habits!


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> @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> I consider myself a fairly experienced player.


Sorry to say, but no you are not. At least no as far as experienced in a sense of understanding of gameplay and skill.


> @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> Now I don't like to brag, but I have the Dungeon Master title, and I have 80% map completion.


Which says nothing about skill since both of those things are faceroll easy and can be done by playing with only skill 1.


> @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> I have a really strong mesmer build, that I love playing with, that absolutely destroys most enemies.


Simple logic dictates: your build is not as great as you think.


> @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> So I stick with my core mesmer build, that deals out crazy damage.


Have you ever checked this? As in went to the damage golem and tried out your build? Have you tried running arcdps? Obviously your build does not deal crazy damage since people with builds with crazy damage kill these bosses withing seconds.


> @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> However, much to my dismay and utter disappointment, I found that many of the bosses were way too overtuned, and had a lot of abilities that I haven't seen from any other enemies before, which made it very hard to predict what they would do. After trying for many many many hours, I was finally able to get to the 2nd Tier of competitors. But this is where I drew the line. I couldn't get any of them under 90%, and I finally gave up. I hate to admit defeat, but there's just no way I can think of to beat these bosses. I don't understand why this sort of content would be introduced in a festival. Aren't festivals supposed for everyone? I thought the crazy hardcore insane impossible endgame encounters were designed for people who liked to raid (something I'll never understand btw), and that's where they should be kept. Ever since those raids got introduced, the game has changed, and in my opinion, for the worse.


Have you tried to get advice or guidance? Most of these bosses have specific mechanics. This is content from 2013 before there was any elite specializaions and the fights as such were beatable then, and even more so now. This is a returning festival.


Let me repeate this so you don't miss it: **this content was designed and introduced BEFORE raids were ever a thing.**


I get it, you went in with a lot of confidence being happy with your build and gameplay ability only to face reality: your build is not that great, you are not as experienced and skilled as expected. Here is what you can do: keep complaining or get better.

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> @"meatwad.3058" said:

> Oh my, Doc Holiday I am so sorry to hear about this!

> I read through your post and agree with absolutely everything you've said. I too have had many struggles with these bosses!

> I think it is very clear that ArenaNat hates rangers! I know it is true!!!

> They make the arena a closed space so it is impossible to stay at range!! Very obviously designed to make it harder for rangers, as if playing Ranger wasn't already hard enough!

> I feel your pain Doc Holiday, I hope they take a look at these bs overpowered bosses and buff ranger :) especially the one that does not use elite specializations :)


Rangers in this game don't have much to do with being in range etcetera. They can be build as melee aswell.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> BTW.. I gotta admit defeat myself and go watch a youtube vid on Turai, cos that dude is messing with my drinking habits!


Never surrender! But I can feel what you mean. I only managed to beat him once last time, but was too scared to try to repeat it this year. It cost me all of my tickets, all of my festival token and a lot of nerves. Still one of the best things in game imo. Would despair again. :D

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I think the "problem" with the Gauntlet is that it's not simply about how much damage you can do - each opponent has unique mechanics which need to be taken into consideration and which will change how you have to fight against them. For me it's a bit like fighting bosses in Zelda games - you can't simply pick the weapon you like best and hack away at them, you have to use the one they are weak to.


For example Suriel The Blazing Light, the Tier 1 boss, cannot be damaged at all until you get her to pass through the dark 'whirlpools' on the floor. Some of their mechanics are easier to avoid than others (or at least for certain builds, like the guy with the hammer where you have to stay at range).


I was in the same situation as you when I first did the Gauntlet, I had a build which worked well for open-world content and some understanding of how other skills and weapons worked and I thought I was doing ok but I really, really struggled to beat the Gauntlet. I had to change my build for practically every fight, which meant each one took me several attempts because I had to do it once just to see what they did, put together a build I thought would work, try it out, tweak it, try again etc. until I finally beat it. It also required a lot of practice with things like kiting and dodging at just the right time (and in the right direction) which I knew how to do but wasn't actually that great at. Beating Liadri (who originally was the final boss) took me dozens of attempts, I didn't count but I was doing it enough that I was literally dreaming of that fight.


(Somewhat strangely the build I used, even though it's designed to do a lot of damage in a short time so I can kill her within the time limit once she's vulnerable, is utterly useless in the open-world. Occasional I've forgotten to swap back after fighting her and gone to fight the enemies down below (the normal ones, not the bosses) and they wipe the floor with me.)


It was extremely difficult for me, much harder than I know some other people found it, but the feeling when I finally beat her was amazing. And I think it actually made me a better player too.


Incidentally someone mentioned that it's impossible on a ranger, and I can confirm that's not the case. I've beaten them all on a ranger, including beating everything up to and including Liadri on a core ranger with no ascended equipment. But it's worth remembering that 'ranger' does **not** mean 'must stay at range at all times'. (It's actually more like a park ranger or army ranger, someone who 'ranges' across the landscape and relies on themselves and their environment.) With some enemies melee weapons are more effective, and sometimes even if you're using a ranged weapon it's necessary or beneficial to get in close to fight them. It's also worth remembering that your enemy is restricted to the same space you are, so things like traps and spirits can be very effective because it's easier to keep within range.

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Doc, don't give up! This is my second year of Queen Gauntlet and I've been able to complete all the achievements that I wasn't able to complete last year, on my first experience. Last bosses give a lot of AP, so it's fair that it's a tough challenge, but with practice you'll get closer, and eventually succeed.

I would like that people stopped being so salty and toxic with this "you must be dumb, it's super easy", with pretty much every content. I've been insulted during the fight with Turai, because I kept dying. If you want to give advices, you're welcome. But pls stop annoying other players that are just trying to figure out what to do.


I managed to kill Turai with a core warrior (and it was a great feeling, after many attempts) and Liadri 8 orbs with a condi soulbeast (but I guess a condi ranger would have been the same, I didn't use stances/dagger). Actually, reading all the traits, trying to choose unusual combinations (trying to gain as much as dodges as possible) was nice. I learnt more about some classes.


ArenaNet didn't put this challenges into the yearly 50 APs. That would have been mean, since it's a festival. But I don't see anything bad in putting some challenge here and there, also for people that like some tougher content.

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next time please use enter in your wall of text.


imo Queen's Gauntlet is not very hard.

i beat Liadri back then when they released QG.

now with the new elite professions, you can burn everything in seconds. only a few bosses have really tactics.

and for this bosses you dont need to have to be a raider because they are just mechanics. learn the fight.


King Turai Ossa can be frustrating with the wrong traits/abilities and if you dont understand the fight.

last year i got mad about this boss and this year i changed my playstyle and it took me about 10 tries.


the only thing i didnt play was Liadri 8 orbs. because no thanks :-) maybe if they would add a title/mini/something else.

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For everyone who is saying these bosses are meant to be hard, that is the point of the OPs post, they should not be that hard. A little reading with comprehension is required here. I totally agree that these need to be tuned down, not everybody wants to spend time doing research on how to beat the boss or what is the current optimized build for the class that is the most optimal to use against each boss. If I wanted homework I would go back to school, this game I do to relax after doing real work.


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