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[Merged] Guild Wars 2 and Twitch Drops

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Honestly, do I wish this game has the player count that lets say WoW had at it's peak? Obviously that would be great. I just disagree that Twitch is going to be the great breakthrough discovery that suddenly "saves" gw2. And this whole discussion started with someone breaking actual forum rules and posting the exact same discussion that already exists several times on page one, and despite accusations of to the otherwise, pointing that out is not trolling.

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> @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:


> Quite honestly its not the veteran players they need to convince its the new people they need to convince to buy the game. Because that's how they get money.

The game is free, so new people don't give Anet anything. It's the in-game store where Anet makes money. Giving things away for free through a little-watched twitch channel will not improve the bottom line.


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> @"Caffeine.6724" said:

> you do not actually sit there and watch someone unless you want. (clipped for emphasis)


Then what's the point?


I'm not against Twitch/Anet support, just don't see any value in it.


Can one gift Keys from the gem store? I've never tried. Does a Twitcher (or whatever they are called) need Anet to participate in this directly?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:


> > Quite honestly its not the veteran players they need to convince its the new people they need to convince to buy the game. Because that's how they get money.

> The game is free, so new people don't give Anet anything. It's the in-game store where Anet makes money. Giving things away for free through a little-watched twitch channel will not improve the bottom line.



This is actually wrong. The game is not free-to-play, it has what amounts to a unlimited trial. You still have to buy either Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire to unlock the full core game, as well as any future content.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:


> > Quite honestly its not the veteran players they need to convince its the new people they need to convince to buy the game. Because that's how they get money.

> The game is free, so new people don't give Anet anything. It's the in-game store where Anet makes money. Giving things away for free through a little-watched twitch channel will not improve the bottom line.



To be fair, a vet who already has all of the bag expansion, extra bank tabs, outfits, etc they want or need has lower future spending potential than a new player who has not yet bought any of those things. Attracting new customers who might be inclined to purchase things that already exist in game can be a very smart business move when there is no further cost to produce the old products.

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I personally love this idea! I think it would bring a lot of new players to the game and also already new players who have no idea what to do or don't want to play alone can go to twitch to find it. MMOs can be very casual or very social. This promotion not exactly for the experience players but can reap the benefits if twitch, if you don't use twitch the promotion wouldn't be for you; plain and simple. Its your choice. For the less stubborn crowd maybe they might actually try twitch for the benefits n actually end up liking it! This option would also be a win win with no risk or loss factor, it may even make a thirst for some things the drop may give and with players not wanting to wait so they end up just getting the GEMS for it. Goooood idea to me

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I love any idea that would start showing people that you can do something outside playing openworld and spamming 1. This games does not any more hand holding, it need active pushing to make the players better. Promote streamers playing the game well, not devs following the wrong events during the world boss event. Also help the streamer out with content they would love to support. Over the past 3 months we had three world boss events, one meta event and only one non 1 spamming wvw event. Now we are in another 1 spamming champ farming event. No one wants to watch a 1spamming zerg event. Add events involving fractals, raid, heck even dungeons would be more engaging to watch. Promote players playing the game well and we might be able to evolve the community.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> I love any idea that would start showing people that you can do something outside playing openworld and spamming 1. This games does not any more hand holding, it need active pushing to make the players better. Promote streamers playing the game well, not devs following the wrong events during the world boss event. Also help the streamer out with content they would love to support. Over the past 3 months we had three world boss events, one meta event and only one non 1 spamming wvw event. Now we are in another 1 spamming champ farming event. No one wants to watch a 1spamming zerg event. Add events involving fractals, raid, heck even dungeons would be more engaging to watch. Promote players playing the game well and we might be able to evolve the community.


Exactly! take BDO for example. BDO promotes i think its ONE streamer a week or month or something along those lines. Does it give them a massive viewerbase? who knows, but it gives the streamer, who generally speaking spends 6+ hrs a day playing that game positive incentive to continue building. I did not bring up the idea for anything other than trying to benefit the player base as a whole. I would love to see ArenaNet look build off the positive player base rather than cater to those that instantly shut down an idea. The idea of the black lion chest key was just one of many. The idea is more eyes on the game, could and usually would equate to the possibility of more new players which as stated are the people that would in turn BUY PoF, gems, more bag space etc. MMO's are about the people you meet, the interactions and the relationships. Much like twitch people don't just watch streams to see people sit there silent, spamming 1. It's the interaction, the unique people, events that they create etc. Still i argue, what would it hurt to try this? try it for a month, if it fails. Pull the plug. ez pz

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Caffeine.6724" said:

> >What can WE do to help the game and each other?**

> Stop watching twitch and play the game. If you really want to help spread the word, tell a friend or family member to start playing.




Sounds ignorant. Or am i the only person in the entire world that can play the game, while having twitch open on a second screen? And if you want me to be honest, i've had 5 people recently return and or buy the game. Thus the discussion. Perhaps read the entire post before actually replying.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Caffeine.6724" said:

> >What can WE do to help the game and each other?**

> Stop watching twitch and play the game. If you really want to help spread the word, tell a friend or family member to start playing.




There are multiple threads now where this has been stated and stated and even more repeatedly stated, again and again.


People *do* watch streams *and* play video games at the same time. Often the *very same game* that they are watching a streamer play.


Can people please move away from these blatantly incorrect presumptions they have on streaming? Its really detrimental to any type of actual discussion.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Caffeine.6724" said:

> >What can WE do to help the game and each other?**

> Stop watching twitch and play the game. If you really want to help spread the word, tell a friend or family member to start playing.




But what if, and hear me out on this, we could tell *everyone*'s friends and family to start playing? and lots of random people looking for a new game to play?

...and not only tell them they'd enjoy it, show them how much fun it is or could be? make them wish they were playing and having as much fun as we are?


What's that worth to ya?

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> "watch ANY gw2 stream for 2 or more hours"


> No thanks, I'd rather play GW for 2 or more hours.


> "Gold giveaways, passing out bags to new players in the newbie zones. Meet a new player? Show them how to craft, something. What can WE do to help the game and each other?"


> You need Twitch for that?


You helping someone in queensdale wont make the game more visible to the outside public.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> The real discussion is "why i have to watch twitch"?


> Last time i had heard of twitch ingame, years ago, was wvw commander(Rhys of Tidal Legion) saying hes was streaming the run.


> the GW2 playerbase is also very sensitive when feel forced to do something, if Anet tie-up any regular reward to a mandatory "to do something" out of the game, the playerbase will turns to cry rivers here in the forums.



only if again, its na exclusive

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:

> >

> > > Quite honestly its not the veteran players they need to convince its the new people they need to convince to buy the game. Because that's how they get money.

> > The game is free, so new people don't give Anet anything. It's the in-game store where Anet makes money. Giving things away for free through a little-watched twitch channel will not improve the bottom line.

> >


> This is actually wrong. The game is not free-to-play, it has what amounts to a unlimited trial. You still have to buy either Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire to unlock the full core game, as well as any future content.


I respectfully disagree. The core game is F2P. HoT and PoF are expansions and are not required. Yes, they need to be purchased to unlock future content, but that content is not core content.

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> @"Caffeine.6724" said:

> Twitch drops is huge. Look at Elder Scrolls Online. It's general viewerbase doubles if not triples on fri/sat/sun when drops are active.


No it doesn't, when they first added drops there was a big increase, but that died down, now it still adds viewers, but what actually makes for the bulk of the increase in viewers for ESO is that the biggest three regular streamers of ESO (Fengrush, Alcast & Textralife) basically started to game the system, so have vastly more "viewers" than any other ESO streamers.


They have their streams embedded on Alcast's site (or Fextralife in their case) so get most of their "viewers" (and most of ESO's) from "viewers" looking at builds, dungeon guides, etc and "watching" a tiny embedded steam up in the corner of the sidebar that is muted. So Fengrush for example went from 400 or so viewers to typically 3k-6k after his stream was embedded, he even went as high as 9k after the Elswyr expansion was released because obviously Alcast's site was getting more traffic with people looking up the new builds, guides, etc.




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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:

> > >

> > > > Quite honestly its not the veteran players they need to convince its the new people they need to convince to buy the game. Because that's how they get money.

> > > The game is free, so new people don't give Anet anything. It's the in-game store where Anet makes money. Giving things away for free through a little-watched twitch channel will not improve the bottom line.

> > >

> >

> > This is actually wrong. The game is not free-to-play, it has what amounts to a unlimited trial. You still have to buy either Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire to unlock the full core game, as well as any future content.


> I respectfully disagree. The core game is F2P. HoT and PoF are expansions and are not required. Yes, they need to be purchased to unlock future content, but that content is not core content.


Except, as I mentioned, you need to purchase either HoT or PoF (or the core game itself) to unlock the full core game. Otherwise, Free-to-play accounts have a host of restrictions.


For reference: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230165307-Guild-Wars-2-Account-Types-Free-Core-HoT-PoF

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I confess. I do not have two screens. Therefore I can either play the game OR watch something else.


I'm sure for those that have two screens they just can't understand why us one screen folk say we'd rather play than watch. For them they can do both.


For those who say "just run it in the background" I don't get what that does for me. Clearly I am not watching it. I am not paying attention. I'm not even LISTENING to it since I generally am either in a voice chat or playing music. Given this, if they should start to give away keys, sure I can run it in the background.


Obviously it would add a "viewer" to the twitch steamer but that seems like cheating to me. The streamer would not actually be getting any feedback or interaction.


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I confess. I do not have two screens. Therefore I can either play the game OR watch something else.


> I'm sure for those that have two screens they just can't understand why us one screen folk say we'd rather play than watch. For them they can do both.


> For those who say "just run it in the background" I don't get what that does for me. Clearly I am not watching it. I am not paying attention. I'm not even LISTENING to it since I generally am either in a voice chat or playing music. Given this, if they should start to give away keys, sure I can run it in the background.


> Obviously it would add a "viewer" to the twitch steamer but that seems like cheating to me. The streamer would not actually be getting any feedback or interaction.



i had 2 screens, but GW2 is so heavy loaded, that make of no much use of 2 screens. any other open application becomes slower and slower with GW2 in memory. Sometimes i let Google Chrome open for some guide or map, then if i alt tab to navigate, it take minutes "loading". imagine playing and watching twitch at same time.

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I watch twitch streams. Most are not gaming streams, but those which are about gaming are often GW2 streams (not always, as many streamers don't just always play the same every day). Half of the twitch channels I watch regularly are from people playing and streaming GW2 at least occasionally.


If you dont like to watch twitch but rather watch baseball, football, motorsports, sitcoms or play a game yourself, that's fine. No reason to belittle those who like to be on twitch. You DO know that many channels have an active chatting community, often also on own discord servers, and that twich is as much about interaction as it is about "watching someone play a game"? Do you? It seems many people actually do not know that and just like to hate on things they know nothing about.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > Those people constantly whining about Twitch are getting annoying. Every 2-3 days another thread it seems ...


> People just want Gw2 be succesful on twtich so i see why the threads. They want Gw2 compete with big popular MMO on twitch


But they are not doing any justice to what they are looking for. A very few do make a point but its more I like or don't like comments versus what do the pro-twitch people think that ANet could aid with, or at least I am not getting any sort of picture of their expectations. Are they looking to stream and want freebies from ANet to hand out? Do they want Anet to broadcast more? Since Twitch is players, where does Anet even fit in here, people that are pro-twitch can stream themselves now. The only point that has come across is that pro-twitch people believe more twitch presence would increase the potential playerbase which I don't think anyone objects to. What I think some people object to is the methods and whether or not people see the medium in what sort of light. Now disclosure I will use twitch to look at potential gameplay if I have questions about a game. Do I ever watch any guild wars feeds from players, no. Will I watch Anet twitch streams, depends on what's it about and timing, probably easier to rewatch on Youtube. For some Twitch does have a stigma to it, and there are many streams that are easy to question. The intent of the platform is good, some of the ways its used are questionable, but a fool and their money are soon parted. Is that Ad money better spent in Twitch or Google Ads or somewhere else? I know a lot of people say they spend nothing in Ads but I get GW2 ads all the time. The problem I see with that is I already hit the GW2 site so things like Google Ads show ads to people already engaged versus to people that aren't and therefore I think they are paying for clicks they shouldn't.


So in short yes, more advertising and visibility into the game is good. Should ANet favor one type of fan over another, no. If you involve Anet in giveaways then you end up with disenfranchising players playing the game which it what triggers some of the replies. So to the non-twitch people, more word of mouth advertising is a good thing and doesn't hurt. To the pro-twitch, where do you see Anet involved versus doing for yourself and broadcasting now?

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > > Those people constantly whining about Twitch are getting annoying. Every 2-3 days another thread it seems ...

> >

> > People just want Gw2 be succesful on twtich so i see why the threads. They want Gw2 compete with big popular MMO on twitch


> But they are not doing any justice to what they are looking for. A very few do make a point but its more I like or don't like comments versus what do the pro-twitch people think that ANet could aid with, or at least I am not getting any sort of picture of their expectations. Are they looking to stream and want freebies from ANet to hand out? Do they want Anet to broadcast more? Since Twitch is players, where does Anet even fit in here, people that are pro-twitch can stream themselves now. The only point that has come across is that pro-twitch people believe more twitch presence would increase the potential playerbase which I don't think anyone objects to. What I think some people object to is the methods and whether or not people see the medium in what sort of light. Now disclosure I will use twitch to look at potential gameplay if I have questions about a game. Do I ever watch any guild wars feeds from players, no. Will I watch Anet twitch streams, depends on what's it about and timing, probably easier to rewatch on Youtube. For some Twitch does have a stigma to it, and there are many streams that are easy to question. The intent of the platform is good, some of the ways its used are questionable, but a fool and their money are soon parted. Is that Ad money better spent in Twitch or Google Ads or somewhere else? I know a lot of people say they spend nothing in Ads but I get GW2 ads all the time. The problem I see with that is I already hit the GW2 site so things like Google Ads show ads to people already engaged versus to people that aren't and therefore I think they are paying for clicks they shouldn't.


> So in short yes, more advertising and visibility into the game is good. Should ANet favor one type of fan over another, no. If you involve Anet in giveaways then you end up with disenfranchising players playing the game which it what triggers some of the replies. So to the non-twitch people, more word of mouth advertising is a good thing and doesn't hurt. To the pro-twitch, where do you see Anet involved versus doing for yourself and broadcasting now?


To be fair, ANet need not look very far to get ideas on how to better promote their content creators. In fact I think that is the biggest problem they've had with it. In the past they have promoted some youtubers like AuroraPeachy, Bog Otter, and WoodenPotatoes but that seems to have died off a lot, and they are also among the more..."polite" of their content creators (at least from what I've seen). However BogOtter and Aurora don't even exclusively stream or make content concerning GW2 anymore, they've shifted and diversified more. So ANet has resolved to just promoting the community artists, which they do for sure deserve the promotion and its great that they do that...but they are leaving their other content creators almost entirely out in the cold.


I mean you have Teapot out there who has run a couple of Raid events, his last one happening soon and its never been promoted even once by ANet. Not a single blip of advertisement by someone *they* chose to include in their partner program. Now based on some screenshots of how ANet seems to react to some of the "twitch" culture it doesn't entirely surprise me. I mean a couple of people got banned out of their chat for remarking on how 3 ANet employees got 1v3'd by a single Holosmith. Whether they like it or not, their content creators that might be more critical of the game or their content creators that might have what *others* view as "overly toxic chat" are still their content creators and they should show them some semblance of support. Which, something to note, what many view as a "toxic chat" is an easy misconception as most of the time people are just *joking around*.

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