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Is there room for more Elite Specializations?


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I personally believe that the Elite Specializations was a great addition to the game; when balanced right at least. They add a whole new flavor of variety to existing professions, making some of them feel like they're something else entirely.


But I am curious about something, and I would love to hear the community's thoughts about it. Is there room for more Elite Specializations? What else can we add to all of these professions that won't end up mimicking what already exists? It's not just a matter of adding new weapons, but what can distinguish them apart? I mean, we all know that Mirage was going to be something else entirely (about mirrors and pistols) before it was ultimately scrapped.


I really hope ArenaNet does end up adding more in the foreseeable future (either via this new Saga or through another expansion).

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Aww shucks I mean't to vote Yes, because there is definitely more unexplored room for elite specializations. Now I'll admit I'd love to see more core weapons added as well(just want another core rev range weapon tbh). Yet to the topic, yes they can do a whole lot more with elites, and looking forward to see what they do.

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Difficult to answer, a lot of things that is affected. Like was pointed out that PvP/WvW would be much better off having the existing ones balanced out before adding more problems to the mix.


I don't have any doubt that they can come up with a bunch of more elites though, I mean just look at guardian, the elites guardian got is effectively Guardian/Ranger and Guardian/Elementalist dual classes, so by that standard, they got at least 6 more elites just copying the remaining classes. Toss in 1-2 elites that just removes or negates a class mechanic like Soulbeast etc, and you should be good for a while.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> From a pvp/wvw perspective, new elite specs should not be added. They need to balance and fix the old ones first.


On the contrary.. New specs will help in that regard imo.

With more specs there can be more strengths and weaknesses between them and specs can be more balanced and unique.

Atm the balance we want is trying to make all classes and specs somewhat equal and that kind of thing is completely impossible to achieve.


I'd argue it's better for all specs to have strengths against some specs and weaknesses against others.. learning those strengths and weaknesses will then be upto the player and in a pvp setting will heavily influence whether or not a player chooses to engage or flee.

Now that we have templates etc too that only gives them even more use.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > From a pvp/wvw perspective, new elite specs should not be added. They need to balance and fix the old ones first.


> On the contrary.. New specs will help in that regard imo.

> With more specs there can be more strengths and weaknesses between them and specs can be more balanced and unique.

> Atm the balance we want is trying to make all classes and specs somewhat equal and that kind of thing is completely impossible to achieve.


> I'd argue it's better for all specs to have strengths against some specs and weaknesses against others.. learning those strengths and weaknesses will then be upto the player and in a pvp setting will heavily influence whether or not a player chooses to engage or flee.

> Now that we have templates etc too that only gives them even more use.


I agree that more diversity would be good for pvp and wvw, especially in wvw squad play. Having more that one viable squad composition would be great for the game. However if we want builds with defined weaknesses and strengths, current builds need to be significantly tuned down with nerfs and tradeoffs before new ones are added. We currently have builds like this and they are unable to compete with the meta. And if we are thinking about what practically could happen, with infrequent balance updates and minimal resources going towards pvp and wvw i doubt that the competitive gamemodes will ever be ready for more elite specs.

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Plenty more room. I have come up with many elite spec ideas on this forum over the years.





--Rift Knight-- Greatsword wielding knights of the Mist, altering the fabric of reality and time to their well. Has a doppelganger effect and exchange legend swap for a time line warped version of the legends.



--Hunter-- Greataxe wielding warriors of the Bounty Hunt. Gains a Battle pet to fight alongside and hunt down criminals to bring them back, dead or alive.


--Weapon Master-- Staff wielding masters of most weapons. Gain access to Conjuration skills building their own weapons to use and share with other students of the master teacher.


--Justicar-- land Trident wielding these warriors traded off their primitive rage for a Holy Fury, trusting into battle to protect and heal allies in the frontlines, growing stronger as they defend allies.



--Paladin-- wield Greataxe into battle leading their Brigade of Knight squire into battle. Paladins gain access to Squire minion skills to join the battlefield, each with a unique form of combat and active skills to command.





--Golemancer-- dual wield maces, building an army of robot Minions to crush your enemies and defend the battlegrounds.



--Samurai-- greatsword wielding fighters of the front lines, who mastered the greatsword to defend their homeland.



--Warden-- dual Pistols wielding with gadgets at their disposal to make the arrest.


--Witch Doctor--wield Scepter and Focus, Witch Doctors are attuned to the ancestral animal spirits of nature allowing them the ability to change forms into different Animals themselves.





--Bard-- wield shortbow as a weapon and as a musical harp to enchant allies and enemies alike. Illusions Shatters are replaced by Anthems which can be used to heal and support allies.



--Seer-- Wields Hammer and the elements are concentrated into mystical totems with different methods of use. The Seer toggles through the elements to match its need, changing the 4 totems available into a different elemental presence.



--Shadow Priest-- wield Longbow and exchange shroud with the ability to summon multiple spiritual Minions that require life force to stay anchored into this world. The Longbow is infused with life energy, which can swap between a life giving weapon and a death bringing weapon.


--------((Finishing Comments))-------


These some of my ideas. If I can do this, I am sure Anet can do more.

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There is always room for more Elites, but one of the things I kind of resent about them is that they strongly overshadow the traditional Trait system and "vanilla" class builds. Elite specs were initially billed as a lateral expansion of our options, but instead they've largely become a replacement. Compound that with the fact that Elites are mutually-exclusive and can't be combined, and I can't help but feel that the beautiful potential of the vanilla Trait system has been left behind.


Crazy idea: what if we made Elites no longer exclusive? They can combine with each other. Weapons and skill categories are no longer locked behind specs, but can be used regardless of what you pick. The former "Elite" traits would be re-balanced and adjusted to accommodate the new model, perhaps still complementing those particular weapons/skills and roles, but also giving new perks for alternative builds. Maybe the vanilla traits would have to see an overhaul to deal with this.


Okay, so I know we will never see that happen, it could go horribly wrong, and it would be a balancing nightmare. But it's still a nice dream... :p

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Just for more ways to play, more styles. I would have never touched engi without Holosmith. Honestly I started to play engi only for Holosmith. I think e.g. necro need some interesting elite spec to play, something that's focused on dealing good damage (probably condi burst), not support or special role/ability (corrupt boon).


Elite specs are good to change metas. Before PoF, Druid and Chrono were must have. Today Chronos can be replaced by single alarene. We have more possible team compositions that don't include Chrono and Druid.

We have more good damage dealers, like condi mirage, condi renegade, spellbreaker, soulbeast, holosmith, weaver (power and condi), deadeye.

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new elite specs at moment its will just skin/circus garbage.. gw2 had tons of underused weapons/traits.


the same crew that ask for new elite specs is the same crew that 2 months later after a expansion will say that game is boring and dying, Anet should stop heard the _"perma hype"/early rushers_ crowd that cant live without a "new hype thing" every 2 weeks.

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Yes, it will be a lot of work.

Yes, it will be complicated af.

Yes, PvE/PvP/WvW will all scream about OP and unbalanced initially.


* Endorphins will flow through our brains, same as those from climbing mountains, watching good movies, eating chocolate or ice cream...

* There will be discussion, both good and bad. The controversial Howard Stern once said, "There's no such thing as bad publicity". Even if it's rocky at first, a 3rd Elite will

* Bring players back


If the Build becomes complex enough, it will take players a while to solve and find alternates. Players love this for the same reasons they love a myriad of trading-card games: moving pieces around happily, comparing what results, playing these against each other...


Just do it, ANet.

Just do it.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> new elite specs at moment its will just skin/circus garbage.. gw2 had tons of underused weapons/traits.


> the same crew that ask for new elite specs is the same crew that 2 months later after a expansion will say that game is boring and dying, Anet should stop heard the _"perma hype"/early rushers_ crowd that cant live without a "new hype thing" every 2 weeks.


Two weeks? The King Under the Mountain serves a potent brew indeed.

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I personally think the possibilities with Elite Specs are sheer limitless.


With enough creativity it's really not that difficult to give professions many more different spins, both thematically and mechanically. Even if the more specs you add the more there will be overlap between professions, that's not necessarily a bad thing, if they have enough of a unique mechanical spin and are differently enough thematically.


For example, you could design a Deathknight for Necromancer to play somewhat similarly to Warriors Spellbreaker in some regards, even somewhat borrowing from the Full Counter mechanic as some sort of Bone Armor that explodes, but just by merit of the core profession, weapons and kit being very different, as well as the thematic flavour, in addition to mechanical tweaks to the somewhat similar in nature mechanics and different Trait design, it could look and feel drastically different, offering a unique and fresh experience.


So I think there is still a lot left to be explored, be it a Necro Wraith taking some inspirations from Thief gameplay with many unique spins, a Ranger Beastmaster taking some inspiration from Minion Master concepts, a Shadow Mage Thief taking some Necro ideas and changing them up, a Commander Warrior taking some Guardian Ideas and transforming them or what have you, I can only see that enriching the game.

With the right design approach it wouldn't even feel like it's blurring the lines between professions, although if that's bad to begin with comes down to opinion.


Obviously they shouldn't be rushed out either and one would have to be careful to differentiate them enough to not at all feel like reskins, but I think we are still far from that being an issue, with how many options are still out there.

I also disagree with the notion that more options immediately constitute a balance nightmare, as more options also mean more counter options to overperforming things, as well as less pressure for each individual spec to be balanced everywhere.


If each profession only has 2 elite specs, it's fairly disappointing if the one's for the profession you thematically enjoy most don't function particularly well in the areas of the game you enjoy.

If there are let's say 5 elite specs per profession, it would feel more okay if one was primarily balanced for sPvP/solo gameplay/roaming and didn't perform too well in Group PvE or WvW Zerg gameplay, with another one or two being good in PvE group content, while really lacking in most PvP scenarios, another one being great for WvW Zergs and big PvE events, but falling short in more self sustained or small scale environments etc.

If anything the current approach of balancing each of the very limited specs for each area of the game with just the limited 3 lines of 3 Traits is cause for a lot of balance nightmares, as well as creating very boring scenarios where Traitlines are pretty set for each gamemode offering little customisation for each.

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I voted no.


Personally, I find that by extending what can be done with each profession, they're globalizing. Each can be played melee/healer/caster. Each can use all weapons. I prefer when each profession has its very own specificities that the others don't have.


I would very much prefer a brand new profession. We know it's possible since revenant was added to the game at a later step. If they keep extending the existing ones, we will never get something new. :/

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