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From the ‘update news’

Strider Pj.2193

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Here is the section of the news as it applies to WvW: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/


Cal Cohen, Game Designer—Competitive Update

“The big thing we have coming down the line for both PvP and WvW is a major balance update. We’ve talked a little about it on the forums and on the WvW weekly stream, but to reiterate: our main goal is to reevaluate the desired power level for competitive game modes. We’re reviewing every skill and trait in the game to bring them more in line with our goals. This update will be a large step in the direction we want to move, but there will certainly be more work that follows and more problems to address. This balance update is currently targeted for Q1 of 2020, assuming everything goes according to plan.

On the PvP side of things, we’ve made some great progress with Swiss tournaments. We’re looking at running a beta event to test the system at a larger scale. Players who participate in Swiss tournaments during the event will earn a unique title. The beta is targeted for early next year, and the full release will follow after any outstanding bugs are squashed.

For WvW, we’re planning to address some of the problems introduced by the warclaw, namely its overall movement speed and elusiveness via evades. We’ll be removing the increased movement speed in owned territory and replacing it with a new Mastery that we’re still working out. We’ll also be reducing the warclaw’s endurance to give players more opportunities to chase it down and force a dismount.”

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I mean, its a start but it wont be enough on its own. Even outside entities are saying the game looks like it's in decline and more and more PvP/WvW personalities are leaving the game for better prospects. I'm glad they are getting a **little** more specific on stuff and time lines but there needs to be at the least more communication while they are working on changes.

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for every other section of the game something big/ decent size is happening, but for wvw its only _warclaw balance._ that's absolutely hilarious. no mention of alliances, seems like its official at this point that its not ever coming out. I mean fucking seriously, just warclaw balance? there are a ton of other small-big issues that can be taken care of too.

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The good from this post (for WvW):

1. WvW power scaling / balance update.

2. Dev resources available for, and wanting to work on competitive game mode balance.

3. On-going communication.


The bad from this post (for WvW):

1. No mention of Alliances at all (sadface).

2. Endless changes to Warclaw (angryface). This is now an endless project. Warclaw is fine. Please stop listening to the whiners on forums who do not even play WvW.

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> @"Adzekul.3104" said:

> The good from this post (for WvW):

> 1. WvW power scaling / balance update.

> 2. Dev resources available for, and wanting to work on competitive game mode balance.

> 3. On-going communication.


> The bad from this post (for WvW):

> 1. No mention of Alliances at all (sadface).

> 2. Endless changes to Warclaw (angryface). This is now an endless project. Warclaw is fine. Please stop listening to the whiners on forums who do not even play WvW.


Swiss news is also Alliances news, because it builds upon that system

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> > Finally fix the ability to mount into every tower and keep on all maps?


> yeah jesus kitten. I sent ben a link months ago to youtube where this guy does that on most keeps/ towers, yet its still a thing.


It’s been present since the start of mounts. Of course new invisible walls pop up all over the place in Divinity’s Reach and PvE maps to prevent exploration into some areas, but WvW? Heh...

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > There's only one thing we need, and I think we all know what that is.


> Legendary Spikes.


I am getting close to a stack, I am so proud of myself. Think I will throw a party and then sadface when nobody shows up. Just sad little me in my party hat with nobody else at the table :-(

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > There's only one thing we need, and I think we all know what that is.

> >

> > Legendary Spikes.


> I am getting close to a stack, I am so proud of myself. Think I will throw a party and then sadface when nobody shows up. Just sad little me in my party hat with nobody else at the table :-(


Yeah, I am just under 200. Haven’t been playing regularly for the past 4 months..

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > > There's only one thing we need, and I think we all know what that is.

> > >

> > > Legendary Spikes.

> >

> > I am getting close to a stack, I am so proud of myself. Think I will throw a party and then sadface when nobody shows up. Just sad little me in my party hat with nobody else at the table :-(


> Yeah, I am just under 200. Haven’t been playing regularly for the past 4 months..


Rofl has anyone really?

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> Really not a fan of the speed reduction in owned territories; the main reason I use Warclaw is to get to the actual fights, not gank random roamers in my own territories.

Personally I've always found the speed difference jarring and would prefer something constant between the two, however... you need that speed to "gank random roamers" too, its there for a functional reason. Or as its more commonly called, "intercept enemies trying to cap your kittens". Because 98% of WvW players are on warclaws. If Anet removes that, how the kitten are we going to catch people?


Still, they could **easily** cut the hp in like a third and their continued refusal to do simple things is utterly infuriating. Its not even mentioned!

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Agreed the power is an issue but the Warclaw ? The warclaw is not just for evading squirrels and gankers chasing down a single player but it 's also the best means of single players trying to get past the massive amounts of CC's . Specifically at gates . As it is now , without the warclaw in it's current state we'll be right back to where nobody could get through a gate because of all the AOE bombs and control effects .With the change to the evade on the warclaw are you also going to look at the imbalance between stability and control effects .

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