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WvW was fun now its just nothing but getting ganked every day.


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WvW was fun today its just frustrating bad, on servers where no plays any more and if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance and new people who get gw2 play for a day or 2 max in WvW and just say the hell with this and go back to PvE. Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.

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I have seen it before but now its just off the charts now where you strike people don't even lose health i have hit for 18k with my deadeye and followed up with 19+ after and see the numbers and not see the health bar drop less 10%. or groups just stand in siege fire and not drop at all and just walk around the keep or tower taking out the siege and defenders.


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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

>if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance

>Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.


I don't think rank has anything to do with getting jumped by 3-6 people.

Also how do you think anet could "do anything to balance" wvw in a way that a solo player couldn't be ganked by... multiple people?

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> >if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance

> >Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.


> I don't think rank has anything to do with getting jumped by 3-6 people.

> Also how do you think anet could "do anything to balance" wvw in a way that a solo player couldn't be ganked by... multiple people?


They're not talking about player rank, they're talking about server rank and low population. The struggles that low pop servers face are incredible, with sometimes even a single player having to defend their entire side of the map.


I know because even T2 can be like this on some days, at late hours or during festivals etc.

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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> WvW was fun today its just frustrating bad, on servers where no plays any more and if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance and new people who get gw2 play for a day or 2 max in WvW and just say the hell with this and go back to PvE. Arent is **not saying any thing or doing any thing** to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.




![](https://i.imgur.com/MVJBKYe.jpg "")


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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> WvW was fun today its just frustrating bad, on servers where no plays any more and if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance and new people who get gw2 play for a day or 2 max in WvW and just say the hell with this and go back to PvE. Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.


I feel your pain brother. The looooonnnnggg time since the last link and it's grueling. The Commanders we're linked with just charge in like bulls with none of the tanky characters they would need for those tactics. They get slaughtered running into chokepoints then tell everyone to rally on their tag so they can do it again. A lot of long term players I'm used seeing 4000+ rank have been on less and less. Worse yet, we've been Red every single week against two top tier servers. It's like we're being invited to quit. Hasn't been this bad since Sorrow's Furnace was linked with Maguma for FAR to long.

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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> I have seen it before but now its just off the charts now where you strike people don't even lose health i have hit for 18k with my deadeye and followed up with 19+ after and see the numbers and not see the health bar drop less 10%. or groups just stand in siege fire and not drop at all and just walk around the keep or tower taking out the siege and defenders.


"WvW is only ganking now!"




"The reason its only ganking now is that people dont insta-die to my thief!"


Good thread.

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I can give you an advice as before mergings began my server was nearly empty. First of all ypu cant play with every profession under those circumstances sorry for that. You need a mobile class that can clear camps quickly. And you need to know how to disengage, and how to stay calm when you are ganked by 5 people.


What you can do is to use hit and run tactics. Use supply traps frequently to bug the hell out of your opponent. Tag their objectives, cata their walls down (and inform the map about defenseless places). I really enjoyed being a one man militia. You can try these to have more fun. Or you can always transfer.

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And You will be ganked even more just because ANET think ganking it's the new WvW


"For WvW, we’re planning to address some of the **problems ** introduced by the warclaw, namely its overall movement speed and elusiveness via evades. We’ll be removing the increased movement speed in owned territory and replacing it with a new Mastery that we’re still working out. We’ll also be reducing the warclaw’s endurance to give players more opportunities to chase it down and force a dismount.”"


Yes, i think this is the real PROBLEM in WvW

Thanks again for Your effort in spoiling this game :D

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agreeing with nargilli... heck Anet, just delete the warclaw. it became yet nothing more than a walking target - if you slow it down now , it'll become even more useless and people might really again switch to only-manual-mobility.


you're more safe with skill-movement, compared to a slow warkitty that gets more likely dismounted, leaving you open to 2-3 5k+attacks, ergo you are dead at that point.


unless the new mastery is a "triple superspeed for 20 seconds" or "warp instantly to the nearest waypoint" they should better keep their hands off this.


like what does this make the warclaw? the doorpull is rather rarely used, siege is more efficient;

now they make it in two aspects even slower than it is, whoever of the designteam thinks Wvw needs a parade-horse should better find a new job, seriously.


@ the previous posts

i think it really is a big issue that Wvw is not really newbie friendly. if the alliance system would be introduced yet and well-thought through, that might acutally help this; atm we have always the same group around, bandwagoners of toxic elitists who complain the whole time how: 1) this servers sucks 2) everybody else sucks 3) life sucks 4) the game sucks 5) format sucks 6) only get farmed etc


despite these rants, those people come to the highest tier servers - rather their links bc the mains are often full - each relink again, just to pull off the same scheme again. also the matchups are kinda always the same, unless one stacked server tries to tank on purpose. (and still that happens not that rarely, tho one has to drop anyways each week)


this basically shows the main issues: current matchups are questionable, leading to unnecessary bandwagoners for high-populated servers and some low-populated servers ending up like fish on the sand;

plus lacking motivation to win outside of having people to play with, changes addressing not the acutal issues.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> > >if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance

> > >Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.

> >

> > I don't think rank has anything to do with getting jumped by 3-6 people.

> > Also how do you think anet could "do anything to balance" wvw in a way that a solo player couldn't be ganked by... multiple people?


> They're not talking about player rank, they're talking about server rank and low population. The struggles that low pop servers face are incredible, with sometimes even a single player having to defend their entire side of the map.


> I know because even T2 can be like this on some days, at late hours or during festivals etc.


When this ends up happening, i do dailies and get out of the map. My server is nearly always T2(sometimes gets up to T1 though i dunno how), and the population at least when im online doesnt exist. So i either end up running alone into groups of enemy players camping on camps, or a bunch of gankers.


But hey, im only rank 300 something so i dont know anything.

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Change your game,


If they are all squtating in camps kill the yaks, kill the sentries and disappear and go tag a keep then skip a camp and hit a further one. There are ways to play to counter your enemy roamers. Think of a way to be super obnoxious and drill it into their skills.


Winning isn't always about flipping t3 camps and killing enemy players fairly,

Sometimes just controlling your enemy's mental state is it's own victory.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Change your game,


> If they are all squtating in camps kill the yaks, kill the sentries and disappear and go tag a keep then skip a camp and hit a further one. There are ways to play to counter your enemy roamers. Think of a way to be super obnoxious and drill it into their skills.


> Winning isn't always about flipping t3 camps and killing enemy players fairly,

> Sometimes just controlling your enemy's mental state is it's own victory.



I have been changing since our matching with YB and try to get other WvW players to go on the offences and since i know the YB cheaters watch our WvW chat i even throw fake reports like i am heading to take some keep to through them off. I have seen them with draw for a tower cause i said i was taking a camp. LOL its pretty funny and missed up that you half to do that.



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There is always such a massive disregard for strategy in competitive elements of MMO's ... this thread is a good example. You wouldn't BELIEVE how well a single person can tie up numerous players on the opposing side, without getting ganked all the time (that's a pretty good hint to change how you play). Of course, if you don't get why that's relevant or not willing to play differently, that demonstrates the point.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> agreeing with nargilli... heck Anet, just delete the warclaw. it became yet nothing more than a walking target - if you slow it down now , it'll become even more useless and people might really again switch to only-manual-mobility.


> you're more safe with skill-movement, compared to a slow warkitty that gets more likely dismounted, leaving you open to 2-3 5k+attacks, ergo you are dead at that point.


> unless the new mastery is a "triple superspeed for 20 seconds" or "warp instantly to the nearest waypoint" they should better keep their hands off this.


> like what does this make the warclaw? the doorpull is rather rarely used, siege is more efficient;

> now they make it in two aspects even slower than it is, whoever of the designteam thinks Wvw needs a parade-horse should better find a new job, seriously.

> ____

> @ the previous posts

> i think it really is a big issue that Wvw is not really newbie friendly. if the alliance system would be introduced yet and well-thought through, that might acutally help this; atm we have always the same group around, bandwagoners of toxic elitists who complain the whole time how: 1) this servers sucks 2) everybody else sucks 3) life sucks 4) the game sucks 5) format sucks 6) only get farmed etc


> despite these rants, those people come to the highest tier servers - rather their links bc the mains are often full - each relink again, just to pull off the same scheme again. also the matchups are kinda always the same, unless one stacked server tries to tank on purpose. (and still that happens not that rarely, tho one has to drop anyways each week)


> this basically shows the main issues: current matchups are questionable, leading to unnecessary bandwagoners for high-populated servers and some low-populated servers ending up like fish on the sand;

> plus lacking motivation to win outside of having people to play with, changes addressing not the acutal issues.


You know whats also not beginner friendly?

The frickin mount. Ppl join, they struggle to follow a commander, because everyone just mounts up and run, while the newcommer just gets rolled over by ppl ON MOUNTS. And they leave wvw again.


Ive been more often been chased by 4 ppl on mount, while one guy kept me infight, than i have dismounted and ganked a single person with multiple ppl.


Mountspeed itself helps gankers more than all you warclaw lovers like to admit. Just get rid of that thing. Its ridiculously unbalanced.


And all those ppl that think warclaw was introduced so they could savely traverse a battleground, sorry to break it to you, but it was meant to more quickly get to fights, not avoid them.

And they are slowing it down in your own territory, not to ease the life of gankers, no, they do it because its too quick for defender to reach their objective, making it waaaay harder for attackers to take a defended objective.


You honestly think anet nerfs the warclaw just so that the ~2% of wvw players, that actively gank, have an easier time? Ooof.

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Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

1. Entered the map

2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

7. Exausted quit


Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience

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At this stage of the game, why would anyone run a weaker build for roaming? There is so much cheese/dmg flying around you would be a fool not to abuse it and winning is winning. Duals are different, you could play a sensible build and show of skill but roaming is roaming. That's why you see some grps around 5-7 with at least 3 supports farming pugs. I bet they are having a blast of a time where as the pugs just get farmed and wont adapt to the situation and play the same stuff the same way

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@ sinful

partly correct. it was difficult when i was new yet, i had the same first issues u describe; (it was post PoF launch, but way pre warclaw) i played warrior, first mainly roamed.

then in zergs i had to learn to use my invinciblity skills on point to do anything (stability, no dmg, condiremove was my first lesson, then i just helped our zergs by diving into the enemy ones and fired off all my stun stuff plus used greatbow to support from range - i had not even full lv80 gear outside of the reward track weapons at that point).

my damage was initially a joke - in one 1v1 i stood against a roamer who did nothing, not even move and simply took kinda no damage at all in 10 seconds of me firing all my greatswordskills on him thaha.


however, luckily warclaw didn't exist at that point. it must be really horrible to start now as new player into wvw, especially without guidance. veterans often miss that.


_what i'd ask new players to do_ though: ask; usually someone can help you with a short explaining of the codes (nc = north camp on each map for example etc)... and for gods sake stay away from Eternal Battlegrounds. no idea why it attracts new players this much, but it's the last place they should be. outside for grabbing warclaw stuff, but for that you only need a build with all possible running/invisibility skills. if you do that good, warkitty players have a hard time catching you - this depends heavily on the class you play though.


_about 4) you get that wrong_; in zergs, people only focus on you if you're a healing class or maybe a supporter or dps class that they noticed, otherwise it's rather random hits or getting strived by one of the numerous insane aoe skills. i doubt most people specifically hunt others just bc their "noobrank" is shown. i had it it sometimes that players just "ran" into my attacks while i killed a guard and got instantly downed for example - that's what you usually could avoid.


the learning curve is also about learning what every single class is capable of doing, and that's quite something for people with pvE only experience.


about 3) unless you're a pvp veteran you have to look at the map, and on what you see - that would avoid most deaths yet. doesn't always work, once you're too close to a 4-5 people group it gets even with the warclaw hardly possible to get out in most cases. warrior has great movement skills to run for example, but at least half of the classes won't be able to just run across the map.


"escaping points" are for example high cliffs of your own server, where you can quick opt out and glide-drop-glide away. or sth like bridges if your waterbuild is full escapeoriented (skillsetwise). easier for invisiblity chars obviously since they just can drop off a ledge, use one movement skill and stealth.


@ fat disgrace

that's still rather new, these roamergroups getting bigger lately i feel; the only option to adapt really there is to call mapchat at least to also get people to stomp them. usually annoying since roamergroups have said supporters and work better as a team than a bunch of random players do - often it starts yet at people not managing to kill downed.


this for example would be a good use for newbies once they get the warclaw. support, but stay out of direct attack reach and mount up once dmg pops onto the enemies, so u can finish the fallen before their two firebrands lift them up again ;P

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

> 1. Entered the map

> 2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

> 3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

> 4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

> One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

> 5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

> 6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

> 7. Exausted quit


> Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience


Unfortunately, new players are vulnerable exactly because they don't know what they're doing. I deliberately don't attack low rank players unless they attack me first or unless I'm outnumbered, that said, if my tag is fighting the enemy tag I will go after anything squishy that's out of position, which is very often the new players since they don't know where that should be to start with. I also know that most players won't offer new players the same grace I do; I can't be the only roamer that tries to give low rank players a chance to learn, but a large part of the player base hates single players and sticks with the motto "red = dead", and most ganking is actually done by zerg players going after single targets 5v1 oddly enough.


Best advice I can give is to find a tag on alpine border to start, download discord/teamspeak and listen to the tag so you know which way he's moving. Ask about builds, scourge is probably your best bet as a new player as it's not massively complicated and it's always needed but if you're competent on something else that the comm needs then go for it. Stick to that tag like glue, don't tunnel vision after low health enemies, and get warclaw unlocked ASAP. Accept that sometimes you are going to get ganked in the cheesiest possible way; just laugh and roll with it. If a group needs to chase me down with 5 people when I'm already marked in order to get the kill that's a cause for pity, not irritation. Ask in map chat; odds are there's someone there who will help you, I know I'm usually happy to help new players with thief stuff when I'm online. There is definitely a learning curve, but you get what you out in when it comes to WvW. I know you've had your experience already, but hopefully if this doesn't help you it helps someone else :)

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