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Hundred blades should have a built in stun and evade for the duration.


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> @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > A hand full. Warrior, thief, ele, guardian. It's not about the counter play honestly, it's that it's a complete bummer to fight against. I wasn't targeting specifically PW in this post either, just all the OP overloaded unfun skills/combos floating around.


> Then just wait for March when we might get the balance patch and see what happens, PW has counterplay despite being "unfun to play against", there are already enough "nerf this" threads as it is.


I'm bored and wanted to stir the pot. You're welcome to not partake in the thread.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> That's too many buttons. Why can't I just have it on the one button? Would make life much easier.


Idunno, ask anet why they make some classes have to only press one button to survive. That seems like a design flaw~


> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> A hand full. Warrior, thief, ele, guardian. It's not about the counter play honestly, it's that it's a complete bummer to fight against. I wasn't targeting specifically PW in this post either, just all the OP overloaded unfun skills/combos floating around.


I really think that based on how much your survivability scales, that is more or less acceptable.

If you can shrug off hits and resustain immediately, you probably don't need invulns while doing damage. If you die immediately to anything that is Mara Amulet or worse looking at you, you probably should have something like that, especially if the attack is range limited and counterable.


we have examples of both in the current meta, and how they feel. Weaver on the op end, and Necro on the other.


Addressing the elephant here, I can completely see how pistol whip(though you may not be referring to it specifically, other people definitely are) is frustrating, and it makes me cringe to see people 3 3 3 3 and get away with it.

In a meta where someone can press 7 and reveal you if you are 600r in their general vicinity, or they auto you, or they are targeting you, and -not taking a glass amulet- means your damage is, at best, annoying, its pretty damn punishing to rely on stealth.


So, its either that, we pick up pistol pistol again, we pick up sword/dagger again, we pick up staff staff again, we poke you with sword 2, or we play glass D/P and run with shortbow.

All of those options people hate, so at this point.... yknow, stay mad if you are?

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > That's too many buttons. Why can't I just have it on the one button? Would make life much easier.


> Idunno, ask anet why they make some classes have to only press one button to survive. That seems like a design flaw~


> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > A hand full. Warrior, thief, ele, guardian. It's not about the counter play honestly, it's that it's a complete bummer to fight against. I wasn't targeting specifically PW in this post either, just all the OP overloaded unfun skills/combos floating around.


> I really think that based on how much your survivability scales, that is more or less acceptable.

> If you can shrug off hits and resustain immediately, you probably don't need invulns while doing damage. If you die immediately to anything that is Mara Amulet or worse looking at you, you probably should have something like that, especially if the attack is range limited and counterable.


> we have examples of both in the current meta, and how they feel. Weaver on the op end, and Necro on the other.


> Addressing the elephant here, I can completely see how pistol whip(though you may not be referring to it specifically, other people definitely are) is frustrating, and it makes me cringe to see people 3 3 3 3 and get away with it.

> In a meta where someone can press 7 and reveal you if you are 600r in their general vicinity, or they auto you, or they are targeting you, and -not taking a glass amulet- means your damage is, at best, annoying, its pretty kitten punishing to rely on stealth.


> So, its either that, we pick up pistol pistol again, we pick up sword/dagger again, we pick up staff staff again, we poke you with sword 2, or we play glass D/P and run with shortbow.

> All of those options people hate, so at this point.... yknow, stay mad if you are?


Personally, my experience playing thief, I don't find stealth at all punishing to play. I burst, if it doesn't kill I reset with stealth and do it again. If I get revealed, good thing I have a two count reveal removal. I get locked down? Shadow step. I don't play stealth on DrD though. I play a good amount of thief and dont get me wrong I do enjoy playing it. I've kind of grown bored with it's, for lack of a better word, "cheap" playstyle. It may have a low health pool, but none of that matters if you don't take damage. It may not have the highest burst in the game but that also doesn't matter if you can consistently hit your damage.


Thief's mitigation FAR out classes warrior or guardian. People seem to think "mitigation" means "tanking" but that's not it at all. After all, squishy ol' chrono tanks for raids. Being able to completely avoid attacks all together by shadow stepping out or evading and removing your self from LoS you can negate tonnssss of damage. If whatever you're facing doesn't have a teleport of some kind then it should rarely ever kill you as a thief. Of course every profession has it's weaknesses, I'm not saying thief doesn't, but it's not some flimsy paper that will blow over if you sneeze damage at it. I don't buy the "oh poor little helpless me needs this busted skill or I just canttt playyyyy" that a lot of thief players throw out. I'm just as dead on warrior if I don't block/invlun a fresh air ele burst as you are on thief if you don't shadow step away.


Everyone is always going to to hate thief because it always has the initiative in a fight and that feels "unfair", pun intended. That's not an excuse for it to have a busted skill. To be clear, I'm not mad at thief, I'm bored with how unfun the current meta is. It's just a bunch of "whiff until someone lands a 1-shot/CC lock combo". Imagine how boring something like football or soccer would be if it was over at the first one to score a point. That's basically the meta right now. If you don't get killed instantly from stealth and you manage to survive the following CC spam fest then you MIGHT have a chance to fight back which will either result in the opponent resetting/running or getting basically one-shot themselves. It's become the rare fight to have good back and forth play when that should be the norm.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> Personally, my experience playing thief, I don't find stealth at all punishing to play. I burst, if it doesn't kill I reset with stealth and do it again. If I get revealed, good thing I have a two count reveal removal. I get locked down? Shadow step. I don't play stealth on DrD though.


I play Sword/Pistol Daredevil, and I use Staff on swap. I don't have revealed removal on that build, and I occasionally do not run shadowstep.

(If you want to see how it works give me a fight in Arena.)

Just keep in mind that some people don't play the burst playstyle. Some people __loathe__ the burst playstyle.



>I play a good amount of thief and dont get me wrong I do enjoy playing it. I've kind of grown bored with it's, for lack of a better word, "cheap" playstyle. It may have a low health pool, but none of that matters if you don't take damage. It may not have the highest burst in the game but that also doesn't matter if you can consistently hit your damage.


I got bored of D/P long ago, and that's why I'm playing what I'm playing now. As it stands, though, pistol whip is where a lot of my mitigation comes from. I use it defensively and very rarely offensively. Stealthing forever to burst someone, when I can instead fight them visibly and react to all of their moves feels like a step backward for me.



> Thief's mitigation FAR out classes warrior or guardian. People seem to think "mitigation" means "tanking" but that's not it at all. After all, squishy ol' chrono tanks for raids. Being able to completely avoid attacks all together by shadow stepping out or evading and removing your self from LoS you can negate tonnssss of damage. If whatever you're facing doesn't have a teleport of some kind then it should rarely ever kill you as a thief. Of course every profession has it's weaknesses, I'm not saying thief doesn't, but it's not some flimsy paper that will blow over if you sneeze damage at it. I don't buy the "oh poor little helpless me needs this busted skill or I just canttt playyyyy" that a lot of thief players throw out. I'm just as dead on warrior if I don't block/invlun a fresh air ele burst as you are on thief if you don't shadow step away.


All true, but in PVP where conquest is the name of the game, leaving means giving up point progress, and there should be at least a couple of builds on thief that do not center around only decapping uncontested nodes, contesting nodes from outside, or losing node progress as you mitigate because your mitigation demands it.



> Everyone is always going to to hate thief because it always has the initiative in a fight and that feels "unfair", pun intended. That's not an excuse for it to have a busted skill. To be clear, I'm not mad at thief, I'm bored with how unfun the current meta is. It's just a bunch of "whiff until someone lands a 1-shot/CC lock combo". Imagine how boring something like football or soccer would be if it was over at the first one to score a point. **That's basically the meta right now. If you don't get killed instantly from stealth and you manage to survive the following CC spam fest then you MIGHT have a chance to fight back which will either result in the opponent resetting/running or getting basically one-shot themselves. It's become the rare fight to have good back and forth play when that should be the norm.**


Pistol whip, at least the way I play it, **creates the bolded situation.** That's the whole reason I'm being so aggressive about changing it. I absolutely do not want to go back to stealth oneshot.


If you want to fight it, try me. I usually hang out in the arena when there's not an event going on using a charr DD named Cheshire Mistcloak.



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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.


> This is obviously a satire thread...



Cool. Can I get it on Guardian GS 2. Maybe rev sword 2 as well.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.

> >

> > This is obviously a satire thread...

> >


> Cool. Can I get it on Guardian GS 2. Maybe rev sword 2 as well.


Done! You drive a hard bargain sir

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > Personally, my experience playing thief, I don't find stealth at all punishing to play. I burst, if it doesn't kill I reset with stealth and do it again. If I get revealed, good thing I have a two count reveal removal. I get locked down? Shadow step. I don't play stealth on DrD though.


> I play Sword/Pistol Daredevil, and I use Staff on swap. I don't have revealed removal on that build, and I occasionally do not run shadowstep.

> (If you want to see how it works give me a fight in Arena.)

> Just keep in mind that some people don't play the burst playstyle. Some people __loathe__ the burst playstyle.



> >I play a good amount of thief and dont get me wrong I do enjoy playing it. I've kind of grown bored with it's, for lack of a better word, "cheap" playstyle. It may have a low health pool, but none of that matters if you don't take damage. It may not have the highest burst in the game but that also doesn't matter if you can consistently hit your damage.


> I got bored of D/P long ago, and that's why I'm playing what I'm playing now. As it stands, though, pistol whip is where a lot of my mitigation comes from. I use it defensively and very rarely offensively. Stealthing forever to burst someone, when I can instead fight them visibly and react to all of their moves feels like a step backward for me.



> > Thief's mitigation FAR out classes warrior or guardian. People seem to think "mitigation" means "tanking" but that's not it at all. After all, squishy ol' chrono tanks for raids. Being able to completely avoid attacks all together by shadow stepping out or evading and removing your self from LoS you can negate tonnssss of damage. If whatever you're facing doesn't have a teleport of some kind then it should rarely ever kill you as a thief. Of course every profession has it's weaknesses, I'm not saying thief doesn't, but it's not some flimsy paper that will blow over if you sneeze damage at it. I don't buy the "oh poor little helpless me needs this busted skill or I just canttt playyyyy" that a lot of thief players throw out. I'm just as dead on warrior if I don't block/invlun a fresh air ele burst as you are on thief if you don't shadow step away.


> All true, but in PVP where conquest is the name of the game, leaving means giving up point progress, and there should be at least a couple of builds on thief that do not center around only decapping uncontested nodes, contesting nodes from outside, or losing node progress as you mitigate because your mitigation demands it.



> > Everyone is always going to to hate thief because it always has the initiative in a fight and that feels "unfair", pun intended. That's not an excuse for it to have a busted skill. To be clear, I'm not mad at thief, I'm bored with how unfun the current meta is. It's just a bunch of "whiff until someone lands a 1-shot/CC lock combo". Imagine how boring something like football or soccer would be if it was over at the first one to score a point. **That's basically the meta right now. If you don't get killed instantly from stealth and you manage to survive the following CC spam fest then you MIGHT have a chance to fight back which will either result in the opponent resetting/running or getting basically one-shot themselves. It's become the rare fight to have good back and forth play when that should be the norm.**


> Pistol whip, at least the way I play it, **creates the bolded situation.** That's the whole reason I'm being so aggressive about changing it. I absolutely do not want to go back to stealth oneshot.


> If you want to fight it, try me. I usually hang out in the arena when there's not an event going on using a charr DD named Cheshire Mistcloak.




I'm not hard to catch in the arena, I'm usually on my warrior now days poking around, "Jean Tannenn". I'll give you a whisper if I see you.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> I had a DH complain about pistol whip as he pressed not a single button (the dude literally stood still, even when not stunned) during multiple PWs.


> Same match, I had a spellbreaker stand in my Black Powder **and** eat every single PW.


> What a world we live in.


People still stand in plaguelands, dont be surprised.

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> @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.

> > > >

> > > > This is obviously a satire thread...

> > > >

> > >

> > > Sure if you have also have lowest base HP, it roots you and your expected to be a decap bot :tongue:

> >

> > If there is no risk to using the skill, it doesn't matter if you have 2 HP. Get that weak excuse outa here


> Roll a thief play PW and tell me there is no risk, then we can talk


I played thief and its unfortunate but likely going to get nerfed anyways folks always complain and they don't really understand the thief, for instance: They complain and want stealth to disappear completely, not understanding that thief cannot tank.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > I'm not hard to catch in the arena, I'm usually on my warrior now days poking around, "Jean Tannenn". I'll give you a whisper if I see you.


> Short cut, brown hair, wears a jacket?


> If so, I think I ganked you once on a pink, feathery mes cat ~~sorry~~


Big norn guy, doubt that was me. I'll be on the hunt for you now.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.


> This is obviously a satire thread...


Hundred blades should have a built in stun and evade for the duration


**No Thank You!!**


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Would be pretty fire if 100b destroyed projectiles or somthing. It's already pretty niche and only follows up on stuns or gets rid of blind.


Tbh if I could I would trade out 100b for somthing like axe 2. A quick multi hit attack with low/moderate damage. Maybe in a cone in front of you. That would be op though.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> Totally for giving it a damage buff though. it's hard to land, almost impossible to get the last hit. Last hit would be neat if it also stunned you too.

All this meme thread aside ...damage buff to 100b... totally... how to say it w/o being insulting... lets say "unwise" proposal

p.s since the rampage nerfs this crying warrior mains are getting ridiculous

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.

> > >

> > > This is obviously a satire thread...

> > >

> >

> > Sure if you have also have lowest base HP, it roots you and your expected to be a decap bot :tongue:


> If there is no risk to using the skill, it doesn't matter if you have 2 HP. Get that weak excuse outa here


You are just a bad warrior if u lose to pw thief. Warrior can kill thief in 2 hits. That's why evade is necessary. Takes mutiple hits for thief to even come close to killing a warrior.


You don't seem to understand there is a start and end animation. To where u can stun n hundred blades a thief.


For the record I main both thief and warrior. Been to plat on both classes.


Go L2P. Take your salt else where.


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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Hundred blades needs also to immobilize opponents for maybe... 10 seconds and its cd should be lowered to idk.. 2 or 4 seconds maybe but if only 4 seconds increase dmg by at least 300% kkthxbb


100 Blades must also hit everyone around the warrior, and have its range increased.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.

> > > >

> > > > This is obviously a satire thread...

> > > >

> > >

> > > Sure if you have also have lowest base HP, it roots you and your expected to be a decap bot :tongue:

> >

> > If there is no risk to using the skill, it doesn't matter if you have 2 HP. Get that weak excuse outa here


> You are just a bad warrior if u lose to pw thief. Warrior can kill thief in 2 hits. That's why evade is necessary. Takes mutiple hits for thief to even come close to killing a warrior.


> You don't seem to understand there is a start and end animation. To where u can stun n hundred blades a thief.


> For the record I main both thief and warrior. Been to plat on both classes.


> Go L2P. Take your salt else where.



That's not true at all.


Daredevil also has a lot of weakness too so its gonna be difficult to 2 hit a theif, that will also go into instant reflexes or just gtfo.


But it all depends on who's playing what, I have watched tramma duel sind in an area within the mists on YouTube, tram did win but it wasn't easy, it wasnt quick nor did tram 2 hit sind neither and we are talking about proper high end players here.



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