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Absolutely Ridiculous


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Who in their wisdom ,gave all the advantage to the attacking force ,rangers shooting over walls ,scourge painting walls ridiculous pulls through walls when is a T3 not a T3 when its in GW2 ,defenders cant even get a look in ,siege hard to actually use , cannot use mortars they wiped before you even get in, make the game balanced for both sides ,last kitten chance to help this game mode ,hop off walls and attack you say ,ha what a crock dead before you even hit the ground. This game mode is a lost cause. Solution just clear the maps of any objectives just make it all open ground and leave no hiding places ,flat barren land then head to head attackers wont have to waste effort.

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The trouble back when prepared structures provided a substantial defensive advantage was that no one would attack them and maps became stagnant. While the current state of defense is less engaging for the defenders, it has led to more active maps and is therefore successful . . .

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Yes, when I'm standing outside a fortified T3 and see another guy on the wall I always think *"HAHA, now I have the upper hand!"*.


Pull and kill Xd



Due how physics and LoS work even people on the ground on the other side of the wall will get pulled, sometimes but rare a similiar event to DH chain pull happens, pushing a player against the wall of if that player is on inner stairs will get pulled.



Tdlr... bad coding.

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> Who in their wisdom ,gave all the advantage to the attacking force ,rangers shooting over walls ,scourge painting walls ridiculous pulls through walls when is a T3 not a T3 when its in GW2 ,defenders cant even get a look in ,siege hard to actually use , cannot use mortars they wiped before you even get in, make the game balanced for both sides ,last kitten chance to help this game mode ,hop off walls and attack you say ,ha what a crock dead before you even hit the ground. This game mode is a lost cause. Solution just clear the maps of any objectives just make it all open ground and leave no hiding places ,flat barren land then head to head attackers wont have to waste effort.


Because attackers cried so much Anet made it this way. Some people just want a flat surface to steamroll around mindlessly and they would be happy, anything that blocks their karma train or involves thought isn't welcome.

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5 people with properly placed siege at hand, a fully upgraded objective and the right Tactivators ( eg. Invulnerable Fortification, Dragon Banner, Emergency Waypoint, etc. ) can delay a map Q sized blob for a minimum of 5 minutes, with Invulnerable Fortification providing a minute of that time. Getting through a T3'd wall or gate takes quite a while if it's heavily defended by Catapults, Trebuchets and/or Arrow Carts as well as Siege Disablers if at least 2 of the defenders are using them. The attacking force will eventually get inside if they're co-ordinated, but a less co-ordinated PUG can be pushed off relatively easily.


Siege and Tactivators are there to buy time until more defenders can respond and to provide a substantial advantage in outnumbered situations. These things allow a _much_ smaller group to significantly delay or even stop an attacking force, but can be overcome with persistence if the defenders don't have the numbers to respond.


You cannot sit inside an objective with a mountain of siege between you and the enemy expecting to be untouchable. If it were possible to protect an objective indefinitely regardless of the size of the attacking force, nothing would ever flip, no one would leave their towers, and no one would play WvW.


Defenses are far too strong as is but because the vast majority of players only participate in two roles; zerging or afk on siege in towers, complaints like this arise where people think


> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> anything that blocks their karma train or involves thought isn't welcome.


Which implies, what? That sitting in a tower on siege is a complex and engaging task? Have you ever noticed how often people prefer to use Catapults over Rams? Probably because rams are usually suicide unless you have a literal map Q that can insta-build 5 rams before anyone can respond. In which case, good for them because no one was scouting and instead relying on passive upgrades ( Watch Tower ) to do the job for them while they pip farm AFK at spawn.

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> Who in their wisdom ,gave all the advantage to the attacking force ,rangers shooting over walls ,scourge painting walls ridiculous pulls through walls when is a T3 not a T3 when its in GW2 ,defenders cant even get a look in ,siege hard to actually use , cannot use mortars they wiped before you even get in, make the game balanced for both sides ,last kitten chance to help this game mode ,hop off walls and attack you say ,ha what a crock dead before you even hit the ground. This game mode is a lost cause. Solution just clear the maps of any objectives just make it all open ground and leave no hiding places ,flat barren land then head to head attackers wont have to waste effort.


"I cant win without fighting and defending objectives takes effort"

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> it would be nice for a defender buff when all the walls and gates are up. something like permanent iron hide that also affects condis. with numbers and the insane damage people can pull off it sadly wouldn't make much of a difference.

Or maybe something like a ton of extra stats for defenders, huh?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > it would be nice for a defender buff when all the walls and gates are up. something like permanent iron hide that also affects condis. with numbers and the insane damage people can pull off it sadly wouldn't make much of a difference.

> Or maybe something like a ton of extra stats for defenders, huh?


so status quo then?



or maybe you were serious.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> As if warclaw wasnt good enough for defenders to roll in en masse.

> How long do you want to keep away a far bigger zerg?

> Right now you have more than enough tools to slow them down for your reinforcememts to arrive. You have no reinforcements? Well you should lose it to a much bigger group then.


Much bigger toxic group ftw as most servers use , zergling mentality rules. Pffft

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2020 and people are still getting on top of walls with 0 stab to ineffectually pew pew instead of building acs against stairs? Or maybe grab a dragon banner? i mean if this was your first day playing wvw sure, but... I bet y'all pull Emergency Waypoint when outer gets breached assuming you even know how to place a tactivator.


A determined and organized defense can easily delay an attack long enough that even if the keep is lost, the attackers will have lost their will. Even when 2x or 3x outnumbered. Of course, if you run one by one in hoping to be a hero, you will get farmed. One person on the oil is useless. But if people are also firing mortars and trebs at the same time, while another comes in with a dragon banner from behind, then suddenly it's much harder to pay attention to one individual thing and maybe the oil is a better distraction. This is called tactics. It is much better than praying to the Anet gods in the hopes that they will save you. Because they won't.




I would be more than willing to teach the art of siege humping, even though I didn't realize it was that hard. Of course, I won't, because that's bad for the game mode. You see, criticism is not allowed in a game like this and is branded as "tOXIC", so I'll just say everyone deserves a pat on the head and a "nice job, at least you tried" comment.

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The amount of times yesterday I saw the random pug defenders on my team be pretty brain dead about how to defend/delay a zerg at a keep, or even properly scout, and then complain about attacker's numbers was just painful. The best was seeing red dots get into a T3 tower and no defender bothered to use the invulnerable walls tactic but map chat was full of complaints at the tag for not responding. It feels like the everyone is devolving, but only on my team of course, because the other team's defenders knew at least how to use supply traps to delay our zerg.


This thread is giving me bad flashbacks to yesterday.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> As if warclaw wasnt good enough for defenders to roll in en masse.

> How long do you want to keep away a far bigger zerg?

> Right now you have more than enough tools to slow them down for your reinforcememts to arrive. You have no reinforcements? Well you should lose it to a much bigger group then.


Well, you can´t defend if there´s no defender or rather it´s pointlessto delay the inevitable when there are no reinforcements.

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So complain about attackers having all the advantage, and then the solution is to just take away all structures? ok.... makes sense... I guess...



Need to be smarter when defending and not an idiot looking over the lip of the wall looking to pew pew some random in front of the zerg cause it does absolutely nothing to them, the only reason you should be on wall is to try and disable. You are meant to delay behind structures until your own side shows up in force to defend from another force, if people don't show up to defend you're meant to lose the structure.


If you think 1-5 person should be able to completely defend against 25+ then you need to take a moment and rethink what wvw is, and whether you're on the ground or on the wall you can't expect to stand right in front of a zerg and survive, maybe you're playing firebrand and think you're some sort of combat god, but you're not. Almost every attack area in the game has a counter defense, learn them, use them, and stop coming in here complaining a zerg killed you on a wall.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> I would be more than willing to teach the art of siege humping, even though I didn't realize it was that hard. Of course, I won't, because that's bad for the game mode. You see, criticism is not allowed in a game like this and is branded as "tOXIC", so I'll just say everyone deserves a pat on the head and a "nice job, at least you tried" comment.


I got a random person mad at me yesterday for suggesting in chat that they should build a treb to counter a treb at NWT that was hitting garrison. You see, they just wanted more friendly numbers, which weren't available. Suddenly I'm the toxic one.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> 5 people with properly placed siege at hand, a fully upgraded objective and the right Tactivators ( eg. Invulnerable Fortification, Dragon Banner, Emergency Waypoint, etc. ) can delay a map Q sized blob for a minimum of 5 minutes, with Invulnerable Fortification providing a minute of that time. Getting through a T3'd wall or gate takes quite a while if it's heavily defended by Catapults, Trebuchets and/or Arrow Carts as well as Siege Disablers if at least 2 of the defenders are using them. The attacking force will eventually get inside if they're co-ordinated, but a less co-ordinated PUG can be pushed off relatively easily.


> Siege and Tactivators are there to buy time until more defenders can respond and to provide a substantial advantage in outnumbered situations. These things allow a _much_ smaller group to significantly delay or even stop an attacking force, but can be overcome with persistence if the defenders don't have the numbers to respond.


> You cannot sit inside an objective with a mountain of siege between you and the enemy expecting to be untouchable. If it were possible to protect an objective indefinitely regardless of the size of the attacking force, nothing would ever flip, no one would leave their towers, and no one would play WvW.


> Defenses are far too strong as is but because the vast majority of players only participate in two roles; zerging or afk on siege in towers, complaints like this arise where people think


> > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > anything that blocks their karma train or involves thought isn't welcome.


> Which implies, what? That sitting in a tower on siege is a complex and engaging task? Have you ever noticed how often people prefer to use Catapults over Rams? Probably because rams are usually suicide unless you have a literal map Q that can insta-build 5 rams before anyone can respond. In which case, good for them because no one was scouting and instead relying on passive upgrades ( Watch Tower ) to do the job for them while they pip farm AFK at spawn.


ye good luck.. 5 people vs zone blob.

dunno what kind of zone blobs u have in NA but in EU if zone blob wants to go inside ur tower/keep they will go in nothing will stop them.

your doors/walls will melt in matter of seconds.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> So complain about attackers having all the advantage, and then the solution is to just take away all structures? ok.... makes sense... I guess...



> Need to be smarter when defending and not an idiot looking over the lip of the wall looking to pew pew some random in front of the zerg cause it does absolutely nothing to them, the only reason you should be on wall is to try and disable. You are meant to delay behind structures until your own side shows up in force to defend from another force, if people don't show up to defend you're meant to lose the structure.


> If you think 1-5 person should be able to completely defend against 25+ then you need to take a moment and rethink what wvw is, and whether you're on the ground or on the wall you can't expect to stand right in front of a zerg and survive, maybe you're playing firebrand and think you're some sort of combat god, but you're not. Almost every attack area in the game has a counter defense, learn them, use them, and stop coming in here complaining a zerg killed you on a wall.


Hmm didn't say I was on a wall ,just stating facts how ridiculous the game is now venting is good for the soul ,I do the siege thing yada yada yada etc etc etc ,all the zerglings offering advice yes i know the full servers fill everything with seige they know how to defend with thier map queue.

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