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A message from the Guild Wars 2 team about Shining Aureate weapons

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi everyone,


We’ve collected your feedback on the Shining Aureate weapons introduced with Lunar New Year and acknowledge we missed the mark on this set. We’ll update them soon with improved textures and additional effects.


We’re working on getting this update into the 1/28 release, and any weapons you’ve already unlocked will be spiffed up at that time.


Thank you for your feedback!


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1) Thank you for listening to and acting on player feedback. :)


2) (I bet you knew this was coming) is there any chance these new skins could be added _in addition to the ones we've already got_? Based on the previews I chose the longbow for my dragonhunter because the blue/grey and gold colours fit her colour scheme and she doesn't use glowing, sparkling etc. equipment. Based on the video above her bow is about to go from ideal for the character to totally inappropriate. It's not the end of the world, I'll find another longbow for her to use, but it would be nice to have the option to keep the one I've already got.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> Hi everyone,


> We’ve collected your feedback on the Shining Aureate weapons introduced with Lunar New Year and acknowledge we missed the mark on this set. We’ll update them soon with improved textures and additional effects.


> We’re working on getting this update into the 1/28 release, and any weapons you’ve already unlocked will be spiffed up at that time.


> Thank you for your feedback!




Can you make it two skins unlocked for one? The original/current are not bad, they just aren't worth the 5 daily time sink. And not everyone wants glowy weapons.


Hell, I'd even enjoy moving the current Shining Aureate weapons to a vendor for 88 exotic essence of luck (or such) per weapon (which is, imo, what these skins should have been used for) so long as folks who got one already got compensated with the new skins as currently planned.


In other words: don't just toss out the current set. Make them easier to get or an alt unlock to the new ones.

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I was one of the few who didn't really mind how the weapons looked (though I wasn't super into their recoloring either), but I really appreciate the willingness to listen to player feedback.


Editing to add: I'm really looking forward to collecting these weapons now. Before I was going to do it because I was doing the dailies _anyway_, but now I'm really intrigued!

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Please do keep the current ones! The current shining aureate rinblade is my favorite sword skin. Please, I beg you, don't remove it from the game! I've played 6+ years and i was never as excited for a skin before. as I am for this! You are literally breaking my heart there with this "update".

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Pleasantly surprised by this thread and the response therein.


I appreciate the willingness to see how your game is received and adjust when possible in response to that feedback. I was one of the players disappointed by the unfinished look of the Shining Aureates, but had planned to try and collect them anyway out of a sense of completionism. After these changes, I will absolutely rev up my efforts not to miss a day. I'm a roleplayer and a veteran of the fashion war, so having these skins be more unique has no downsides for me!


Not only does this response from the company make me feel good, but the renewed interest in the weapons will drive more players to play the content each day and populate the maps which is good for people new to the festival as well as anybody trying to complete the group activities.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Well I'm glad you listened to the feedback. Maybe I'll start doing the dailies now and try and get a couple before the end


I've been doing mine cuz of the 10 ap every 5 days. When you can't get anymore AP from normal dailies, you go to further lengths to get AP elsewhere.

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