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new story chapter meta achievement only for raiders?

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> I have actually seen 2 groups in eu asking for kp and li in lfg descriptions. One of them had so many silly requirements I am not sure it was actually not just for fun. The other I joined prior to the com updating it to 150 li requirement while I had done 5 tries already in that group. So I said, I only have 1 li lol and com said "you stay" :P So I don't think all of them are to be taken seriously at all times (just join and ask when you join if its rlly needed, if not you stay, if they are serious you just leave). I have not seen it on Drakkar worldboss but today I faced a failed Drakkar worldboss while there were plenty of ppl and 3 com tags. Time was up and boss still had 30% hp or something but I think it was lack of supporters with boons since when stacking I barely got any damage out and while ranged I did. Normally I always saw it kinda same values.


> As for the meta achieve, I don't know if it does need strikes as I didn't count it. Theres 2 hidden achievements thats outside strikes. And ofcourse some achieves are still bugged.


So i counted the achievements, theres 41(not counting the hidden ones i think?) of which 10-15 are related to strikes. So one has to do some of the strike missions provided they do every single Story related/map related achievement. One could conceivably obtain the meta without doing the two that are the hardest(Boneskinner, Whisper) which is good, but IMO, i dont think they should be -required- at all, especially if the Strike missions just get harder.


Edit and last Post in thread; Its not as bad as i originally thought, gonna have to pay some groups to carry me, but i still dont think one should be forced do instanced, non story related content for a story meta. Please keep the standard/precedent you have set with LS3, and 4, Anet and allow all players regardless of skill, disabilities, etc to be able to obtain the story meta without forcing players into raid level content that they wont be able to accomplish no matter how hard they try. Do keep adding in achievements for those players who can do strikes, keep adding unique rewards to those strike missions too, but leave the achievements as completely additional/optional/extras to the story and map related achievements for the meta. More spares is better than less.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > > People say that you don't need LI or KP to join. Well, I've seen only groups in lfg asking for those and I've even seen groups in LFG that want LI and KP for the new Drakkar world boss. Like what do you need KP and LI for just a world boss for? So it's right what OP says because so far I've only seen stuff in lfg that has requirements een for world bosses.

> > >

> > > You on eu or na?

> > > Cant say I seen it in eu.

> >

> > I'm on EU and just recently this night/morning (some time around 2 am and 4 am I think) I've seen at least 2 or 3 adds for Drakkar requiring 250 LI. As for Strike missions (if the LFG tab isn't empty) people ask for raid stuff. You rarely find any relaxed runs. I thought the intention of strikes was to get more people into raids (or get people who took a break to return to them) but as I see literally every lfg add for them requiring raid kill proofs I doubt this content will get anywhere.

> > And whenever I make my own group stating that it's a relaxed run and everyone is welcome still people join who obviously stress and act toxic towards eachother. You can tell from the AP and the gear if someone is obviously toxic or not, so that's how I know.


> Anyone asking for LI for Drakkar is either being dramatic or doesn't know what they're talking about. Drakkar is a world boss, it can be done by as many people who will fit on the map and isn't any more complicated than a normal world boss so there's absolutely no need for people equipped for raids.


> As for the strike mission my advice is the same as for any time LFG doesn't have a group that's right for you: make your own. Over the last 20 minutes I've seen quite a few groups which specify they're open to anyone or which have no requirements appear, fill and vanish. I think if you were to put your own group advert up and say everyone's welcome it would fill quickly. I haven't done the strike enough to know if you'd be able to beat it or not, but at least you'd be able to give it a go.


That's what I always do: opening up my own group on lfg static that everyone is welcome and that it's a relaxed run and that I don't want toxic people in it but there's always people joining who I clearly said that I don't want joining. You can tell if someone is toxic and stressful towards the group by their AP and what gear/skins/infusions they have clustered all around them. Clearly people can't read lfg descriptions before joining.


> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:



> As for the meta achieve, I don't know if it does need strikes as I didn't count it. Theres 2 hidden achievements thats outside strikes. And ofcourse some achieves are still bugged.


May I ask which are the hidden ones? So far I've only heard about one hidden achievement that requires one to be hit by an ice shard being dropped by the Claw of Jormag.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Everyone is capable of doing strikes; they just choose not to do them.


> @"NovaanVerdiano.6174" said:

> You are absolutely capable, you simply do not want to.


Technically you are right. The vast majority of the playerbase is physically capable of doing strike missions. The problem however is not physical/technical, but rather psychological for many.


There is a sizeable playerbase in this game that avoids instanced group content. Many of those players could do that content from a purely technical standpoint, but skip it for social reasons. Not everyone is comfortable with learning/practicing in front of strangers, especially not the more insensitive kind of stranger who might comment on your skill (or rather lack of) in a way that puts you under even more stress than you already are. It's a question of personality more than anything else that keeps a lot of people from joining strikes, and this game has attracted many such people especially because they are able to largely skip instanced group content and still play pretty much the "whole" game.


Personally I know that I am able to perform adequately in strikes, even though I'm physically a lot more handicapped than I was five years ago. I've always liked instanced group content, have been an endgame raider in previous games, enjoy this game's dungeons to this day (content I learned before my health took a severe turn to the worse), and have no problem raiding or playing t4 fractals (although I no longer pug those, since I need much more practice to feel comfortable with that).


Yet I haven't tried a single of the Bjora Marches strike missions yet, and even feel anxious only thinking of trying them. I know it will take me several runs to get the encounter mechanics down and be able to pull my weight in the mission. I'm old, it unfortunately is a fact that I have to do an encounter a lot before it clicks in my brain and I can react to mechanics without conciously thinking out which skill to use next. The thought of getting stuck with a squad of young men half my age or younger (I'll turn 50 in a few days) that behave and communicate like they always do while having to watch me desperately trying to learn the content is enough to make me stressed out already.


Unlike the thread starter I am in the lucky position of being in a guild (and having been a part of it since way back in the good old glory days of dungeon running in this game) full of friends half my age that do instanced group content regularly and that I know well enough and am comfortable enough with to do that kind of content with, so realizing that the new meta achievement requires strike mission achievements might just be the push I need to finally ask them for help to get my feet wet in the new strike missions until I feel comfortable enough to pug them. I don't mind saying that I don't enjoy asking their help and feeling like a useless weight/being carried until my old brain and slow body finally get the encounters down, but it's the best I can do (and in a way I'm also looking forward to being able to do this stuff regularly on my own terms, like I said I do enjoy instanced group content, I'm just not comfortable with the learning phase any more).


All that said, I still believe that while technically strike missions and their achievements are doable for most players in this game, but psychologically looking at the sizeable group of players that choose this game precisely because most open world/story content can be solo'ed it's a poor choice to make those strike achievements mandatory for the episode meta achievements. Personally I think it would've been a better choice for everyone to include the strikes in the eligible achievements but putting the total required so you can skip them (at the cost of having to do every single other achievement).

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I saw that coming because it was.... **obvious**. I'm a raid veteran myself with >1.5k LI, all cms + fractal god, stacks of 100 cm essences: The actual strike is at least harder than MO & Cairn. Maybe harder than others as well but since I'm in a raid bubble it would be very subjective in terms of my opinion.

Linking the strike to the meta achievement was a terrible decision and I guess it was made by the same reason as the fiasco of the boreal weapons that was reverted fortunately: Shortage of time and failure or non-existence of a proper quality management system.

I went into lots of groups now just to get an impression of how they are handling the actual strike and the results are devastating: High LI groups do not have many problems but still wipe so you have like 2-5 attempts with necessary modifications. It's not like that those groups are successful with the classes that were there from the start. On the other hand pugs, usual squads. Even with double healers most of them won't make it. Of course those groups fill fast and disappear from the lfg very fast but the sad truth is that almost all of them disband very fast and almost all of them are **not** able to beat the encounter - even with changes in between.

But it's nice to have one - even if it's one of the easier ones - raid boss for the daily enjoyment since the last full wing was released 6-7 months before.


I've posted countless of times now why I'm against the concept of strikes - mainly because it's crystal clear that the potent devs capable of shipping out challenging content are sitting there and develop strikes instead of new fracs & raids and therefore strikes are "cheap excuses & bits" for the desperate scene. So, I'm not in the mood to repeat that too often in the future due to the feeling I'm wasting too much of my time but one thing they should really keep into consideration is to loose the strike achievement from the meta achievement otherwise this will frustrate lots of casual players comparable with the legendary armor debate before PvP & WvW armor were introduced.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > > > People say that you don't need LI or KP to join. Well, I've seen only groups in lfg asking for those and I've even seen groups in LFG that want LI and KP for the new Drakkar world boss. Like what do you need KP and LI for just a world boss for? So it's right what OP says because so far I've only seen stuff in lfg that has requirements een for world bosses.

> > > >

> > > > You on eu or na?

> > > > Cant say I seen it in eu.

> > >

> > > I'm on EU and just recently this night/morning (some time around 2 am and 4 am I think) I've seen at least 2 or 3 adds for Drakkar requiring 250 LI. As for Strike missions (if the LFG tab isn't empty) people ask for raid stuff. You rarely find any relaxed runs. I thought the intention of strikes was to get more people into raids (or get people who took a break to return to them) but as I see literally every lfg add for them requiring raid kill proofs I doubt this content will get anywhere.

> > > And whenever I make my own group stating that it's a relaxed run and everyone is welcome still people join who obviously stress and act toxic towards eachother. You can tell from the AP and the gear if someone is obviously toxic or not, so that's how I know.

> >

> > Anyone asking for LI for Drakkar is either being dramatic or doesn't know what they're talking about. Drakkar is a world boss, it can be done by as many people who will fit on the map and isn't any more complicated than a normal world boss so there's absolutely no need for people equipped for raids.

> >

> > As for the strike mission my advice is the same as for any time LFG doesn't have a group that's right for you: make your own. Over the last 20 minutes I've seen quite a few groups which specify they're open to anyone or which have no requirements appear, fill and vanish. I think if you were to put your own group advert up and say everyone's welcome it would fill quickly. I haven't done the strike enough to know if you'd be able to beat it or not, but at least you'd be able to give it a go.


> That's what I always do: opening up my own group on lfg static that everyone is welcome and that it's a relaxed run and that I don't want toxic people in it but there's always people joining who I clearly said that I don't want joining. You can tell if someone is toxic and stressful towards the group by their AP and what gear/skins/infusions they have clustered all around them. Clearly people can't read lfg descriptions before joining.


Ok that's a seperate problem. I recommended saying everyone is welcome because it means the group will fill up faster, but you need to mean it too. If you're only actually willing to let certain people join your group then you need to make it clear in the description who is and is not acceptable to you, and accept that by narrowing your options it will take longer to fill the group.


I wouldn't know that your definition of 'toxic' is based on how someone's character is dressed, to me it's about how the player behaves towards other people in the group. So if you just said 'no toxic people' I'd join on whatever character I happened to be playing at the time, accept anyone else who joined the group and try to keep any comments civil and reasonable (e.g not telling other players to change their build). If you said you only want certain skins and infusions I'd consider whether it's still worth my time and if so switch to an appropriate character.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:


> ****There is a sizeable playerbase in this game that avoids instanced group content****


> All that said, I still believe that while technically strike missions and their achievements are doable for most players in this game, but psychologically ****looking at the sizeable group of players that choose this game precisely because most open world/story content can be solo'ed it's a poor choice to make those strike achievements mandatory for the episode meta achievements****. Personally I think it would've been a better choice for everyone to include the strikes in the eligible achievements but putting the total required so you can skip them (at the cost of having to do every single other achievement).



A very good post in my opinion. I am commenting because I am part of that group who avoids instanced group content.


I started to play this game 5 years ago because I was done with traditional MMO patterns. Non-Existance of vertical gear grind and dynamic events in open world without the need to join formal groups have been some of the highlights of Guild Wars 2 for me and they are the reason why I still play today.


Putting achievements and rewards behind content which I do not like will not cause me to do this content it will only cause me to ignore this content. This is of course my personal preference . Considering the success of Guild Wars 2 in 2012 I do not think that I am part of a minority, I am convinced that the majority of players tends to be casual.



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Based on accessibility needs, both physical and social (social being important in game design for MMO), story journal achievements should not force group content at all. The meta achievement should be doable by the lowest common denominator. As someone who has done CM fractals, raids etc, Boneskinner and Whisper are at least easy raid boss level, pug groups via direct portal access rarely if ever complete, and lfg struggle at first, moreso if people are focusing or concentrating on completing achievements and not doing their dps properly.


GW2 has a higher proportion of older players with both less physical capability and time allowance to do these, so having something as basic as an episodes meta tied in to hard content that often requires organisation, doesn't make much sense. I get it, there are lots of players who want to try hard, and boast they got the shiver emote, I note even WP is a proponent of this now, but it is not representative of the majority of the playerbase.


Either you have the difficulty dropped to the grothmar valley strike, or remove them from the meta achievement requirements.


edit - should note that I've actually designed some raid style boss fights in another game and tied achievements to it, and alot of our feedback on them resulted in reduction of difficulty and reaction time needed for accessibility reasons, including making things easier to see for visually impaired people, however none of ours require groups or other players.


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > > > > People say that you don't need LI or KP to join. Well, I've seen only groups in lfg asking for those and I've even seen groups in LFG that want LI and KP for the new Drakkar world boss. Like what do you need KP and LI for just a world boss for? So it's right what OP says because so far I've only seen stuff in lfg that has requirements een for world bosses.

> > > > >

> > > > > You on eu or na?

> > > > > Cant say I seen it in eu.

> > > >

> > > > I'm on EU and just recently this night/morning (some time around 2 am and 4 am I think) I've seen at least 2 or 3 adds for Drakkar requiring 250 LI. As for Strike missions (if the LFG tab isn't empty) people ask for raid stuff. You rarely find any relaxed runs. I thought the intention of strikes was to get more people into raids (or get people who took a break to return to them) but as I see literally every lfg add for them requiring raid kill proofs I doubt this content will get anywhere.

> > > > And whenever I make my own group stating that it's a relaxed run and everyone is welcome still people join who obviously stress and act toxic towards eachother. You can tell from the AP and the gear if someone is obviously toxic or not, so that's how I know.

> > >

> > > Anyone asking for LI for Drakkar is either being dramatic or doesn't know what they're talking about. Drakkar is a world boss, it can be done by as many people who will fit on the map and isn't any more complicated than a normal world boss so there's absolutely no need for people equipped for raids.

> > >

> > > As for the strike mission my advice is the same as for any time LFG doesn't have a group that's right for you: make your own. Over the last 20 minutes I've seen quite a few groups which specify they're open to anyone or which have no requirements appear, fill and vanish. I think if you were to put your own group advert up and say everyone's welcome it would fill quickly. I haven't done the strike enough to know if you'd be able to beat it or not, but at least you'd be able to give it a go.

> >

> > That's what I always do: opening up my own group on lfg static that everyone is welcome and that it's a relaxed run and that I don't want toxic people in it but there's always people joining who I clearly said that I don't want joining. You can tell if someone is toxic and stressful towards the group by their AP and what gear/skins/infusions they have clustered all around them. Clearly people can't read lfg descriptions before joining.


> Ok that's a seperate problem. I recommended saying everyone is welcome because it means the group will fill up faster, but you need to mean it too. If you're only actually willing to let certain people join your group then you need to make it clear in the description who is and is not acceptable to you, and accept that by narrowing your options it will take longer to fill the group.


> I wouldn't know that your definition of 'toxic' is based on how someone's character is dressed, to me it's about how the player behaves towards other people in the group. So if you just said 'no toxic people' I'd join on whatever character I happened to be playing at the time, accept anyone else who joined the group and try to keep any comments civil and reasonable (e.g not telling other players to change their build). If you said you only want certain skins and infusions I'd consider whether it's still worth my time and if so switch to an appropriate character.


I mean you can tell from the AP as well (mostly those over 20k, especially 30k or 40k) if someone is potentionally toxic. Well, then I might need to count myself towards that too since I'm close to 30k... No, what I mean is the chance of players over 20k AP being "one of those" is very high and in my experience these tend to be complete showoffs as well (especially those with 30k or 40k). And having your character cluttered with full legendary equipment and infusions from a raid (the gostly one) or extremely expensive ones is in my opinion showing off and obnoxious towards others. It makes others feel bad about themselves and think they're lesser than someone else. As an example I feel constqantly pushed to show off my stuff as well in order to not being misjudged by others. Actually I'm someone who likes using what fis to the character/the characters backstory and headcanons and overall a bit more realistic things rather than flashy all legendary and prestige stuff. Maybe I'm being too paranoid here but it's always those people being extremely "toxic" towards everyone else and mostly they think higher of themselves and want everyone to be like them. I just don't want to play with these people who put others down, insult everyone and just completely show off.

Not everyone can be as godly as them due to time restrictions as some of us still have a real life to take care of or due to disabilities or other physical impacts or maybe some can't direct their full attention to the game because of children, pets, wife/husband etc. Not everyone is a twitch streamer with too much time on their hands who always needs to be the best just for views so they can beg for money instead of actually doing real work.

Just because someone isn't doing that what I described doesn't mean they're bad or new. You never know the reason behind the screen. I hate to constantly having to justify myself to everyone only because I try not to stress myself within a virtual world as I still have a real life to take care of. Why can't people just enjoy a game for once these days. What happened to the time when people played games for enjoyment, entertainment and fun? Can't we just be nice to eachother?


Well, I apologize for this general rant. It's just something I need to get off my chest. But to come back to the point:

As some have requested, I think there should be additional achievements counting towards the meta that can be done without strike missions (not because they're hard. The Whisper of Jormag, as someone said that was harder than Cairn or MO, is actually retty easy. It's isn't true what was said there although MO is the easiest boss within the game in general in my opinion) so that people who don't want that content can still complete everything for the emote. In general I think that we need a bit more variety on achievements and a diversity of options of how to complete such things as a master/meta achievement. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be achievements that not everyone can complete. I think a healthy variety of achievements are needed. Some that can be completed by everyone, some only accessable for a certain type of content (raids/strikesetc.) and others. I think there should be an approach to every player group. But that doesn't mean there shouldn't be "rare achievements".

Let's see if and what solution the Devs will eventually find for that in the future.

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I wouldn't say the new meta is only for raiders, but it's definitely much more of an ask than previous metas have been. A lot of casual players are going to squint at this, not because the content is impossible or because they're bad at the game, but because it's a lot more effort than has typically been required by meta achievements.


I consider myself a casual player. I mostly know how the game works and am willing to try all game modes to see how I like them, but if the effort threshold reaches a certain amount, I opt for other types of content due to time constraints and a general desire to relax while I play. The new strike mission took half an hour for my group to fill with LFG the second day after release, and the mission itself took four attempts before we finally defeated the boss.


My concern is two-part:

- the mission barely filled up this close to release, so what will the numbers look like as we get further out?

- much of my group content experience over the past 6+ years tells me that few people will stay with a group through 4 attempts at instanced content, particularly once they've already gotten their achievements from it


I was able to get my credit for this meta, but it's going to get much more difficult for people who attempt it later on, to the point where casual players may not even bother. This is the sort of thing that I hope gets looked at when the team is deciding which things to put in the meta achievements, and it's going to be a point of contention if this is the new model going forward.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> People say that you don't need LI or KP to join. Well, I've seen only groups in lfg asking for those and I've even seen groups in LFG that want LI and KP for the new Drakkar world boss. Like what do you need KP and LI for just a world boss for? So it's right what OP says because so far I've only seen stuff in lfg that has requirements een for world bosses.


Just join and ask if you really need to ping, since most of those are either going for gold (not needed except for pride) or they are just making fun of the kp "system" and are just trolling.


/edit: Also, please, stop trying to split the community. Strikes are for everyone. Raids are for everyone. Story is for everyone. If YOU refuse to do certain content doesnt mean that its exclusive to "labelX players". It is YOUR decision to ignore parts of the game.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > People say that you don't need LI or KP to join. Well, I've seen only groups in lfg asking for those and I've even seen groups in LFG that want LI and KP for the new Drakkar world boss. Like what do you need KP and LI for just a world boss for? So it's right what OP says because so far I've only seen stuff in lfg that has requirements een for world bosses.


> Just join and ask if you really need to ping, since most of those are either going for gold (not needed except for pride) or they are just making fun of the kp "system" and are just trolling.


> /edit: Also, please, stop trying to split the community. Strikes are for everyone. Raids are for everyone. Story is for everyone. If YOU refuse to do certain content doesnt mean that its exclusive to "labelX players". It is YOUR decision to ignore parts of the game.


The thing is you can't ignore this content because it's required for the meta achievement (which is also an emote, content that should be accessable for everyone) as this was the point of the discussion. The only thing I refuse is being stressed by other people who only value themselves through virtual accomplishments.

If you want to argue this is not the right place. Anyways, I'm too old nor I have the time and mental energy to argue with someone over the internet.

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Honestly, meta achievements need to be more forgiving in general, so you can avoid the dumber ones (timed achievements and "don't get hit by Boss Attack X" achievements, I'm looking at you!) and still do them.


It should not be easier to get living story rewards by doing reward tracks in PVP/WvW than the actual living story content, but it really _really_ is.

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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > I have actually seen 2 groups in eu asking for kp and li in lfg descriptions. ....


> LOL...I have no idea what "kp" and "li" even mean.

"kill proof" - usually some kind of decoration drop unique to the raid/fractal/whatever boss in question

"legendary insight" - a crafting material that you get from raid bosses, one per kill


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Everyone is capable of doing strikes; they just choose not to do them. Strikes are part of the episode so it’s fitting that a number of achievements tied to them are needed for the episodes mastery achievement.


> It's only like three achievements that you'd need to complete from strikes which isn't all that much of an ask. Especially when some of them can be done without even completing the strike mission.


I strongly disagree with this. Strike missions are so far out of people's comfort zones and no other meta has asked us to group with 9 other people to finish it. If that's your choice of playstyle that's fine, but open world content can encourage people to try out stuff they normally wouldn't play but it shouldn't penalize them for not wanting to. Let the 10 man instanced content have it's own rewards. Don't change the game at this point to require us to do ten man content and yes, I have some of those achievements from the strike. This isn't about my personal preferences. This is about fundamentally changing the game on people who liked it the way it was. There's exactly zero reason for it. Or maybe Anet didn't learn the lessons HoT was supposed to have taught them.

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> > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:


> >

> > As for the meta achieve, I don't know if it does need strikes as I didn't count it. Theres 2 hidden achievements thats outside strikes. And ofcourse some achieves are still bugged.


> May I ask which are the hidden ones? So far I've only heard about one hidden achievement that requires one to be hit by an ice shard being dropped by the Claw of Jormag.


Sorry for the late reply. The first hidden achievement is "Shadows Creep" (have not been able to get this or find it, some report a kodan with a book on the ground, others have reported a sort of blackout screen phase). The second hidden achievement is " Bjora Marches Errant" (Complete Silence or Chasing Ghosts). And third hidden achievement is "Anvil Drop" which is the ice shard at the meta near the keep one. These are listed on the wikipedia [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_in_the_Ice_(achievements)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_in_the_Ice_(achievements))

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> @"Cynder.2509"


> > > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> >

> > >

> > > As for the meta achieve, I don't know if it does need strikes as I didn't count it. Theres 2 hidden achievements thats outside strikes. And ofcourse some achieves are still bugged.

> >

> > May I ask which are the hidden ones? So far I've only heard about one hidden achievement that requires one to be hit by an ice shard being dropped by the Claw of Jormag.


> Sorry for the late reply. The first hidden achievement is "Shadows Creep" (have not been able to get this or find it, some report a kodan with a book on the ground, others have reported a sort of blackout screen phase). The second hidden achievement is " Bjora Marches Errant" (Complete Silence or Chasing Ghosts). And third hidden achievement is "Anvil Drop" which is the ice shard at the meta near the keep one. These are listed on the wikipedia [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_in_the_Ice_(achievements)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_in_the_Ice_(achievements))


No problem. Thanks a lot for the answer though. I'll try to see if I can get them out of the way soon. Couldn't find these hidden ones the last time I checked the wiki. I only knew about Anvil Drop through Reddit.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> I wouldn't say the new meta is only for raiders, but it's definitely much more of an ask than previous metas have been. A lot of casual players are going to squint at this, not because the content is impossible or because they're bad at the game, but because it's a lot more effort than has typically been required by meta achievements.


> I consider myself a casual player. I mostly know how the game works and am willing to try all game modes to see how I like them, but if the effort threshold reaches a certain amount, I opt for other types of content due to time constraints and a general desire to relax while I play. The new strike mission took half an hour for my group to fill with LFG the second day after release, and the mission itself took four attempts before we finally defeated the boss.


> My concern is two-part:

> - the mission barely filled up this close to release, so what will the numbers look like as we get further out?

> - much of my group content experience over the past 6+ years tells me that few people will stay with a group through 4 attempts at instanced content, particularly once they've already gotten their achievements from it


> I was able to get my credit for this meta, but it's going to get much more difficult for people who attempt it later on, to the point where casual players may not even bother. This is the sort of thing that I hope gets looked at when the team is deciding which things to put in the meta achievements, and it's going to be a point of contention if this is the new model going forward.


Well there was a reason for that only people who finished the story could search for strike mission at the start, they changed that.

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"No, all that i ask is that anet keep doing what they have done which is give enough achievements for some to be omitted. Something they have done very well up until now, and i hope this isnt the new standard."


This. I want to be able to get the meta achievement wihtout doing several achievements in strike missions . Why is there such a low variety this time? It´s basically: "do this event 20 x" or "do not get hit by x in strike mission x". :p

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> @"Lindoniel.1726" said:

> "No, all that i ask is that anet keep doing what they have done which is give enough achievements for some to be omitted. Something they have done very well up until now, and i hope this isnt the new standard."


> This. I want to be able to get the meta achievement wihtout doing several achievements in strike missions . Why is there such a low variety this time? It´s basically: "do this event 20 x" or "do not get hit by x in strike mission x". :p


All those are there to pad the space and make it seem there's a lot more things to do than it really is. Unfortunately, it is being done at the expense of players' enjoyment.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> Yeah, strike missions are needed for the meta achievement.

> Don't worry though, while the boneskinner and the new SM are both rather hard for someone that didn't raid before, the Fraenir and the 2 Kodans are doable.


> I'd suggest not using the public join, try to find a group via the lfg for Fraenir (currently available) / Kodans. They don't really need a special composition, and most groups don't ask for any special proffs. (I do implore you to at least take a look at a good damage build for your proffession)


> You can skip Boneskinner / New SM, there are more achievs available than needed.


> I do however think it is strange that, while SM achievements are needed, the Drakkar achievements don't belong to the map's meta achievement.


Drakkar is treated the same such ad tt and tq, they have their own achieves tab.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Yeah, strike missions are needed for the meta achievement.

> > Don't worry though, while the boneskinner and the new SM are both rather hard for someone that didn't raid before, the Fraenir and the 2 Kodans are doable.

> >

> > I'd suggest not using the public join, try to find a group via the lfg for Fraenir (currently available) / Kodans. They don't really need a special composition, and most groups don't ask for any special proffs. (I do implore you to at least take a look at a good damage build for your proffession)

> >

> > You can skip Boneskinner / New SM, there are more achievs available than needed.

> >

> > I do however think it is strange that, while SM achievements are needed, the Drakkar achievements don't belong to the map's meta achievement.


> Drakkar is treated the same such ad tt and tq, they have their own achieves tab.


It is still strange to me, that the actual world boss of the LS that also appears in the story is not included in the achievements, while SMs of the last LS are integrated into the meta achievement.

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