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Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Did somebody said expansion é_é I start liking a lot their new communication, I'm happy they are telling us all those stuffs now. If the expansion is tied to that artwork which looks kind of chinese, it's maybe cantha, peeps asking for cantha should be happy.


> I have a big hopes to see SAB w3 and w4 coming finally.


Yes, now you can get bored with content *before* it launches!

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> With all the bad news that's been happening lately in other parts of my life I'm hyped to see an Expansion. But as always I'm going to air on the side of Cautiously optimistic.


> Here are my Hopes:

> * New Elite specializations

> * New Weapon types

> * New Core skills

> * New Profession Ritualist

> * Massive Landmass surpassing the original Factions campaign.

> * New Races, Largos and Tengu

> * New Dungeons

> * New Raids

> * More character customization in faces, hair and eyes

> * Lots of new weapon's and armor skins

> * Elite specialization questing. (side story where you need to earn your right to advance the spec)

> * Quality story


> Here's what I expect:

> * New Elite Specializations

> * Moderately sized Landmass

> * New Raids

> * New Fractals

> * More character customization in faces, hair and eyes

> * Moderate amount of new weapon and armor skins.

> * New mount

> * New masteries

> * Extra Character slot for premium buyers

> * New Load screen

> * Quality story



> Now I honestly don't have high expectations for this expansion. I hate to be a Debby downer on it. I suspect it'll be a solid expansion. I don't expect it to be as engaging as HoT was for its open world but I do expect it to be better for open world than PoF. I also suspect the story will be top notch. I honestly can't see the story quality going down at all The new elite specs will be a lot of fun for sure. I suspect a few things to show up. Like the Assassin but probably not ritualist. How the ritualist will show up, I suspect it'll be a type of NPC and not playable. The divide in the player base is a bit too strong for it to be given to either Revenant or Necromancer, too much controversy, best to be avoided. I still look forward to the expansion for sure. it'll be fun. I don't expect it to blow me out of the water.


> Now my main hope is that this has been in development for a while now. And we're seeing this closer to completion as opposed to announcing it like they did with HoT.


I'd like to add "New Guild halls" to that list.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Also, as someone who haven't played gw1, can somebody explain me how Cantha is awesome? In which way? The assets? The ambiance? Story? Music?

> Also, would like to have a new Guild hall, ty.


A lot of Cantha was utter rubbish. It had a massive area of run down slums which had charm, but was so sprawling and maze like players began to really hate it. Factions was arguably the weakest story in terms of narrative.


However, the lore was decent enough and the areas outside of Kaineng City were exceptionally beautiful - Jade Sea, Echovold Forest. It also brought improvements to pvp, alliances and other little improvements. I don't think I played the elite instances, but I heard good things.


Realistically it is the setting. I would expect even Kaineng City to look magnificent in the GW2 style

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Did somebody said expansion é_é I start liking a lot their new communication, I'm happy they are telling us all those stuffs now. If the expansion is tied to that artwork which looks kind of chinese, it's maybe cantha, peeps asking for cantha should be happy.

> >

> > I have a big hopes to see SAB w3 and w4 coming finally.


> Yes, now you can get bored with content *before* it launches!


![](https://i.imgur.com/FEXaB0c.png "")


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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

> I spent money today on gems, been a while. For the balance patch, good communication lately and these epic announcements. THIS could have been a live stream :D


I suspect there will be a life stream sometime soon. Or a teaser. Its too early to say tbh. Arena net kinda dropped this pretty casually which I want to say was the right move considering corv-19 at the moment as well as the heavy negative reception for their last live announcement. What I hope they Do personally, while we're doing the current Saga they just tease us with Concept art.


Teasing the fans with concept art gives us something really tangible without revealing too much, depending on the concept art, as well as sends speculation into a wild flurry. Its would honestly be a great way to build hype.

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Awesome news ^^

Now please excuse me, I need to go play GW1 and try to get to Cantha :lol:

And I love the spring and summer festivals, so looking forward to all of them :)


Still hoping for a redo of the build "templates", though.


Thanks a lot, really. :) It's great to see that GW2 has indeed a future ahead.

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You guys, I knew we would be eventually heading to Cantha even though so many people were naysaying it. That was the only move that made sense! I'm sooo happy! I truly hope we do get Ritualists back, I'll soo abandon my main toon! AND here's hoping we can also choose to join the Kurzicks or the Luxon :)

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> @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> Even if we didn't get any details I am still very glad we got this announcement.

> Just knowing that something big is on the horizon does wonders for my interest in the game.


> This is honestly what I expected in the last live event, just a simple: "it's being worked on", but nothing more.



Actually we got quite a bit from it :D


The picture gives of serious Canthan vibes, design etc alone is an instant recognize for us old Gw1 players.

I've heard people say that the gif file itself is named Shing Jea Monastery and of course they avertised this whole thing with the quote "Feel the Winds of Change" which is a big throwback reference to the Wind's of Change content released in Gw1 which took place in Cantha.


Suffice to say Anet didn't give us any direct info on the kind of content, story, release time frame etc we can expect but they absolutely 100% confirmed that it's definitely Cantha we'll be going to in Expansion 3 ^^

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This should have happened after LW 4, not the travesty of boredom and hollow-content that is this silly and embarrassing filler-content of the Icebrood Saga.


Now we finally have something to look forward to. I just hope there is new underwater content, Bubbles as the focus, and I really hope they don't ruin how Bubbles is portrayed. Please don't put in cheesy "bad guy" dialogue that completely strips the dragon of any mystery and intrigue or give every character including our player character unfunny, forced attempts at comedy. Make this expansion in a similar style and feel as Factions.


I want to see the melted Jade Sea, the massive, lush trees of the Echovald Forest, new content about the Sylvari and possibly more on Malik and other Elder Trees.


I want to see tons of Asian-Inspired design and new character faces and hair in character creation.


Lots of good stuff can come from this expansion as long Anet applies the same quality they brought to HoT and PoF and not the LW episodes.


Please don't fumble this. We have all waited so long.

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Hmmm Pacific Northwest. Make sure there's lots of bluebells. Got bluebells all over the Cascades. And lots of fish. Chowdah. We need chowdah! Clam chowder, the nice thick kind. And plenty of jack-a-lopes. Elusive but they EXIST! We find bunny tracks and antlers all over the place. Don't forget Big Foot!

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Man I love being in "maintenance mode"....


Sarcastic as the comment may be it still misses the point. Lack of information and any sense of a strong future for the game cause me and other to say the game feels like its on maintenance.


In 3 years if they are doing the same shit again ill be again saying it feels like maintenance. For now tho... you may have my WOOOOOOOO

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Thanks to every single person responsible for giving Expansion 3 life. MORE thanks to every single person currently working on it!

Be sure we're here waiting for it calmly and loyally! Well, not calmly at all, but sure as hell patiently!

Whatever you're making, Cantha or any place else, the fact it's happening is so much hope given!

Best luck and inspiration to the development team!

Mike Z, love you <3

MO, love you too, good luck with your new studio <3

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> @"Anemone.5320" said:

> Finally the Cantha and "maintenance mode" memes can die in peace. Hope we get some deep ocean horror as a dragon lol.


Agree, I expect a lot from the sea dragon, after all the teases like "It turns water into tentacled horrors" or the Inquest saying "Have you seen the size of that specimen?!"

After the CoE story and that dialogue of infinity coil, I expect to see an asura aquabase.

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