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Veteran PvP community in GW2 is truly pathetic


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Just add a thumbs up system. Nothing fancy, just after the game, an option to thank someone for helping players, being optimistic, saying "good luck" and "gg wp". No rewards, just a counter or maybe a "Nice person" title after 10k thumbs ups.


Give an actual incentive to be positive, however tiny it may be. This does not require any ongoing dev awareness, low effort... just do something.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> > the rest I met in PvP :)

> >

> > In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> > When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


> in b4 I get 1 warning point for this post, insert palpatine " ironic " meme

> EDIT 2

> 5907 bruh, no bannerino, this post is not threatening anyone or anything chill


You ALMOST made me click on the report button with the edits ;)


Though how some people who [cheated the first mAT title](https://mmos.com/news/guild-wars-2-july-tournament-cheaters) in July 2018 is still allowed in Masters of Arena 2020 is beyond me.

In real sports people would've lost their entire career.

The lack of regulation into simple wrist slaps means I can never really see ESport/higher tier games as a thing in GW2.

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> > > the rest I met in PvP :)

> > >

> > > In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> > > When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake

> > EDIT.

> > in b4 I get 1 warning point for this post, insert palpatine " ironic " meme

> > EDIT 2

> > 5907 bruh, no bannerino, this post is not threatening anyone or anything chill


> You ALMOST made me click on the report button with the edits ;)


> Though how some people who [cheated the first mAT title](https://mmos.com/news/guild-wars-2-july-tournament-cheaters) in July 2018 is still allowed in Masters of Arena 2020 is beyond me.

> In real sports people would've lost their entire career.

> The lack of regulation into simple wrist slaps means I can never really see ESport/higher tier games as a thing in GW2.


lul, if punishing system wasnt a meme, half the players in mota would have permaban :)

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:


> That is freaking BS.


> This community was DRINKING that e-sports cool-aid back then, I'm a WITNESS to that. ANet just looked the other way.


ANet promised legendary armors, just to end releasing better looking outfits and armor pieces at the gem store. Look at how Brazil reacted to the issue. They also promised alliance servers, circa two years ago, and see where still we are now. They promised a stronger balance patching support after the huge revamp of February, but the actualizations so far keep coming at the same pace as always. Most of the time their PR was over-promising and under-delivering, until they reached a point in which they just don't talk anymore.


PvP players and scene isnt' much different from what you can find in other games, aside from the smaller size of the community. And if you think that the PvPers are toxic, try to see what happens in a pug raid or fractal fater failling a encounter a couple of times. Even in open world PvE you find hostility when you kill a boss too early because players were farming events, and something like that... They will just spite on you whitout caring to explain "what you did wrong". And that despite you don't compete for resources in this game: guess what would happen if GW2 worked under the "last hit which kills gets the loot" mechanic so common in other MMOs.

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> > > the rest I met in PvP :)

> > >

> > > In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> > > When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake

> > EDIT.

> > in b4 I get 1 warning point for this post, insert palpatine " ironic " meme

> > EDIT 2

> > 5907 bruh, no bannerino, this post is not threatening anyone or anything chill


> You ALMOST made me click on the report button with the edits ;)


> Though how some people who [cheated the first mAT title](https://mmos.com/news/guild-wars-2-july-tournament-cheaters) in July 2018 is still allowed in Masters of Arena 2020 is beyond me.

> In real sports people would've lost their entire career.

> The lack of regulation into simple wrist slaps means I can never really see ESport/higher tier games as a thing in GW2.


i think anet did ban them tho, as if i remember correctly, naru's current main account is not his but from another player.

tho i do agree with lack regulation as im still allowed to comment here even tho i just made a thread completely trash talking all the devs lol

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Tell you who step in this environment;


> * People who can ignore the fact that most of the competitive ranked environment is meaningless given all the manipulation and poor sport going.

> * Same for ATs, there is little team or organized players. It's always a quick pug and at the top you have the people who always hang out together.

> * Those whom really love the gameplay.

> * Players that can persevere and explore all their options against the so called non existing meta currently.

> * Take a passion for dueling rather than going into a game and calling it a day.

> * (This is my favorite.) Master all the aspects of their profession in a non NPC fueled environment.


> I'm a mechanical player, I love having an uniform environment with options that are equally given to all players but in different approaches. I come from games that have options given as a playstyle rather than being given 10 different variants. GW2 fills all my needs in that regard, even if I don't play PvE a lot. I find myself pretty satisfied anytime I do step out of the sPvP FFA to do some PvE because I was rewarded with the content for it.


Yep, toxic cuz gw2 pvp mod is toxic designed.

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> Veteran gw2 PvP people have seen horrible things. They have fought celestial meta. They have seen traits tree getting destroyed. They have fought HoT bunker meta with fights long enough that only ecstazy could save them from falling asleep. They have fought PvP seasons with queue times sometimes exceeding 1 hour. They have fought with no-LoS one shot builds. They have seen the 'winning ennemies dancing on your corpses animation' getting introduced. They have fought against wintraders. They have fought alongside people understanding the game barely enough to whisper you "fIgHT oN NOdE" before blocking you. They have fought in a total new meta where CCs were so abundant they could just watch their character die. They have fought in a new meta where any noob having a pet as profession utility or a lich as elite could just auto-attack you to death.


> These people are in love of the game, but the game is not sending their love back. The game was cruel and gave them just enough attention to bring them hope.

> You can only feel compassion for these people, toxicity is the least impactful byproduct of being a gw2 PvP veteran.


> A moment of silence for our fellow PvP veterans. May PvE raid bosses finally bring them the peace they all deserve.


Just to make a comment on this, I'm in the same boat as those players. I'm one of them. I've been playing GW2 since it launched, been PvPing over that length of time as well. I've fought through all of that nonsense, watched it all go on. I understand the frustrations people get, I've even spoken on behalf of those frustrations to try and reason with the more casual audience on this game as to why the veteran players might react more hostile to newer or more casual players; primarily they are just fed up with it and I *get that*.


However...that isn't an excuse to excuse toxicity. Especially the kind of degree that it gets to on GW2. If they want to direct their criticisms and frustrations anywhere, especially in the case of any of the GW2 content creators that behave that way, if their reasons are as you are describing, then they can use their platform to *maybe* actually affect something. Maybe it will be good, maybe it will be bad, but ANet is most at fault for this environment, for their hands off measures, for their horrendously questionable updates and changes, and their apparent lack of desire to actually affect meaningful change on PvP. At this point I wouldn't be surprised that even though they have an actual PvP team now they are more than likely bottom rung in the company in regards to any sort of development priority or authority.


Point being, players need to direct their frustration in a meaningful way, but also maybe not let it make them vitriolic or toxic when doing so. That is not helpful.

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> @"LCL.6259" said:

> I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.



> Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.



> I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.



> There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.



> I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


gw is the most casual and friendly pvp game that exists.


If you cant handle gw then stay away from the internet.

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > @"LCL.6259" said:

> > I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

> >

> >

> > Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

> >

> >

> > I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

> >

> >

> > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

> >

> >

> > I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


> gw is the most casual and friendly pvp game that exists.


> If you cant handle gw then stay away from the internet.


i'm getting way more death threats in this game compared to heroes of the storm, i wouldn't exactly call it friendly...


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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > > @"LCL.6259" said:

> > > I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

> > >

> > >

> > > Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

> > >

> > >

> > > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

> > >

> > >

> > > I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.

> >

> > gw is the most casual and friendly pvp game that exists.

> >

> > If you cant handle gw then stay away from the internet.


> i'm getting way more death threats in this game compared to heroes of the storm, i wouldn't exactly call it friendly...



me and my friends got 2week ban in hots, for being reported. Yes the report system used to be so shit that you got auto baned if you got reported X amount of times.

whats toxic, insulting people in chat ( they can mute you ) or reporting others in a bug system knowing full well they will get banned even if they did nothing wrong.

Personally I got wronged by hots system and its players way more then gw2, 2 sides of the story.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > > > @"LCL.6259" said:

> > > > I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.

> > >

> > > gw is the most casual and friendly pvp game that exists.

> > >

> > > If you cant handle gw then stay away from the internet.

> >

> > i'm getting way more death threats in this game compared to heroes of the storm, i wouldn't exactly call it friendly...

> >


> me and my friends got 2week ban in hots, for being reported. Yes the report system used to be so kitten that you got auto baned if you got reported X amount of times.

> whats toxic, insulting people in chat ( they can mute you ) or reporting others in a bug system knowing full well they will get banned even if they did nothing wrong.

> Personally I got wronged by hots system and its players way more then gw2, 2 sides of the story.


yeah same happened to me too. people report you if you give advice during the draft for verbal abuse lol. not even stuff like your hero is bad, but just, i think hero x fits really well in our comp. but look at it this way, at least reports do something in that game :P

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Honestly certain parts of GW2 foster an environment that makes self-control a very fragile concept. PvP does it, high-end PvE does it sometimes. The bad thing is it gets worse and worse the longer you play it in a session. After a long PvP session I am honestly so fixed from the adrenaline and dopamine rises/crashes caused by tense matches that I could run a marathon and still not get rid of the stress. So typing a few insults to try and make sense of a loss (because obviously it wasn't because of any of OUR mistakes at all) seems trivial. I've been told to kill myself by several people who I know didn't actually mean it as soon as they said it. Most of us aren't in the right state of mind to be empathetic in the heat of the moment. It's something that is consciously trained and there usually aren't a lot of places for us to train self-control in the heat of the moment in our daily lives. That and most people care too much. It's just a video game and doesn't matter that much.

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This game is full of frustration :astonished:


Infinite skill gap is the main reason.

Clueless team mate ruin your game, and mostly frustration comes from your team mate, that's tough experience for every veteran players.

Even in WvW, I feel bad sometimes.

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GW2's PvP was effectively DoA, and anet had to throw loads of money out the window just to get ESL to pity-pick it for a few seasons. People who "made it big" in GW2 PvP when it was "at it's peak," have since clung to that hollow fame with all of their might as the game inevitably slipped back into utter obscurity. Considering how little development that the game has received over its lifespan, and the shallow combat cycle into which players are often pigeonholed in GW2 PvP, the few people who bothered to grind the metagame naturally formed a clique. Cliques insulate people from reality, and most of the people who regularly play GW2 or take it remotely seriously often greedily covet and clutch at whatever shred of "fame" is left to gain from this flickering white dwarf of a community.


You can't have a healthy game community without a good game; and if your community is anemic, eventually you'll find an exclusionary, entitled clique at its top.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> GW2 players are not friendly at all, not even in PvE.


What you MEANT was the GW2 players that YOU have met were unfortunately not friendly. Of course, what you see as unfriendly might be different than what others might perceive those actions or words to be. For me, the majority of people I've met on Guild Wars 2 have been friendly.

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The title of this forum is totally invalid.

A Veteran Player doesn't give a shit about bad playing. Most veteran can already foreseen how a match will end before it even started, and hence expected the result and any other stupidity may arise due to their experience in pvp.

While I think newcomers community is the one ranting and cursing as they were pawned by Veteran Players in every match.



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> @"yLoon.5289" said:

> The title of this forum is totally invalid.

> A Veteran Player doesn't give a kitten about bad playing. Most veteran can already foreseen how a match will end before it even started, and hence expected the result and any other stupidity may arise due to their experience in pvp.

> While I think newcomers community is the one ranting and cursing as they were pawned by Veteran Players in every match.




That's still not an excuse to quit the match.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > GW2 players are not friendly at all, not even in PvE.


> What you MEANT was the GW2 players that YOU have met were unfortunately not friendly. Of course, what you see as unfriendly might be different than what others might perceive those actions or words to be. For me, the majority of people I've met on Guild Wars 2 have been friendly.


Nah, it's a fact. Step into any strike raid or fractal and watch the chaos.

Saying you never seen mean people while only doing open world isn't relevant.

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> @"yLoon.5289" said:

>The title of this forum is totally invalid.

The title of this forum lol =) you dont even know what you write.

The title of this thread is a rarely outspoken truth !

>A Veteran Player doesn't give a kitten about bad playing.

I dont watch the streams of certain top-tier players anymore because of their salty trash talking about other players they consider to be bad.

>Most veteran can already foreseen how a match will end before it even started,

These "uhh I am the best and I know everything" individuals are the worst.

An experianced veteran can have a feeling for good or bad team comps of course but still nobody knows how a match will end.

>While I think newcomers community is the one ranting and cursing as they were pawned by Veteran Players in every match.

Your only point I agree with you. There are also toxic newcomers of course. The difference is that it doesnt affect me when some unimportant noobs are spreading

their toxic salt. When well known top-tiers are insulting other players its just a dishonourable lack of dignity and it hurts people who considered them once as their PvP heroes. Veterans insult other veterans as well. How poor !



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > GW2 players are not friendly at all, not even in PvE.

> >

> > What you MEANT was the GW2 players that YOU have met were unfortunately not friendly. Of course, what you see as unfriendly might be different than what others might perceive those actions or words to be. For me, the majority of people I've met on Guild Wars 2 have been friendly.


> Nah, it's a fact. Step into any strike raid or fractal and watch the chaos.

> Saying you never seen mean people while only doing open world isn't relevant.


Eh, when did I say open world? Clearly, if you are having a hard time understanding my two-sentence post that does shed some light on your interpretation skills. I HAVE played strikes, PVP and PVE. While there was an uptick in negativity in strikes and PVP it wasn't that much more than PVE.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > @"yLoon.5289" said:

> > The title of this forum is totally invalid.

> > A Veteran Player doesn't give a kitten about bad playing. Most veteran can already foreseen how a match will end before it even started, and hence expected the result and any other stupidity may arise due to their experience in pvp.

> > While I think newcomers community is the one ranting and cursing as they were pawned by Veteran Players in every match.

> >

> >


> That's still not an excuse to quit the match.


Eh that depends.


Sometimes it's painfully obvious that you're being caught in the middle of a win trade and on the wrong side of the match, or sometimes that your team is completely incapable of performing mechanically at all vs. the opponents they were given. When you're down 120 to 20 after the initial split and you have a Rifle Berserker arguing with a Chronomancer about why someone didn't attempt a revive when 4 opponent Holos were cleaving on the team mate's head, you know it's probably a good safe time to AFK and go get a warm up for your coffee.

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Its pretty simple. Games trash, has been for a while now. Its frustrating and tilting to play so players take it out on each other, who else they gonna take it out on. A lot of players have invested yrs of play and even tho it's just a game and is having such a effect on them they still find it hard to move on. Honestly the devs for this game shoulda be released and blacklisted yrs ago.

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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> hey man, celestial meta was one of the best metas ever where using skills with brain and counting dodges actually made a difference. they only ruined that with the stupid pre hot patch.


How can I delete someone elses post? You just gave me flashbacks to 4 d/d ele+1 thief mirrors fighting each other. You deserve punishment!

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> @"LCL.6259" said:

> I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.



> Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.



> I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.



> There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.



> I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


ANET Devs don't respect PVP or the PVP community so you can't expect the PVP community to respect PVP or the community itself. The tone is set from the top.


ANET doesnt care dude lol, keep complaining on the forums while ppl buy pixels and they make empty promises on 'ZOMG HUGE UPCOMING CHANGES' which just patch the game back in the stone age to 2012 when they tried esports and failed hard.


Anet doesnt care about PVP, doesn't respect PVP, and doesn't respect you. Hard to hear but it is the truth.

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