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Whishes for the next expansion

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Someone posted that topic in the german forum and i think its a good idea and should also be in the english forum. Maybe out of every upcoming post, there is maybe 1 or 2 that the devs havent thought about and maybe want to include even.


So lets start with the feedback! I highly recommend, as the user in the german forum did, to **only write about your personal whishes for the next expansion and not argueing about someone else's opinions / whishes, so the devs have it a bit easier for an overview** and also to keep the idea of that topic on line. thank you zamu.6734 who came up with the topic in the german section.




Here is what im personally hoping for:

1. 3+ new raid wings

2. new elite specs, but specs that have been intensively tested before releasing so there would only be small balance patches necessary if even

3. more template slots (both for equipment & build). even though its financially spoken more worth it to just create new characters, personally i like the idea to have every version you want to play for a specific class on 1 character especially interesting maybe for those who have something like a "main"

4. maps that automatically drag high population every day and not just for achievements. see like the HoT maps, where you get full maps every single day almost every meta rotation. id like the devs to see why those maps are being played so much. give people reason to grind maps and hope for their luck! compare it with maps that also have a chance of dropping infusions but which are maps that are not as popular

5. new guildhall; the ability to doubleclick items in the guildbank to get them either into the guildbank or out of it

6. new set of legendary weapons

7. worked over underwater skills & combat

8. 1-2 new mounts: wouldnt even mind if it takes actually grinding time as for the skyscale. even though there were many complains about it being so time consuming, in my opinion its the nature of an MMORPG to grind and "work" for specific stuff, as for mounts. make it actually hard to get them (tbh rather hard obtainable than just time consuming) but those mounts being useful enough for players to want them not just for the sake of completition

9. underwater map!

10. WvW: even though i understand why we dont have season tournaments, id like the idea of actually getting rewarded for winning a match up. there are obviously many other points that me and other wvw players whish for, but that would go too far atm i think.


and thats all that i have in mind atm!

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I hope they bring back Kaineng City instead of making up some reason it's been closed off or destroyed, because I'd love to see it in GW2 graphics and with the additional freedom of movement we now have. (I'd also like to see how the Canthans react to a bunch of foreigners charging around their city on raptors, sand jackals, griffons, _dragons_ etc.) Although I also hope they make it somewhat easier to navigate on foot, as some sections were a literal maze.


An underwater map would be cool too. One thing I'd love to see is a map which is all water but with a 'town' in the form of a large ship that circles the area, like the airship in Dragonfall but maybe a bit easier to get onto (part of the side could be low down so it's easy to jump in from the water's surface maybe). Then all the combat, exploration etc. happens underwater.

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ArenaNet will probably have to come up with something amazing to sell the expansion to me since gliding and mounts have already been added in HoT and PoF. Most of your suggestions wouldn't interest me. A new mount that would require as much grind as the skyscale to unlock would be terrible imo. Nothing about unlocking the skyscale is especially difficult. It's just a long, boring grind to gather a ton of items. However, if a new mount was actually hard to unlock then that would be ok. Hopefully the devs will come up with something new and interesting other than stuff that was already in HoT and PoF.

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> @"Luc de Lanzac.2160" said:

> 5. new guildhall; the ability to doubleclick items in the guildbank to get them either into the guildbank or out of it


i'd love a cantha-style/inspired ruined fortress/castle-ish guild hall that you'll restore together... or maybe a smaller than the usual guild hall for the not so huge guilds



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I'm hoping it's largely focused on the Sea with Underwater maps and Seaside cities. There's just so much potential there.


So my list would be:

1. Underwater Map - Like I said there's just so many possibilities here and I'd love to see what the team could create.

2. The Theory of Skimmer Underwater Diving is true.

3. Updated underwater combat - Right now it doesn't feel the best so hoping it gets an update or overhaul.

4. Reintroduction to the Largos, Maybe finally found out where they come from and their history.

5. Largos as a playable Race - This is a long shot but something I would personally love and would probably the easiest race to implement since their basically blue humans with masks and wouldn't need as much work as other races since for voice you could just add the mask sound effect over existing voice lines and armor, outfits and animations could be reused and wouldn't be a problem.



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Let's be real here. Even if it will be most regular expansion pack ever, we will appreciate it: 1) new continent (Cantha!) 2) new storyline 3) surprise*

*in HoT it was Raids i suppose

*in PoF it was mounts

If ANet made new spec for every class (that means new weapon for every class basically) i personally will be okay even without a surprise. B)

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I’d rather see new armor than legendary weapons. It pains me to no end that if you want legendary armor that actually looks legendary, you HAVE to Raid a lot (as the PvP and wvw skins share their look with ascended versions). If the expansion has much to do with sayer, underwater weapon 2nd gen would be nice as well.



Otherwise I’m pretty open - new elites, as many maps as humanly possible because I love mapping the world more than anything else, some type of new feature I imagine. I desperately want housing but this may not be the expac for that

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Balancing issues aside there are mainly 3 things I still want to see in GW2:


- ranged weapons with matching sound / projectile animations

- casual friendly, repeatable (as in both decently rewarding without a daily / weekly reward limit) instanced content

- a proper racing mode with proper racing tracks (and not this improvised OW stuff we have right now) for both the beetle and griffon

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I'd wish we wouldn't go to Cantha, that's for sure...


But that aside:

1) As Verticality and Gliding was the gimmick in HoT and Exploration and Mounts were the gimmick of PoF, I'd like to have underwater content and masteries surrounding that be the gimmick of the next expansion.

2) Again going from recent two expansions, make it like 5 maps, 2 which are 25% underwater, 2 being 50% underwater and one that is 75% underwater.

3) At this point, an underwater overhaul is needed, fixing skills and traits and actually balancing it for PvE.

4) Elite specs should give each class what it is lacking at the moment. For example, a class that has not yet gotten a decent healing spec should get a spec centered around support and healing. A class that is lackin a solid option for condition damage should get a condi spec and so on.

5) I wish the story to be longer than PoF and that the maps have more replay value than PoF as well.

6) With all the underwater stuff, give us the missing three underwater legendaris for gen2. Maybe a legendary Aquabreather as well.

7) I'd wish that Anet does not waste any resources on imho useless stuff like housing or fishing.

8) Also, if we absolutely have to go to Cantha, please make it somewhat unique and stylish. If the expansion ends up catering mostly to anime fanbois/gals I will facepalm myself so hard that I will probably won't be able to spend any more gems on the game.

9) An underwater mount would sure be nice, but it would be ok for me if it was just masteries like the ability to use underwater streams for fast travel, or places in the maps that are too deep to survive without a certain mastery.

10) Going from the most recent episodes, I hope the trend of "Kill 10'000 mobs for 5AP" or "Participate in this event 25 times for progress on a meta achievement, needing ten more sub-achievements, that gives you 5AP" doesn't get carried over to the expansion.


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My main wish for it is that story wise they can shake everything up! Have a big reveal, the pact is no more, we're no longer commander, no one even remembers who we are, or they hate us for some reason. Travel somewhere new and different, change the story, give a break to dragons. We've been telling the same story across 2 expacs already.

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The only problem with point 10, is that it encourages server bandwaggoning and wouldn't be healthy for the population of lower tier servers, especially with how the current WvW population is spread. The reward would have to be minor enough to not cause this.



I'd love a new guild hall, or to be able to align your guild with a faction (thinking Kurzick/Luxon) which could give you access to new weekly guild missions for new cantha materials that you'd need for new guild upgrades or decorations (and obviously some sort of personal reward. Idk, my guild is my main reason to keep playing and I'd just love any kind of new guild content. The word is literally in the name of the game.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I’d rather see new armor than legendary weapons. It pains me to no end that if you want legendary armor that actually looks legendary, you HAVE to Raid a lot (as the PvP and wvw skins share their look with ascended versions). If the expansion has much to do with sayer, underwater weapon 2nd gen would be nice as well.



> Otherwise I’m pretty open - new elites, as many maps as humanly possible because I love mapping the world more than anything else, some type of new feature I imagine. I desperately want housing but this may not be the expac for that


A 4th legendary set wouldn't be a bad idea, and I'd love to see what kind of look they'd come up with that'd fit the expansion. As a raid trainer I can tell you that raiding really isn't for everyone - there's a lot of people where it's just too difficult or not at all fun. For the PvP and WvW sets you don't need to be good at either, you just have to play a lot of it, and there should be a PvE set where that is the case.


> @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> 1. no more raides contant please


There are many players that would love new raid content (myself included) - you do not have to play it, but it should be an option. I'd love to see more wings like W6 - it's a stunningly beautiful wing, with a great story to it and unique and interesting bosses. The part leading up to Qadim and his platform are just... stunning, and so so fun to play. Whilst I enjoy strikes, they just don't offer the same kind of difficulty and satisfaction.


Stick to what you enjoy playing and don't gatekeep others.

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> The only problem with point 10, is that it encourages server bandwaggoning and wouldn't be healthy for the population of lower tier servers, especially with how the current WvW population is spread. The reward would have to be minor enough to not cause this.


i think a good reward would actually have another consequence. see, bandwaggoning is happening already and regularly. latest example? take a look at eu servers. fsp & underworld, both servers linked and now both full. i mean yea the reason for it is popular streamers/guilds, fights, w/e. but lets say, there would be actual motivation to win a match up because of a tournament (which will never happen again, im aware) or because of reasonable rewards, it will - at least in my opinion - create a balance between servers/players who enjoy fighting, who would only log in if they hear about fights and servers/players who actually enjoy capping and keeping. i mean, ngl, i wouldnt even consider porting if someone calls in team chat that 5 roamers are about to cap a t3 objective and its the same for many many others, so im being very objective here.

i think a balance in motivation / content would in fact be providing a total more content. if it actually matters if a t3 objective stands or falls, it will automatically bring fights with it and both parties: ppt and fighting focused playerbase would go for it.


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1. Good and fun map to explore, with lot of hidden stuff

2. Golemancer spec, with a staff, focis on support for the engineer.

3. Houssing, I love guild decoration, but its too big and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too costy. So something more manageable for solo or duo player please.

4. New type of mastery, I dont want more mount I want something different. Maybe a double jump or a grappling hook like in titanfall.

5. New race, the tengu

6. Real first person mode (oky this one is almost impossible but I would love this :3)

7. More golem... MORE GOLEM O.O

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In random order;


- Raids, I've no clear idea on why they never took off in this game. I believe this can be a great way to add longevity to endgame, just be consistent with it, don't drop a few and then neglect. Neglecting causes would be raiders to hesitate making the jump and alienates the raiders that are already there. Keep adding Strikes too and work on improving the scale from strikes to raids.

- Fractals or even Dungeons, also a way to create replayable content. Add new dungeon tokens for new gear sets/skins to go with them.

- Underwater content, UW maps and reworked UW combat (all specs should be viable under water, none of that ''your skills don't work here because of reasons''.

- New pvp and wvw content. Seriously, after all this time, throw a bone. Anything. New maps, a new mode, more sets. For wvw; Alliances? Maybe add a HoT style map (jungle warfare) and a map themed for the new x-pac. That way you have all x-pacs represented with a standard map, jungle, desert and Cantha map. Make EB the standard, then rotate the other 3 between the worlds. Rework EOTM while you're at it. Make it relevant and worthwile. Or just remove it and just make wvw and pvp the best they could be.

- Largos, Tengu inclusion in the story.


Perhaps all of this would be a tall order, but one can dream. For the rest, every x-pac has been a pleasant surprise and I have faith that they can come up with something good. But I'm of the opinion that they have started a few things with great potential, but then somehow stopped paying attention to those things. If they could work on those more to realize their potential, I think it will do the game some good.

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i hope for something along the lines of acrobatics, gliders and mounts are always about speed but not about basic flexibility.

another thing (wishful thinking) would be adding movement attacks, making skills depend on your movement so skill becomes more important.

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