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What if problem Elite Specs got disabled in WvW?


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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


I think you’d loose a large part of the WvW population and this is not a great thing in a mood that’s “dying”. Ppl play these classes and enjoy them. Instead of punishing them for enjoying a class, anet needs to do their job and deliver balance updates as they said they would.


Side not, scourge has already been nerfed over and over again. Last hit was a hard nerf. Until they kill scourge there will still be tons. They are strong from sheer numbers. 1’scourge in a squad isn’t a threat.

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For each "problem" you remove you'll find another hidden behind. Those elite spec are a "problem" in your eyes only because they are the most effective choice at the moment, if you remove them they will be replaced by other most effective choice and you'll come back to ask to have them removed. That the sad truth of the "META" mindset.

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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


Hmmm, you seem to have the wrong elites listed. Anet needs to remove Deadeye, Soulbeast, and Weaver. Also Scrapper needs to go.

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As always, the devs need to balance the game around what is possible and not what is popular. If you are to discuss that with any form of examples you need to look at what the best groups makes possible and not what midtier groups find popular.


If you do that you will find that the game is far better balanced today than 10 months ago. You will also fairly quickly find some outliers but they are far fewer than you would imagine or far less encompassing. For example, Heralds may be an issue in their design (spitting out boons) but sits pretty well in their balance now as the most popular example of one or two roles that has multiple alternatives. Firebrands may still have some issues with the condi balance but they too now sit at a balance where they are a preferred base for a pairing that has multiple alternatives in what is roughly 50% of parties. So you can easily make very strong squads of 50 with only around 5-10 FB's assuming you have a balanced amount of the other classes to compose the parties properly. The same goes for Scourges, they still have their role but it is far from as dominant as it was and this can be seen in a better balance between ranged- and melee tactics employed.


So these balance issues people have mostly comes down to resets in small scale, the burst stacking of certain conditions on certain builds and damage-tank relatives of some condi builds in small scale and finally the large-scale representation of one or two classes. Anything beyond that is fine tuning things on a level that people just can't be unhappy about without being completely ridiculous.


The big tell-tale sign of something being very imbalanced is that it becomes very overrepresented (like when I posted a picture a while back about how our squad of 50 had 36 scourges or when you look around at roaming and duelling hotspots now and see a Thief for every other class). It is those things that stifle the content in the mode and not that someone told you that they preferred a Rev over your Ele in a ranged party or because people think Firebrands are super strong just because commanders keep reminding their squads that they need them, as if you fall below 5 FB's you might as well pack up the squad and go home as you have no general stability at all in your entire squad. However, you rarely want more than 10 so it sits in a 5-10 span with decent balance. Something similar can be said for Scourges and Revs now.

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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


Just 1 question:

Who gets to decide that an elite spec is a problem and on what basis?


Once you can give a reasonable answer to that question, we can continue to discuss your proposed solution.

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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


Or bring other specs up to their level? Bring other classes to their level? Herald isn't even that big of a problem at all, it really is only good in zerg play unless you're running condi. And then if its a condi herald just CC IT and its done. Dead. Reduced to atoms.

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They have been trying this for the past 2 years with giant dumpster nerf patches and shock and awe, its only driven people away. At this point in the games life people are only going to be so tolerant of picking up an entirely new class and starting from scratch.


One of the funniest things I saw someone say was when they were saying anet needed to remove power rev builds from the game. I said they are not just going to go relearn a new class, or maybe they would and revs would disappear from gameplay. He said, "well they could just switch to ventari support healers".


If you don't like fighting scourge now be terrified of what 15+ reapers will do to a pug zerg without having to worry about crossing a wall of shades.

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> That's why Balance patches exist.

> The easiest solution is to just have small regular balance patches for things under and over-performing but sadly Balance changes are few and far between. This isn't an issue with any specs, It's an issue with the rate at which we get updates.


The main issue is...they never bother to tune up the underperforming specs, what Anet does is simply remove/nerf what "overperform" AKA works in viability , nerf it and nerf it till people stop complaining about it at which point it means that the spec has stopped working.


When a spec stops working what happen is that all those specs which were under the thumb will become the new "overperforming" and will replace the previously "OP" spec on the chopping block.....till people stop complaining about it.....

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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


Youre basically asking for perma deleting FB, Scourge and Herald from WvW. You know, I know, we all know that if ANet gets rid off a problem, even temporarily, they wont come back to fix it.

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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


I think the quick and easy solution to make the game mode interesting again is to disable whatever specs YOU want to play. Or just disable WvW as a whole untill they can find a solution to balance it. After all no game, no frustration.

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> @"Gerick.2968" said:

> So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


That’s not gonna happen. Do you have any other ideas?

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> @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> Barrier needs to go too. So stupid mechanic.


scourge should be the class to be used as debuffer/control the flow of condis in the batlefield and make some condi stronger effect on debufed emenies.


Barrier should be on fireberand rather than perma quickess,...

Gain barrier on burn cleanse

Gain barrier on block

New mantra with very short duration that convert damage into barrer when health under x% for y seconds or somethign like that https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Reversal_of_Fortune

F3 keys could provide some barrier as well ot allies.


Imo a better gameplay could be done if Anet payed more atention to the mechanics of POF classes... rather than a sstacking and spam boon bot... Anet was never that good at class design for decent pvp...

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> @"ASP.8093" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > I would go back to WvW if it Core specs only!!!


> Why? You realize old "Hammertrain" is basically the same thing as the modern "Boon Ball," right?


Yes but I found it fun from both sides. At least it was pretty much melee and condi was under control.

Edit: I don't know how well it would be since the nerf to stab.

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> @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:

> > @"Gerick.2968" said:

> > So what if Anet just straight up disabled Firebrand, Scourge and Herald in WvW till they found a solution to properly balance the classes. Also would probably have to revert bubbles to stationary. Would be a quick easy solution to make the game mode interesting again.


> Hmmm, you seem to have the wrong elites listed. Anet needs to remove Deadeye, Soulbeast, and Weaver. Also Scrapper needs to go.


What are you talking about scrapper needs to go? We lost our elite toolbelt skill to a lightning field you can turn into a glorified stun grenade. And if you use it to res /stomp more than one player, you get penalized with a longer cooldown.

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