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Why don't we get communication from Anet here anymore?


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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> It use to be sparse but you could find Ben P every now and then. A pinned thread explaining the intent of each patch would go a long way.

what explanation you need ? very strange try find in balance some big mind. These is changes for changes to prevent people try other builds, classes, skills, weapons .. No more big mind. Only some inner statistic analyze by used skills, and this is not for 2ht side eyes.

They not write constitution or bill .. this is part of fun, fun that some classes is overpowered, and some nerfed, fun that some people prevent change traits ... If you think what someone make some very very logica and fair pvp system, I think it wrong thinking. The target is fun, and fun can be in fair rules in most cases.


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It was pretty nice for 2-3 years, I mean balance was off but there was regular attempts at balancing and getting toward improvement. Around the time of PoF things went off the rails with intentional imbalance (elite specs, buy our xpac!) and we got vicious in our criticism, insults etc. I ate a ban for using the word "inept" iirc, I mean I get that pvp balance is hamstrung by policy (like balancing is verboten mid-season) and lack of pvp knowledge, but that's not an excuse and the harsh criticism is deserved. So yeah they stopped interacting

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> It use to be sparse but you could find Ben P every now and then. A pinned thread explaining the intent of each patch would go a long way. Yes there is something of that in the professions part of the forums but it's outdated.


because most of players has disability and can't even 1x1 with any class. Instead of fixing own gameplay people ask nerf something or buff

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> @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

> Even if they communicated the forums would be filled with rage. Why bother trying to please a community that cant be pleased?


In doubt, don't try it anyway, just to be sure to piss everyone off.


But I liked this last balance patch, it was honestly so good I still can't believe CmC made it.

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> Because anyone who genuinely cared to communicate was let go or is currently being kept down by management. Any post on the forums pointing to hackers or criticizing balance changes is REMOVED. So yeah, can't have a conversation about it. RIP game.

I think Arenanet is not removing the comments or threads, they are using third party to moderate their forum, and by the looks of it everyone can remove comments by reporting it once (for something that makes kinda sense, maybe) , so if say someone is naughty in game and someone else makes even a vague comment about it, the naughty party can report it and it will get deleted.


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> so if say someone is naughty in game and someone else makes even a vague comment about it, the naughty party can report it and it will get deleted.



I mean this specific example is against the forums code of conduct? Its not getting removed because there is some under qualified third party moderating, "hiding the truth", or whatever else people like to claim. It gets removed due to directly breaking the rules.


Also to comment on criticism being removed. It isn't but in some particular cases the poster feels like it is, failing to realise its now what they said, but how they said it. They could have a post with the exact same meaning worded differently stand.



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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > so if say someone is naughty in game and someone else makes even a vague comment about it, the naughty party can report it and it will get deleted.

> >


> I mean this specific example is against the forums code of conduct? Its not getting removed because there is some under qualified third party moderating, "hiding the truth", or whatever else people like to claim. It gets removed due to directly breaking the rules.


> Also to comment on criticism being removed. It isn't but in some particular cases the poster feels like it is, failing to realise its now what they said, but how they said it. They could have a post with the exact same meaning worded differently stand.



Try it and report one of my comments for Off-Topic / Spamming / Trolling / Derailing / Nonconstructive Posts, most of the comments on the forum will fall in off-topic, derailing, Nonconstructive how ever you spin it, there is always a reason to nuke something off existence.


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Would you go out with a guy that keeps insulting you, reminding you of stupid things you did in your life, embarassing you by constantly telling ppl u meet how ugly, stupid and incel u are? Ofc not.

Same goes with ANet, they dont want to communicate with their own community, because their own community knows best what an _incredible_ company ANet is. Theyre just hiding under a blanket waiting for 'bad bois' to leave and coming from time to time to living world or lore section where 'good bois' are.

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so I still not have any valid question to make communication valid in this thread. If question is not agrumented, what we point "communicate" wiht person. Most question is created not for cummunicate, thay created for hype, or for show topic creater position. Communicate whit "please nerf ranger" ???

no way

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They can no longer explain why they make changes, and how they are going about tackling things anymore.


The last time they did this was during the few months leading into last year's mess of a balance patch.

After the notorious "300 changes" patch dropped, they ceased to communicate any sort of changes they make.


And honestly, not much to comment : They change numbers, people are either happy or angy.

If people are SUPER ANGY they will be forced to do a hotfix to revert changes or alter the changes.


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Anytime I think about the lack of communication I become escalated. I think its mostly because their inability to communicate with their players is really hurting their game. People are and have already become fed up. no one knows if what they are saying is even being looked at by someone other than moderators. I feel sometimes when I post on here its as if I was putting a message in a bottle and dropping it in the middle of the ocean. I never know if it even gets read by someone that matters or could make change.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Anytime I think about the lack of communication I become escalated. I think its mostly because their inability to communicate with their players is really hurting their game. People are and have already become fed up. no one knows if what they are saying is even being looked at by someone other than moderators. I feel sometimes when I post on here its as if I was putting a message in a bottle and dropping it in the middle of the ocean. I never know if it even gets read by someone that matters or could make change.


Yeah unfortunately it feels worse now than it did when the original guild wars team announced the end of development for that game. Pretty much this game has turned into a game that is only meant for players who are just now starting to play it. Anyone besides that is just becoming fed up or bored to death which ever comes first.

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> @"Klypto.1703" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > Anytime I think about the lack of communication I become escalated. I think its mostly because their inability to communicate with their players is really hurting their game. People are and have already become fed up. no one knows if what they are saying is even being looked at by someone other than moderators. I feel sometimes when I post on here its as if I was putting a message in a bottle and dropping it in the middle of the ocean. I never know if it even gets read by someone that matters or could make change.


> Yeah unfortunately it feels worse now than it did when the original guild wars team announced the end of development for that game. Pretty much this game has turned into a game that is only meant for players who are just now starting to play it. Anyone besides that is just becoming fed up or bored to death which ever comes first.

I can agree with that. I have been playing with a group of players that have been on for only about 6 months because 98% of my old friends have moved on. Its so funny their perspective on the game versus mine. When they look at the game they see all this stuff to do. While when I look at the game all I see are the things that are neglected. So I have to stop myself from being two negative around them because I don't want to ruin their experience. I always joke about how the development team is developing from a sports car with no breaks and no rear view mirror because they don't look back and rarely check their shoulder their always zooming to the next new thing!


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"Klypto.1703" said:

> > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > Anytime I think about the lack of communication I become escalated. I think its mostly because their inability to communicate with their players is really hurting their game. People are and have already become fed up. no one knows if what they are saying is even being looked at by someone other than moderators. I feel sometimes when I post on here its as if I was putting a message in a bottle and dropping it in the middle of the ocean. I never know if it even gets read by someone that matters or could make change.

> >

> > Yeah unfortunately it feels worse now than it did when the original guild wars team announced the end of development for that game. Pretty much this game has turned into a game that is only meant for players who are just now starting to play it. Anyone besides that is just becoming fed up or bored to death which ever comes first.

> I can agree with that. I have been playing with a group of players that have been on for only about 6 months because 98% of my old friends have moved on. Its so funny their perspective on the game versus mine. When they look at the game they see all this stuff to do. While when I look at the game all I see are the things that are neglected. So I have to stop myself from being two negative around them because I don't want to ruin their experience. I always joke about how the development team is developing from a sports car with no breaks and no rear view mirror because they don't look back and rarely check their shoulder their always zooming to the next new thing!



Yep I ended up just going back to the game I played before starting this one since it seems to have way more people than what this does now. Logged in this game just to see if people were on at this peak time to normally find people and it was completely dead.

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> @"VyPR.3412" said:

> > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

> > Even if they communicated the forums would be filled with rage. Why bother trying to please a community that cant be pleased?


> I mean, because the game's survival is what currently pays for the roof over their heads?


Trust me, the forums isnt even 10% of their customer base

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