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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Not sure if its been said before, not going to read through 60 pages sorry.


Heart of thorns recipe boxes could use something in them other then said recipe like the warbeast boots one.

Otherwise they are not a reward when you got all of them just a thing you got to delete.



I guess they could just stop dropping as well but unsure if that is harder to code.

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Please add an **Expand All** option to LFG so that upon opening LFG all zones default to expanded instead of collapsed.


* Bad UX: It is unnecessarily tedious to have to drill down every time I reopen the LFG panel.

* Place the option either in the LFG panel (e.g., at top) or in Options panel.

* Alternatively, have the LFG expand/collapse status of each grouping be sticky, so that e.g., if I have LFG open and expand PoF and LWS3, then if I close LFG, and later reopen it, it remembers that I had PoF and LWS3 expanded and displays them expanded.


EVEN BETTER would be to add sticky checkboxes (i.e., favorite tags) to each of the zones so to create a 'favorites' list of LFG zones, which would always appear at the top of LFG list (expanded, of course). E.g., I could checkmark DragonFall, Elon Riverlands, World Bosses, and Achievement Hunters Central (if those are what interested me) and those would always appear - expanded - at the top of the LFG panel. It would be sticky across characters and logins.




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It'd be awesome to have the LFG relevant to the zone I'm in automatically appear expanded _and_ selected. For zones with multiple LFG's, all of them could be expanded and the most popular one selected.


It's great when you're all primed to be someone's hero and see someone in LFG asking for help with something you know. If we had an enhanced LFG like this, it'd be so easy to just press Y occasionally to check for a bat signal. I bet it would also be easier to find a hero when you need one, and people would get more help with things like obscure story instances within the zone. Just a sheer matter of convenience and increased sample size!

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Possibility to make and craft legendary armor outside of raids (no don't put it in fractals either). Just expensive crafting of armorsmith/leatherwork/tailor 500 as example.


I would really like for this to happen, but I very much doubt ANet will ever implement a way of getting legendary armours outside of raids. For one, they'd face a lot of very vocal opposition from raiders.


To be honest, there's part of me that's still holding out hope for them to return to a more GW1 sort of model, where top level stats (and by extension in GW2, the ability to choose stats at will) are easy to get a hold of, but it's purely cosmetics that the grind is for. But again, they would face very vocal opposition to such a move from the noisy minority.


There's another example of this obnoxious grind culture that's actively preventing me from participating in WvW. I took a break from the game for a very long time, from before mounts and even the wardrobe were a thing.

After returning last year, I finally thought to myself a couple of weeks ago "Yeah, I used to enjoy a bit of WvW, let's give that a go!"

Except I'm immediately at a disadvantage, because everyone has the Warclaw and leaves me in the dust. And the things I need to do to unlock the Warclaw necessitate being part of the blob, but I can't keep up because I don't have a Warclaw...


Way to actively dissuade new or returning players from participating in WvW ANet.


Here's a thought: you've implemented reward tracks in WvW that allow WvW players to unlock PvE content.

How about implementing tracks in PvE that allow PvE players to unlock WvW content?


Edit: Thinking on this further, one way you could allow PvE player to unlock WvW content is excess Mastery Points. I'm not saying make it the only way mind you. And only allow players to spend Mastery Points this way if they've unlocked everything they need to in the related Mastery track. Or hey, go one step further and make Mastery Points repeatable.

Sure, there would be some balance issues to sort out with people then just repeating the easy ones, so maybe only allow people to repeat Mastery Points until they're back to their original excess level.

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I felt that the LFG system needs some love, especially with the upcoming expansion there will be more zones and even more empty lfg tabs that no one uses. I only see lfg used for very specific and popular contents (like fractals or an upcoming meta), and most other categories stays empty all the time. If we can have access to a list of currently active groups that can be filtered by type and map, it would give exposure to a lot more interesting events (like costume contests and challenges) and would encourage more players to visit a map or contents they wouldn't normally visit. I would to join on niche events just out of curiosity or to help out if I happen to see an lfg listing, but it's hard to discover them unless you click on every tab (and who does that?).

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Don't need an auto expand for all. Since I do not regularly need to switch between a lot. But remembering the last expanding settings would be nice. Or - as also suggested - opening and selecting the one for the zone where you are atm automatically.


I also would have preferred a different order and/or grouping.


For example: Where do I go when I want to complete a story achievement I can't solo? To the "Story Journa" ... the sectip specifically for achievements ... or just to the relevant map. (Maybe "Story journal" only means the old core story. The expansions have story and maps seperated for achievements. For the living world all achievements are in 1 section. So you'd probably want to just use the map lfg if you want to do achievements for that story parts even if it is about the instanced story content.)


Just "map" and "achievements" would be enough. (Every story chapter under achievements, every map under the map. + some extra for achievements not related to the map and for the world bosses, ect. where maps might change if a train doing them.)


Some stuff (I think guilds for example) also have only 1 item in that category. A bit inefficient.


For the raids/strikes/fractals, etc. i'd just group them into one category. (Group/party play content.)

In general: Maybe more individual items but less categories. Good order can still make it easy to find stuff. Maybe option to hide stuff you rarely or never use.)

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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> Please add an **Expand All** option to LFG so that upon opening LFG all zones default to expanded instead of collapsed.


> * Bad UX: It is unnecessarily tedious to have to drill down every time I reopen the LFG panel.

> * Place the option either in the LFG panel (e.g., at top) or in Options panel.

> * Alternatively, have the LFG expand/collapse status of each grouping be sticky, so that e.g., if I have LFG open and expand PoF and LWS3, then if I close LFG, and later reopen it, it remembers that I had PoF and LWS3 expanded and displays them expanded.


> EVEN BETTER would be to add sticky checkboxes (i.e., favorite tags) to each of the zones so to create a 'favorites' list of LFG zones, which would always appear at the top of LFG list (expanded, of course). E.g., I could checkmark DragonFall, Elon Riverlands, World Bosses, and Achievement Hunters Central (if those are what interested me) and those would always appear - expanded - at the top of the LFG panel. It would be sticky across characters and logins.





I would to that suggestion also key binding that make it easier to flip flap (conflate or expand) sections while this panel is open. Maybe add chat commands, so one can directly pick which part of LFG one want to open the section for map or in Eye of the North with a command "/LFG Champion" which open with all LFG for Champion DRM by default and optional Strike Mission with /LFG Strike or something like that.


In chat ANet could have added a button for /LFG which would add that part in chat with sub option for which part of LFG one want to post.

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> @"Mungrul.9358" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Possibility to make and craft legendary armor outside of raids (no don't put it in fractals either). Just expensive crafting of armorsmith/leatherwork/tailor 500 as example.


> I would really like for this to happen, but I very much doubt ANet will ever implement a way of getting legendary armours outside of raids. For one, they'd face a lot of very vocal opposition from raiders.


> To be honest, there's part of me that's still holding out hope for them to return to a more GW1 sort of model, where top level stats (and by extension in GW2, the ability to choose stats at will) are easy to get a hold of, but it's purely cosmetics that the grind is for. But again, they would face very vocal opposition to such a move from the noisy minority.


> There's another example of this obnoxious grind culture that's actively preventing me from participating in WvW. I took a break from the game for a very long time, from before mounts and even the wardrobe were a thing.

> After returning last year, I finally thought to myself a couple of weeks ago "Yeah, I used to enjoy a bit of WvW, let's give that a go!"

> Except I'm immediately at a disadvantage, because everyone has the Warclaw and leaves me in the dust. And the things I need to do to unlock the Warclaw necessitate being part of the blob, but I can't keep up because I don't have a Warclaw...


> Way to actively dissuade new or returning players from participating in WvW ANet.


> Here's a thought: you've implemented reward tracks in WvW that allow WvW players to unlock PvE content.

> How about implementing tracks in PvE that allow PvE players to unlock WvW content?


> Edit: Thinking on this further, one way you could allow PvE player to unlock WvW content is excess Mastery Points. I'm not saying make it the only way mind you. And only allow players to spend Mastery Points this way if they've unlocked everything they need to in the related Mastery track. Or hey, go one step further and make Mastery Points repeatable.

> Sure, there would be some balance issues to sort out with people then just repeating the easy ones, so maybe only allow people to repeat Mastery Points until they're back to their original excess level.


I would extend this to why not pve reward tracks to unlock pvp rewards? I love a lot the radiant armors, but those are forbidden to me, and I will never get them because I hate and simply can't pvp, surely lvl -9000 strategist haha plus not fan of getting harassed or receiving insults.


Little parenthesis about the warclaw, dunno the role of that mount now, they nerfed its speed so much than you are faster by feet using tp skills or swiftness. Very sad, feel like a non needed addition.

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So I had this idea by chance onto a topic of making use of a stat type of gear and it not seeing as much desired use on one character, and wanting to go into a different character. The idea was, a Mystic Forge recipe to convert ascended armor of say heavy to a generic medium armor in the same stats. Could cost something made by the other profession to make like say Armor Enchanting Stone to convert to heavy. Leather Enchanting Stone to convert to medium, etc in the recipe.

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> @"Joote.4081" said:

> +1 for a better and clearer font. It's awful to try and read on a widescreen monitor. To read some of it I have my nose stuck to the screen.


we don't need one but still, i'd _like_ a better font as well.


one suggestion is google noto sans. it's a great UI font created to unify the character sizes/strokes (basically the goal was to create a font that makes all characters clear and relatively uniform regardless of language or mix of languages used.. though there are other great options out there as well but this is one font i quickly though of)







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Can we get a[ skill monitor bar from guild wars 1](https://guildwars.fandom.com/wiki/Skill_Monitor).


Even if it's a gizmo activated thing for pve only. Like something bought off a vendor that activates a UI element to use in pve game mode.


There is a lot of clutter in game that makes it frustrating. How do we know what the enemy is doing to react to it. How do we know when to use an interrupt when there is so much visual noise everywhere. This skill monitor bar UI element would help.

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Make crafting less timeconsuming! Once u have made any recipe thexway it's made today, u learn to craft the item material right away. I'll make an exsmple:

U want to craft a bow. U have all materials needed for it, but they are not made into pieces (strings etc) yet. When u have crafted it once before u now have the ability to craft the entire bow (including refinement, making of pieces, dowels) wothout doing all the clicking for every singel piece and refinement.

U get a warning asking: Do u want to use these materials (listing the mats required), for making this bow. By clicking "yes" u start the crafting process thst makes all steps automaticly as long as u have everything u need for it!


This could be a core Tyrian mastery even.

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> @"Mungrul.9358" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Possibility to make and craft legendary armor outside of raids (no don't put it in fractals either). Just expensive crafting of armorsmith/leatherwork/tailor 500 as example.


> I would really like for this to happen, but I very much doubt ANet will ever implement a way of getting legendary armours outside of raids. For one, they'd face a lot of very vocal opposition from raiders.




You can already make it through wvw or pvp

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