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Things I want that will never happen

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I know the community is greatly against these, but I wish GW2 had them:


1) World Chat. The game seems so empty and quiet to me without an ongoing conversation. I know guilds can help with that, but it's limited and I like to be online sometimes without having a leash on me.


2) Random dungeon grouping. Count me in as one of the shy ones, as a lot of people seem to be, who don't like having to apply to groups. A random matchmaking system would greatly help with that. Those that want to manually put a group together still would have that option.


Like I said: never will happen

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I think it's more the computer picks the groups rather than wait for a player to add themselves.

> Cantha, of course.


Yes, I think that way you would get grouped with people who are not really demanding anything special from the members, just the willingness to truck it through a fractal or dungeon. When I use the LFG tool, I tend to skip anything that has "speedrun" or "challenge mote" or "vets only" in the description. And especially for dungeons those seem to be the majority tbh.


There are still a lot of parties offered that do not have this, but to "join" a group still has a slightly bigger hurdle to it("imposing", setting expectations since YOU joined so you must know what you are doing), then being thrown into a big bowl where the computer picks 5 and then have a try at it. It is odd, and I have learned to overcome it so I join anything that does not seem to ask anything hardcore from their members. But I can see where the OP is coming from.

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I am not totally against it. Aion did it for certain instances, although you could also make a group. At least it would give players a chance to maybe do a dungeon or fractal or hell even a raid (lol) that they may of not been able to do or would prefer to join without as the above poster says as ' demanding nothing anything special'

I think it would be good to get experience so you don't upset the elitist pugs and the people in the groups would go in knowing they may/maynot fail.


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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> 1) World Chat. The game seems so empty and quiet to me without an ongoing conversation. I know guilds can help with that, but it's limited and I like to be online sometimes without having a leash on me.

Global chat has been **terrible** in every single game that have it. Its all just spam and nonsense. I remember in particular the Archeage chat that updated about 10 times a second with just sale spam. Anet did the right choice in not doing it.

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1) Build templates(though that might actually become a thing some day)

2) Rework of existing/old content to be on par with newer releases, especially a Dungeon refresh and a completion of the Domain of Kourna

3) Sending Drooburt into the mists for good

4) Legedendary PvP armor should have the upgraded skins they added recently

5) More ingame rewards instead of gemstore items. Nothing flashy, just some mountskins available through f.e. guild missions, meta events or collections. Keep the shiny particle stuff in the gemshop but give us a skin or two to be earned ingame

6) Better options to organize your contacts

7) Increase the number of mails you can send before the spamfilter kicks in, sending 3 mails within 5 min should not make the botcatcher kick in, at least up it to 9 so you could possibly send stuff to a full raid squad

8) Better communication between devs and community. This goes both ways, I'd love it if Anet was more open with what they're working on but I'd also wish that the community would grow up a bit and would complain less in favor of actual constructive criticism.

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Since you said I am never going to get it :bleep_bloop:


The ability to combine ascended gear and then that gear can switch between the stats that have been bound to it. Example a Medium helm with Magi stats could combine with a Medium helm with Zerker stats. Then after bound you will only have one piece of armor that now can select those two stat sets. It would be cheaper to make a legendary if you wanted all the different stat sets but for those that just want a few different sets this would be perfect.


Going to throw my hat in for build templates as well.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Since you said I am never going to get it :bleep_bloop:


> The ability to combine ascended gear and then that gear can switch between the stats that have been bound to it. Example a Medium helm with Magi stats could combine with a Medium helm with Zerker stats. Then after bound you will only have one piece of armor that now can select those two stat sets. It would be cheaper to make a legendary if you wanted all the different stat sets but for those that just want a few different sets this would be perfect.


> Going to throw my hat in for build templates as well.


I never knew I want that Acsended so bad...

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