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Unbalanced Elementalist Combo


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> @"Landahar.5196" said:

>I am as a PvP player (more than 8k match) can say that, "1 hit combo" is not normal for any class, any game.


You aren't right on this point.1 hit combos, despite that statement being an oxymoron, exists in so many games. Many have assassins as part of their design paradigm.


Also on a scholar class with no toughness, pretty much anyone will do damage, especially those designed to do it.




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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Landahar.5196" said:

> >I am as a PvP player (more than 8k match) can say that, "1 hit combo" is not normal for any class, any game.


> You aren't right on this point.1 hit combos, despite that statement being an oxymoron, exists in so many games. Many have assassins as part of their design paradigm.


> Also on a scholar class with no toughness, pretty much anyone will do damage, especially those designed to do it.




Well i am playing games nearly 25 years, worked in a game company as a software engineer for few years. But i find it bit unbalanced. We are not playing Skyrim you know. You shouldnt hit any class for 30K less than a second. What is the point of vitality?if you die with palading amulet. Deadeye, Elementalist, Mesmer classes should nerf a bit.

They are counterable i know but that doensnt mean that you have pick counter class. That means they have to nerf for balanced gameplay. That is for future.

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> @"Landahar.5196" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Landahar.5196" said:

> > >I am as a PvP player (more than 8k match) can say that, "1 hit combo" is not normal for any class, any game.

> >

> > You aren't right on this point.1 hit combos, despite that statement being an oxymoron, exists in so many games. Many have assassins as part of their design paradigm.

> >

> > Also on a scholar class with no toughness, pretty much anyone will do damage, especially those designed to do it.

> >

> >

> >

> Well i am playing games nearly 25 years, worked in a game company as a software engineer for few years. But i find it bit unbalanced. We are not playing Skyrim you know. You shouldnt hit any class for 30K less than a second. What is the point of vitality?if you die with palading amulet. Deadeye, Elementalist, Mesmer classes should nerf a bit.

> They are counterable i know but that doensnt mean that you have pick counter class. That means they have to nerf for balanced gameplay. That is for future.


I think you may get surprised by the Ele hits once after that you know what he's running so you should be able to dodge and hit him back, just look at the attunement the ele is in and you will know when you may need to dodge

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> @"Landahar.5196" said:

> As a necromancer player ( 30k HP with Carrion Amulet), elementalist can kill me in 1 second.

> Some mesmer build can does it too. Do you think game is balanced?

> My opinion, if ANY character dies in less then 3 second is a proof of unbalanced game


Lightening build is actually super strong can melt ur 30knin a instant but one sneeze and few blocks or one holosmith skill will kill it...


Aka balance... ;) with a “better class”

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> As a Core Guardian, any Holosmith/Warrior/Mirage/Reaper/Thief can down me within 10 (or three, of they spam conditions) seconds.


> Let's Ele be OP, when literally ALL classes have disgustingly OP builds.


Ppl are not use of ELE doing damage so when they do ... they complain cause they feel bad being killed by this "sub-class" (Ofc I'm kidding... Maybe?)

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> Ppl are not use of ELE doing damage so when they do ... they complain cause they feel bad being killed by this "sub-class" (Ofc I'm kidding... Maybe?)


Out of all the power creep and general clown festival that PvP became, any rational person would regard Ele is the least problematic though.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> oh, he's talking about fresh air, at first I thought it was about dat earth dagger 5 build


> Think of FA weaver as a bad Deadeye


> If you have any 2 high mobility builds in the other team FA is borderline unplayable



It kinda works the same it doesn't teleport around that much but it has more damage upfront and has ranged hard cc, while DE has imob, kinda the same getting instacasted from range. So you are dead in cc nice.

Meme time

Just dodge LOL.

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It is sad that ppl don't even understand the subject of the topic..

It is not about dodge or how squishy the builds. it is about overpowered damage on some classes. Nobody should kill you in less than a second yet you shouldnt kill someone in less than a second with any class and any build.. At least make it 5 second, its OK.

Is it really too hard to understand?

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> @"Landahar.5196" said:

> It is sad that ppl don't even understand the subject of the topic..

> It is not about dodge or how squishy the builds. it is about overpowered damage on some classes. Nobody should kill you in less than a second yet you shouldnt kill someone in less than a second with any class and any build.. At least make it 5 second, its OK.

> Is it really too hard to understand?


I think most people get that. People have been complaining about and asking for a fix to power creep for a long time. Damage is ridiculously high in general, but complaining about specific builds usually ends in people arguing and saying l2p. The best you can do is learn what builds you hate fighting against, and then learn how to counter or avoid them.

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Fresh air burst weaver used to be kinda good before it was nerfed really hard last year. It had enough damage to down people with a lot of different burst combos, so that if someone avoided the burst, it could evade for 4 seconds and still have another go at killing them, so they still had to keep their guard up. Now if the burst gets avoided, it's just a free kill.

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> @"Landahar.5196" said:

> It is sad that ppl don't even understand the subject of the topic..

> It is not about dodge or how squishy the builds. it is about overpowered damage on some classes. Nobody should kill you in less than a second yet you shouldnt kill someone in less than a second with any class and any build.. At least make it 5 second, its OK.

> Is it really too hard to understand?


those are most builds listed meta or very good in metabattle or godsofpvp, the ones you asking for, the 5 secs ones, the only difference there is that they fart survival abilities as easily as they fart dmg

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