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Official capes discussion thread

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > GW2 Fanbase: zOMG! Give me things, but don't make me pay for them!

> >

> > Also GW2 Fanbase: Why are devs leaving ANet to go to other companies!?!


> "Wow, this cape is a bit pricey, maybe bump it down to at least the same price as that elaborate chair you just released?"


> "Oh so what you're saying is you don't want to pay anything, huh?!"


Oh, so you don't like the use of hyperbole to make a point then?


> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> This is why discourse on the internet is effectively dead





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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > It's a side effect of things being a different base material" - it causes dyes to look different on different types of items

> > > >

> > > That's disappointing considering the cape's texture matches the same fabric texture on my armour.. might be hard to see in the pictures.

> > >

> > > > Incidentally, is that a bow on your back? If so, what is it?

> > >

> > > It is yes, it's the Golden Talon Longbow.

> > > Black Lion chest exclusive skin, not sure if you can buy it for statuettes but it'll come back around again at some point i'm sure and you can try to get it ^^

> > > Save up your keys if you can.

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/O30Xw0w.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > I don't buy keys to avoid encouraging the practice, but hopefully I might get it via another way


> I very rarely buy them too.

> I get them running characters through personal story and RNG loot.

> I just save them for when there's something in the chests I want and then save the statuettes to buy golden keys.

> If you have a spare character slot you can get 1 key a week running through the level 10 personal story instances and remaking the character every week.


I do but in an age of too many games to play, I’d rather play something different than repeat old content ever week for a key to unlock a low chance at something I’d want. I could be so many other things in that time.


My chances rely on the off chance I complete a map or guaranteed wardrobe unlock from birthdays. At least I know what to aim for now

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I didn't buy the guild one (yet) since I only have 33 commendations and it's ... tiny. For 10 g + 10 commendations. I'm sure the logo changes as you change rep but I want to see confirmation of that first.


I did get the gem store one with some left over gems. It's very nice, and dyes well. My only quibble, which has been my quibble all along through the years of cape threads, is that it's not a cape. I mean, yes, it is, in the sense that people like to tie a rectangle of cloth to their back and call it a cape, but it doesn't wrap around to the front or drape over the shoulders, it's not plausible as a functional garment for keeping the wearer warm and dry. That's the historical costumer speaking in me. (Yes, historic fashion has had useless cloth appendages to garments for a very long time, but generally cloaks and capes had a purpose besides sticking a flag on one's back). I hope they can come up with more practical designs in the future, even allowing for the need not to clip.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > GW2 Fanbase: zOMG! Give me things, but don't make me pay for them!

> >

> > Also GW2 Fanbase: Why are devs leaving ANet to go to other companies!?!


> "Wow, this cape is a bit pricey, maybe bump it down to at least the same price as that elaborate chair you just released?"


> "Oh so what you're saying is you don't want to pay anything, huh?!"


> This is why discourse on the internet is effectively dead


The irony in the fact that the post right after yours is someone saying they don't want to pay money at all for capes.

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Lets not forget that with capes comes a long requested feature too.


Dyable Backpacks are finally in the game and more will be coming out in future.

Your next set of wings maybe dyable.

Your next Backpack Glider combo will finally be able to be colour matched.


Who's to say there won't be another set of Legendary backpacks based on capes?


At least put in the request and wait and see.

I didn't mind buying both capes, 500 gems aint much and I got a new discounted mount skin from the same 800 gems so hardly money wasted imo


What i'm hoping for going forward is some upgrades to past backpacks.

At the very least I'd like to see the Black/White and Batwing Gliders get the wing flapping animation, I rarely use these anymore because of newer wing gliders.

And if possible make a small number of past gemstore Backpacks dyable such as Lightbinders Blades and Shining Blade Backpack so they can match with their dyed gliders.

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I don't understand the hostile reactions.

The community has been asking for capes for 7 years.

They said "we can't" (largely because of the chaars + physic)

They still take them out + they are dyable + a buyable in game with 10 po.

It is that a beginning they will probably come out of it more and more beautiful like the chairs.

I think it's good, it's going to bring them some money for the end of the year these capes.


Personally, I am happy.

_I hope to have larger and more classy capes in the future it looks a little like a scarf on my asura but hey ^^_

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Jaffawer.4932" said:

> > > > Oh superb.... it took them 7 years and now they've decided to stick it in that kitten gemmie-store for 500g... a single cape style. Seriously? And there are people who are praising them for it. And of course the Guild cape is ugly af. No way to obtain unique capes through game-play, crafting, etc.

> > >

> > > But there’s the same hope that Anet will make them obtainable outside the gem store just like mount skins and glider skins.

> >

> > It's sad, I wish there were actually things like that one can obtain by actually playing the game instead of throwing money at it. And i'm talking about stuff outside of raids since not everyone actively speedclears them every week. You know? Some people want to actually ENJOY content rather than rush through it and being put under pressure. Some of us don't have reaction times of a 16 year old. Some of us have disabilities. There's so much neat stuff (and even lore) locked behind raids that the only way of obtaining something nice these days is the gemstore. Considering how rewards were in the times before HoT the last content updates over the years are disappointing. People overall were a bit nicer before HoT too despite the dungeon elitism stuff... I miss these days.


> Can't you just exchange gold you earn in game for gems and then buy it? How is that any different?


The last time I checked it was like what 180g for 500 gems? Where the hell am I supposed to get that much gold... I hate gold farming. Besides, buying it is not the same as having to do in-game stuff in order to get it. And no, I don't consider grinding gold in order to buy anything a worthwhile "in-game stuff" to do.

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I'm glad that they managed to make the capes have dye channels. I hope this means new non-cape backpacks can also have dye channels in the future. I wonder how they managed to fix the coding that kept it from being a thing before.


I also hope they make more capes as rewards as well as having gem store capes.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Artits.2795" said:

> > > They shared a trailer of the BLC cape on YouTube and people called them out on the obvious quality difference between the paid and earnable cape. My page refreshed for whatever reason and suddenly "Comments are turned off" lmao.

> >

> > That should come as no surprise to anyone. At least they did include a way to acquire one in game, but just like the original 'chair', don't expect parity with Gem store offerings.


> And this is why no one outside of the speed clear community gave a kitten about raids and why they also don't give a kitten about "strikes"


> If all the good stuff is in the store then people only care about what earns them the most gold the easiest. It pretty much dictates how people discuss maps these days. It doesn't matter if it looks nice or the content is engaging or fun hard, all that matters is whether the meta will earn you fat stacks.


> None of this is healthy for the game but most of the people who seem to care have long since left for greener pastures


I agree. I'm so tired of all the endless gold farming to have enough gold to buy anything "good looking" since Anet can't be bothered to make good looking things obtainable via in-game goals. And if there is something cool and nice, it's most likely locked behind horrendous grind and timegate. I stopped playing Guild Wars 2 after getting to the point where I had to grind all the map currencies to get the Skyscale saddle or what BS it was (don't really remember anymore). I just got so burned out by the grind and timegate that led to that point, only to have to grind even more. I just can't be bothered to play this game that does not value your time anymore.

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> @"Head Kracker.4790" said:

> For the gem store one, I like that it is dyeable, I like the look, its a very nice cape. I personally believe it is 100 gems too much for a cosmetic item.

Funny because that's about a buck and a quarter. Depending on your hourly wage you probably spent more than a dollar 1.25's worth of your personal time just writing this post.

>But what about small guilds or guilds that have lost people and can maybe only get 1 or 2 commendations a week depending on how lucky the guild mission list is?

You have 5 guild slots. Many many big guilds will add you, sight unseen.


I find the price more than fair.

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Credit where credit is due, capes have been wanted by a HUGE amount of players over the years. Nearly every month or so we get a post asking about capes. Even though it took years and years (and years), you guys finally did it... and made them dyable on top of it, which had never been done with any other backpack.


Do you see how amazing the response is? How much cash you guys made from every account logging on? I'm sure if you check your statistics and logs, 90% of accounts that logged in had a gemstore purchase within the first 10 minutes of playing! It was a very asked for thing, and ANet you guys finally delivered (without flopping. kind of like templates, but I digress).


Now, please continue listening to us from here. Blizzard has only started to do this after 16 or so years of running their mmo. Anet doesn't need to take this long!



It doesnt have to be huge things, but continue to consider, if a huge amount of players keep asking for something, be it in game balance changes, item requests like capes (horse mounts perhaps?), or ui/quality of life changes, it will be so good for Guild wars!




My request - the log in screen be updated to today's standards. Let us set "favourite" characters, that don't move back when they are no longer the most recently logged on toon on our acc. Let us "lock" characters in places if we wish, so that we know exactly where our characters are. Its a small thing, compared to letting CAPES that can be DYED in the game!



But yeah, credit where credit is due. Good job Arenanet. Even though I hate your lack of content, and people may hate on the gemstore locking (the guild capes are tiny and pathetic), you guys did a good thing!

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Capes are not content. I'm happy for all who wanted them and everyone who's enjoying it. I'm happy ANet gets some funding to keep the game I love rolling. But gemstore skins are not the same as content. It's not like they fixed anything by releasing a skin. Sorry if I'm not hyped about it.

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I could deal with the gold/commendation price but its just so ugly that im never going to use it... Why is it so short? What pisses me off the most is they released a normal looking cape on the gemstore at the same time as this ridiculous looking trash... idk if anyone else noticed but i think it looks stupid on a charr, it curves for no reason in mid-air...

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