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Temporarily add -33% outgoing damage or unable to crit while having revealed till balance patch

The Ace.9105

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Pvp is super unfun when there's stealth classes that have the ability to just 100 to 0 you alone from stealth. Mainly power mesmer that was once like this in core but was quickly nerfed cause it made the game so unfun. Also, thief already has high damage in out of stealth burst and ranger also benefits too much from stealth.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> Pvp is super unfun when there's stealth classes that have the ability to just 100 to 0 you alone from stealth. Mainly power mesmer that was once like this in core but was quickly nerfed cause it made the game so unfun. Also, thief already has high damage in out of stealth burst and ranger also benefits too much from stealth.


That'd be a buff to warrior tho


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Whaaaat? Another thread calling for out-of-stealth damage reduction? Crazy. Almost forgetting the fact that Thief has traits designed around gaining more benefits WHEN revealed, like say, increased power? Besides, it's much easier to call for nerfs than learning the predictable burst rotations of profession builds relying on stealth as an opener for most of their damage. o/ Hate to put that dodge button to good use.

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Just, something else to throw out there since others have pointed it out. You'd basically be creating just yet another problem temporarily for the game, as there are multiple skills spread across several professions that can apply Revealed to targets regardless of stealth or not. Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Ranger, Revenant, Guardian; all those professions have means of putting Revealed on one or more targets regardless of if they have stealth or not. Most of those mentioned have large health pools, or various other forms of damage mitigation. You'd also have to also make it so revealed reduced damage/prevented crits for EVERY profession, not just the ones with access to stealth, and you'd likely also have to include Condition damage in that damage reduction formula. Just to keeps things balanced. So you'd essentially be boosting the survivability of those professions by granting them yet more damage mitigation, forcing an unintended bunker meta.

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there is no any point to reduce some damage, because how I understand after path they damage can be be more increased if check it not by absolute value, but by rate.

Also yesterday I play all day spvp , and don't meet any powerful stealth class, who onehit me.

May be at first you need check yours build, add some toughness, vitality and protection runes?

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> You know Engi can apply reveal to you without you even stealthing, right? =)


> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > You know Engi can apply reveal to you without you even stealthing, right? =)


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Sic_%27Em!%22

> kekW


These "issues" can be fixed by differentiating "active reveal" from "passive reveal".

The active reveal would be whenever a player X gets revealed **whilst he is in stealth mode**

The passive reveal would be the opposite.

The x% damage reduction would only be applied to the active reveal.

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > You know Engi can apply reveal to you without you even stealthing, right? =)


> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > You know Engi can apply reveal to you without you even stealthing, right? =)

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Sic_%27Em!%22

> > kekW


> These "issues" can be fixed by differentiating "active reveal" from "passive reveal".

> The active reveal would be whenever a player X gets revealed **whilst he is in stealth mode**

> The passive reveal would be the opposite.

> The x% damage reduction would only be applied to the active reveal.


You can wait for stealth to wear off and attack right after it does to not get revealed.

all this is a shit workoraund that doesnt even work in the first place


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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Exhaustion after 2 consecutive evade skills or actual dodges? This might seem alittle more fair. So they just spam evade frame one after another. Then still have teleports and more evades to back out and wait for initiative then do it all over again.....they needs exhaustion! Much like mesmer does!


i can feel your salt lol


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This is stupid


If you want to add a damage reduction to any thing it should be skills that make the player invulnerable for more than a half second like distortion, obsidian flesh, etc

Invulns that allow offensive pressure without skill restriction or retaliation for long periods should be the things that cause self damage reduction.


This idea is aimed completely in the wrong direction as just an outcry for something that wont change the outcome in most cases.


Once the stealth attack is complete the majority of the damage is already done you are likely still going to die even with a 33% reduction from meme builds all this will do is hurt people who dont play abusive stealth builds tbh.


Even if anet did this insane idea all it does is push more people to pistol whip spam which will be the next big target because what else do they have to use. Im not a fan of pistolwhip spam myself but i mean how can i blame people when others keep removing thiefs other options. After pistolwhip it will prob be evasive d/d and then people will cry about that too.



As far as mesmer 1 shot builds go thats a whole separate problem as to why the f1 damage ramps so high with only one clone spawned the eaiest way to fix mesmer one shot is drop the damage scaling on the f1 with 1 clone and up its scaling with 3 clones meaning 1 shot burst are simply not possible. IT really makes no sense why the f1 with one shatter can do 5k-7k crits from a single clone and the player. This would be the proper quick fix for that not this silly damage reduction on reveal.


Even if anet did this change people could just wait for stealth to time out naturally and time their burst perfectly with that to prevent the reduction form occurring this 33% reveal reduction solves nothing.

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I don't think your suggestion is the right solution but stealth is really too OP in this game. Think about it. Imagine playing tennis but you couldn't see the ball until the moment it hits your side of the court. In any person vs person scenario the one with the most information has a huge advantage. Stealth strips all information from the opponent and makes them rely completely on luck and divination instead of their own knowledge and skills. When you lose to this it doesn't feel good. It just feels like you got unlucky on trying to guess when they would engage on you. Stealth honestly needs a completely different redesign. Perhaps you only become 50% invisible so that way you can still be seen if people are paying attention but you can't be crit and get pulsing stab while in stealth.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I don't think your suggestion is the right solution but stealth is really too OP in this game. Think about it. Imagine playing tennis but you couldn't see the ball until the moment it hits your side of the court. In any person vs person scenario the one with the most information has a huge advantage. Stealth strips all information from the opponent and makes them rely completely on luck and divination instead of their own knowledge and skills. When you lose to this it doesn't feel good. It just feels like you got unlucky on trying to guess when they would engage on you. Stealth honestly needs a completely different redesign. Perhaps you only become 50% invisible so that way you can still be seen if people are paying attention but you can't be crit and get pulsing stab while in stealth.


This is truth but people wont ever see it this way especially if they use the mechanic a lot in this game with explosive exploitation.

Because its fun having the power role. Stealth immediately (in most cases and in most matchups) gives that person the power role completely with minimal chances of counter-play. The few professions who can counter-play it easily being hearld rev, and engi. but even then its more of a guess in a lot of cases and should your 1 attempt fail you are SoL till they attack.


Stealth truthfully does need a rework and the current version of stealth should be limited to thief only and with proper trade off investment (perhaps naturally in smaller amounts)


Personally if it was up to me i would do it something like this (taken with a grain of salt of course) im not a game designer but...


The game needs 2 types of stealth mechanical play.


**1: Camouflaged:** has translucent silhouette of player almost as if looking at a player under stealth on your team (this is harder to see at beyond the 900 range but not impossible to see) meaning if you really look you can see them but they cant be directly targeted by skills (this voids well over 50% of all attacks in the game if it cant cleave it you cant use it against them) while under the effects.

Camo. is gained by blasting or leaping in smoke fields and by most common skills such as decoy, the prestige, hunters shot ,blinding powder, elixer toss, etc.

Camo gained by combo finishers has a slightly longer duration than the base effect we see from stealth right now.


**2: Stealth:** This is the real deal true invisibility. ITs is gained my more rare skills and a few traits like shadows refuge, Stealth Gyro, Mass invisibility, Shadow Meld, Silent scope, Hide in Shadows, etc. This kind of stealth is more rare to other professions and mostly exclusive to thief. This works the same way as it always has just now it requires investment and is not possible to perma stack it through things like smoke combo fields. Camo will not overwrite stealth effects but stealth can overwrite the camo effect.


**Reveal** still removes stealth but does not remove camouflage. Reveal will allow a players to directly target someone under the camouflage effect for its duration though. (think of this like seeing and being able to target the red silhouettes of the HoT mobs that are under stealth once you learn the mastery). Attacking from camo applies self reveal that prevents re-entry for a duration.


**Shadow arts** and a few other traits get a rework to boost camouflage duration but not stealth duration and boost effects for thieves such as having a minor evade on initial camo entry, taking reduced or non critical strikes while in camouflage and or stealth, recovering health and increased movement speed while under camouflage. Possibly even gaining something like when dropping from stealth without attacking first enter camouflaged for a few seconds or Attacking from camouflaged delays its removal for a few (like 2) seconds. Of course i dont really mean all of these at the same time but these are just randomly thrown ideas.


**Stealth attacks** are available in both methods though perhaps we see a rework to those attacks to to not make them so situational. For example backstab flipping to a different skill while under camo that does not require hitting a person in the back to gain some kind of bonus because lets face it that wont happen if you can see the silhouette of the player. This would require more work and effort but i mean it would be necessary to this concept for thief.


The goal of this would be for true stealth to be more unique to thief while also taking a back seat as the more rare effect in the stealthy aspect of the game giving them an edge with the mechanic. Even the Camouflaged effect would provide thief with additional means of sustain while allowing some skilled level of counter-play thats not guessing blinding or hoping to get that one reveal proc from x skill.

For other professions the "Camouflaged" effect would have the base benefit such as ignoring direct targeting which cuts out a massive percentage of skills in the game while also allowing some counter play. (you dont get away with insane things with no tell) Some weapons are even entirely voided without a direct target so the applications for this lesser stealth would still great benefit and keeps them from having the same prowess as thief with the same mechanic.


Other professions have more counter-play naturally opened up as their sustain through stealth becomes slightly lesser but not completely removed and will no longer commonly have the same effectiveness as thief all the time when it comes to sneak attacks or disengage.


Im ready for the "bad idea" Slaughter fest gg wp :cry:


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > I don't think your suggestion is the right solution but stealth is really too OP in this game. Think about it. Imagine playing tennis but you couldn't see the ball until the moment it hits your side of the court. In any person vs person scenario the one with the most information has a huge advantage. Stealth strips all information from the opponent and makes them rely completely on luck and divination instead of their own knowledge and skills. When you lose to this it doesn't feel good. It just feels like you got unlucky on trying to guess when they would engage on you. Stealth honestly needs a completely different redesign. Perhaps you only become 50% invisible so that way you can still be seen if people are paying attention but you can't be crit and get pulsing stab while in stealth.


> This is truth but people wont ever see it this way especially if they use the mechanic a lot in this game with explosive exploitation.

> Because its fun having the power role. Stealth immediately (in most cases and in most matchups) gives that person the power role completely with minimal chances of counter-play. The few professions who can counter-play it easily being hearld rev, and engi. but even then its more of a guess in a lot of cases and should your 1 attempt fail you are SoL till they attack.


> Stealth truthfully does need a rework and the current version of stealth should be limited to thief only and with proper trade off investment (perhaps naturally in smaller amounts)


> Personally if it was up to me i would do it something like this (taken with a grain of salt of course) im not a game designer but...


> The game needs 2 types of stealth mechanical play.


> **1: Camouflaged:** has translucent silhouette of player almost as if looking at a player under stealth on your team (this is harder to see at beyond the 900 range but not impossible to see) meaning if you really look you can see them but they cant be directly targeted by skills (this voids well over 50% of all attacks in the game if it cant cleave it you cant use it against them) while under the effects.

> Camo. is gained by blasting or leaping in smoke fields and by most common skills such as decoy, the prestige, hunters shot ,blinding powder, elixer toss, etc.

> Camo gained by combo finishers has a slightly longer duration than the base effect we see from stealth right now.


> **2: Stealth:** This is the real deal true invisibility. ITs is gained my more rare skills and a few traits like shadows refuge, Stealth Gyro, Mass invisibility, Shadow Meld, Silent scope, Hide in Shadows, etc. This kind of stealth is more rare to other professions and mostly exclusive to thief. This works the same way as it always has just now it requires investment and is not possible to perma stack it through things like smoke combo fields. Camo will not overwrite stealth effects but stealth can overwrite the camo effect.


> **Reveal** still removes stealth but does not remove camouflage. Reveal will allow a players to directly target someone under the camouflage effect for its duration though. (think of this like seeing and being able to target the red silhouettes of the HoT mobs that are under stealth once you learn the mastery). Attacking from camo applies self reveal that prevents re-entry for a duration.


> **Shadow arts** and a few other traits get a rework to boost camouflage duration but not stealth duration and boost effects for thieves such as having a minor evade on initial camo entry, taking reduced or non critical strikes while in camouflage and or stealth, recovering health and increased movement speed while under camouflage. Possibly even gaining something like when dropping from stealth without attacking first enter camouflaged for a few seconds or Attacking from camouflaged delays its removal for a few (like 2) seconds. Of course i dont really mean all of these at the same time but these are just randomly thrown ideas.


> **Stealth attacks** are available in both methods though perhaps we see a rework to those attacks to to not make them so situational. For example backstab flipping to a different skill while under camo that does not require hitting a person in the back to gain some kind of bonus because lets face it that wont happen if you can see the silhouette of the player. This would require more work and effort but i mean it would be necessary to this concept for thief.


> The goal of this would be for true stealth to be more unique to thief while also taking a back seat as the more rare effect in the stealthy aspect of the game giving them an edge with the mechanic. Even the Camouflaged effect would provide thief with additional means of sustain while allowing some skilled level of counter-play thats not guessing blinding or hoping to get that one reveal proc from x skill.

> For other professions the "Camouflaged" effect would have the base benefit such as ignoring direct targeting which cuts out a massive percentage of skills in the game while also allowing some counter play. (you dont get away with insane things with no tell) Some weapons are even entirely voided without a direct target so the applications for this lesser stealth would still great benefit and keeps them from having the same prowess as thief with the same mechanic.


> Other professions have more counter-play naturally opened up as their sustain through stealth becomes slightly lesser but not completely removed and will no longer commonly have the same effectiveness as thief all the time when it comes to sneak attacks or disengage.


> Im ready for the "bad idea" Slaughter fest gg wp :cry:



It's fine. Camo sounds fun. All I'm worried about is that I will need better access to sustain and damage mitigation. Stealth -is- annoying, but under that stealth is a thief/mes that is basically praying you don't cleave him because they don't have any damage reduction and are using that lack of visual -as- their damage mitigation.

If I can just see a thief by looking really closely (or by messing with my graphics settings), and any cleave I do just goes straight to his HP pool, I don't think that's good design.


If that issue is addressed, I really don't care how visible I am on thief. I'm well aware we hard counter Necros as they currently stand. Any suggestion that pretends that thief has a bunch of sustain because it "has a bunch of dodges" in a world where lots of casts are almost instant/almost instant with quickness/hard to see is a hard no from me though.




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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > I don't think your suggestion is the right solution but stealth is really too OP in this game. Think about it. Imagine playing tennis but you couldn't see the ball until the moment it hits your side of the court. In any person vs person scenario the one with the most information has a huge advantage. Stealth strips all information from the opponent and makes them rely completely on luck and divination instead of their own knowledge and skills. When you lose to this it doesn't feel good. It just feels like you got unlucky on trying to guess when they would engage on you. Stealth honestly needs a completely different redesign. Perhaps you only become 50% invisible so that way you can still be seen if people are paying attention but you can't be crit and get pulsing stab while in stealth.

> >

> > This is truth but people wont ever see it this way especially if they use the mechanic a lot in this game with explosive exploitation.

> > Because its fun having the power role. Stealth immediately (in most cases and in most matchups) gives that person the power role completely with minimal chances of counter-play. The few professions who can counter-play it easily being hearld rev, and engi. but even then its more of a guess in a lot of cases and should your 1 attempt fail you are SoL till they attack.

> >

> > Stealth truthfully does need a rework and the current version of stealth should be limited to thief only and with proper trade off investment (perhaps naturally in smaller amounts)

> >

> > Personally if it was up to me i would do it something like this (taken with a grain of salt of course) im not a game designer but...

> >

> > The game needs 2 types of stealth mechanical play.

> >

> > **1: Camouflaged:** has translucent silhouette of player almost as if looking at a player under stealth on your team (this is harder to see at beyond the 900 range but not impossible to see) meaning if you really look you can see them but they cant be directly targeted by skills (this voids well over 50% of all attacks in the game if it cant cleave it you cant use it against them) while under the effects.

> > Camo. is gained by blasting or leaping in smoke fields and by most common skills such as decoy, the prestige, hunters shot ,blinding powder, elixer toss, etc.

> > Camo gained by combo finishers has a slightly longer duration than the base effect we see from stealth right now.

> >

> > **2: Stealth:** This is the real deal true invisibility. ITs is gained my more rare skills and a few traits like shadows refuge, Stealth Gyro, Mass invisibility, Shadow Meld, Silent scope, Hide in Shadows, etc. This kind of stealth is more rare to other professions and mostly exclusive to thief. This works the same way as it always has just now it requires investment and is not possible to perma stack it through things like smoke combo fields. Camo will not overwrite stealth effects but stealth can overwrite the camo effect.

> >

> > **Reveal** still removes stealth but does not remove camouflage. Reveal will allow a players to directly target someone under the camouflage effect for its duration though. (think of this like seeing and being able to target the red silhouettes of the HoT mobs that are under stealth once you learn the mastery). Attacking from camo applies self reveal that prevents re-entry for a duration.

> >

> > **Shadow arts** and a few other traits get a rework to boost camouflage duration but not stealth duration and boost effects for thieves such as having a minor evade on initial camo entry, taking reduced or non critical strikes while in camouflage and or stealth, recovering health and increased movement speed while under camouflage. Possibly even gaining something like when dropping from stealth without attacking first enter camouflaged for a few seconds or Attacking from camouflaged delays its removal for a few (like 2) seconds. Of course i dont really mean all of these at the same time but these are just randomly thrown ideas.

> >

> > **Stealth attacks** are available in both methods though perhaps we see a rework to those attacks to to not make them so situational. For example backstab flipping to a different skill while under camo that does not require hitting a person in the back to gain some kind of bonus because lets face it that wont happen if you can see the silhouette of the player. This would require more work and effort but i mean it would be necessary to this concept for thief.

> >

> > The goal of this would be for true stealth to be more unique to thief while also taking a back seat as the more rare effect in the stealthy aspect of the game giving them an edge with the mechanic. Even the Camouflaged effect would provide thief with additional means of sustain while allowing some skilled level of counter-play thats not guessing blinding or hoping to get that one reveal proc from x skill.

> > For other professions the "Camouflaged" effect would have the base benefit such as ignoring direct targeting which cuts out a massive percentage of skills in the game while also allowing some counter play. (you dont get away with insane things with no tell) Some weapons are even entirely voided without a direct target so the applications for this lesser stealth would still great benefit and keeps them from having the same prowess as thief with the same mechanic.

> >

> > Other professions have more counter-play naturally opened up as their sustain through stealth becomes slightly lesser but not completely removed and will no longer commonly have the same effectiveness as thief all the time when it comes to sneak attacks or disengage.

> >

> > Im ready for the "bad idea" Slaughter fest gg wp :cry:

> >


> It's fine. Camo sounds fun. All I'm worried about is that I will need better access to sustain and damage mitigation. Stealth -is- annoying, but under that stealth is a thief/mes that is basically praying you don't cleave him because they don't have any damage reduction and are using that lack of visual -as- their damage mitigation.

> If I can just see a thief by looking really closely (or by messing with my graphics settings), and any cleave I do just goes straight to his HP pool, I don't think that's good design.


> If that issue is addressed, I really don't care how visible I am on thief.





That's why I was thinking it should prevent crit damage and possibly give you 1 sec of 1 stack of stab ever one seconds. How are you going to crit on someone you can't really see? The bit stab would prevent them from just getting instantly CC locked but could get hit by chain CC's if not careful.

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