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Draconic Weapon Skins


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I think they're inspired by the Draconic Scythe in GW1: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Draconic_Scythe (No idea why I can't get a link to the image working, but you can see it on that page.)


The staff is identical and the rest have a similar style, especially the dragon head.


(Now I'm tempted to get the staff, and remake my GW1 dervish as a revenant.)

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Compaire them to the recolour of the festival lul.


Recolors are perfectly valid since we have no means of coloring weapons ourselves. Praise having more options. It's a simple way for them to add things for people to enjoy and work towards, without massively restructuring their rewards for festival content.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Also, am I the only one that wants the current shield but without the dragon head part?

No. Just like I'm not the only one that detests the pokey spikes on shoulder items, especially outfits where you can't remove them. Sometime I really wonder whom the devs listen to when they come up with these ideas.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Also, am I the only one that wants the current shield but without the dragon head part?

> No. Just like I'm not the only one that detests the pokey spikes on shoulder items, especially outfits where you can't remove them. Sometime I really wonder whom the devs listen to when they come up with these ideas.



Using process of elimination we are two people closer to the answer... I like the concept on these skins but they don't quite work for me. Something about them is off for my taste. I can't pinpoint what exactly.

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What is sad is that a scythe designed by a fan for an ingame reward and added ingame as a reward for a difficult 12 man "raid" is now being used to promote rng lootboxes 10 years later. I understand part of contest was any submissions would now be owned by arenanet, but it is annoying that anet is making actual money from an item designed by a player.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> What is sad is that a scythe designed by a fan for an ingame reward and added ingame as a reward for a difficult 12 man "raid" is now being used to promote rng lootboxes 10 years later. I understand part of contest was any submissions would now be owned by arenanet, but it is annoying that anet is making actual money from an item designed by a player.


It was also a reward for completing Factions, so roughly equivalent to GW2's Pact weapons.


I don't like black lion chests but I was actually thinking it's cool that they liked the design enough to not only re-use it but to adapt it into an entire set of weapons and it's a pretty big compliment to the original artist that they thought it was worth doing that.

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