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Can't get into other MMOs after GW2

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I started with Lineage II and that type of Korean masochism. Luckily I stopped because that stuff just ruins your life. The guild castle siege type pvp and open world assassinations were awesome and it really did wonders for the community, guild rivalries and the drama but it required to give up your life to be able to stay competitive.


Then came Wow. From late vanilla to end of woltk I played it exclusively, soon after woltk I quit. Great game at start when it was actually a rpg with people doing all sorts of stuff in open world. There was quality pve (instanced and open world), open world pvp with all the drama and they added decent pvp modes. But then with flying mounts and main focus on raids it just became waiting for the next raid wing and grinding new tier of gear. You can only suffer that many expansions of that. Pvp I always liked but I always missed the chaos of large scale pvp or open world drama. There are better games out there that focus on competitive strict X vs X pvp. I always liked the chaos of a mmorpg slugfest.


GW2 at first I thought I won't like it. No real gear progression, carebear PVE without drama. How is this even a mmorpg? Well it is and a freaking good one. The design is just good. All content relevant, incentive to work together and ability to hop into any late game activity pretty much immediately is just so good. Pvp is fine. It's a mmorpg I don't expect to be on par with pvp exclusive games. The only thing I miss is some kind of development of WvW. They don't even need to change maps or add new content often, just add some incentive to fight for your guild and your server. Some impact on the world outside of WvW. Doesn't need to be game advantage or monetary gain, just some means to show everyone that "we are bad ass and we own this place".

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It was a bit difficult to get into FFXIV, but I'm glad I made the switch. As you may know, the vanilla storyline for FFXIV (2.0 patches) is pretty meh. Every player knows this. However the same thing can be said for GW2's story... the intro sequences did not do justice. The story does get better after the ARR story line, and that is a fact.


The combat system in FFXIV is slow at first with the GCDs, but when oGCDs are introduced into the classes it requires more attention, and creates a high ceiling for rotation refinement. Every class is unique, and there are a LOT of classes.


While bosses in FFXIV are set in rooms, such as circular rooms, some bosses especially raids have very interesting mechanics. Trials are like lite-raids, easy enough for the general population but busy enough to not be a breeze. Elite hunts/marks are far more intriguing because the rewards are better, and some have interesting spawn conditions.


The gear treadmill is not really an issue for me. I started FFXIV in September of 2019 and I already have nearly max ilvl for my Black Mage, AND this is with very slow progression through the game. I was caught into another class (Fishing) and Blue Mage which deterred me away from leveling my combat classes. Even then, it's not really a grind. Yes, you do have to repeat content sometimes, but you absolutely do not need to grind to make gil in FFXIV. Some gear does require repetition of trials or raids, but that is optional, you can obtain gear of the same stats through crafting or the Market Board. You can also rely on daily roulettes for the tokens needed to buy the gear. The time between patches is MONTHS, that is a pretty lengthy break to store gil in prep for the next gear.


Lastly, the Duty Finder is a tremendous boon. The roulette system encourages players to repeat content whether it is old or new. This ensures content never dies and will always remain active despite FFXIV's age. Yes, dungeons and trials are mandatory to progress the Main Story. I find it fun though, like a breath of fresh air coming from GW2's disappointingly single-player campaign.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away. Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.


lol, you can't really call it an MMO without the grind and GW2 also has a grindfest (i.e. Masteries). Albeit it's not as grindy as other MMOs, but it's still a grind especially the HoT masteries -- a lot of useless masteries, waste a lot of my time. Everything from PoF and beyond are all acceptable grind, even the Griffon and Skyscale mount.


GW2 is lacking gear progression, build depth, and rich story telling that other MMOs have.


Of course, this is a subjective topic. If you enjoy GW2, then you found your MMO. I play other MMOs so I tend to bounce around. Last-last weekend, I was playing GW1 and last weekend I was playing BDO. There's nothing to do in GW2 until the next update.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> That meta starts every 2 hours tho if i recall right, so its not that bad.


It's 2 hours, yeah. Some rare cycles, like world bosses, are 3 hours, which sucks if you need a specific boss for a collection.

But if I log on at 1:30 to go? That's *90 minutes* of waiting around for the one thing I want to do. I can accomplish so much more in that time going somewhere else.

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I came here from SWTOR, and gradually quit playing that game after starting this one. I still loved the story of SWTOR (pretty much the only reason I played; never got into PVP or raids), but...it has a lot of bad memories attached to it from real-life drama.

That and there are STILL some major visual glitches that severely impact my enjoyment of that game (paid money to change how my character looks to escape those glitches...and it's still wrong. *Long story*). BioWare's bone-headed, never-my-fault way of dealing with those glitches was infuriating. BioWare openly mocking me and a large group of fans who really liked one specific character, was also infuriating. ...BioWare/EA in general was infuriating.


I've been thinking about getting into LOTRO because I *love* the lore, but I have no idea how much it costs or if it's a subscription-based game...if the latter, forget it. Part of the reason why I've stayed with GW2 is because it *isn't* subscription-based. I can leave for days, weeks, months at a time and not waste money on a game I'm not playing.


So...yeah, for the foreseeable future, GW2 will remain my main MMO. Actually my main game in general, unless I finally get back into GreedFall...but that's only temporary.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > I want things to do in Gw2 and BDO gave me goals. All I read here is people liking the combat and that's it. I wanted things to do. Lifeskilling, grinding, trading, horse breeding, RP, PvP, socializing, fishing, traveling, everything and more.

> >

> > Gw2 is such a downgrade rn and even though certainly is not the best and has horrid flaws of its own, you can't make me go back to dated models, dated graphics, and no sense of gear progression. Just yuck. I'm glad I'm out of my gw2 rut tbh, never been happier and haven't looked back.


> Isn't BDO all about the grind though? Also, the PvP seems super gear dependent to the point where a higher gear score can carry you


And that's what I want. The rewards they give me make me want to grind. The stuff here doesn't bring me joy. It makes me bored. I don't feel like I achieved anything here. The skins are ugly, and infusions makes people look like walking color storms. At least in BDO, everything is toned down and I don't have to watch people be literal piles of glitter on my screen. Not trying to convince people here to go to BDO because honestly no one here likes the same grind I do, but GW2 is just dry now.


And yes, PvP is gear dependent but lifeskilling has been upgraded to the point where people can lifeskill their way to being rich. Even had released lifeskill gear. People don't gank as much because all the stupidly high geared folks are busy amongst themselves so you don't ever have to worry. You do your own thing casually and at your own pace. The game is what you make it, and it gave me stuff to do. Something I can honestly say gw2 doesn't give me anymore due to their obsession with the gem store.



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > What colour is the grass when you are actually standing on that side? :wink:

> >

> > Yup ... as much as people want to dump on GW2 ... it's a good game and it's hard to break away from.

> >

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > GW2 is my last MMO, if i leave im done, my "alternative" for gw2 is basically offline games like Hearts of Iron IV and older RTS games, i still play Total Anihilation! lolz.

> >

> > Yeah, to bad paradox ruined the research system and unit hierarchy in HOI4.


> It is a good game. On second thought, I'll call it a _great_ game. But ANet has the consistency of a drunk guy throwing darts. The game also suffers from a chronic lack of development support.


I will agree with that ... game is very inconsistent in how it delivers content to players for many different parameters of the game. I'm not sure how you define development support (bug fixing?) but the fact is that the money is not made supporting existing content, it's made developing new content.


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One particular way GW2 has spoiled me for other MMOs is GW2's lack of a grindy end game. I'll admit, I was looking hard at Archeage Unlimited recently, until I heard that you have to put in two or three hours of grinding every day just to stay kept up, and the solution to making money was "Make more accounts to grind!" That right there was two strikes before I even bought AU -- in fact, I abandoned my Lifetime membership in Star Trek Online for the very same reasons -- so I didn't bother with AU and I'm still in GW2. Because at this late stage of my gaming life, I refuse to let gaming be a second full time job for which I pay instead of getting paid.

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For me it has less to do with GW2 being amazing, and more to do with:


1. I've played other MMORPGs to a fairly hardcore degree already (WoW, for example)

2. Others I find mediocre (FFXIV, for example)

3. Many of the other games that I liked are either dead, or so close to death (or changed business model so drastically) that they aren't worth playing

4. Nothing else worth playing has recently released.


So I'm on a kind of haitus from MMORPGs. I'm kind of thinking about just switching over to console full-time and gaming a bit more casually, while enjoying a bit more outside life :-P


I think that is likely to happen for me, once the next generations of consoles release later this year.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> One particular way GW2 has spoiled me for other MMOs is GW2's lack of a grindy end game. I'll admit, I was looking hard at Archeage Unlimited recently, until I heard that you have to put in two or three hours of grinding every day just to stay kept up, and the solution to making money was "Make more accounts to grind!" That right there was two strikes before I even bought AU -- in fact, I abandoned my Lifetime membership in Star Trek Online for the very same reasons -- so I didn't bother with AU and I'm still in GW2. Because at this late stage of my gaming life, I refuse to let gaming be a second full time job for which I pay instead of getting paid.


The other side of that is that it doesn't feel like that is any reason to play unless you're a PvPer. The game really lacks that "accomplishment" feeling when you play it, compared to others where you have to work a little more to do things like gear up your character. The entire experience feels generic, because too much is just handed to the player.


Then they add in these mundane side tasks to fill in the gaps.

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Counterpoint: accomplishment is what you choose to make it. Making a legendary. Finally beating that effin' jumping puzzle. Finishing a story episode. Simply having a fun night doing silly stuff with your guild. Accomplishment in GW2 is tied to what YOU want to do with your time, not a cut and dried grind up the gear ladder like WoW.


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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Counterpoint: accomplishment is what you choose to make it. Making a legendary. Finally beating that effin' jumping puzzle. Finishing a story episode. Simply having a fun night doing silly stuff with your guild. Accomplishment in GW2 is tied to what YOU want to do with your time, not a cut and dried grind up the gear ladder like WoW.



Well said. Wouldn't want it any other way. That's why I don't play other MMO's.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> > Only other MMO I play is Lord of the Rings Online.

> > Not the greatest MMO by all means, but being a huge fan of Middle Earth, there is no other game that does story adaptation better than LOTRO.


> I use to love playing LOTRO. I honestly have no clue why I stopped playing.


I used to love playing LOTRO too, I was invited to the LOTRO closed beta and it was a good opportunity to see if it's "worth it". Then Turbine's community manager gave me access codes (1000 of them!) to spread the love for the upcoming next close beta, which was to be invite-only. I don't remember if there was an open beta after that, I was too busy at the time, but if there was I think they let us use closed beta characters because I don't recall making new ones for the open beta. Also, NDA was lifted and I could finally talk about the game freely. And then the release day, oh boy the anticipation, I haven't been more hyped (for an MMO) until the Guild Wars 2 closed beta.


I stopped playing for various reasons, accumulating over time, but the final straw was when they added legendary armor to PVP (teal tier, epic?) effectively... killing PVP. How ironic adding top tier reward in PVP killed it. That was before the first expansion, I read it got better, then it got worse when it went free to play, but lost track of it.

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I love gw2s grind. It can be done at any pace for any reward. Jumping puzzles, legendarios, achievements, skins, emotes, and money. I just wish there was some more for minis and glider skins.

I can play when I want and get as many goals as I want.

I'm bdo the grind is more monotone. If you want a specific goal you have to do the same action tediously over and over again.

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> Only other MMO I play is Lord of the Rings Online.

> Not the greatest MMO by all means, but being a huge fan of Middle Earth, there is no other game that does story adaptation better than LOTRO.


You'll be happy to know that AGS (Amazon Game Studios) is cooking up something from before LOTRO events, based on the new series probably (2021 maybe).

They're also developing New World atm, an MMO with action based combat and no premade classes, estimated to air on May.

Both AAA titles, let's see if they deliver.

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I have this same problem/addiction/frustration. I've been playing GW2 for 7 years non stop, that's almost twice as much as my last 2 MMOs put together, FFXI and FFXIV which I played for 3.5 and 1.5 years respectively, and tbh I'm bored with GW2 right now. Maybe cause I've done almost everything there is to do in the game. I'm past the 35k AP mark, and not a lot of stuff left to do that I haven't done tried. I was always looking forward for each new LS episode, that means there's new stuff to do, more achievements to complete, but this last LS was so short, I was able to complete everything in less than 2 days.


I've tried to go play other MMOs, even other single player games, but I just can't get into them. That says a lot of things... maybe I'm addicted to GW2, maybe I can't handle change, but this game has been great all these years, I really enjoyed playing it, the play style, etc. so that has to do a lot with it, but I feel the game has been on decline since PoF came out, making it bland and boring for people that have been playing for so long. Just needs something to spice it up a bit.


I heard about that Amazon game, sounds interesting so I might give it a try. I just tried BDO over the holidays and I just can't get into that style, like Tera and others that they just look and feel as copies of each other and doesn't have the uniqueness of GW2.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > I want things to do in Gw2 and BDO gave me goals. All I read here is people liking the combat and that's it. I wanted things to do. Lifeskilling, grinding, trading, horse breeding, RP, PvP, socializing, fishing, traveling, everything and more.

> > >

> > > Gw2 is such a downgrade rn and even though certainly is not the best and has horrid flaws of its own, you can't make me go back to dated models, dated graphics, and no sense of gear progression. Just yuck. I'm glad I'm out of my gw2 rut tbh, never been happier and haven't looked back.

> >

> > Isn't BDO all about the grind though? Also, the PvP seems super gear dependent to the point where a higher gear score can carry you


> And that's what I want. The rewards they give me make me want to grind. The stuff here doesn't bring me joy. It makes me bored. I don't feel like I achieved anything here. The skins are ugly, and infusions makes people look like walking color storms. At least in BDO, everything is toned down and I don't have to watch people be literal piles of glitter on my screen. Not trying to convince people here to go to BDO because honestly no one here likes the same grind I do, but GW2 is just dry now.


> And yes, PvP is gear dependent but lifeskilling has been upgraded to the point where people can lifeskill their way to being rich. Even had released lifeskill gear. People don't gank as much because all the stupidly high geared folks are busy amongst themselves so you don't ever have to worry. You do your own thing casually and at your own pace. The game is what you make it, and it gave me stuff to do. Something I can honestly say gw2 doesn't give me anymore due to their obsession with the gem store.




Fair point, but consider this:

When you're playing that or any game (including GW2), are you thinking about what you're *doing*? or what you're *going* to do? Do you think "I love this activity/action and I hope I get to do that again/longer." or are you thinking "I wish I could just get through this so I can finally get/do/make that thing I want and be done with this!" One of those is a positive growth experience that brings joy. The other is an assigned task holding joy hostage from you to make it look bigger.


In my experience, if something is going to make me do real work for fake rewards, then I would rather be doing my real job. (and I hate my job...)

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It'll probably sound stupid since but one of the things I've always found best with GW2 is the class design and there's really nothing else out there that comes close to it in my opinion. That's of course not to say that the classes are all that well balanced at times, but aesthetically they're really top notch in looks and theme.

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> @"Xenash.1245" said:

> It'll probably sound stupid since but one of the things I've always found best with GW2 is the class design and there's really nothing else out there that comes close to it in my opinion. That's of course not to say that the classes are all that well balanced at times, but aesthetically they're really top notch in looks and theme.


You must be new :)


It’s interesting cause gw2 class balance atm are really f up, I can build to win at first second massive mobility killing with autos, what is possible to achieve is actually one of the most broken mmos for pvp, with just a few practice some builds can carry the most or unskilled players, I am not a good player and I have won due build damage and condi spam, not due personal skill.


Hot and forward changes made game less and less skilled.


On the upside topic of the thread gw2 pvp is so bad that a prefer to spend time in other games.


I don’t mind to loose to better players, but wining or loosing 90% due build performance that’s how I feel being even on the winning side when i lame up.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Xenash.1245" said:

> > It'll probably sound stupid since but one of the things I've always found best with GW2 is the class design and there's really nothing else out there that comes close to it in my opinion. That's of course not to say that the classes are all that well balanced at times, but aesthetically they're really top notch in looks and theme.


> You must be new :)


> It’s interesting cause gw2 class balance atm are really f up, I can build to win at first second massive mobility killing with autos, what is possible to achieve is actually one of the most broken mmos for pvp, with just a few practice some builds can carry the most or unskilled players, I am not a good player and I have won due build damage and condi spam, not due personal skill.


> Hot and forward changes made game less and less skilled.


> On the upside topic of the thread gw2 pvp is so bad that a prefer to spend time in other games.


> I don’t mind to loose to better players, but wining or loosing 90% due build performance that’s how I feel being even on the winning side when i lame up.

And on top of that Anet has painted themselves into a corner with elite specs as there is little to no way to balance them without gutting them, hence why we keep seeing situations where class X with traitlines A/B/C is considered weak and rarely played, but traitlines A/B/D is super OP and top meta... so lets nerf traitlines A/B to balance it. And if you buff them to make that weak build viable well A/B/D become that much stronger...


The class design *was* good.


Now, not so much.


IMO the old traitlines was superior with how they made you either go wide across all lines for low/mid tier traits or go deep in one or two lines to focus on higher tier traits.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Anyone else finding it difficult to get into other MMOs after playing Guild Wars 2? I tried to get into ESO, but I like being able to get into PvP right away. Moreover, the lack of grind in GW2 makes me appreciate it over any other MMORPG. I just can't play any other MMO now.


GW2 has been slowly sucking me out of WoW. So yeah. I agree.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> When you're playing that or any game (including GW2), are you thinking about what you're *doing*? or what you're *going* to do? Do you think "I love this activity/action and I hope I get to do that again/longer." or are you thinking "I wish I could just get through this so I can finally get/do/make that thing I want and be done with this!" One of those is a positive growth experience that brings joy. The other is an assigned task holding joy hostage from you to make it look bigger.


It is usually not this black-and-white, not in-game and not in real-life.


If I am good in some sport, and it is fun in general, and I want to win an olympic medal, I have to excercise for this a lot. Even if my sport is fun, training not (always) is.


For some people, the joy of achieving/mastering something is fun by itself, even if not every step on the road to this goal is fun (and sometimes it is frustrating because it is hard).


For some people, building a legendary item brings joy by itself, for some having a legendary item is joy and justifies the not-so-fun parts that are required, and for other people nothing of this brings joy and they just ignore legendaries (or they want it badly and find it hard work and grind doing so).



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