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There should be no condition runes or signets in pvp


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I, too, agree, at least to the extent that condition damage should not scale so intensely. Utility conditions are tactical and fine, it's condi damage which there is literally no counter stat for which is so unhealthy for game balance cause people will just +70% condi duration spec and let the condis do all the work that they should be mashing their keyboards to do via direct damage.

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Condis are easier to deal with than power since (excluding weakness, protection and armor) both have the same counters. However, condi can be cleansed, negated with resistance or passive duration reduction rune/traits can be used.



Condi skill animations are way more subtle.

For example, what if corrupt boon animation was as distinct as warrior greatsword 4 or mesmer scepter 3 animations?


Also, make mirage skills (especially ambush and mirage cloak) more noticable.


Even condi rev has a nearly no animation utility on Mallyx. I won't even talk about condi thief.


Then condi will be balanced and there will be no need to nerf condis to oblivion. Except for burning, it needs a 20% duration reduction on all classes.


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While leaving absurd power builds that have more damage and sustain than condition ones? No thanks. Conditions are pretty fair right now, if me as a Jalis/Shiro Core Revenant can deal with all sort of condition builds, so should you.


People are being bursted for 10k damage with ease, losing 5k health for burning 5 seconds won't be difficult to manage.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> While leaving absurd power builds that have more damage and sustain than condition ones? No thanks. Conditions are pretty fair right now, if me as a Jalis/Shiro Core Revenant can deal with all sort of condition builds, so should you.


> People are being bursted for 10k damage with ease, losing 5k health for burning 5 seconds won't be difficult to manage.


5k burn dmg in 5 seconds is not rly a condi build, ive seen power guards burn for that much. 3k burn per second average on designated burn builds is more likely.


And i agree that many power dmg numbers need to be scaled down too, but so does some of the ridiculous sustain. Thats a general problem of powercreep.

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removing condi means trolls will make 90% dmg reduction builds and afk on nodes.

such fun.

+ it removes skill aspect of the game, if you dont know HOW and WHEN to cleanse you die. as you should.

Different oponents/build force you to adopt, good player adopt. Bad player goes on forum and whines.

I like condi builds, WAY more then I like power builds, pretending that power is more skillfull is a sad joke.

In fact its the oposite, power is spammy garbage gameplay.

If condi spams, your cleanse covers more abilities, produces more value and spammy condi is punished.

There is no punishment for spamming power damage, if it goes in its in and you are fucked.

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You people have been ruling PvP for years and what has it got us?

Dead WvWvW

And Dead sPvP


Arenanet its about time we stopped listening to these people i don't want to sling insults and listen to the people we are willing to learn and come up with solutions instead of just finding problems.


Again you've listened to this part of the community they have brought us no team queue, hugely automated wvw, condition is gone (and with that there players), horrible horrible balance choices aswell (why remove chaotic interruption after 5 years wth?)


Dont do it man this is gonna be 7 years of straight bad choices in pvp.

Pvp isn't for hand holding PvE is if some one asks for a hand and they aren't in game with you on your team slap there hands away.

(unless these are legit balance issues vetted by long time players)

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Just let us put the condition bar in the middle of the screen.


> This way people can react faster to them.


> Having to look at by bar every second just to see if maybe there is an deadly icon is annoying.


That's the thing with condition builds. You have to pay attention to your status bar and sometimes miss to dodge key skills. Fighting mirage was like fighting with your UI. I just wish icons were more distinctive (bigger? shinier?) according to level of threat (duration x intensity x condi damage). Other than that, having your condition bar above your head or under your feet would be helpful too. Maybe having your status with other teammates, when you play support and also have to check on them.

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> @"WillPaharu.4837" said:

> Not the damaging any way. the utility ones, fine. like blind and such.


> Condi builds don't have a place in competitive gaming.




> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Condis are easier to deal with than power


> Condi skill animations are way more subtle.



Either very carefully balance so each class has reasonable access to cleanse for what the current condi meta demands, or make the skills that put high condition stacks on you more noticeable/more avoidable, then reduce cleanse so you have to struggle with that 15 bleed stack you got nailed with for not dodging a 2 second cast. that's a fine line to walk, but its doable.


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That 1k burning per second from Searing Fissure is every 6 seconds in PvP is kind of a lot when comparing the Guardian benefits and requirements to reach 18k Burning per second which sounds absurd at first but what has to be given up and achieved for that is fair, this burn is just the topping on a Revenant Torment and all the other types of conditions they have.


Most of the total burning happens when people have good focus fire on target after Virtue of Justice the entire team or have a good amount of multi-hits going with the passive, aside the Sword of Justice, there's not a lot of damage going, it's in fact comparable to Berserker damage bursts of pretty much anything without Might if anyone decides to contest a guardian.


I'm not gonna say it's impossible, in fact I have burned guards for as high as 9k and won 1v2s in matters of seconds because of that but that's because of their insane focus fire and punishment for those that stay too long in their AoEs. I think that whether it would be Power or Condition, it would hurt no matter what to stick close to their danger zone, finally Burning is often the only condition if they're not using some quirk sigil/rune or Firebrand, but that all removes some of their damage in the end.


I do think Anets design around Multi-hits with most of the Guardian weapons is pretty cool, the axe and sword mostly.

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Making high-value condi attacks more visible would be a good start, as would allowing (more?) interface customizability.


Seriously. GW2's interface is horrendous. Insofar as I'm aware, your only option is to...make things bigger/smaller? I think? But it's absolutely horrible for displaying information and changes to that information.

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