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Increase swipe to 900 range (and you're awesome).


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realistically PI needs to be nerfed.

Power block deals LESS damage.

has cooldown ( bugged one but untill its fixed it has cooldown )

and is Grandmaster trait.

grandmaster trait should be MUCHMUCHMUCH better then Major trait.

And here is a thing for you. PB is power trait.

so its used by POWER builds.

POWER mesmer doesnt use staff for chaos storm

power mesmer doesnt use pistol for p5

power build doesnt use signet of dom.

power mes can interrupt with F3 (38s cd)

GS 5 ( will be 25s cd, 1/2s cast time so you have to predict casts with it )

+ offhand ( curtain/torch phantasm ) -> curtain can work, torch doesnt ever work.

and potential mantra ( its overnerfed and gets nerfed again, its miserable to use and has low impact )

power thief has more interrupts then power mesmer.

and they are easy to land compared to mes.

for example f3 is insta swipe is insta, but swipe has 500 extra range and half the cooldown AND is unblockable.

headshot has half the casttime and twice the range off illusionary wave... etc etc

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:


> No. Aegis can come up randomly without telegraph. Not every situation allows you to see an aegis before stealing.


Yeah, about the same counterplay there is to unblockable steals. The only form of counterplay is legit random dodging and hope that the thief is bad.

There's no justification of having an unblockable instant cast skill with that powerlevel, without using things like basi venom (which got unblockable added to it for this very reason.)


You say that not every situation allows to do see aegis before stealing. Guardian has 1 passive on a 30 second CD. One active on a 42.75 second cd, and maybe a third once every 25 seconds if they are running shield and traiting for it. It's not much to look out for, and if they manage to time one of them with an instant cast ability, they should get rewarded for it.



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Through traits you can absolutely make still just HILARIOUS to read.


![](https://i.imgur.com/A9kitCW.png "")


Not commenting on whether this aspect of it is over powered or not. But c'mon. Does looking at that not make you chuckle?


As a mesmer I've always hated steal because of Consume Plasma. But putting aside my biases the ability to cancel block stances, not even just punching through aegis but canceling true block stances, to be particularly offensive.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"UNOwen.7132"

> Trashing the unblockable factor like it would never ruin anyone's survival, it's hilarious because 99% of the time someone is able to reset because of blocks regardless. The argument is flawed from the start.


> Balance is not done around the meta, it's designed around having as many options as available for the players, the players are the one for having the decision to pick something that is cheesy and requires the least effort, even in that scenario because GW2 by nature is not just an MMO like everyone tends to look at it, someone with enough of a brain can make anything work around the meta, it's just not something anyone cares about because "winning" at all cost, doesn't matter how bad they are at the game in the following.


Im trashing the unblockable because the scenarios in which it is relevant are infinitely rarer than the situations in which the 600 range cut is relevant. One matters dozens of times in every single game. The other matters maybe once in 5 games, at best. And no, balance *is* done around the meta, you dont want to nerf weak options and buff strong ones.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> @"UNOwen.7132"

> realistically PI needs to be nerfed.

> Power block deals LESS damage.

> has cooldown ( bugged one but untill its fixed it has cooldown )

> and is Grandmaster trait.

> grandmaster trait should be MUCHMUCHMUCH better then Major trait.

> And here is a thing for you. PB is power trait.

> so its used by POWER builds.

> POWER mesmer doesnt use staff for chaos storm

> power mesmer doesnt use pistol for p5

> power build doesnt use signet of dom.

> power mes can interrupt with F3 (38s cd)

> GS 5 ( will be 25s cd, 1/2s cast time so you have to predict casts with it )

> + offhand ( curtain/torch phantasm ) -> curtain can work, torch doesnt ever work.

> and potential mantra ( its overnerfed and gets nerfed again, its miserable to use and has low impact )

> power thief has more interrupts then power mesmer.

> and they are easy to land compared to mes.

> for example f3 is insta swipe is insta, but swipe has 500 extra range and half the cooldown AND is unblockable.

> headshot has half the casttime and twice the range off illusionary wave... etc etc


Actually, no, it doesnt do less damage. Fun fact: The damage coefficient they showed for PI is wrong, its actually 1.5, not 2.0. Exact same damage as Power Block. PI is getting nerfed by 50%, Power Block isnt, Power Block will do twice the damage now. It does have a cooldown, but as I said, you really shouldnt be spamming interrupts. It being a Grandmaster trait doesnt mean much, especially given how lackluster DDs grandmaster traits are for combat (good for running though). Grandmaster traits shouldnt be *at all* better than Major traits. They should be more interesting, but thats about it.


Right, I was talking about condi ones there. With Power, theyd use Power Mantra, Distortion, GS 5, Curtain and most importantly, sword ambush. Though the latter one is hard to use. And no, for the purposes of Power block, Mantra is not at all overnerfed. Its basically infinitely better headshot (no cast time, no travel time, can be used during other abilities and better recharge rate). Just shows you how overnerfed PI is if the better trait with the better baseline fails to function. And no, Power Mesmer has more interrupts, and they are easier to land, since Mantra is instant and has no travel time. Its like Swipe, except safer and with twice the range. Dazes for much longer, too.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Through traits you can absolutely make still just HILARIOUS to read.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/A9kitCW.png "")


> Not commenting on whether this aspect of it is over powered or not. But c'mon. Does looking at that not make you chuckle?


> As a mesmer I've always hated steal because of Consume Plasma. But putting aside my biases the ability to cancel block stances, not even just punching through aegis but canceling true block stances, to be particularly offensive.


I mean yeah it is kinda crazy what steal can do but that's like putting 8 traits into it. Its also equally depressing missing steal and wasting half of them traits. I dunno tbh I mean them traits have always been there and steal alone is just a glorified shadow step and it is kind of a shame having to overload steal like this.

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I can see both sides and why there stance is what it is. I would hope even thief mains could see why on paper the swipe change would look like a very small trade off to players that haven't spent a lot of time on DD builds especially with regards to dp DD builds. Unblockable on addition to all the boons and other effects the swipe can give the thief or inflict on its opponent seems like a good deal even minus the range.


On the other side of the coin long time thief players who generally rolled with bountiful theft and slight of hand don't really feel much difference in unblockable due to the aegis rip on BT and swipe CD reduction was already adequate due to SOH.

The 1200 steal range as a way to implement their burst from THAT range was since a integral part of the playstyle of the spec thru a lot of its weapon kits that it's changed made the playstyle of those kits feel clunky comparative to what the players were accustomed to resulting in a huge loss of efficacy through certain builds.

If those builds effectiveness weren't so heavily dependent on the long range steal than I'd agree it wasn't a heavy trade off but that isn't the case.


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Through traits you can absolutely make still just HILARIOUS to read.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/A9kitCW.png "")


> Not commenting on whether this aspect of it is over powered or not. But c'mon. Does looking at that not make you chuckle?



It's a long tooltip, but there's nothing in that lineup that is egregious. A good number of classes get those boons/access to those conditions just by using their main/offhand skills.


> As a mesmer I've always hated steal because of Consume Plasma-


*judgmental stare /s*



> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> Yeah, about the same counterplay there is to unblockable steals. The only form of counterplay is legit random dodging and hope that the thief is bad.

> There's no justification of having an unblockable instant cast skill with that powerlevel, without using things like basi venom (which got unblockable added to it for this very reason.)


what powerlevel? it hits you for 370 damage base if traited, dazes you for a second if traited, puts two stacks of poison on you if traited and __almost always puts the thief in striking distance.__ It's linked above. What in that tooltip is giving it a high power level? (be wary if you say "the quickness" because that form of steal has a cast time and is blockable.)


That's far more counterplayable than having a random block come up and save you from a burst. And if you know/care that the thief is daredevil there's nothing stopping you from forcing the thief to use swipe to stop a burst then blocking all you want.

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> @"UNOwen.7132"

> And no, balance *is* done around the meta, you dont want to nerf weak options and buff strong ones.


The incoming patch is the clear proof that they don't care about the meta and shouldn't either, it's up to people getting better with the alternative options rather seek the easiest options due to the inability to use many particular skills properly.


This patch barely affects me and it's quite hilarious to find out, because everything else that wasn't particularly used still has seen changes which means that whatever I was doing was already up to part enough with the new direction to begin with and that the meta is just an irrelevant piece to the subject, people are still gonna cheese and the 1% better at the game will do the more complex plays themselves. That's the sad part of the playerbase.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132"

> > And no, balance *is* done around the meta, you dont want to nerf weak options and buff strong ones.


> The incoming patch is the clear proof that they don't care about the meta and shouldn't either, it's up to people getting better with the alternative options rather seek the easiest options due to the inability to use many particular skills properly.


> This patch barely affects me and it's quite hilarious to find out, because everything else that wasn't particularly used still has seen changes which means that whatever I was doing was already up to part enough with the new direction to begin with and that the meta is just an irrelevant piece to the subject, people are still gonna cheese and the 1% better at the game will do the more complex plays themselves. That's the sad part of the playerbase.


Uh, no, the incoming patch is clear proof that they do care about the meta, otherwise they wouldnt be doing this balance patch in the first place. I mean obviously, meta is nothing more than "the best things you can do". If something isnt meta, it means its not good.


Well, no, it more likely means whatever you were doing was so bad that it didnt even get hits among the bad stuff. While also not having random hits to it for no reason (like Pulmonary Impact did, which is now going to be a hilariously useless trait that I wish they would just not nerf it and see if its going to viable (spoiler: Even with lower damage accross the board, it wont), and buff it when they notice its not.

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>"Was so bad."

>"the best things you can do".

I was eating 90% of the meta.

I was doing better at a higher cost of my competence.


Meta in gaming isn't the best thing you can do, it's the thing you can do the easiest and in this game it's a whole other level but thankfully not just an MMO""RPG"" because this game would already be dead. You can try and argue, it's 110% fact that people prefer being lazy and quick than having anything useful to a team or remotely skillful, the only thing ever accomplishing any form of slight teamwork was the Scourge/FB times and rightfully because it was easy also. I've had my fun hearing that condition revenant was "broken" from the """"best players"""" when it's time to complain about anything but their mistakes.


The definition of random is something you can't predict, that's not the case with "Pulmonary Impact" if you read the tooltip slowly. The only random thing in this game is critical hits and loot drops, with weapon strength also being static next patch, combat will be even less random.


Everyone's prediction, including yours is off, way off. Nobody seems to be able to grasp the future of this game even though that was how it was pre-pof and even I wasn't there. Pre-Pof had cooldowns even higher with less damage, people's assumption are as disproportionate, just as badly as the amount of posts that complains about profession specific nerfs random than getting the entire context.


I don't have to repeat for the hundred time the flawed mentality behind metagaming, it's always the user fault for ruining everything because of it. Call it memes if you want, but that's also wrong in the end of itself. Metagaming is the actual meme and it's only by this game core design that it's still somehow alive, not having FOTM cancer at every patches.

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Regardless of what's added to swipe due to the range not fitting with the playstyle of the majority of thief wrapons the end result will feel clunky compared to steal.should never altered the aspects of the skill that fit so well with thiefs playstyle, I'm sure they could have done something different as a trade off. Most of the players arguing for swipe don't even play the class which is humorous.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> >@"UNOwen.7132"

> >"Was so bad."

> >"the best things you can do".

> I was eating 90% of the meta.

> I was doing better at a higher cost of my competence.


> Meta in gaming isn't the best thing you can do, it's the thing you can do the easiest and in this game it's a whole other level but thankfully not just an MMO""RPG"" because this game would already be dead. You can try and argue, it's 110% fact that people prefer being lazy and quick than having anything useful to a team or remotely skillful, the only thing ever accomplishing any form of slight teamwork was the Scourge/FB times and rightfully because it was easy also. I've had my fun hearing that condition revenant was "broken" from the """"best players"""" when it's time to complain about anything but their mistakes.


> The definition of random is something you can't predict, that's not the case with "Pulmonary Impact" if you read the tooltip slowly. The only random thing in this game is critical hits and loot drops, with weapon strength also being static next patch, combat will be even less random.


> Everyone's prediction, including yours is off, way off. Nobody seems to be able to grasp the future of this game even though that was how it was pre-pof and even I wasn't there. Pre-Pof had cooldowns even higher with less damage, people's assumption are as disproportionate, just as badly as the amount of posts that complains about profession specific nerfs random than getting the entire context.


> I don't have to repeat for the hundred time the flawed mentality behind metagaming, it's always the user fault for ruining everything because of it. Call it memes if you want, but that's also wrong in the end of itself. Metagaming is the actual meme and it's only by this game core design that it's still somehow alive, not having FOTM cancer at every patches.


If you did, good for you, exceptions prove the rule as we say in german.


No, Meta *by definition* is the best thing you can do. Its ***NOT*** the easiest thing you can do. That is an entirely different category. There is a reason why the meta is usually created by the highest level of competition, where people dont really care if what theyre playing is hard or not (and why in league for example, the meta basically never has Annie, a very easy character, but currently always had Akali, a really, *really* hard character).


I was pretty sure that it was clear that what I meant is that some things got nerfed for no reason, and that your stuff wasnt. Ontop of not being good enough to be worth nerfing.


Actually, thats wrong. Pre-POF damage was *way* higher than what we will have after these nerfs. Power damage, specifically. Condi damage was only slightly higher. Cooldowns were also way lower. This will be lower damage than any point since the Trait rework prior to HoT.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > >@"UNOwen.7132"

> > >"Was so bad."

> > >"the best things you can do".

> > I was eating 90% of the meta.

> > I was doing better at a higher cost of my competence.

> >

> > Meta in gaming isn't the best thing you can do, it's the thing you can do the easiest and in this game it's a whole other level but thankfully not just an MMO""RPG"" because this game would already be dead. You can try and argue, it's 110% fact that people prefer being lazy and quick than having anything useful to a team or remotely skillful, the only thing ever accomplishing any form of slight teamwork was the Scourge/FB times and rightfully because it was easy also. I've had my fun hearing that condition revenant was "broken" from the """"best players"""" when it's time to complain about anything but their mistakes.

> >

> > The definition of random is something you can't predict, that's not the case with "Pulmonary Impact" if you read the tooltip slowly. The only random thing in this game is critical hits and loot drops, with weapon strength also being static next patch, combat will be even less random.

> >

> > Everyone's prediction, including yours is off, way off. Nobody seems to be able to grasp the future of this game even though that was how it was pre-pof and even I wasn't there. Pre-Pof had cooldowns even higher with less damage, people's assumption are as disproportionate, just as badly as the amount of posts that complains about profession specific nerfs random than getting the entire context.

> >

> > I don't have to repeat for the hundred time the flawed mentality behind metagaming, it's always the user fault for ruining everything because of it. Call it memes if you want, but that's also wrong in the end of itself. Metagaming is the actual meme and it's only by this game core design that it's still somehow alive, not having FOTM cancer at every patches.


> If you did, good for you, exceptions prove the rule as we say in german.


> No, Meta *by definition* is the best thing you can do. Its ***NOT*** the easiest thing you can do. That is an entirely different category. There is a reason why the meta is usually created by the highest level of competition, where people dont really care if what theyre playing is hard or not (and why in league for example, the meta basically never has Annie, a very easy character, but currently always had Akali, a really, *really* hard character).


> I was pretty sure that it was clear that what I meant is that some things got nerfed for no reason, and that your stuff wasnt. Ontop of not being good enough to be worth nerfing.


> Actually, thats wrong. Pre-POF damage was *way* higher than what we will have after these nerfs. Power damage, specifically. Condi damage was only slightly higher. Cooldowns were also way lower. This will be lower damage than any point since the Trait rework prior to HoT.


According to the definition, the "most effective tactic available", which means that even if we "find" something that is a little more effective at the cost of more skill, it still won't be played because factually the latter is still easier, even if it's for less which is what GW2 Metabattle consist of anyway by judging the playerbase train. Your assumptions are also wrong and unclear, everything got nerfed even those who didn't deserve which proves they don't care about the meta, they don't care about any of the players opinion unless it's factually true to their vision, they've shaped the game ever since and only overpowered anomalies were changed, not overtuned. It's also a good thing that they don't care because players have been spoiled since the start with elite specs, getting used to designs that have no place in the game. (Such as Daredevil having Steal instead of Swipe.)


Saying that because it's mostly "untouched" doesn't mean I haven't suffered from the global damage reduction or that it was underpowered to begin with, like said I've had my fair share of complains with people who are NOT vocal minority saying that my gameplay is BROKEN and EASY anyway where as if it was factually true, we'd see more people play it. By the actions of the balance team it means I've been having a good time with what they consider good designs and with the scale of difficulty that comes along it, in fact I see a lot of foreshadowing of my gameplay becoming overpowered which it won't be as people still can't adapt to it.


I meant Pre-HoT. Not Pre-PoF, I was there before Pre-PoF.


League is also a bad example, keeping the game "fresh" by adding stuff without consideration of the rest, it's a chaotic mess that I'd rather avoid having here again.

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Unblockable steal is good cause of all of the aegis being thrown around by firebrands and mirages. Not to mention classes like gs ranger rely on the block because we can't trade very effectively with any of our other skills.


It's funny that the 600 range tradeoff received the unblockable buff in exchange.


Holosmiths still don't have a tradeoff (overheating doesn't count lmao). They should honestly just lose access to their toolbelt skills.


Soulbeast is getting gutted with the removal of our second pet and no buff there to make up for it.


And Firebrand tradeoff is...?

And Weaver tradeoff is...?

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Unblockable steal is good cause of all of the aegis being thrown around by firebrands and mirages. Not to mention classes like gs ranger rely on the block because we can't trade very effectively with any of our other skills.


> It's funny that the 600 range tradeoff received the unblockable buff in exchange.


> Holosmiths still don't have a tradeoff (overheating doesn't count lmao). They should honestly just lose access to their toolbelt skills.


> Soulbeast is getting gutted with the removal of our second pet and no buff there to make up for it.


> And Firebrand tradeoff is...?

> And Weaver tradeoff is...?


As it turns out Steal goes through Aegis. (Which is a terrible design.)


Firebrand doesn't have the simplicity I guess.

Weaver neither have simplicity I guess.


In the next coming patch both are gonna have less stability and self carry buttons at least.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Unblockable steal is good cause of all of the aegis being thrown around by firebrands and mirages. Not to mention classes like gs ranger rely on the block because we can't trade very effectively with any of our other skills.


> It's funny that the 600 range tradeoff received the unblockable buff in exchange.


> Holosmiths still don't have a tradeoff (overheating doesn't count lmao). They should honestly just lose access to their toolbelt skills.


> Soulbeast is getting gutted with the removal of our second pet and no buff there to make up for it.


> And Firebrand tradeoff is...?


firebrand should never have been in this game.


**but a tradeoff is they lose access to renewed focus**


reasons for lore is that they focused so much on reading tomes they neglected meditation.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > >@"UNOwen.7132"

> > > >"Was so bad."

> > > >"the best things you can do".

> > > I was eating 90% of the meta.

> > > I was doing better at a higher cost of my competence.

> > >

> > > Meta in gaming isn't the best thing you can do, it's the thing you can do the easiest and in this game it's a whole other level but thankfully not just an MMO""RPG"" because this game would already be dead. You can try and argue, it's 110% fact that people prefer being lazy and quick than having anything useful to a team or remotely skillful, the only thing ever accomplishing any form of slight teamwork was the Scourge/FB times and rightfully because it was easy also. I've had my fun hearing that condition revenant was "broken" from the """"best players"""" when it's time to complain about anything but their mistakes.

> > >

> > > The definition of random is something you can't predict, that's not the case with "Pulmonary Impact" if you read the tooltip slowly. The only random thing in this game is critical hits and loot drops, with weapon strength also being static next patch, combat will be even less random.

> > >

> > > Everyone's prediction, including yours is off, way off. Nobody seems to be able to grasp the future of this game even though that was how it was pre-pof and even I wasn't there. Pre-Pof had cooldowns even higher with less damage, people's assumption are as disproportionate, just as badly as the amount of posts that complains about profession specific nerfs random than getting the entire context.

> > >

> > > I don't have to repeat for the hundred time the flawed mentality behind metagaming, it's always the user fault for ruining everything because of it. Call it memes if you want, but that's also wrong in the end of itself. Metagaming is the actual meme and it's only by this game core design that it's still somehow alive, not having FOTM cancer at every patches.

> >

> > If you did, good for you, exceptions prove the rule as we say in german.

> >

> > No, Meta *by definition* is the best thing you can do. Its ***NOT*** the easiest thing you can do. That is an entirely different category. There is a reason why the meta is usually created by the highest level of competition, where people dont really care if what theyre playing is hard or not (and why in league for example, the meta basically never has Annie, a very easy character, but currently always had Akali, a really, *really* hard character).

> >

> > I was pretty sure that it was clear that what I meant is that some things got nerfed for no reason, and that your stuff wasnt. Ontop of not being good enough to be worth nerfing.

> >

> > Actually, thats wrong. Pre-POF damage was *way* higher than what we will have after these nerfs. Power damage, specifically. Condi damage was only slightly higher. Cooldowns were also way lower. This will be lower damage than any point since the Trait rework prior to HoT.


> According to the definition, the "most effective tactic available", which means that even if we "find" something that is a little more effective at the cost of more skill, it still won't be played because factually the latter is still easier, even if it's for less which is what GW2 Metabattle consist of anyway by judging the playerbase train. Your assumptions are also wrong and unclear, everything got nerfed even those who didn't deserve which proves they don't care about the meta, they don't care about any of the players opinion unless it's factually true to their vision, they've shaped the game ever since and only overpowered anomalies were changed, not overtuned. It's also a good thing that they don't care because players have been spoiled since the start with elite specs, getting used to designs that have no place in the game. (Such as Daredevil having Steal instead of Swipe.)


> Saying that because it's mostly "untouched" doesn't mean I haven't suffered from the global damage reduction or that it was underpowered to begin with, like said I've had my fair share of complains with people who are NOT vocal minority saying that my gameplay is BROKEN and EASY anyway where as if it was factually true, we'd see more people play it. By the actions of the balance team it means I've been having a good time with what they consider good designs and with the scale of difficulty that comes along it, in fact I see a lot of foreshadowing of my gameplay becoming overpowered which it won't be as people still can't adapt to it.


> I meant Pre-HoT. Not Pre-PoF, I was there before Pre-PoF.


> League is also a bad example, keeping the game "fresh" by adding stuff without consideration of the rest, it's a chaotic mess that I'd rather avoid having here again.


Incorrect. If you find something that is more effective at the cost of more skill, it will immediately be flocked to, while the slightly less effective build will languish. As I said, meta is defined by the best players for whom a slight difference in skill required does not make a difference, while others are likely to simply follow what is called the best build. Why do you think old D/P Thief for a long time was a whole lot more popular than S/D thief, despite only being slightly better, but significantly harder? This is why.


No, they are correct and clear. The fact that they primarily balanced the things that were meta, and otherwise mostly hit things that in an environment where the meta was decimated had potential to become broken as well is as crystal clear an indication that meta is central to their balance as you can get. Also funny that you say that Daredevil having steal has "no place in the game", when it was much better designed when it had that, and in fact one of several viable choices. Its not like early Chrono or Mirage that literally had no tradeoff and no reason to pick anything else.


Sore losers call anything "broken" or "easy". Just ask P/P thieves, Deadeye Rifle Thieves, Shortbow core Ranger or Nade Engineers. However, the fact that those builds relatively speaking were practically not nerfed tells you everything you need to know about how bad they were, and the fact that as a result, yeah, they wouldnt taken a hard nerf. It has nothing to do with good design. Its *exclusively* about the fact that your build was so bad it was not worth nerfing. Just like DE Rifle Thief was. Which Id hardly call good design either (though for opposite reasons of others).


And Pre-HoT was also higher damage. It was only lower damage prior to the Trait rework. Which was something like a full year prior to HoT. Even then Im not sure that damage was lower back then, given that we had builds like Eviscerate Warrior around back then. But hey, at least its somewhere in that ballpark.


League is considerably more balanced than most games can claim. Its hardly a chaotic mess, even if occasionally champ releases are a bit borked.

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@"UNOwen.7132" D/P died the day Exhaustion was introduced, too much management for casuals. Still was played by "good" players. Took another "motivational" patch to show people that it was still alive and well until Swipe was read and be claims of the dead of Daredevil, another senseless amount of whining.


Again with the "not nerfed, must be bad." shows how clueless you are of Revenant as a whole. It's not even worth talking about since you insist with blind atrocious claims, I have evidence that your statements are bogus and that's that, GW2 meta is an illusion at best.


Player skill circumvent the flaws or meta slaves follow random curators, no meta build was ever immortal in this game with proper coordination and thinking, only a crutch for the weaker and that's the only fact to remember. The way you look at this game like it's turn based is the reason why proper theorycrafting is a rare ability and praised upon because unlike what many thinks, Anet doesn't come up with random ideas, they have designs to follow that rarely anyone ever discover which is also another sad part, you're spoiled with Steal and Steal is all you know, never you'd learn to play with Swipe even if you had to so you complain about it and bring up even more flaws as to why Steal is overtuned in the end and why it shouldn't be a thing with Daredevil.


Saying that Pre-Hot wasn't good times is like saying after-Pof is better because it isn't bunker meta anymore. /Of course/ it was damage yet still not like todays scale to base HP, that's how you kept the game from being an endless boring loop until that damage was out of touch then bloated above the bunker meta, Pre-Hot cooldowns were still higher and more valuable and that's what we care about in this patch, they're still lower than that time yet damage is remarkably fixed back to more reasonable levels, simple.


To point out at you once again, there were all nerfed. I was barely touched because I tell you that those nerfs don't affect my playstyle even if I am forced to run with it, get it yet? Probably not. Meta meta, just meta. It's automatically bad.


Being so stuck up to the point where it's a meme to counter the meta is absurd anyway, most "good" players are elitists without a purpose, end of story.


To claim that league is balanced at all or more balanced than GW2 sPvP could be, I'd like to remind you of how the game is designed and how stats building in any competitive game is not a good design at all for competitive activities. That speaks for WvW itself anyway, will never be balanced and never was. MOBA's have snowball mechanics that are 10 times worst than what GW2 could ever wish for itself and this is why it gets furthermore toxic as well. Throws included.


People throw in sPvP because they are clueless/lazy/whiny. In League, whenever things starts going wrong for just a few times, it's already over and a long boring loss that can be over 45 minutes of wasted time, wonder why people prefer throwing altogether, knowing in GW2 it's only 15 minutes to pull off anything, wanting players to do more for an entire hour is horrible.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"UNOwen.7132" D/P died the day Exhaustion was introduced, too much management for casuals. Still was played by "good" players. Took another "motivational" patch to show people that it was still alive and well until Swipe was read and be claims of the dead of Daredevil, another senseless amount of whining.




No, D/P actually died the day Pulmonary Impact was overnerfed. At which point it was dropped by top players, and everyone else, at the same time. And no, D/P was not played by good players once Pulmonary Impact was overnerfed, then they switched to S/D, like everyone else. And the problem with Swipe wasnt that it killed D/P, D/P was already dead. Its that it was a random nerf to an already very underpowered build noone was playing, that also ensured that it would never come back in the future in the form it existed (spoiler: It didnt).



> Again with the "not nerfed, must be bad." shows how clueless you are of Revenant as a whole. It's not even worth talking about since you insist with blind atrocious claims, I have evidence that your statements are bogus and that's that, GW2 meta is an illusion at best.



No, it shows I understand the basic concepts of meta and balance. And you have no evidence at all, else you wouldve shown *any*. All you have is your beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence proving you wrong.


> Player skill circumvent the flaws or meta slaves follow random curators, no meta build was ever immortal in this game with proper coordination and thinking, only a crutch for the weaker and that's the only fact to remember. The way you look at this game like it's turn based is the reason why proper theorycrafting is a rare ability and praised upon because unlike what many thinks, Anet doesn't come up with random ideas, they have designs to follow that rarely anyone ever discover which is also another sad part, you're spoiled with Steal and Steal is all you know, never you'd learn to play with Swipe even if you had to so you complain about it and bring up even more flaws as to why Steal is overtuned in the end and why it shouldn't be a thing with Daredevil.



Of course no meta build was unbeatable. It was simply *the best build* and *every other build was worse*. Thats all meta means. Its not "a crutch for the weaker player" (besides being complete nonsense, elitism much?). Its simply the best build, and everyone who wants to play the best build, plays the meta build. Thats just how it goes. The next part is just ... rambling. I have no idea what youre trying to say, though I know this much, people have learned to play with Swipe. Its not hard. Its just Steal, but worse. And you might argue that steal is overtuned (though I would easily refute that), but that doesnt change the fact that Daredevil with steal existed, and *was already outclassed by core thief*.


> Saying that Pre-Hot wasn't good times is like saying after-Pof is better because it isn't bunker meta anymore. /Of course/ it was damage yet still not like todays scale to base HP, that's how you kept the game from being an endless boring loop until that damage was out of touch then bloated above the bunker meta, Pre-Hot cooldowns were still higher and more valuable and that's what we care about in this patch, they're still lower than that time yet damage is remarkably fixed back to more reasonable levels, simple.



Again Im not sure what youre saying in the first part. Something about damage back then not being as high as now, I guess? To which Ill simply answer: It was *higher*. It has been higher ever since the trait rework about a year prior to HoT. Pre-HoT cooldowns were also *lower*. This part shouldnt be surprising, since then all good cooldowns, if they saw any change, were nerfed. Sure they mightve lowered cooldown on some bad skills but those still see no play.


> To point out at you once again, there were all nerfed. I was barely touched because I tell you that those nerfs don't affect my playstyle even if I am forced to run with it, get it yet? Probably not. Meta meta, just meta. It's automatically bad.



Not really. I mean sure, they got minor damage nerfs (well, P/P got big ones, Rifle Deadeye got none that matter, Shortbow condi Ranger got minor ones), but theyre ultimately just way better off than anything else. And I dont know what you mean by "those nerfs dont affect my playstyle". Because either your build had damage nerfed, and you simply mean that the playstyle doesnt change even if the damage is lower (spoiler alert: that is true for all builds), or you mean that your build didnt get nerfed at all, in which case it mustve been *really* bad.


> Being so stuck up to the point where it's a meme to counter the meta is absurd anyway, most "good" players are elitists without a purpose, end of story.


If youre countering the meta, you are part of the meta. That is, if youre sufficiently good at it. D/P Thief is pretty much a meta counter, and thats part of the meta. If your build fails to be meta, it simply isnt good enough. Thats all there is to it.



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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Unblockable steal is good cause of all of the aegis being thrown around by firebrands and mirages. Not to mention classes like gs ranger rely on the block because we can't trade very effectively with any of our other skills.


> It's funny that the 600 range tradeoff received the unblockable buff in exchange.


> Holosmiths still don't have a tradeoff (overheating doesn't count lmao). They should honestly just lose access to their toolbelt skills.


> Soulbeast is getting gutted with the removal of our second pet and no buff there to make up for it.


> And Firebrand tradeoff is...?

> And Weaver tradeoff is...?


It *would* be good given the Aegis being thrown around, if it werent for the fact that all thieves have to run trickery, and all thieves have to run bountiful Theft within the Trickery Traitline. However, they do, and as a result, Steal already doesnt care for Aegis, so the unblockable literally doesnt do anything in those situations. Thats why they gave that "buff", because they knew it was a completely useless "buff".

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@"UNOwen.7132" People statement aren't beliefs.


Once again failing to take in the information. Let me really simplify it for you.


**Patch = Overall Damage nerf to //everyone//.**


**No skill nerf doesn't mean it was bad, because of the global changes that affects //everyone//.**


**Because the damage is enough for the changes = was well designed from the start and doesn't need changes, again not because it's bad, it's because a damage nerf is enough.**


It's not rocket science.


Edit: You can't be part of the meta when the meta is in denial.

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