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which weapon do you want your class to get in the new expansion?

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For Engineer, either Mace or Scepter.


Mace could be fun for a "Construction/Demolition" based spec. Explosive Autos in a 3-chain finisher would be fun even if it does kind of step on the toes of Bomb Kit. Could finally use that wrench skin!


I think Scepter would be fun for an elite spec for Engi based around temporary summons. Could use the scepter to direct some kind of bot or something. Not that your damage would rely on an AI for it to work. Just the animations. Kind of like Beast Master in WoW where they have (had?) some abilities that would temporarily summon a beast. Just in this case it would be more flavorful animation-based rather than reliance.

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Mesmer - 2H Hammer


Given we have one offhand (Shield) and one mainhand (Axe), I'm assuming we'd get a new 2 hand weapon this time.


And as both of our 2H weapons are ranged, would be nice to get a melee hammer - with some associated gameplay of absorbing clones to beef up attacks etc - like an inverse Spellbreaker - mesmer trying to be a warrior.

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Necromancer and there are a few things I think could be fun


* Cultist(Sword): Sacrificial skills that **actually** impact the necro (other than applying a few condis) and have a high cost but high reward. Example, you Sacrifice 25% move speed and 1% hp/s to pulse chill in a 300 radius. LF becomes a "blood pool" and lessens the negative effects of sacrifices but is burned through really quick. Sacrifices without any "blood pool" have a huge negative effect.

* Lich(Shield): Heavily based around summoning **actual** undead. You have no shround/barrier but you take % less damage per minion. Shroud skills are now summon skills and summon different types of minions. Utility skills are like ranger shouts for pets.

* Banshee(Longbow): You summon tormented spirits that float around you an buff your allies and debuff your enemies. They act kind of like rev upkeep skills...except a bit different. LF becomes ether which you **dont** want, kind of like holosmith heat and the more you have the more negative effects you inccur. The more spirits you have summoned the more ether you generate. All skills that once "generated life force" now "spend ether".

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Warrior: with Staff (a spear skin), poking enemies as opposed to hitting like Revenant and Daredevil.

Guardian: Double daggers medium range 600 (900 when traited), the autoattack is a continuous beam of light

Revenant: Ritualist, left-handed dagger as pseudo-twohanded weapon. Uses Ashes, which mechanically work like Engineer kits

Ranger: GW1 Toucher, the weapon will be Hammer

Thief: Shadow Mage, double focus, with a minor trait that forcefully removes stealth after a maximum of three seconds.

Engineer: Electromancer, uses staff that focus on applying weakness and Vulnerability.

Elementalist: Arcane Shooter, Longbow; F5 Arcane Form, that mechanically works similar to Druid's Celestial Avatar

Mesmer: Hammer, Clones become Confusing orbs upon shattering (and being killed, if traited) and circle around the mesmers. Orbs can be shot straight forward (or ground targetted if traited to). Orbs apply non-damaging and non-cc conditions

Necromancer: Spirit Caller, mainhand warhorn. Similar to Kalla, Necros summon the spirits of their race's ancestors. Unlike Kalla, Spirits don't have a fixed time limit, but drain Life force over time. Spirit Caller also has access to the base Necro shroud.

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You better give me warrior pistol anet!!

Seriously warrior doesnt have a 1h ranged weapon yet! its the only option that makes sense!

And it better be made for mainhand and offhand to really allow some builds to come out with it. (could even give the spec a theif like ability on skill 3 - changes depending on the offhand weapon for single hand weapons)


I have been dying to make HOPE for so long for the warrior, would be amazing to have two HOPE's and Predetor blasting away

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[Martial Arts Elementalist with Longbow](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76602/new-elite-spec-disciple-weapon-swap-and-longbow)!


Attunements become fight-styles and exchange multiple skills per attunement to weapon swap (in combat) with a new single set of skills per weapon (regardless of attunement) with a martial arts style. Instead of giving new skills (with independent CDs) attunements would give bonus and special effects to weapon skills (similar to arcane power or sigil of elemental power).

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Necro Sword (mainhand)

> Elementalist Long or Shortbow

> Mesmer Dagger (duel)

> Thief Greatsword (Katana theme)

> Ranger Shield

> Engineer Staff

> Warrior Sceptor

> Guardian Pistol (mainhand)

> Revenant Warhorn


Dare I ask, what is a warrior going to do with sceptor that it doesnt already do with other weapons?

I honestly can only see pistol bringing something new,

Staff is just another GS/Hammer which warrior doesnt need.

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